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2 March 2004 | Approved: 6 April 2004

John McClelland called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Darrell Anderson, Peggy Ebner, Bob Evans, John McClelland, Bud O’Connor and alternate Jim Leng. Also in attendance was resident Bruce Rothrock.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for January were approved as corrected.

Town Council Report

Darrell Anderson reported that the Council requested the Planning Commission reconsider their position on annexing the George Young property at Oakmont Ave. and Oakmont Rd. The Mayor feels that annexing the property would allow the Town to have more control over development plans on Oakmont especially if other property owners in that area were interested. Darrell Anderson and Jim Leng stated that the physical barrier of the railroad track makes that area less desirable as part of Town and that if the railroad crossing is closed it would create even less access. The Commissioners discussed the possibility of the Oakmont area developing commercially but they felt that as long as Washington Grove Elementary was there that it would be unlikely. They also listed the negative aspects as increased snow and trash removal and traffic problems. Bud O’Connor stated that it may be advantageous to have a presence in that area in order to have a voice when the humpback bridge road is built. The Commissioners agreed to send the issue back to Mr. Young requesting that he see if there is interest in annexing by the other residents on Oakmont.

Building Permits

Bruce Rothrock presented a request for a building permit for a basement. His house sits on part of Grove Avenue and the Town sold them that piece of land contingent that he does not build on it. The basement he is requesting is on that no-build zone under his existing house with steps that would extend beyond the house. The question is whether the basement would increase the level of non-conformity that already exists. John McClelland will present the situation to Town Attorney Bill Roberts for council.

Ordinance Revisions

Mr. Rothrock presented a letter to Mr. McClelland (attached) expressing concern regarding the proposed ordinance change to the definition of dormer. He is concerned that the 10-foot dormer limitation would be confusing and imposes a restriction on the building-out of a second floor. John McClelland agreed to review the ordinance.

Darrell Anderson reported that the Council passed several of the proposed Ordinance changes with minor revisions but that several were sent back to the Planning Commission for review. The issues discussed are as follows:

  • Article VII, Section 3.328.b
    Where can residents start their fence or plantings if they live on an intersection? Should the measurement be from the middle of the intersection or from the paved sides of the intersection? The Planning Commission would like to have the Council pay to have each intersection surveyed and the center of each intersection described or marked in some way.
  • Article VII, Section 4 Definition of Building Height
    The Planning Commission recommends leaving the definition as it was originally written. (Averaging the four corners of the house and/or other principal points in the perimeter wall of the building.) They felt the new definition was too limiting.
  • Article VII, Section 4 Definition of Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
    The Commissioners discussed the possibility of rezoning the Town to accommodate the differences in lot sizes. John McClelland reported that rezoning the Town would be a time-consuming and arduous project. He also stated that the Mayor has major concerns about the discrepancies in the zoning and has stated that it should be considered at a later date. Darrell Anderson suggested using the property lot size to determine the FAR regardless of zone. Bruce Rothrock agreed with this idea. Bud O’Connor suggested tabling the FAR issue until it can be researched further. John McClelland moved, Bob Evans seconded, to remove any verbiage that has been presented to the Town Council regarding FAR and to restore maximum ground cover to the Schedule of Standards. Vote: 4-1. (Darrell Anderson dissented.)

Aerial View of Washington Grove

– Jim Leng requested that the Town Council contract an aerial view of Washington Grove before the spring foliage. This would be to keep in Town Hall to use for meetings, etc.

Missy Yachup – Secretary

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

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