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24 April 2007 | Approved: 15 May 2007

HPC members present: Bob Booher, Chair, Mimi Styles, Ed Mroczka, and Margot Bohan. David Stopak attended as Liaison to the Town Council. David Neumann was unable to attend. The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:45 p.m. The agenda proposed by the Chairman was posted on the outside of the door to the Town Hall Meeting Room and was adopted after a few adjustments by members. Margot Bohan agreed to take minutes for the meeting. Bob Booher moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 20, 2007, submitted by Mimi Styles, be approved subject to changes requested by members. The motion was adopted unanimously. The minutes from the February 2007 meeting were not presented for adoption. They are expected at the June 2007 meeting.

Town Council Report

David Stopak reported on Council actions of relevance to the HPC.
He explained the current status of Cator-Harrison property annexation agreement. An ordinance hearing is scheduled for May 21st, but based on current negotiations with the property owner, it’s unclear what the outcome of the hearing and agreement may be. The owner is having second thoughts about the currently proposed agreement and is considering going forward with the county plan instead of annexing with Washington Grove.
David also received word at the Town Council meeting that the County Planning Board received and is apparently disconcerted with the HPC letter about Casey 6&7; Royce Hanson expressed a desire to meet with Town representatives on the matter.

David mentioned that the topic of block surveys also came up during the town council meeting. Discussions have recently ensued about whether or not to record and make public this information. The plan right now is to continue with these surveys and to make them available to the community. The first block of surveys has been recorded with a total of 5 to be completed before the end of the year.

David reminded us that the Toll Brothers hearing on summary judgement of LOS condemnation took place April 24. At the time of our meeting, there was no word on the outcome of the hearing.

Finally, David told us that at the most recent town council meeting, he informed the WG Town Council that the Archive of Photos of Contributing Structures was put into albums for preservation in the Town Archives. He also offered that a set of these albums is being stored in the Town Hall “library” for the Council’s and Planning Commission’s use.

Commemorative Plaques

HPC members discussed the subject of erecting commemorative plaques to denote the history of existing and even long-gone aspects of the town, e.g., the location of the Hotel, the Auditorium, etc. The idea of commemorative plaques was initiated by Dr. Horan who is specifically interested in having a plaque made and placed at the “major” entrance into town (the entrance at the intersection of Grove Road and Railroad Street). HPC expressed interest in supporting this and potentially expanding the idea–perhaps considering finding the funding for 1 plaque per year. Dr. Horan provided the HPC with cost estimates from one vendor for bronze, casting and rock/cement bases on which to seat the plaque. Ed volunteered to work on getting pricing from additional vendors (HPC discussion. Margot agreed to look at fundraising techniques we may wish to adopt to pay for these plaques and installation.

House Histories

The database displayed on the Town Web site showing the histories of a large number of the buildings/structures within the Town now includes a newly embedded link, “Anecdotes and Updates.” The original database is one that was put together by Clare Kelly several years ago for her own research and donated to the Town in 2004. Over the last year, the HPC members have discussed ideas about how additional data including old as well as possibly new photographs could be added to this database/section of the Town website while preserving the integrity of Clare Kelly’s work. Mimi Styles worked with Bill Saar to make this happen and presented the results at this month’s HPC meeting. Discussion ensued about the possibility of housing all of Clare’s data under its own link in this website section, similar to the “Anecdotes and Updates;” no action was taken, though David Stopak said he’d check the web site to better understand this new setup and maybe talk with Bill Saar about reconfiguration options.

Oral Histories

The Horans were scheduled to be interviewed the weekend of April 28-29. The 6 McCathran kids were interviewed earlier in the month-apparently a very successful and interesting interview —- and Judy Mrozcka is working with other interviewers and the videographer to proceed with scheduling/conducting additional interviews over next several months.


Bob Booher reported out on upcoming ICC meetings.
Two State delegates and State Senator Hogan plan to be at the May 21st ICC meeting; Bob suggested this is something to put on the calendar to attend if possible.
As well, at the time of this meeting, Bob was in the process of scheduling a near-term meeting with Odessa Phillip (WG’s primary contact for the State Highway Administration (SHA)) and her team, to enable a small contingent of this and surrounding communities to express and have addressed specific issues of concern with the ICC. It was suggested that we invite Pat Labuda and brief her in advance on our intentions for this meeting.

At the time of this meeting, Bob mentioned but didn’t know the status of an anticipated meeting with Ike Leggett [a meeting spearheaded by Shelley Winkler when she attended the Shady Grove Alliance meeting and pointed out seeming inequities with the placement of the utilities/industrial services (that serve all interests in the county) in this sector of the county]. Discussion of outcomes is anticipated at the next HPC meeting.

Town Master Plan

Bob Booher presented HPC members with the Planning Commission’s comments of the Town Master Plan. HPC members were in general agreement with all but the Planning Commission’s suggested modifications to Section 8.4. Scale and Character of Homes. Members agreed to discuss and/or rework the narrative further at the next HPC meeting. The discussion prompted HPC members to ask the status of the full master plan. Dave Stopak agreed to find out the plan status and determine when HPC comments are due.


We discussed a building permit application with drawings of a shed submitted by Bill Robertson. The shed is proposed to be built in the sideyard (facing Grove Road) of Bill Robertson’s residence at 117 Grove Avenue. Drawings, etc. clearly showed materials and dimensions. Ed Mrozcka agreed to conduct the HPC review in keeping with the Town Clerk’s specified deadline.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday May 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.

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