301-926-2256 [email protected]

15 May 2018 | Approved: 23 October 2018

Members Present: Bob Booher, Wendy Harris, Gail Littlefield, David Stopak, and Mimi Styles were present. Judy and Ed Mroczka appeared at 8 pm to discuss some changes to their project plans for 107 Grove Rd.

Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed and approved, as amended.

Adoption of Minutes:

The April 17 draft minutes were reviewed and minor changes made. Mimi made the motion, seconded by Wendy, to approve the minutes, as amended. The motion carried unanimously.

Review Session.

Judy and Ed Mroczka appeared to discuss a minor change to their previously approved renovation plans for 107 Grove Rd. The changes are an extension of the rear slope of the gable roof at the top of the rear entry stairs. The extended slope will protect the rear steps from rain and icing in winter and prevent excess water from collecting in the basement stair well. HPC members discussed the change, agreed that it was consistent with features of neighboring houses and the historic character of the Town, and that the submission of a permit for the change is not necessary.

Expansion of National Register Nomination:

Wendy distributed the consultants’ progress report for Mar 5 – May 7 2018. Their phase I report is expected mid-August 18. 230 houses have been surveyed including photos and short house histories. Wendy also distributed her report including due dates and work products for future submissions from the consultants. MHT consultation will happen after the Phase I report is finalized.

Status of sign rehab project.

Gail will work with Susan Van Nostrand to compile a procedure for continuing the rehab/creation and reflective lettering of our wood signs. The monthly reports on numbers of signs completed should be continued by the new TC HPC liaison using Freda’s spreadsheet.

Sale of Surplus Property enabling ordinance public meeting.

Bob will send a letter to TC on our comments/suggestions regarding the draft surplus property ordinance.

Masterplan update.

At the May PC meeting Georgette asked HPC to submit a list of the sections of the 2009 Master Plan the HPC might wish to address. Gail had drafted a letter to Georgette with a list of relevant sections. After discussion, Bob agreed to finalize the letter and send it to Georgette on letter head. HPC members should indicate which Master Plan sections they are interested in amending.


On hold.


Mimi will ask Pat about preparing something.

PC Meeting report

Gail attended the May PC meeting. Of interest, Joli has been researching and interviewing for hiring a code enforcement officer/inspector, particularly for “Airbnb” issues. Also, the Town will try to get Town Crest to move and repair their fence on the West Woods that is on town property.

WSSC work.

HPC had questions about status of the WSSC project. Gail said she had not seen evidence of work near her house. Gail will ask John McClelland what he knows, including whether a Public Ways permit was filed. Bob will ask Steve about replacement gravel. Steve told Bob earlier that TC had approved the harder stone, which appears to be granite. A hard surface is no longer a goal, since the Fire Department does not want to drive on the paths.
Dave will review the HPC charter for guidance on whether HPC should review the public way permits.

New Business.

Preservation Maryland Tours.

Mimi contacted Leslie Goddard of MAHDC about the requested tour of WG. Mimi recommended 3 dates in Oct including Oct 20. Once the date is decided, Bob will contact Clare Kelly to see if she could give the tour. Chris Kirtz would like to host the reception. Visiting a few houses is desirable.

Minutes prepared and submitted by:
Gail Littlefield

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