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18 February 2014 | Approved: 18 March 2014

Members Bob Booher, Gail Littlefield, Wendy Harris, David Stopak, and Mimi Styles were present. Also, Joli McCathran, council liaison, was present. The meeting began at 7:35 pm at the Town Council chambers.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes.

The agenda was approved as modified. The December 17 and January 21 meeting minutes were approved, as corrected.

Projects/CSX bridge.

CSX filed its Town building permit application for its planned alteration/raising of the bridge. The PC and Town will comment on the CSX “70%” plans, together with the specs and other attachments that were submitted with the building permit application. The HPC will provide its comments to the Mayor and PC. Bob noted that CSX’s plan to interact with the county and state on its plans should be augmented by interaction with the Town. CSX’s plans should also include that the Bridge will remain on the County’s Locational Atlas of historic sites and National Register eligible. The HPC will compare the CSX plans with the character-defining features noted in the National Register nomination that formed the basis for the Montgomery County HPC and Planning Commission’s naming the bridge to the Locational Atlas and the Maryland Historical Trust’s determining it eligible for listing on the National Register. Gail and Bob will locate the MHT and MCHPC emails regarding continued Atlas and National Register eligibility. Bob will send the latest CSX plans, specs, etc., to our NPS consultant Larry Lee.

Council Report.

Jolie said her council report will be deferred until the budget comes out. She did report that the TC agreed that any town attorney advice, opinion, etc., should be received from counsel in writing, not conveyed orally second-hand.

Planning Commission Meeting report

Wendy and Bob attended. Ralph Hurst presented a revised plan for Ryan and Emily’s home on Grove Rd. It still has square towers. The PC is considering asking all homeowners to complete a compliance survey, which would be provided to new owners to put them on notice of any non-compliance. The PC members completed surveys for their homes.

Railroad St Masterplan

The goal would be to establish a sense of place for the Grove. Elements would be located at Town boundaries and entrances, from E. Diamond to the RR crossing. Goals/elements are safety, natural setting/green, benches, more MARC presence to encourage more trains at WG. Charlie Challstrom downloaded relevant sections of the Town Master Plan. Joli added that the TC is looking to establish a fund to purchase any border areas if they come up for sale. Perhaps a landscape architect familiar with the Grove could lead a charette. It appears that a separate RR St Master Plan would be too expensive; building this into the next Town Master Plan would be more feasible.

Followup on mutual meeting.

How to maximize early and meaningful HPC review of projects in town? Reviving the inclusion of information about the HPC and early review in the welcome package would be a good idea. Freda and Brenda drafted some language to consider for the PC’s project review procedure regarding early review, which the HPC discussed. Issues to address-what do residents need to bring to the HPC review? How to ensure that the HPC reviews subsequent changes in the project plan? The HPC voted to substitute Freda’s and Brenda’s language for the first section of the PC procedures. Dave and Bob will attend the March PC meeting. Gail will attend July and Aug PC meetings.

Records management.

Charlie Challstrom stated at the mutual meeting that WG does have a records management plan. We need to find that plan and see if it meets the current State standards.

HPC budget

Questions discussed were–Does Pat Patula want more archives hours in the budget? Will records management compliance require budgeting? Transcription of illegible minutes? Workshops? Equipment? Bob or Wendy will check with Pat. 2015 amounts were filled into the HPC 2015 spreadsheet where known.


Mimi said Pat has drafted entries.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 pm.

Gail Littlefield

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