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3 June 2009 | Approved: 1 July 2009

Chairman McClelland called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Georgette Cole, Bob Evans, Eric Gleason, and Steve Werts. Also in attendance were Ralph Hurst and Jessica Jones.

New Commissioner/Liaison

Chairman McClelland and the rest of the Planning Commission welcomed new Planning Commission member/Town Council liaison Georgette Cole.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for May 6, 2009 were approved. Vote: 5-0.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.


Jessica Jones presented an application for a building permit for a 4 foot high fence at 411 Chestnut Avenue. The permit application was unanimously approved per Article VII, Section 3.328 of the Town Code.

103 Brown Street

The Commission discussed architect Ralph Hurst’s newest submission for solving the violation at 103 Brown Street. Upon review of the documents the following three (3) options were agreed to;

  1. Build according to the original building plans approved by the BZA and PC.
  2. Resubmit new plans to meet current ordinances (i.e. enclose the breezeway etc…)
  3. Construct a gambrel-style roof connection.

The gambrel-style roof was approved as a less costly fix that would satisfy the requirements of the original BZA decision. The architect on the project (Ralph Hurst) sketched the roof alteration in blue on one of his drawings with final drawings required before construction. The Mayor will determine a reasonable time frame to complete the construction.
(It should be subsequently noted on June 4, 2009 that the existing roof trusses would require alteration to avoid a vertical plane between the two existing roofs.)

Report from Town Council

There was a discussion about ordinance issues/expectations for the coming year which included Ordinance No. 2008-07, driveway easements, permits for driveway changes, parking in general and the idea of 99-year leases for the encroachments discovered in the Town block corner survey project. Georgette Cole also reported that the Rothrock property (407 Acorn Lane) survey has been recorded at the Montgomery County Land Records Office.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

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