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11 August 2014 | Approved: 8 September 2014

Mayor Joli McCathran called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Georgette Cole, Audrey Maskery, John McClelland, Carolyn Rapkievian and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Planning Commission Chair Charlie Challstrom, Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts and residents Ann Briggs, Cindy Frei, Nancy Haskett, John Hutchinson, Dennis Kane and Gary Temple.

Approval of Agenda

Mayor McCathran asked for approval of the agenda by general consensus. She added Town Directory under New Business. Vote: 5-0

Public Appearances

Steve Werts asked to talk about two (2) things; sight lines at intersections and the drainage ditch around Maple Lake. He went on to explain three (3) intersections needed attention; Grove Rd. and Brown St. (shrubs on Town land outside of the fence owned by Larry French), Grove Rd. and Center St. (by Mimi Styles’) and Brown St. and Maple Rd. (Turner minivan parking area). After some discussion, it was decided Georgette Cole would talk to Mimi Styles about the plantings, the Mayor would e-mail Larry French about the Town’s shrubs and Carolyn Rapkievian would talk to Erica Turner about parking the van farther away from the intersection. Town Maintenance will clear the vegetation after the communications occur.
Audrey Maskery expressed concern about the regular parking along the Woodward Park side of Grove Road and asked if letters discouraging this practice could be sent to the residents along Grove Road. John McClelland cautioned about equal and consistent enforcement where parking on parkland anywhere in Town was concerned. He used Wade Park as an example of a place where many park on parkland. Georgette Cole explained what she understood to be the difference between this park (Woodward) and others in Town; we would like non-residents who come to Woodward Park to use the parking lot rather than parking along the field. In an effort to strike a balance between residents needs and visitors needs Town Maintenance cleared and mowed the Town land on the resident-side of Grove Road. This was done specifically to encourage parking on the West side of Grove Road thus keeping Woodward Park free of cars. Someone stated this problem may fix itself when young adults with automobiles return to college. The Mayor will consider a letter.

Steve Werts also reported the current effort to slow the flow of water in the ditch around Maple Lake. Steve and Terry Cox are placing pieces of concrete in the ditch to help with erosion control. Audrey Maskery presented pictures of the project for the record. Mayor McCathran thanked Steve and Terry for their hard work.

Approval of Minutes

Georgette Cole moved to approve the meeting minutes for July 14, 2014. Bill Robertson seconded the motion. Mayor McCathran added a follow-up comment concerning the mowing at 304 Chestnut Avenue. There was a brief discussion. Vote: 5-0.

Maple Lake – Discussion

John Hutchinson reported the geese are gone (mostly) and there have only been a couple of incidents of trespassing on the property. He has engaged the services of a company from Pennsylvania to treat the water for excessive algae and pond weed and is having greater success with this method. The water quality was tested again and the results are well within acceptable limits for swimming. There was a discussion about algae. Nancy Haskett asked for a follow-up to the trespass incident and subsequent Montgomery County Police enforcement issue. Mayor McCathran explained we are still waiting for a response from the State’s Attorney General. This confirmation will prove ownership of the land where Maple Lake is located and the ability of the Town to limit its use to residents only. Town Attorney Suellen Ferguson is involved in this process as well. Carolyn Rapkievian and Nancy Haskett gave anecdotal accounts of previous police encounters. Carolyn thanked Hutch and the Lake Committee for their hard work during this particularly tough summer.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Georgette Cole moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report for July 2014. Bill Robertson seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2014-08 pdf

Finalize Procedures for Ordinance No. 2014-03 Permanent Easements

Mayor McCathran asked if the Council had any changes for this document. There was a discussion about who should approve this document for use. John McClelland moved to approve the Procedures for Ordinance No. 2014-03 as presented by the Planning Commission. Audrey Maskery seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0. Charlie Challstrom noted the next step would be to ask Suellen Ferguson to draft a sample easement agreement. Mayor McCathran will ask Ms. Ferguson.

Opening of Forest Management Plan Bids

Mayor McCathran opened the sealed bids.

  • Lotus Design: $23,500.00
  • Parkton Woodland Services: $6,150.00

Mayor McCathran read the complete responses from both companies. A discussion about the rather large difference in the bids ensued. Charlie Challstrom expressed the opinion that Lotus Design seemed to be including complete grid surveying of the entire East woods which is more than needed. Ann Briggs suggested everyone read the original bid and the responses and determine exactly what the Town would be buying for these amounts. The Clerk will make these documents PDF files and send them to the Mayor and Town Council for further review. Ann also suggested a meeting with both companies and representatives from the Town would be a good idea.

Council Reports

  • Carolyn Rapkievian moved to approve the July Council Reports for posting on the Town website. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Mayor McCathran asked about the upcoming PC Worksession. Vote: 5-0.
  • Carolyn Rapkievian offered an update on the new platform for the Town website. Resident Marida Hines will be contracted to do the new platform and data migration. A considerable amount of her time will be donated. Christine Dibble, Bill Saar and Mark Dubnick will also advise on this project. The project will consist of five (5) phases and Word Press will be the new platform. There was a lengthy discussion about this project.
  • Town Council Reports – August 2014 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

Mayor McCathran had no updates

New Business

  • Bill Robertson announced his plans to sell his home and move to Alabama. He will turn in his resignation in the near future.
  • Mayor McCathran reported the Woman’s Club Board authorized giving directories to each elected official at no charge.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

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