301-926-2256 [email protected]

12 March 2007 | Approved: 9 April 2007

Mayor John Compton called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:37 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Linda Baim, Georgette Cole, Kathie Evans, Betsy Klinger, and David Stopak. Also present were; Maintenance Supervisor Jim Fletcher, Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Charlie Challstrom, John Tomlin, Sarah Steel, Audrey Maskery, David Neumann, and Paula Puglisi.

Public Appearances

The Town Clerk spoke on behalf of an ill Judy Young. She announced an Easter sunrise service and also said that the gutters on the parsonage would be repaired shortly.

Approval of Minutes

Georgette Cole moved, Kathie Evans seconded that the Town Council minutes of February 12th and 26th, 2007 be approved. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

David Stopak moved, Linda Baim seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for February be accepted. There was a brief discussion about legal advertising expenses, income tax revenues, and gypsy moth spraying. Vote: 6-0.

Maintenance Report

There were very few questions about maintenance this month. Jim Fletcher asked if he could spend money on acrylic paints for the lettering of our street signs. The acrylic paintings have held up far better than the non-acrylic lettering. The Council told Jim to go ahead.

Cator/Harrison Property Annexation Update

Mayor Compton reported that the Harrison’s are still interested in an annexation. Charlie Challstrom has prepared a proposal and will fax it to a representative for the Harrison’s as soon as the Mayor tells him to do so. David Stopak brought up several concerns that he had with the proposal and a lengthy discussion ensued. David moved to include language in the annexation proposal that offered transitional zoning (mixed use of commercial and residential) as a development option. Kathie Evans seconded the motion. Vote: 2-4, the motion failed. It was decided to postpone the introduction of the zoning text amendment and the resolution for this annexation until April. David Stopak will present more concrete language to the Mayor and Council before the next meeting.

Traffic Calming Committee Report

Georgette Cole presented a report from the newly formed Traffic Calming Committee. The various methods were discussed at length. It was decided that, for now, hand-outs, signs, and other low-cost methods will be pursued.

Council Reports

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported that the PC continues to work on their review of the Master Plan, the Cator property annexation, and the zoning text amendment that clarifies the interpretation of zoning ordinances that are part of an appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Chairman McClelland will draft the ZTA.


Darrell Anderson reported that the local chapter of the MML will hold their annual meeting with the County Executive on Wednesday, March 21, 2007.

Maple Lake

Linda Baim reported that the Lake Committee continues to work on the geese problem and is in full swing with the preparations for this year’s swimming season. They have set the date for lake clean-up (April 28th) and have started to look for lifeguards and a swimming instructor. Linda also reported that the fence line will be inspected more regularly and the holes fixed as soon as they occur in order to minimize problems at the lake.

Roads & Walkways

Georgette Cole reported that the Traffic Calming Committee met on March 8th. She presented the Mayor and Council with a draft proposal containing new methods of traffic calming for the Town roadways.


Georgette Cole reported that the Forestry Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 28th to plan for Arbor Day. Arbor Day is tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2007.


Kathie Evans reported that recyclable yard waste pick-up by our refuse contractor began on March 7th and a special trash pickup has been scheduled for April 21, 2007. Kathie also reported that the Town has three (3) snow plowings in February with only a few complaints about driveways being “plowed in” and many compliments praising the job.


Betsy Klinger reported that the Recreation Committee will meet on March 28th. A decision not to sponsor dog training classes in McCathran Hall was made via e-mail consensus.


Betsy Klinger reported that the Montgomery County police have both the combination to the lake and the key to the upper gate. There is also a tag with the phone number for the 6th district attached to the inner gate. All this, is an effort to get a jump on safety at the lake this summer. Betsy also reported that she plans to contact emergency services to discuss the recent problem of wandering fire trucks unable to find their way to a recent house fire in Town. The Neighborhood Watch report included speeding issues, suspicious activity of a black Acura with 2-4 male teen occupants in the 400 block of Grove Road, and a house fire in the 400 block of Oak Street.

Historic Preservation Commission

David Stopak reported that the HPC reviewed two (2) permit applications. He also reported that the oral history project and the house history project (getting info. posted to the Website) continue to make great progress and the idea of commemorative plaques to mark historic structures that have been removed is beginning to take shape. The HPC also endorsed Section 8 of the Town Master Plan with minor modifications and the idea of using pink neighbor notification signs when someone has applied for a building permit.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Legacy Open Space Field Condemnation Update – Mayor Compton reported that M-NCPPC and the Town negotiations have terminated because M-NCPPC will not grant the Town any rights for land use. All parties have filed motions for summary judgment and a hearing has been scheduled for late April.
  • Casey 6 & 7 – Engineers for this project have contacted the Town via Bob Booher and asked for a review of their preliminary plan by our Historic Preservation Commission.

Linda Baim moved to adjourn. Kathie Evans seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:24 p.m.

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