301-926-2256 [email protected]

10 August 2020 | Approved: 9 November 2020

TC REPORT – August 2020 – Approved: 10 August 2020

The unprecedented emergency health crisis poses a challenge to all – individually and collectively. To protect ourselves and do our part to impede the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19 disease, the Regular Meeting of the Town Council was held remotely. The meeting was recorded.

Mayor John Compton called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:34 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Charlie Challstrom, David Cosson, Marida Hines, Patty Klein, and Gray Yachup. Also in attendance were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Recreation Committee Chair Emily Cavey, Forestry & Beautification Chair Georgette Cole, Lake Committee Chair John Hutchinson, Woods Committee Co-Chair Joan Mahaffey, Board of Supervisors of Elections Chair Nick Suzich, and residents Mimi Bolotin, Kathie Evans, Dave Lutter, Paul Patrone, and Krista Zanetti. Audrey Maskery arrived at 8:05 p.m. and Liz Everhart arrived at 8:15 p.m.

Approval of Agenda:

Charlie Challstrom moved to approve the agenda. Patty Klein seconded the motion. A minor word change was made. Vote: 6-0, agenda approved, as amended.

Approval of Minutes:

Darrell Anderson moved to approve the July 13, 2020 Town Council Meeting Minutes. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0, approved, as presented

Master Plan Update:

Georgette Cole gave an update of the current Master Plan work. She paid particular attention to a the new “Sustainability” section being proposed, noting the timeline may make it an Addendum to the Master Plan for inclusion later in 2021. In addition, the new requirement from the State for a “Housing Element” will be integrated. She stated things are going well and expects the Town will benefit by input from the new Racial Equity Committee.

Public Appearances:

Kathie Evans presented a request for use of the Town Grove Alert email list to inform residents about the needs of the Capital Area Food Bank. She went on to explain the current food insecurity issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Her hope is to be able to give a sizeable donation to the food bank as a Town. The best way to inform residents of this effort is through the equivalent of a Grove Alert. She has already raised $4,000.00 in matching funds. The Mayor and Council discussed the fund-raising request and whether it was appropriate to allow use of the Town email list. After the discussion, they unanimously approved the use of the email list for this purpose.

Mayor’s Announcements:

Mayor Compton announced the following:

  1. The search for an alternate to serve on the Historic Preservation Commission continues.
  2. The reported issues at 123 Washington Grove Lane (many cars, many people, construction debris) continues. Although the Mayor has spoken with people living there, the situation remains the same. He will write a letter to explain the rules. Mayor Compton also stated the Town policy about the number of vehicles allowed at a residence presents a problem during the current economic situation. There was additional discussion about how new residents learn about the limit to the number of vehicles per household, Town ordinances, and adding more information to the Welcome Packets and the website to help educate new residents.
  3. Formation of a Racial Equity Committee is being explored by concerned residents Sita Strother, Julia Cavicchi, Annika Land, Haley McClelland, Sarah Stopak and Gray Yachup. Initial meetings are open, and all are welcome to attend. A Grove Alert will be sent to announce their first meeting taking place on August 16th. Whether the committee will become a standing committee or shorter-term will be discussed.
  4. The WSSC project on Ridge Road and Grove Avenue will be starting soon. Notices will go out from WSSC, as well as by Grove Alert. Thanks to Mary and Charlie Challstrom for doing a video of the current condition of the areas affected.
  5. Mayor Compton addressed the construction of the new salt barn at the MCDOT depot between Brown Street and Roberts Oxygen. This new salt barn went through the mandatory referral review by the Planning Board last May. However, its peaked roof structure differs from the original plan. Although the roof is 18 feet higher, it may fall within the zoning code. Mayor Compton plans contact County Council Member Sydney Katz and expects to hear from David Dise as well. Residents would like to see a Stop Work Order until the discrepancy can be explained. However, our Town attorney advises such an ordered is generally only issued by a court if irreparable harm can be demonstrated. Instead, a better approach would be a request for a zoning code inspection by County Permitting Services. John indicated to write this letter, but not until he hears from Mr. Katz and Mr. Dise. In the meantime, further review of County Code and possible exceptions to standards will take place.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurers Report 2020-July
Darrell Anderson moved acceptance of the July 2020 Treasurer’s Report. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0, accepted. Gray Yachup moved to transfer $5K from savings to checking to pay bills. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0.

Appointment of Board of Supervisors of Elections Member:

Charlie Challstrom moved to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Dave Hix to the Board of Supervisors of Elections through March 2021. Vote: 6-0, approved.

Maple Lake Policy for Assessment and Management of Water Quality:

: After their review of the policy created by the Lake Committee and results of current water tests, the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee expressed concern over high enterococci numbers and suggested that the reason for this should be investigated. Patty Klein supported revisiting the new Policy, developing a comprehensive sanitary survey process, and considering engagement of an environmental health consultant to advise the town. Mayor Compton noted the Town’s decades history of responsible and active Lake water safety management by the Lake Committee with few safety issues. The Committee has concluded from a thorough review of literature and government recommendations that enterococci readings are not valid for a freshwater body. Based on the past safety record, the current process and procedures for lake water management are sufficient. This conclusion was questioned by Patty Klein (Lake Committee liaison) in her review of EPA recommendations. Charlie Challstrom pointed out that State requirements allow both e. coli and/or enterococci as measurements of freshwater pollution and also mandate a Sanitary Survey be performed. It is unclear if a Sanitary Survey is on record. Lake Committee Chair John Hutchinson reported a Sanitary Survey check list is being created and will be used on a regular basis to record any pollution sources. Additional discussion included the following:

  • The responsibility to have a record of a Sanitary Survey.
  • Possible reasons for high enterococci levels; e.g. mud stirred up on lake cleanup day, or external contamination
  • Doing three (3) samplings when testing the water.
  • Posting advisory signs if unsafe bacterial contamination is found.
  • WSSC sewer line beside the lake and potential for pollution if the line every cracked, and routine inspection of the line by WSSC.
  • History of the well and pump installed after a developer compromised the depth of the water source.
  • The small watershed and no septic systems nearby to contaminate the lake
  • Hiring a consultant to review data, perform a site visit, and do an assessment.
  • The consistently “inconsistent” numbers for enterococci testing in past years and whether or not this raises concerns over the water quality of Maple Lake

The lengthy discussion ended with the understanding that this topic would be re-visited on the September agenda if a proposal for action is submitted to the Council in writing in advance.

Use of McCathran Hall as a Polling Place in the November General Election – Discussion of Safety Concerns, Risk to Town Employees and Residents, Whether and how to Proceed:

Mayor Compton reviewed the issue and asked Charlie Challstrom to give additional details. Charlie explained 2014 was the first use of McCathran Hall as a polling place. Two precincts vote in the Hall, totaling approx. 1,000 voters. Governor Hogan rejected the advice of members of the State BOE for a mail-in ballot election in favor of a traditional in person election. There was a discussion about the following:

  • Preparations and use in the context of COVID-19 preventive measures.
  • Cleaning; before & after
  • Traffic flow (cars)
  • People flow – waiting in line
  • Voting over 2 days, or scheduled voting windows, or extending early voting for two weeks

Proposals have been made at the State level to consolidate voting to fewer venues with adequate capacity and where in-person risks could be minimized, such as high schools. Additional discussion will take place in September as warranted if voting at McCathran Hall is still under consideration.

West Woods Plats and Boundary Marking:

Charlie Challstrom reported this long-awaited project in done. The Town can now approve the survey and make the West Woods one (1) parcel. The survey verifies Towne Crest owns the fence at the border. It also shows some Town property extends into Washington Grove Lane. Patty Klein recalled the old WSSC now removed pumping station in the woods, noted for the Council an existing gravel obstruction in the creek at Kelley Park, and a broken bridge, which may cause water overflow and damage to the West Woods.

Rules for the Use of the Town Woods – Discussion:

The Woods Committee is looking into renewing signs in the woods, including adding to the restrictions “No Bike Riding” on the trails and “Removing Relics Prohibited”. They may propose revision to Town Ordinances if deemed necessary.

Town Council Reports – Discussion /Public Ways and Property Permit Status:

A revised Public Ways & Property Permit is under review which will include required listing of any disturbance to trees or plants, or to features of potential interest for historic preservation. The process for review of the PWPP request may include the HPC and the Forestry and Beautification Committee, in a way that will hopefully not hinder the review timeline.

Charlie Challstrom moved to accept the Town Council Reports and Gray Yachup seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0.

Old Business:

Mayor Compton reminded everyone that use of the playground is still a use at your own risk situation. He also told the Council about approving a request by the Swing Time Big Band request to rehearse outside McCathran Hall, minimal inside use, with strict observance of social distancing and gathering size, and that they fully clean-up after themselves both outside and within the Hall.

New Business:

Mayor Compton brought up the Open Meetings Act Training and stated all members should take the online training. He also talked about helpful information concerning best practices for virtual meetings. Kathy will distribute links to online training and other information to the Councilors. He urged members to review this information and follow the practices that made sense.


Mayor Compton thanked Mary and Charlie Challstrom for putting up the new signs around Town stressing social distancing.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Kathryn L. Lehman
Town Clerk

TC REPORTS – August 2020


The HPC held a virtual meeting on July 21; the next meeting will be held on August 18 at 7:30 pm by virtual means.

The HPC discussed changes to a patio at 107 Pine Street (Brennan) that was reviewed at the June meeting. It was reported that since that review, changes to the plans may have added 13 feet to the patio cover. The HPC will request that they see the plans again.

A discussion of the Public Ways Permit addressed further questions about the WSSC work on Ridge Road and Grove Avenue, which may begin in August or September.

The Maryland Historic Trust has approved the Town’s National Historic Register nomination and sent it on July 16 to the National Park Service. It is hoped that the nomination will be listed by September 1. This is generally a pro forma step to listing in the Congressional Record to finalize the nomination. Printing of the documents for the Town are be assessed for cost.

As part of Masterplan review process, the HPC will be developing a section on the Commercial Corner, as well as Borders and Sustainability and orphan resources.

Regarding the impending 5G issue, the HPC has been asked to take the lead. There is a wealth of information available on the impact on cities and towns, and some information on what areas with historic designation can do to mediate some of the impacts. This will be researched in the months ahead to determine if our current ordinance can be adjusted to give the Town more control.

The HPC brought up the issue of the construction of another salt barn next to Brown Street. It appears that there may be issues with height and placement according to notices provided to the Town before construction began. The Mayor will pursue this with the County.


The Lighting Committee did not hold a meeting in July. However, email communications among members explained that the following ongoing initiatives are current. The next meeting will be held on August 26 at 7:30 pm by virtual means.

The LC Town agreement with PEPCO has been signed to facilitate the conversion of our existing induction street lamps to LED bulbs. We still will have some sodium vapors lights. Work on the conversion will take place soon.

The LC submission to the 2020 Town Master Plan for lighting on TWG roads and walkways is in review.   

The ANP LIGHTING company in California is looking at the photos sent to them of our PEMCO fixtures. They have yet to respond. This is the company that may be able to reproduce our PEMCO fixtures that are no longer available. 


Regularly string-trimmed and cut grass around Town. Cut brush along Railroad Street, Maple Avenue, and McCauley Street.
Made trips to the County dump when necessary.
Replace a rotted beam in the park.
Watered trees for Forestry and Beautification and the Woods Committee.
Worked with Myers & Laws to take down a tree on 5th Avenue.
Fixed the garbage disposal in the Town Hall.
Worked on the sediment pond on lower Brown Street. Purchased and spread two loads of sand for the sediment pond.
Met with Council member Yachup to discuss stormwater issues on Center Street.
Worked at the shop sanding the gable end of the building to prep it for painting.
Met with Lake Committee Chair to get and install a pump timer for the lake.
Went to Home Depot to get fencing for new trees for the Woods Group.

PLANNING COMMISSION – Charlie Challstrom

Permit Activity

  • 107 Pine Ave – PC approved Building Permit with revised plans for 12 ft x 31 ft roof cover over an existing patio
  • 328 Ridge Road – PC has received plans for a new home and a required tree-save plan, both to be evaluated using conditions associated with the approved subdivision plan
  • 414 Brown St – PC approved Public Ways & Property Permit for a new driveway apron

West Woods Plats and Boundary Marking Project – This West Woods project is complete. During the survey work, 30 new property markers were installed along portions of the West Woods boundary not previously marked. Some of the new property markers along the Washington Grove Lane portion of the boundary are survey nails in the pavement, and the others are 24-inch rebars in the ground near the pavement edge accompanied by orange “Boundary” posts. Final updates to the Record Plat and the Identification Plat were made to: (1) reflect the 1973 transfer of a small WSSC parcel in the West Woods to the Town, and (2) include distances between all property markers along Washington Grove Lane. These two plats will enable approval of the West Woods as one parcel, support border projects along Washington Grove Lane, and allow for updating the zoning map after approval of the 2020 Master plan.

WSSC Sewer Rehabilitation – To prepare for the upcoming WSSC project to rehabilitate sewer lines and laterals along Grove Avenue and Ridge Road, videos were created to document the current condition of these public ways and adjacent portions of private property. On the Townapproved Public Ways & Property Permit application, WSSC committed to restore any disturbed property. One video covers both sides of the 100 and 200 blocks of graveled Grove Avenue. The other video covers the western side of the Ridge Road pavement. Both videos have been posted to YouTube as “unlisted” videos, and the YouTube links will be shared with those needing to evaluate disturbed property after the sewer line work is completed.

Encroaching Accessory Structure – An accessory structure that previously encroached onto Town land was modified this month prior to the sale of 409 Chestnut Avenue. Ralph Hurst completed adjustments to the “band stand” as he discussed a number of years ago with the Planning Commission.

Master Plan 2020 Work Sessions – A master plan work session was held on July 15 to discuss information from real estate consultant, Larry Spott, regarding “best use” perspectives on small commercial properties. The PC deleted the previous Section 3.4.2 (Other Transit Services and Easement) and has updated Section 3.6 (Humpback Bridge/Railroad Street) to reflect decisions in the Great Seneca Sciences Corridor Master Plan. The next PC master plan work session is scheduled for August 19 to discuss potential changes to Section 8 (Commercial Corner), a new revision for Section 4.5 (Streetlights/Walkways), and Section 10 (Interjurisdictional Issues) updates.

New Housing Element – Work is underway on a new “Housing Element” for the Master Plan to confirm Town policy to promote more affordable housing and diversity in the community. The draft element contains a collection of housing data evaluations for Washington Grove derived from the American Community Survey, an ongoing program of the U.S. Census Bureau to provide new data every year to plan investments and services. These evaluations for Washington Grove include estimates of the numbers of owner-occupied homes and renter-occupied homes that are “housing cost burdened” – defined as households who pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing. Goals and strategies are needed to encourage growth of affordable housing, coupled with infill development and redevelopment, and compatible rental of rooms and homes. During the most recent PC meeting, five other members of our community appeared and offered to assist the PC with visioning and developing strategies for this new element, discussing acknowledgment of past history (e.g. exclusionary deed covenants), updating housing-related zoning definitions, consideration of multi-generational housing, and rental licensing for rooms and homes.

MCCATHRAN HALL – Charlie Challstrom

As reported for the July Town Council meeting, Mayor Compton responded to the Montgomery County Board of Elections to confirm that McCathran Hall would be available as an “in person” polling venue for the November elections, barring a resurgence of COVID 19 or other health concerns. Since that Town Council meeting, Governor Hogan has announced Maryland will conduct a “traditional” election in November — with in-person voting during early voting and on election day, and voters who wish to vote by mail must request an absentee ballot. To help prepare the Council for discussion about whether McCathran Hall should be used for a polling place in November, Mayor Compton has engaged the Town’s Board of Supervisors of Elections. Issues will likely include: impact on health risks for our residents and our employees; convenience for those who want to vote in-person; suitability of McCathran Hall for social distancing; safe use and cleaning of McCathran Hall restrooms; heating and ventilation aspects of McCathran Hall; and the outlook for elections support by Town employees, Town volunteers, and poll workers.


This month, MMC is launching a new program called The Creative Side. The show will be hosted by Albert Myers who has been a producer and editor for MMC for over a year. Those involved with the Washington Grove Sign Restoration Project will recall Albert’s video work with this project. Albert’s new program will feature local musicians, artists, dancers, and maybe talented youth from our community. If you or someone you know may be a good guest for the new program, please reach out to MMC at [email protected].

CENSUS – Charlie Challstrom

Census Update – As of August 4th, 82.9 % of Washington Grove households have responded, according to the Census response rates website, 77% of those completed online. With this response rate, the Town currently ranks 13th out of 156 municipalities in Maryland. University Park is first in Maryland with 88.1% total responses. Households can still respond by completing and mailing back the paper questionnaire they received or by responding online at 2020census.gov or by phone at 8443302020.

CONTRACTS – Dave Cosson

Nothing to report


The Committee met on July 14 by Zoom and discussed the following:

To the list of issues being considered was added swales along Grove Ave, which at one time were much deeper. The availability of County funds for the culvert under Railroad Street was discussed. No clear answer has been received from County officials. A letter should be sent if there is no resolution in the near future.

Steve Wertz has made substantial progress on mapping stormwater flow throughout the Town and expects to have a finished product in the near future.
Drainage issues for water coming down Center Street at Maple Ave. were described and alternatives discussed to reroute the water so that it doesn’t undermine the roots of a large oak. Drainage down Acorn Lane including from 2d Ave has been improved. Cherry Ave is also improving but needs more work. A draft RFP for consulting is being prepared, with focus on a streamlined statement of work. Improvements in drainage on Center Street at Washington Grove Lane should ensure that emergency access capability is retained.

The survey of the West Woods is largely complete, with a walk through scheduled.

WOODS – Dave Cosson

The Committee met on August 3, 2020 and discussed the following:

West Woods Boundary Survey. The survey has been completed. Two members accompanied the surveyors for a tour of the new boundary markers. Notably there are a few places where Washington Grove Lane is inside the boundary; those locations are marked with nails in the pavement and will be highlighted with paint. On the Kelly Park side, some of the prior boundary markers are missing. The West Woods is now one parcel, and the transfer to the town of the former WSSC pump house parcel is recorded.

Tree Removal Policy. The Committee discussed and adopted a policy statement intended to balance the goals of maintaining a healthy, self-sustaining forest ecosystem for benefit of generations while protecting public health and safety. The Policy recognizes that occasionally trees present an imminent hazard must be removed and establishes criteria to determine if a tree or trees should be topped or cut down.

Trail Maintenance Projects. The Committee reviewed a list of potential projects for improvement and maintenance of the trails in the East Woods. Alternatives ranging from continuing to spread wood chips or gravel, to construction of boardwalks and drainage improvements were evaluated on a trail by trail basis. Also considered were non-maintenance projects including improved trail signage explaining trail use allowances and prohibitions, identifying trail names at intersections, and blazing trails. In this respect because one trail in the East Woods remains unnamed, the Committee is soliciting possible names for Committee selection, and then will publish a trail map.

With respect to trail use rules, there was discussion of whether current Town ordinances provide authority to regulate bicycles, the removal of archeological artifacts, plants, and minerals. The Committee suggests review and, if necessary, revision in order to establish authority for regulations posted at trail entrances.

Because its next regular meeting day will be Labor Day, the Committee rescheduled its meeting to August 31st.


Nothing to Report

DOG PARK – Marida Hines

The Dog Park Committee has scheduled a Zoom meeting on August 26th at 7:30 p.m. An Agenda and Zoom access information will be publicized in a Grove Alert and on the Listserve.

RECREATION – Marida Hines

The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is Wednesday, August 20, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM.
There are no events currently planned for August, and it is anticipated the Labor Day Games will not take place for safety reasons. The Rec Committee has started brainstorming on what potential activities could safely be done in September.

WEBSITE – Marida Hines

Routine maintenance and content updates continue with no issues.

A preliminary plan for addressing some issues identified by the Communications Working Group survey and Web Usability Test effort has been created and we are working in collaboration with the Town webmaster to determine the most streamlined solutions. The plan includes recommendations for improving Search functionality and scannability; content findability; creation of a “hot topics” category for ongoing Council and committee issues of concern to Town residents; and potential improvements to the content posting process and information flow.


The Committee met on July 23, 2020 and discussed the following topics:

Follow-up: WG Resolution No. 2020-09 Maple Lake Policy for Water Quality Management: On June 8, the Town Council (TC) adopted a new Resolution to govern the Town’s water quality management (WQM) at Maple Lake. On July 16, EPSC members attended a Lake Committee meeting to discuss the Resolution and offered a suggested revision to incorporate applicable MDE/COMAR references and WQM processes for clarification. There were differing views about what, if any, changes were needed to the resolution. At the subsequent July 23 EPSC meeting, members agreed that it would be best to elevate this issue to the Mayor and Town Council to determine the need for revisions to the Resolution at this time and the Town’s WQM oversight of Maple Lake granted by MD State legislation in 2016.
Therefore, the EPSC recommends this topic be added to the August TC meeting agenda. The EPSC further recommends that the Town credibly implements this Resolution to comply with state laws and guidelines regarding comprehensive sanitary surveys and water quality testing to include documentation and reporting to Town government and residents. The TC should discuss hiring an Environmental Health Specialist consultant to conduct a sanitary survey of the Lake, review water quality test results, and provide general WQM implementation guidance to the Mayor and TC to ensure our compliance to protect public health.

Updating COVID-19 information on the Town website:
Committee members noted there is still much room for improvement in terms of presenting important COVID-19 information on the Town website. There is value in developing an easily visible and accessible COVID-19 banner that links to relevant information and external links.

The EPSC recommends that website design and processes to update the website be included on the August TC meeting agenda. The EPSC further recommends that the Mayor and TC discuss and clarify the Town’s communication goals, including website design/updates, and delegate tasks to relevant parties to achieve these goals.

Opening of Town facilities and elections:
EPSC recommends the Mayor and TC discuss the pros and cons of making McCathran Hall available as a polling place for the November elections, promptly communicate that decision to state officials, and then take appropriate planning actions. EPSC members expressed serious concerns with using the Hall for the election or any other significant functions given the COVID19 pandemic is not sufficiently contained.

Debris management site decision:
Committee members noted the Woodward Park athletic fields are the most suitable site for the short-term storage and processing of woody debris per the County Debris Management Plan, of which the Town is a party. We recommend that the Mayor and TC approve and/or promote this site selection so that the plan can be easily executed in case of an emergency (i.e., a severe weather event).
The next EPSC meeting will be on August 27, 2020.

MAPLE LAKE – Pat Klein

The Committee held its monthly meeting on July 16, 2020. Plans for fencing and water pump timer repairs were discussed. [Note: the pump has since been repaired]. A reminder that the diving board will not be installed this season, and swim lessons and parties have been cancelled. The Lake season will close around Labor Day (September 7th).

At the request of the TC liaison for both committees, the EPSC joined the Lake Committee meeting to discuss the Town’s new Resolution 2020-09: “Maple Lake Policy for Assessment and Management of Water Quality” (WQM) which became effective 06/08/2020, and the relevance of the elevated levels of Enterococcus bacterial indicator since June 2020.

There were differing views about what, if any, changes were needed to the resolution, and how effectively WQM is being implemented in accordance with state and county public health requirements. Both committees agreed that the Town should adopt and follow the “MDE Guidance for County Recreational Water Quality Monitoring and Notification Programs” which describes the WQM process to include conducting sanitary surveys. MC Department of Health follows this same MDE guidance.


The Committees also agreed the Town must abide by MD Environmental Code 9-321.2 “Closed swimming lake regulations” (June 2016) which granted the Town responsibility for maintaining Maple Lake (as a closed swimming lake) and establishing a policy to assess and monitor the water quality of the Lake. The policy established shall be consistent with requirements in COMAR 26.08.09 subparts:

  • – Sanitary Quality of Permitted Beaches
  • – Tiered Monitoring – Applicable Memorial Day Through Labor Day
  • – Public Notification


The Lake Committee believes the current Resolution 2020-09 adequately describes the current state of our water quality testing (although some minor changes may be subsequently needed) and will follow all the codes and guidelines listed above.
The next Lake Committee Meeting will be on August 20, 2020 via Zoom meeting.

FORESTRY & BEAUTIFICATION (Including Memorials) – Gray Yachup

The Forestry and Beautification Committee will be holding a meeting in August to discuss the sewer line work WSSC is planning on doing along Ridge Road, as well as remediation and enhancement along Grove Avenue.


Nothing to Report

ROADS & WALKWAYS – Gray Yachup

To improve drainage on the bottom of Center Street, Steve was given the go-ahead to widen the water channel at the bottom of the fire lane and place anchored curbs. This will allow for a greater volume of water to be drained, without damaging anything downstream.


Nothing to Report


The Border Committee has discussed potentially creating a more official and well-built connection between the Grove and Shady Grove Crossing. I will be chatting with the HOA leader of SXC to discuss their amenability to this proposal, as well as discussing more with the Border Committee on what form this connection would take.

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