301-926-2256 [email protected]

Gallery: Videos about Washington Grove

These videos are presented in reverse chronological order.  To watch a larger version of each video, click on the video and then on “YouTube” at lower right within the video.

To see more videos related to the Grove, go to:

Holiday Show (2023)

The Community Garden in the Town of Washington Grove (2023)

Montgomery County’s “Neighborhood Niches” feature on the Grove (2017)

Clare Kelly’s Tour of Washington Grove (2000)

Halloween Spooktacular

Independence Day
Celebration (2022)

Washington Grove on the Fourth of July (2008)

A Tour with Mrs. Naomi Whetzel

150th Anniversary of
Washington Grove (2023)

Volunteer Sign Restoration Project (2020)

The Muskrat Band

A Town within a Forest

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