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18 October 2016 | Approved: 15 November 2016

Members Present: Wendy Harris, Gail Littlefield, David Stopak and Mimi Styles, along with Georgette Cole, Town Council Liaison, and Cynthia Werts, Town resident. Bob Booher was out of town, however, he communicated via I-Phone audio hook-up. Town Resident Carolyn O’Connor was also present for the review session. The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.

Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed and approved, as amended.

Adoption of Minutes:

The draft minutes from the meeting of September 20, 2016, were reviewed with no changes. Mimi made a motion, seconded by Wendy, to approve the minutes, as written. The motion carried unanimously.

Review Session:

Carolyn O’Connor was present for the discussion of the Permanent Easement Application for continued use and location of the existing front porch located at 409 5th Avenue. First, the HPC had an in-depth review of Exhibit C to the Deed of Easement (Historic Integrity Features Description) including:

  1. Schedule of historic integrity features
  2. List of photos of easement improvements, house and neighborhood
  3. Photos
  4. Documentation and analysis of significance and context of historic integrity
  5. List of archival images and document showing easement improvements
  6. Archival images and documents showing easement improvements

Gail made a motion, seconded by David, to approve the draft documentation (with HPC suggestions) and send to Mayor McCathran to be forwarded to the Town Attorney for review. The motion carried unanimously.

Next, the HPC reviewed the Resolution Granting a Permanent Easement. Gail made a motion, seconded by Bob, to approve the draft documentation of Resolution No. 2016 (with HPC suggestions) and send to Mayor McCathran to be forwarded to the Town Attorney for review. The motion carried unanimously.

Last, the HPC reviewed the Deed of Easement and Agreement. Mimi made a motion, seconded by Bob, to approve the draft documentation (with HPC suggestions) and send to Mayor McCathran to be forwarded to the Town Attorney for review. The motion carried unanimously.
Bob agreed to make the changes and prepare the final draft documentations with the HP Commission’s suggestions.

Archives Report:

It was decided to review this report at the November meeting.

Clare Kelly Presentation:

Everything is in place for the upcoming event to be held at McCathran Hall on Friday evening, October 21st. Georgette has placed signs at the four entrances to Town and Gail will post a reminder on the Grove Yahoo site on Friday, as well. The Commission agreed that a $200.00 honorarium be presented to Clare for her professional services. Mimi will contact the Town’s Treasurer to have a check prepared so it can be given to Clare after the presentation.

Bulletin Material:

Wendy reported that she is working on the upcoming third and final installment of a “Portrait of a Founding Mother: Amelia Elmore Huntley”. She and Pat are continuing to prepare articles for the Town bulletin on News Dispatches from Other Centuries, a series devoted to the earliest days in Washington Grove, based on historic newspapers and original records in the Grove’s archives.

Council Report:

Georgette gave a brief report on issues addressed at the recent TC meeting. An update was given on the West Woods boundary project. All Gaithersburg residents bordering the West Woods have been notified by Mayor McCathran to remove any and all personal property encroaching on Town land. There will be no exception to this ruling. There was also the introduction of Ordinance 2016-10 to allow charitable, religious or educational institutions in the Commercial Zone as a special exception approved by the BZA.

PC Meeting Report:

A representative from the HPC was not present at the October meeting; therefore, no report was available. Mimi is scheduled to attend the November meeting.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20pm.

Minutes prepared and submitted by:
Cynthia Werts

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