301-926-2256 [email protected]

19 February 2013 | Approved: 16 April 2013

Members Bob Booher, David Stopak, Margot Bohan, Council Liaison Joli McCathran, and Gail Littlefield. Also present were Wendy Harris and Pat Patula, Town Archivist. The meeting began at 7:35 pm at the Town Council chambers.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes.

The proposed agenda was adopted unanimously as revised. The January 15 minutes were approved as revised.


None submitted for review.

Town Archives report and Budget.

Pat Patula, Town Archivist, and Wendy Harris, archives volunteer, presented the 2012 Annual Report of the Town Archives Project, attached. The HPC appreciates very much all the work Pat and Wendy have devoted to our Archives.

The HPC discussed the following actions with regard to managing the Archives and larger historic preservation issues:

  • Formulation of a records management plan in compliance with State Archives guidelines;
  • Participation in the State Archives initiative to inventory local government archives;
  • Maintenance of a record of volunteer hours spent with the Archives or other historic preservation activities;
  • The MHT update of the State Preservation Plan (Gail will review the Plan and recommend any appropriate comments for the Town to make);
  • evaluation of adequacy of current Archives room.

The HPC also discussed the next budget for the Archives and recommends the following be included for the Archives:

  • annual support fee for Past Perfect data base ($500); also recommendation to contact David Newmann for IT support;
  • map scanning- $200;
  • waterproof archival boxes $200 (due to potential for roof leaks in archives room);
  • Archive worker, 40 hours per month, $7300;
  • Archival equipment and supplies-$900.

Other budget items recommended were:

  • preservation workshop-$750;
  • preservation award-$160;
  • HPC secretary;

Report by Council liaison.

Joli reported on the Hall renovation project. The center support pole has been installed. The RFP should be out. Bids should be ready to open at the next council meeting. Bob will call Georgette to discuss the MHT role in the project.

Town Bulletin.

Wendy will coordinate with Mimi on the next bulletin item. Discoveries in the ARchives might provide interesting bulletin material.


No report.

PC Liaison.

Margot reported on the 2/06 PC meeting. Discussed there were (1) the upcoming Towne Crest hearing, (2) the Oakmont senior day care center Grand Hall rental issue, (3) CSX’s “beyond our rails”, “trees for tracks”, and “quiet zones” programs that might be appropriate mitigation for the Bridge project, and proposed landscaping and other improvements to the station; (4) draft railings ordinance, and (5) plats,

PC and Council will meet jointly to discuss policy. HPC recommends it be invited. One HPC policy item to discuss would be a demolition/demolition by neglect ordinance.

Permit Review Procedures.

Freda Temple on the PC and Margot will collaborate on revising the current permit application process and forms.

Towne Crest.

Bob reported on the 2/15 hearing. Towne Crest took all the allotted time for its presentation. The hearing and the Town’s presentation will be continued on 2/25 or 3/04. The Washington Grove consultant prepared an excellent report critiquing the Towne Crest proposal.

New Business..

Potential grants for Hall project and others.

Gail reported that the MHT potentially has matching grant funding, maximum $25,000, for rehabilitation projects on properties that it easements on. Preservation Maryland has matching grants available, maximum $5000.


After 6 years of exemplary service on the HPC, Margot Bohan is stepping down. Wendy Harris has agreed to step up as an HP)C member.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Gail Littlefield

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