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4 April 2007 | Approved: 7 May 2007

Chairman John McClelland brought the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:37 pm. In attendance were Commission members Darryl Anderson, Joe Clark, Robert Evans, Bud O’Connor and Town resident Charles Challstrom.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the March meeting were approved.

Building Permits

The following building permits were reviewed by the Planning Commission (PC):

306 Chestnut Avenue

Fence approved in accordance with Section 3.328.

117 Grove Avenue

A building permit for the construction of a shed at 117 Grove Avenue was referred to the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) with permission to the Chairman to approve the permit as soon as the HPC has completed its work, there being no apparent problems with the application from a zoning perspective.

ICC Western Maintenance Facility

The Commission reviewed a letter sent by Bob Booher on behalf of the HPC to Montgomery County officials on March 30 expressing a variety of concerns about a proposal to locate the Western Maintenance Facility for the planned ICC in a location not far from the Grove. The Planning Commission expressed its desire that the Town Council voice concerns to the County as well, focusing on the lack of an environmental impact statement for the proposed development.

Report from Town Council

Chairman McClelland and Commissioner Anderson brought the Commission up to date on the process of selecting a code enforcement officer.

Commissioner Anderson reported that the block surveys are continuing as funding is available, with Block 10 to be surveyed next.

Master Plan Revision

Chairman McClelland reported that he had received a call from the Planning Office of the State of Maryland offering its assistance to the Commission and the Town in the revision of the Master Plan. It was agreed that the Chairman would respond in a letter requesting assistance with respect to mapping, water resources, and the impact of population growth on infrastructure.
Chairman McClelland reviewed the current draft of revised Chapter 8 of the Master Plan. It was agreed that a suggestion that the historical district be expanded be amended to call for exploration of the impact, ramifications and desirability of expanding the district. It was also agreed that new Section 8.7, defining the functions of the HPC, be deleted as inconsistent with the sort of information contained in the Master Plan, and that the third recommendation be shortened by deleting all after the word “opportunities.” It was also agreed that all the language after the first paragraph of revised Section 8.4 be deleted and that a sentence be added at the end, “In future planning efforts, consideration should be given to sustaining the historic character of the Town as the Town’s most important attribute and aspect of its economic vitality.”

The Commission reviewed proposed revised Chapter 9 of the Master Plan and agreed to incorporate language calling for a Town Liaison to be named for these issues.

The Commission reviewed proposed revised Chapter 4 of the Master Plan, regarding Community Facilities. With respect to Section 3.4, it was agreed to refer to the need to continue to monitor the situation with respect to the gazebo but omit most of the detailed language in the proposed draft. It was also agreed that the discussion of lighting should be amended to reflect the Town’s decision to convert its lighting to fluorescent lighting; that language be inserted endorsing the exploration of the feasibility of extending water service, and perhaps sewer service as well, to all residences; that language calling for the replacement of the tennis court fence be replaced by language calling for monitoring and repairing the fence as needed; and that language calling for a fitness court in Woodward Park as well as a volleyball court, a horseshoe pit, playground equipment for those aged 5 to 12, an ice rink, and 2 trash cans all be deleted as inappropriate in detail for the Master Plan. Instead, the inclusion of language calling for the monitoring and upgrade of recreational equipment as needed and appropriate, and that safety concerns be an essential factor in any equipment selection.

Robert Evans
Commission Member

The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m.

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