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4 November 2015 | Approved: 2 December 2015

Chairman Nagrod called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Brenda Gumula, Dave Hix, John McClelland, Deborah Mehlferber, and Steve Werts. Others in attendance were Councilor Georgette Cole, HPC member Gail Littlefield, Mayor Joli McCathran and residents Charlie Challstrom, John Hutchinson, Betsy Klinger and Ed Roberts. Also present was non-resident Dan Webber.

Approval of Agenda

Brenda Gumula moved to approve the agenda. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Chairman Nagrod added a resident’s request to review the Notice to Neighbors process under New Business. Approved: 5-0.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Approval of the Minutes

Steve Werts moved to approve the October minutes. Dave Hix seconded the motion. A correction to the adjournment time was made. Approved, as amended: 5-0.

Building Permit Applications

There were no building permit applications.

409 5th Avenue – Survey Request: Chairman Nagrod reinforced the Town position. This is a matter between neighbors and should be worked out by licensed, professional surveyors, as was recommended at the last meeting of the Planning Commission. The Mayor sent a letter to the Bents which supports this position as well.

Block 11 Survey of Residual Town Land – Update/Status

Chairman Nagrod reported he, John McClelland and Mayor McCathran met with Maggie Range (#8 The Circle) and thoroughly explained the items now on Town land as a result of the Block 11 survey of the access path to five (5) properties in the block. He stated the survey was the “triggering event” which lead to the discovery that her back steps were improperly located on Town land. Other research showed the steps were built without a building permit. The group gave Ms. Range several options, including the relocation of the steps to her land, in order to remedy the problem. They were met with some resistance. There was discussion about the following:

  • The need for consistency
  • Deeding Town land to residents and associated pitfalls
  • New cobblestones & brickwork that have recently been installed in the area
  • Sheds and fences that are encroaching on Town land
  • A WSSC right-of-way in the area
  • The letter written by the Mayor and PC Chairman asking for voluntary compliance in the removal of obstacles in the access path
  • Protecting Town land
  • Relocation of ponds, lattice work, raised gardens and steps

Ed Roberts (#6 The Circle) voiced two (2) objections:

  • He objects to the Town’s gerrymandering of private lot lines
  • He objects to the proposed 28 foot height of part of the new home at 203 2nd Avenue

John Hutchinson stated he was still not clear about what will happen to the Town land described in the new Block 11 survey. He specifically asked about the piece of the access alley that does not lead to #6 The Circle. He stated the steps at #8 The Circle did not impede access to anywhere.

Additions to Zoning Text Amendment Proposed for Fences in Block 11

The Commission discussed types of bay and bow windows, the potential increase in square footage and building footprint with a floor to ceiling bay/bow, and a definition of same.
John McClelland moved to accept the amendments to ZTA 2015-06 and send it on to the Council for approval. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.

House Files – Status Report

Brenda Gumula reported the group met once in October and now have completed 40 homes. They re-did #8 The Circle. They will meet again on November 16, 2015.

Report from Town Council

John McClelland reported the following:

  • Playground Committee presented a 5-year plan to the Town Council which included new equipment, mulch and the drainage project started by Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts.
  • Tennis Court Committee will meet again to review the clay courts and drainage.
  • Bill MC 32-16; Municipal Corporations – Closed Swimming Lake – Regulation is ready for presentation. The hearing will be November 30, 2015.

Other Business

Peter Nagrod brought up Jane Seegal’s request for the Notice To Neighbors to come via e-mail or snail mail. After some discussion, it was determined the current process appears to be working fine but perhaps notifications for a subdivision, demolition and relocation could be done differently.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Kathryn L. Lehman, Town Clerk

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