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14 October 2002 | Approved: 11 November 2002

Mayor John Compton called the meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:37 p.m.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Approval of Minutes

Peggy Odick moved, Darrell Anderson seconded, that the Town Council minutes of September 9, 2002 be approved. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Peggy Odick moved, Betsy Klinger seconded, that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Vote: 6-0.

Mayor’s Announcements

Mayor Compton announced the following;

  • The Historic Preservation Commission approved a set of by-laws and produced a list of things that would be exempt from HPC reviews.
  • Research needs to be done on Program Open Space. Kathy Lehman & Mary Challstrom will do this and present at the November Council Meeting.
  • The Shady Grove Sector Master Plan review meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2002.
  • Darrell Anderson and Ned Helme attended a meeting about the Deer Park Bridge. Lots of discussion ensued. Another meeting will be scheduled in the next couple of months.
  • Mayor Compton stated that he is arranging a meeting with Park & Planning, the Harrison’s and Town Officials to explore more acceptable uses of the Cator property.

Casey Property at Mill Creek Status Report

Mayor Compton presented three serious issues for the developer as a result of the Development Review (M-NCP&P) meeting on September 23, 2002. They are;

  • The Amity Drive and Crabbs Branch connection completion.
  • The new storm water management requirements.
  • A requirement for Oxbridge to get an " approval in principle " from the Wetlands Commission.
  • The development can not move forward until he addresses these issues. Discussion.

Council Reports

Roads, Heritage, HPC & Memorials

Peggy Odick reported a complaint about run-off from the road running towards the garage at 112 Grove Ave. and causing the door to rot. She is still working on the issue.

Recreation, Website & McCathran Hall

Betsy Klinger reported that the glass for the broken window in McCathran Hall was purchased and is in the Town Office. She asked if this job could be put at the top of Jim Fletcher’s list. Mayor Compton said that Jim could do this.

Town Maintenance & Intergovernmental

John Tomlin reported on maintenance work that was done by Mr. Fletcher during the previous month. He made note of the need to remove the ivy growing on McCathran Hall and the encroaching growth at intersections in Town. There was also discussion about Mr. Fletcher’s project list for the winter.

Contracts & Playground

Nick Suzich reported that US Lawns is all set for this year’s leaf collection. He also stated that he is still waiting for a letter from the Program Open Space people that approves our request for funds for Woodward Park improvements. Mr. Suzich asked the Clerk to call about this.

Planning Commission, Forestry & Beautification

Darrell Anderson reported on the Andrews’ tree issue. A limb fell on the house and caused some damage. Mayor Compton urged Mr. Anderson to write a letter explaining the Town’s position to the Vicki & Paul Andrews. Mr. Anderson asked the Clerk to e-mail the Silver Dollar Ct. letter to him so that he would have a sample to use.

Town Survey

Nick Suzich moved and Darrell Anderson seconded to authorize the continuation of the Town survey with Blocks 12 & 14. Vote: 5-0. There was mention of asking David Neumann to help with this again.

Ordinance Revisions by Planning Commission

The Town Council reviewed the proposed ordinance revisions and made their comments to Mr. Anderson, the Council liaison to the Commission. Mr. Anderson will report that information at the next Planning Commission meeting.

Other Business

Darrell Anderson reported that the Town nursery has many trees that need moving or they will not live. He will work with Jim Fletcher and Dan Landry on this.
Nick Suzich moved and Betsy Klinger seconded to add another $150.00 to the budget for the Clerk/Treasurer’s retirement party. Vote: 4-0

The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m.

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