301-926-2256 [email protected]

14 December 2020 | Approved: 11 January 2021

TC REPORT – December 2020 – Approved: 14 December 2020

The unprecedented emergency health crisis poses a challenge to all – individually and collectively. To protect ourselves and do our part to impede the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19 disease, the Public hearing on Ordinance 2020-11 and regular meeting of the Town Council was held remotely via ZOOM Video Conferencing. The meeting was recorded.

Mayor John Compton called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:34 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Charlie Challstrom, David Cosson, Marida Hines, and Patty Klein. Gray Yachup arrived at approx. 8:20 p.m. Also in attendance were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, and residents Margo Cavanagh, Georgette Cole, Larry French, Marc Hansen, Ned Helme, Robert Johnson, Joan Mahaffey, Jean Moyer, Donna Shriner, and David Stopak. HPC Chair Bob Booher arrived at 7:40 p.m.

Approval of Agenda:

Patty Klein moved to approve the agenda. Charlie Challstrom seconded the motion. If time allows, the approval of the audit will be added to New Business. If not, it will be addressed at the January 2021 Council meeting.
Vote: 5-0., approved

Public Appearances:

There were no public appearances.

Approval of Minutes:

Charlie Challstrom moved to approve the November minutes of the Town Council. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Patty Klein requested removal of “not a popular solution” used to describe the possibility of installing a speed hump on the Ridge Road hill.
Vote: 5-0, approved as amended.

Mayor’s Announcements:

  • Kudos: Kudos to ALL for putting on the Holiday Show during these difficult times. It was a fantastic effort with great participation, video, and sound. Appreciation to various members of the “production” team will be fully enumerated in the January bulletin.
  • WSSC Sewer Project Status: Mayor Compton reported the project is close to completion. The Public Ways & Property Permit was extended to April 1, 2021 to allow for weather. Steve Werts installed some split rail fence sections to restrict vehicle entry onto Oak Street from Ridge Road where access had been previously prevented by the two large silver maple trees which had to be removed.
  • Washington Grove Bikeways Connector Study Update: Mayor Compton reported he attended an online review by the study workgroup of the study findings to date. He presented a map showing the three routes studied and evaluated, with some cost estimates. It will likely be late January when the County presents the plan publicly for Town comments. All three routes were briefly discussed. Patty Klein expressed concern about Town liability and maintenance should this path be on Town land.
  • Salt Barn Update: Mayor Compton will raise the issue at a meeting next week (called to discuss the Community Solar Project) with the head of MCDOT Chris Conklin and the chief of the Department of General Services, Greg Ossont.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurers Report 2020-November
Darrell Anderson moved acceptance of the November 2020 Treasurer’s Report. Patty Klein seconded the motion.
Vote: 5-0, accepted.

New Council Responsibility – Stormwater Management – Revised Council Responsibilities:

Mayor Compton announced Gray Yachup would take on the liaison duties for this group. Patty Klein expressed her opinion of how this responsibility should be handled. It is a complex, Town-wide problem that needs input from many groups, paying particular attention to issues downstream. There was a discussion about the following:

  • Potential impact on the West Woods
  • Completing smaller projects in house
  • Hiring engineers to do a whole-Town assessment
  • Philosophy behind new methods to manage stormwater
  • Better communication between committees

There was additional discussion about the operations of the previous committee and how to move forward with new leadership.

Community Solar Project – Update:

Ned Helme reported progress was being made with the community solar project. The idea met with enthusiasm in a presentation to County Council member Sidney Katz. Councilmember Katz then arranged a meeting with Gwen Wright, Planning Director at Park and Planning, other Parks staff, himself and Town representatives, where the proposal was met with cautious optimism. Use of land in the I370 intersection with the Metro Access Road was proposed, and also exploration of using building roofs in the nearby Transportation Department facilities. Ms. Wright agreed to report back after Park and Planning staff looked into various issues to using their property. Bob Booher suggested it would be helpful to begin educating Town residents with a presentation from the County about the recently adopted climate action plan and their goals. This could happen in January via ZOOM teleconference. Standard Solar is also willing to present about the project. The general consensus of the Council was the community solar idea was likely to draw interest from Town residents, but only if real cost estimates and benefits were available.
Action: The Sustainability Group will write an article for the January Bulletin.

Ordinance 2020-13; Amending Article I to Enable Regulation of Activity on Town Land by Resolution, to Prohibit Damage to or Removal of Vegetation, Minerals or Artifacts on Public Property, and to Require a Permit for Archeological Activities:

Dave Cosson reported on revisions since the last draft. He noted some changes, among which were to exclude town maintenance activities from regulations, and to address the Mayor’s concerns that Town Committees should not the referenced within Town Ordinances. Mayor Compton further suggested that the Council consider specifying the permit process in an enabling Resolution, rather than in the Ordinance. Such a resolution could include the transferring the language requiring consultation, e.g., “Application for such a permit should include a plan for a preliminary archaeological assessment prepared in consultation with the Historic Preservation Commission and the Town’s Woods Committee or Forestry and Beautification Committee and be consistent with professionally recognized standards.”

Additional discussion included potentially consolidating archaeological and fossil sections. There was consensus to use an enabling Resolution (“Procedures for a Permit”) and also segregating the archeological side from the fossils side.

Patty Klein moved to introduce Ordinance 2020-13 as amended and set the date of the online Public Hearing for 7:00 P.M. January 11, 2021. Charlie Challstrom seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0 as amended. Marida Hines abstained.
Action: An enabling Resolution for the permit process should be introduced at the January meeting.

Ordinance 2020-14; Amending Article XVI, Schedule of Fees to Specify the Public Ways & Property Permit Application Fee for Proposed Work in a Public Way or on Town Property that is Adjoining Property Owned by the Applicant:

Charlie Challstrom explained this was a simple ordinance that allows for a $10.00 fee for a Public Ways & Property Permit as well as the original $100.00 fee for a more complicated permit requiring more attention. The lower fee will encourage compliance and keep the Town informed of various residential projects. One example would be for a driveway apron where an inspection or use of an attorney is generally not necessary.

Charlie Challstrom moved to introduce Ordinance 2020-14 and set the public hearing date for January 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Gray Yachup seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0, Introduced as proposed.

Ordinance 2020-15; Authorizing Termination of the Restrictive Covenant on Setback Imposed on Property at 201 Chestnut Avenue – Discussion, Introduction and Public Hearing Date:

Charlie Challstrom explained the covenant in question unfairly burdened the property owners with a setback requirement on a 25-foot strip of land along Chestnut Road. Both the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission gave input on this ordinance. Mayor Compton proposed removing the following sentence (in D), “The Planning Commission concluded that the Setback Covenant imposes inequitable treatment on the owners of 201 Chestnut Avenue, and that Town action is justified to terminate the Setback Covenant as unnecessarily judgemental and replacing it with “The Planning Commission concluded that the Setback Covenant is no longer needed for public purpose.”

Charlie Challstrom moved to introduce Ordinance 2020-15 as amended and set the public hearing date for January 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0, Introduced as amended.

Three-Year Paving Plan – Year 3:

Paving of Chestnut Road Between Oak and Brown – Discussion of Contract. Gray Yachup recognized Darrell Anderson’s work on this three-year paving plan. The Year 3 work involve repaving Chestnut Road between Oak Street and Brown Street. Council Yachup proposed to select among the two contractors who submitted bids in FY19 now in order to have the work scheduled for spring. Gray noted the more certain Town revenue for FY21 makes it prudent to proceed with the road work. Darrell Anderson moved to approve AB Veirs as the contractor for this phase of the work (originally bid at $35,114), and to obtain updated costs for this and possible add-ons, including repaving over a proposed new drainage pipe at Center Street and Hickory. Gray Yachup seconded the motion.

Vote: 6-0, as described.

Town Council Reports:

Of note:

  • Lower Ridge Road Safety Concerns – It was reported that reflective tape was added to the barrier at the bottom of the hill and sign relocation is being addressed. An e-mail from John Tomlin (358 Ridge Road) suggested using the speed humps on Deer Park Drive as an example for successful installation on a hill.

    Action: Resident input concerning installing a speed hump on the hill on lower Ridge Road will be solicited in the January Bulletin.

  • Cherry Avenue Drainage – Mayor Compton reported on the recent water line break on Cherry Avenue near 410 Center Street. This affected the dip in the Cherry Avenue walkway that for years has been subjected to water runoff and frequent muddy and impassable conditions. Because WSSC left the area in less than acceptable condition, Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts was prompted to propose implementing his previously proposed plan to install a drainage pipe under Cherry Avenue in that location. The Mayor approved the project, and the culvert has now been installed. The Avenue will be further leveled by Spring, hopefully solving this long-standing problem.
  • Racial Equity – Dave Cosson reported the group met on Sunday, Dec. 13 where they created a historical education group, discussed comments on the Comprehensive Plan, and discussed getting professional help from someone experienced in social inclusion.
  • Roads and Walkways – Safety – Gray Yachup reported the STOP sign at Brown Street and Grove Road was moved approximately 11 feet to improve visibility.

Charlie Challstrom moved to approve the December Council Reports for posting on the website. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0, with minor revisions.

Old Business:

There was none.

New Business:

Charlie Challstrom initiated a brief conversation concerning a new ordinance he is proposing to facilitate future requests to remove restrictive covenants similar to those being expunged from the Deed for 201 Chestnut Avenue, that are present in a large number of deeds for older properties in Town. This would be an amendment to Article VII and may be proposed to the Council in January.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 p.m.

Kathryn L. Lehman
Town Clerk

TC Minutes Final 12/14/20

TC REPORTS – December 2020


The HPC held a virtual meeting on November 17, 2020; the next meeting will be held on December 15 at 7:30 pm by virtual means.

There were no new submitted permit applications for review.

In a follow-up discussion about the presentation last month by Fred Stachura, Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions’ Board President, on demolition and other issues related to our planning ordinances, the HPC felt it would be appropriate to have Mr. Stachura present to the Town Council, Planning Commission, and other interested residents. David Stopak will follow up with Mr. Stachura and see if this can be arranged.

The HPC is working to produce a map regarding Town resources based on the historic review information for our National Register nomination. This will include historic resources, fire hydrants, lights, and critical viewshed items. The HPC may need to consult a graphic artist for this project.

The HPC discussed the need to be involved in decisions on stormwater management work if the work may impact historic resources. This includes work by the Town maintenance crew. This could be part of the new Public Ways permit review process.

Other topics discussed during the meeting included driveways and driveway aprons, the ongoing WSSC work on Ridge Road and Grove Avenue, the archeological section of the Woods Committee draft ordinance, and plans to provide information to residents concerning the recent National Register approval. For the National Register, it was decided to publicize the fact that the materials are available in the Town Office. There also was a question whether the Maryland Municipal League had noted this in their newsletter.

Regarding some of the masonry along Town roads, the HPC may recommend the hiring of a masonry restoration specialist to renew historic masonry in Town.

The HPC determined that to assist in monitoring potential issues related to the HPC, members will be assigned to each of the Town committees and report back to the HPC at their regular meeting.

Master Plan Update: The HPC has sent comments on to the Planning Commission on the Housing Section of the Master Plan, including text on subdivision. They continue to be involved in the ongoing Comprehensive Plan update as sections near their final draft versions.


The Lighting Committee (LC) did not hold a meeting in November and will not meet again until January 2021 unless pressing business comes forward.

MAINTENANCE – Darrell Anderson

Regularly string-trimmed and cut grass around Town, including the field. Cut brush in various locations. Picked up leaves around Town. Made trips to the County dump when necessary. Purchased gas when needed. Completed paperwork as required. Worked in the maintenance shop if needed or weather dictated.

Met multiple times with WSSC regarding Ridge Road and Grove Avenue. Pushed dirt pile up at the shop for the WSSC Contractor. Made a drag mat for leveling gravel on Grove Ave. Received two loads of gravel for Grove Ave walkway. Went to Home Depot to pick up a tarp for removing leaves off Grove Ave and to put over the gravel being stored for use on Grove Ave. Met camera crew on Grove Ave for WSSC.

Checked damage WSSC did on Cherry Ave (ruts on walkway and ballast gravel put on walkway in the rain). Met with Darrell on Cherry Ave (to inspect WSSC work) and decide on solution. Installed drain pipe on Cherry Ave (to study water flow).

Cut branches back by the speed limit sign on lower Ridge Rd.
Repositioned the stop sign at Brown and Grove Road (Council decision).
Cleaned the bathrooms.
Fixed the motion light outside the Town office.
Went to Graingers to pick up a pressure switch for the shop compressor.
Checked a sink hole at 110 Ridge Road and at 117 Grove Ave.
Met Guardian Fire for quarterly inspection and to repair smoke alarm in Town Hall.
Made two trips to get sand at Jack T. Irwin to store in shop for snow removal.
Met tractor trailer driver over in the Air Park to pick up concrete benches for the Town.
Blew leaves off roof at Town Hall.
Blew leaves off roof at Town Hall, the tennis courts, and at the lake. Blew leaves out of pipes under roads and walkways. Picked up leaves in the ditch throughout the park and Brown Street from the ditch at Railroad St.
Picked up parts from Rippeon Equipment.
Moved concrete bench for F&B. Installed new bench for F&B on Brown Street.
Took down nets in clay courts.
Went to Home Depot to pick up a Christmas tree (for the gazebo) and garland (for the Town Hall). Put up the Christmas tree and lights in the gazebo. Put up garland and lights at Town Hall.

Note: The WSSC Public Ways permit was extended to April 30, 2021. Therefore, the work still needed on Ridge Road, including repaving, probably will not be completed until the spring. This also may lengthen the time for completion of WSSC work on Grove Avenue, including the final pipe replacement at the Center Street end of Grove Avenue, the grading required to smooth out the walkway, and the replacement of gravel.

PLANNING COMMISSION – Charlie Challstrom

Public Ways and Property (PW&P) Permits –

  • The PC has recommended that the PW&P permit applications fee be reduced for proposed work on public ways and Town property that adjoins real property owned by the applicant. An Ordinance to update Article XVI, Schedule of Fees, Section 11, has been prepared with the PC’s rationale and recommendation for consideration by the Mayor and Council.
  • Work continues on updating the PW&P application form to incorporate requirements of the Maryland’s Roadside Tree Program. Passed in 1914, Maryland’s Roadside Tree Law applies to any tree whose trunk grows all or in part within a public road right-of-way, regardless of ownership of the physical property. Before a roadside tree is trimmed or cared for in any way, a Tree Care Permit must be obtained from the DNR Forest Service. A permit is also required when work may impact the root zone of a roadside tree. Planting a tree within the public road right-of-way also requires a permit. Any work performed on a roadside tree must be done by a Roadside Tree Care Expert (employed by a public agency) or a Maryland Licensed Tree Expert.

Terminating Restrictive Covenants – Work has continued to identify properties that are burdened by a set of Restrictive Covenants imposed by the “Town” or by its predecessor in title, the Washington Grove Association of the District of Columbia and Maryland (“Association”). The set of Restrictive Covenants included: (a) building cost restrictions; (b) mercantile, manufacturing, and mechanical use restrictions; and (c) racially-based restrictions on who may own an interest in the property. In deeds conveying “Town” or “Association” property, these three Restrictive Covenants were specified to “run with the land” which means that the burden passes automatically to successors. The PC has previously reported to the Mayor and Council its conclusion that Town action is justified to terminate these Restrictive Covenants. A Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) has been drafted to propose adding a new Section 2.4 to Article VII (Zoning Ordinance). The intent is to declare the set of three Restrictive Covenants as terminated, and to authorize a legal instrument, if requested and prepared by an owner of property burdened by the Restrictive Covenants, suitable for filing in the Land Records for Montgomery County. The draft ZTA has been shared with the Mayor and Council, the Historic Preservation Commission, the Racial Equity Committee, and others for review and comment.

Hansen Request to Terminate a Set-back Covenant – To follow up the November PC Report regarding the Hansen property at 201 Chestnut Ave, an Ordinance has been drafted to declare that a Set-back Covenant imposed in 1978 is terminated. The Ordinance would authorize the Mayor to execute a legal instrument to reflect the Town’s termination of the Set back Covenant, if the legal instrument is prepared by and recorded in the land records at the owners’ expense. The draft Ordinance has been submitted for Mayor and Council consideration.

Comprehensive Plan 2020 Work Session – During a work session on November 18, the PC accepted changes to language in the RR-1 and RR-2 Zone descriptions as recommended by the HPC. The PC accepted, with minor revision, a new Section 2.1.4 (Subdivision and Growth Management) to: (a) improve compatibility of housing which reinforces the character of the neighborhood, and (b) manage demolitions to avoid the loss of structures which contribute to the integrity of the Historic District. The PC accepted additional language for Section 3.6 (Humpback Bridge/Railroad Street) to address a planned addition of a third set of rails by the CSX, and a proposal to connect Frederick and Shady Grove with a monorail in lieu of I-270 highway expansion. The PC appreciates the work by Mimi Bolotin to update the format of the Comprehensive Plan Working Draft. The next PC work session is scheduled for December 16.

MCCATHRAN HALL – Charlie Challstrom

No activities to report this month.


MMC Board and Annual Meetings – The MMC Board of Directors and MMC Station Manager Melissa Aymold met via Zoom on December 7 to review the latest audit of accounts, transfer Treasurer responsibilities, and organize outreach to Member Municipalities. The MMC Annual Meeting will held via Zoom on January 27, 2021 to include election of officers, adoption of the 2021 budget, and MMC program highlights for this past year.

MMC Broadcasts/Streams Montgomery Chapter Event – I represented the Town during the December 3rd session of the Montgomery Chapter of the Maryland Municipal League (MML). This Zoom session replaced the traditional Montgomery Chapter Legislative Dinner held each year to review legislative priorities. Representatives from the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates addressed the MML priority issue for 2021: restoration of Highway User Revenues. This portion of the session was broadcast live by MMC and is available for streaming on the Montgomery Municipal Cable YouTube channel.

CENSUS – Charlie Challstrom

Census Thanks to Residents – Thanks to Washington Grove residents for the excellent participation in the 2020 Census. With the count now complete, the U.S. Census Bureau is currently processing the data – ensuring that everyone is counted once, only once, and in the right place. Once the processing is complete, the next step is to deliver the results. I hope that lame-duck President Trump and Commerce Secretary Ross will refrain from further interference in the Census process. The results of the 2020 count will help in allocating the resources that shape communities over the next decade.

CONTRACTS – Dave Cosson

Potomac Disposal moved its pickup day from Thanksgiving Thursday to Wednesday by beginning after completing its normal Wednesday run. The result was that much of the Washington Grove work was done in the dark and some residents’ trash was missed. Trash pickup will be done on Christmas Eve.

WOODS – Dave Cosson

The Woods Committee met on December 7th and discussed the following:

The BHFFMD volunteer bow hunters harvested only 1 doe in the East Woods in November. No deer have been harvested to date in December. Deer activity in the East and West Woods has generally been light as viewed on their trail cameras and they are considering relocating their stands to different parts of the woods.

The draft proposed ordinance (2020-13) regarding woods regulations, archeology and fossil hunting was discussed, including revisions addressing questions raised by Forestry and Beatification with respect to town land bordering residents’ property. A few further revisions will be made to respond to points raised by Charlie Challstrom, following which the draft will be offered for introduction at the Town Council meeting on December 14th.

Krista Zanetti reported on her discussions with a local sign company regarding design and cost of signs that will both provide trail route information and inform users of permitted and prohibited activities on the trails and in the Woods. A 4 x 4-inch pole could provide both trail information and a selected number of universal and customized symbols such as dogs must be on leashes and bicycles prohibited. For specific trail entrance points, detailed signage could be posted to a simple kiosk which would also include a trail map. Krista will further identify the locations where signs are needed so that a more precise cost estimate can be developed.

The Committee is considering construction of timber turnpikes along certain wet trail sections to provide safer use and passage on those portions of trails that remain wet for long periods. Construction would require wood framing to support the sides and building up the trail section with packed soil. Surplus soil will be available once WSSC removes excavated dirt stored by the maintenance shed. A short section of Maple Avenue extended between Center Street and the Franklin trail which remains muddy for long periods will be reinforced with brown gravel mixed into the soil. Prices and labor estimates will be obtained for the materials required to complete these projects.

Joli McCathran has identified a Champion Black Jack Oak (Quercus marilandica) tree in the East Woods east of the McCauley trail near our town boundary. The Woods Committee supports creating an extension of the McCauley trail to allow public access to this tree.


The Committee has not met, awaiting member volunteers to take leadership roles.


Racial Equity Committee
The Committee met by Zoom on November 15 and discussed the following:

Committee organization and functions, particularly identifying people willing to assist in its functions. There was some response during in the meeting, plus Craig English volunteered to develop a logo for the Committee, which was much appreciated.

Status of Committee input to the Comprehensive Plan. Some initial suggestions have been accepted, but not the one addressing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) A list of further suggested changes was agreed to.

Historical Education. Possible topics and formats for programing relevant to Town residents as well as residents of Emory Grove. A workgroup session was scheduled for the following Sunday.

Restrictive covenants on deeds. The County process for removal was described. Members asked if instructions for removing covenants could be provided by the Town.

The Historical Education working group met by Zoom on November 22d and discussed education on racial issues both for town residents and as outreach to improve relations with surrounding communities such as Emory Grove. Various information sources were discussed including Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste and several recent programs by Montgomery History and the film on Montgomery County’s three lynchings.

The Committee will meet again on December 13th.


Christine Dibble has started outreach to Communications Working Group members asking for their input and interest in renewing the group’s activities.

DOG PARK – Marida Hines

Nothing to report.

RECREATION – Marida Hines

The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is Wednesday, January 20, 2021. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM.

After extensive hard but highly entertaining work, Judy Mroczka and her team of Holiday Show renouns have completed the virtual holiday show with help from many, many Town residents with extensive filming and editing by Montgomery Municipal Cable. “Cottage Fever: A Virtually Real Holiday Show” will air at 7:30pm on Saturday, December 12, 2020. Before the show, viewers are asked to print the program (designed and illustrated by Leigh Partington and Keith Gillis) that was attached to the December Town Bulletin. The show can be livestreamed from Montgomery Municipal Cable TV or on Channel 16 on Comcast, Verizon and RCN. There will be also a Zoom after-party with cast, crew, and fans.

The Recreation Committee has also purchased children’s gift bags for parents to pick up and have “delivered by Santa” during the show. They also provided information for residents who are interested in helping those less fortunate in these most difficult times to facilitate donations to Manna Food Center, Gaithersburg HELP, or FrontlineWorkersDC.

The Recreation Committee has once again demonstrated that they are the beating heart of Washington Grove!

WEBSITE – Marida Hines

Nothing to report.


The EPSC met on November 19th and discussed the following:

Speeding car accident on Washington Grove Lane (11/11/20): A car traveling south on E. Diamond Avenue lost control on wet roads going around the curve towards Washington Grove Lane, hit a telephone poll, and landed in the front yard of the house at 121 Washington Grove LN. No one was injured. The EPSC will request the police report from the incident for the Town’s general situational awareness. In addition, EPSC members discussed potential actions that the Town could take to potentially mitigate speeding along Washington Grove Lane to improve safety. The Border Committee is considering partial fencing along the West Woods road borderline and removal of the Commercial Corner walled dumpster enclosure to improve traffic visibility. The EPSC will coordinate with them on safety issues.

Cybersecurity: EPSC discussed the recent email phishing attack on several Town residents. Apparently, the perpetrator used Town’s website information to criminally impersonate the Mayor in an attempt to fraudulently obtain Amazon gift cards. EPSC will research how to report such cyber-crimes. Further noted was the recent settlement between the FTC and Zoom which has misled users about the platform’s security features. Zoom meetings are not encrypted and are vulnerable to hackers and disruption. EPSC will highlight this information in an upcoming Town bulletin.

Street signage along Lower Ridge Road – safety concerns: EPSC recommends repositioning and/or replacing “no outlet” and “dead end” street signs for improved driver visibility. Reflectors can be added to the street signs and should be placed along the guard rail at the end of the road. The installation of a speed hump to reduce vehicle speed was discussed but will need input from street residents and checking the DOT regulations for use on road inclines.

The next meeting is scheduled on December 17, 2020.

MAPLE LAKE – Pat Klein

The Committee is on winter hiatus and no meetings are scheduled until early March 2021.


The Forestry and Beautification Committee has concluded their efforts for Fall planting season and will begin meeting again in the lead up to the Spring season.


Nothing to report.

ROADS & WALKWAYS – Gray Yachup

This month the stop sign at the intersection of Brown Street and Grove Road was moved approximately eleven feet forward to bring it into alignment with the placements of the other stop signs in the intersection.

Steve has placed split rail fencing at the termination of Oak Street to replace the 2 silver maples removed by WSSC earlier this month.

After chatting with Steve I will be urging the Council to decide on a contractor for Chestnut Road’s repaving, as this will allow us to move forward on additional stormwater projects in the area.

MEMORIALS – Gray Yachup

The Memorials Committee is still processing the memorial bench in honor of the late Rich Hilpert, long-time Grove resident and beloved neighbor.


We will be moving forward with the Chestnut Road/Oak Street culvert, as well as the Center Street/Hickory Road squash pipe installation as soon as our contractor comes in to repave Chestnut Road this Spring.

Cherry Avenue continues to be a site of additional scrutiny and work, with Steve working on grading it to allow for better run off patterns. More investigation will be done in the coming months.

Oak Street/Hickory Road is a new area of interest, and I will be chatting with the relevant constituents to begin to assess a plan of action for that area.


Nothing to report.


I re-commenced talks with the SGXC HOA Board Members and am currently discussing how best to create a walkway between the two neighborhoods.

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