301-926-2256 [email protected]

July 12, 2021 | Approved: August 9, 2021

The regular meeting of the Town Council was held remotely via ZOOM Video Conferencing. The meeting was recorded.

Mayor John Compton called the meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, David Cosson, Christine Dibble, Patty Klein, Barbara Raimondo and Gray Yachup. Also in attendance were Treasurer Jean Moyer and 31 residents.

Approval of Agenda

Patty Klein moved to approve the agenda. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion. Patty Klein moved to add to the agenda consideration of convening a Closed Session of the Town Council for the purpose of reviewing a personnel matter, specifically the Mayor’s list of proposed appointees to the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force. Dave Cosson seconded the motion. Brief discussion ensued over the process used by Mayor Compton in putting together the Task Force. It was proposed to take up a motion to convene a Closed Session as Item 7 on the amended agenda.  Vote: 6-0, agenda approved as amended.

Public Appearances

Vehicular access to Cherry Avenue: Tammy Morgan (108 Ridge Road) would like the Council to revisit the existing plan (approved by the Town Council in 1976) to close vehicular access to Cherry Avenue and access to their residence once ownership of the property changes. She cited her letter sent to the Mayor and Council, wherein she requests that parking at their residence should receive equal treatment to that of other properties without street access in Town. Mayor Compton said the documents would be reviewed and this matter would be further discussed under New Business.  Written comments received prior to this meeting are available from the Town Office at 301-926-2256 or [email protected].

Approval of Minutes

Darrell Anderson moved to approve the June 14, 2021, minutes of the Town Council. Christine Dibble seconded the motion. Mayor Compton requested amending the Minutes to include a summary of the topics discussed in the Closed Session (required by the Open Meetings Act), and adding a sentence noting residents can access written comments presented to the Mayor and Town Council at meetings. Other spelling corrections and minor changes to language in the discussion about the Shared Use Bike Path Connection and Task Force were proposed.  Vote: 6-0, Minutes approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report

Darrell Anderson moved acceptance of the June 2021 Treasurer’s Report (PDF). Dave Cosson seconded the motion. Treasurer Jean Moyer explained a few numbers in this final month report for FY 2021 are preliminary and subject to revision during the annual FY 2021 audit process.  Vote: 6-0, accepted.

Mayor’s Announcements

Consideration of Going into a Closed Session to Discuss the Appointments to the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force

Patty Klein moved to go to a Closed Session for the purpose of reviewing a personnel matter as allowed by the Open Meetings Act Article 3-305(b), for the specific purpose of discussing the list of nominees to the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force. A Closed Session would provide for privacy and free expression in discussions of individual nominees. Dave Cosson seconded the motion. Patty Klein appreciated receiving the list of nominees and criteria used in their selection ahead of the Town Council meeting but felt there hadn’t been enough time for the Town Council to review in an objective way, which could be accomplished as team in a 30-minute closed session.

Mayor Compton argued that previous statements by individuals about the bike path were not germane to the question of an individual’s objectivity, that a discussion of individual nominees would continue unnecessary controversy, and that it would be unproductive. Some Councilors expressed their opinion that the criteria used by Mayor Compton was fair and balanced, and that further discussion in a closed session wasn’t necessary.

Darrell Anderson reiterated he did not support a closed session, stating Mayor Compton had in only a few weeks brought a balanced group of residents to the Town Council. He read the individual statements they provided to the Town Council, agreeing with some and not others, and was confident all would rise to the occasion and approach the mission in a fact-finding way free of their own bias.

Dave Cosson agreed with Darrell Anderson’s comments that the selection criteria were appropriate but felt that whether some nominees met those criteria should be discussed in a closed session.

Gray Yachup stated the conversation boils down to accepting John’s appointments or not, and for this there was no need for a closed session.

Barbara Raimondo also felt the meeting should only be closed only if some individuals were to be removed from the Mayor’s appointee list. She was satisfied with Mayor Compton’s vetting and with the people on the list and was prepared to approve the Mayor’s nominees.

Patty Klein stated she was in favor of a broader geographic representation, citing the fact that no residents from Washington Grove Lane or Maple Avenue are on the list of volunteers. She asked for a closed session to speak openly and objectively.

Christine Dibble believed those on the list were a good representation of Town residents and citing the aphorism “the perfect is the enemy of the good”. She was not in favor of a closed session to discuss individual nominees to the Task Force.

Vote by roll call was 2 in favor of closing the meeting (Klein and Cosson) – 4 opposed (Anderson, Dibble, Raimondo, Yachup).  Motion failed.

Appointments to the Shared Use Bile Path Connection Task Force

The following residents were proposed for appointment by Mayor Compton:
• Mary Blake
• Kriss Grisham – Co-Chair
• Gretchen Horlacher
• Andrew Hotaling
• Jeff McCrehan
• Eva Patrone
• Oscar Ramos
• Nick Suzich
• Gary Temple – Co-Chair

Barbara Raimondo moved to accept the Mayor’s appointments. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion. Patty Klein restated concerns that Washington Grove Lane and Maple Avenue have no representation on this list. Gray Yachup stated enough geographic diversity is present and John’s explanation and reasoning are sound. Christine Dibble reminded all that the Task Force will make findings, present them to the Town Council and then to a Special Town meeting.

Vote: 4 in favor (Anderson, Dibble Raimondo, Yachup) – 2 opposed (Cosson, Klein), appointments approved.

Administrative Matters

Adopting audio/video recordings as the official minutes of Town Council Meeting and posting to the website:  The Mayor and Council discussed the idea of recording Council meetings and supplementing with written summaries as the official record. They addressed the following:
• Closed captioned compliance for the deaf or hard of hearing.
• Use of an index and time markers.
• Codify in a Resolution approved by the Town Council.
• Deficiencies of automatic transcription software, necessitating review and correction.
• Use of a captioner
• Contacting other municipalities and the Maryland Municipal League for advice and assistance.
Action: The Mayor and Clerk will contact the MML and several municipalities regarding their use of audio/video as minutes. Automatic transcription option by Zoom will be explored.

Improvements to the Entrances into Washington Grove

Identity Fencing at Town Entrances

Review of trial Identity Fencing and Additional Installations – Border Committee Chairman Peter Nagrod described and showed pictures of the identity fencing installed at Grove Avenue and Railroad Street, and at Maple Avenue at Railroad Street by Steve Werts and himself. Four other “Gateways to the Grove” along Washington Grove Lane – at Oak, at Center, at Chestnut Avenue and at 4th Avenue – have been proposed for similar fencing. The entry to the unnamed short path between from Washington Grove Lane and Hickory Road was also mentioned (and that this needs a name. Perhaps “Hutch’s Way”?).

Replacement of the Brown Street Gate

Design Concept and Discussion – Gray Yachup reported there were no updates, but the Border Committee is still considering bollard-type barrier designs. Patty Klein added that the EPSC has discussed this, and a recent site visit suggested that two wood breakaway posts might suffice as barriers to private vehicles passing while allowing passage of pedestrians, bicyclists, strollers, wheelchairs, etc. Councilor Yachup was urged to contact the Fire Department about their interest in keeping access to Brown Street available.

“Welcome to Washington Grove” signage on Washington Grove Lane and Railroad Street

Discussion of the proposed sign design and construction/acquisition. Peter Nagrod discussed the signs and locations, and reported he received a single bid of $10,550 in response to an RFP for 3 welcome signs that he distributed. Mayor Compton stated the RFP process adopted by the Council was not followed, and recommended the RFP be re-issued after Town Council review and approval. The Council agreed this was a necessary step prior to awarding a contract.

Action: Peter Nagrod will send the RFP to Town Council members for review, and it will be placed on the August meeting Agenda for approval.

Town Council Reports

A few items of note from the Town Council Reports were discussed: 

East and West Woods Plans for Trail Signage and Trails

Role of the Town Council – Mayor Compton stated the Woods Committee has done an incredible amount of work and management in the woods with the general support of the Town Council. However, he believes that various installations such as the “timber turnpikes”, bridges and signage, should be considered improvements, and as such, the Town Council should exercise its oversight role of installations in the woods and approve them in advance.

Recent improvements to the Woods were reviewed by Woods Committee Chairs Patty Klein and Joan Mahaffey, noting that these were described in Town Council Reports that had been approved for reporting by the Town Council. Darrell Anderson stated his objection to “manicuring the woods”, recommended that residents be consulted about prohibiting off-trail walking, and remained critical of the use of herbicides to control non-native invasive plants in the woods. There was additional discussion about the purview of the Mayor and Council.

Action: The Woods Committee chairpersons agreed to bring proposed improvements in the Woods to the Town Council for discussion and approval prior to installation.

Guard Rail Replacement on Johnson Alley at 411 Grove Avenue

Christine Dibble reported the Planning Commission was in favor of allowing the installation of a less bulky, more attractive guard rail on Johnson Alley behind 411 Grove Avenue, as offered by the property owner at their expense. This railing was originally installed by the Town on private property as a safety measure. Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts has indicated he could do the work, and the Planning Commission recommends this be at the Town’s expensive.
Action: The plan was approved by the Town Council by consensus.

Website Maintenance, Improvements and Plans

Interim website manager Christine Dibble intends to announce the various changes already made to the Town website in the Town Bulletin, as well as in a post to the listserv.

Pepco’s Proposed Streetlight Initiative and Smart Sensor Plan

The Town Lighting Committee worked hard in opposition to the Pepco proposals as presented. Both were disapproved by the Maryland Public Service Commission. The PSC determined the street light proposal should be considered separately and that the smart sensor proposal was not related to the issues of providing electricity. It is expected that Pepco will reintroduce changes to the streetlight tariffs. In discussions with the lighting Committee, a Maryland People’s Counsel attorney recommended consultation with other municipalities. The Lighting Committee will follow up in consultation with the Mayor.

Bow Hunting Deer Management

Patty Klein asked that consideration of continuing the Town’s Bow Hunting Deer Management program in Fall 2021/Winter 2022 (using the volunteer Bow Hunter Firefighters of Maryland) be added to the August Town Council meeting agenda. She also hopes to explore expanding bow hunting deer management to the Conservation Meadow.

Patty Klein moved to accept and post the Council Reports. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0, accepted.

New Business

Request to revisit the planned closure of access to 108 Ridge Road from Cherry Avenue

(See above Public Appearance by Tammy Morgan, resident). Mayor Compton gave a short history of using Cherry Avenue as a driveway and the documents about this issue sent to the Mayor and Town Council for review.
Action: This matter will be reviewed by the Planning Commission.

Dumpster enclosure at the Commercial Corner

Peter Nagrod reported the dumpster at the Commercial Corner, the sidewalk and a guard rail are in the queue for review by Montgomery County. He expects them to recommend relocation of the dumpster enclosure.

Recent incident at the Lake involving a non-resident

Maple Lake Liaison Gray Yachup related the incident within the Lake grounds that took place several days ago, and which included verbal harassment of a resident family at Washington Grove Lane as they were leaving the area. Christine Dibble stated the Lake guards need more guidance on how to diffuse anger under situation like this. Patty Klein requested the Mayor notify the Montgomery County Police of this incident so they have record of it and also provide them any relevant video surveillance. She would also like to see the police drive by the Lake on occasion. Christine Dibble and Gray Yachup will discuss this at the next Lake Committee meeting and follow-up with Mayor Compton.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Kathryn L. Lehman
Town Clerk

Reports from Individual Councilors about their Areas of Responsibility


Table of Contents


Reports about Activities of Grove Commissions:

Reports about Activities of Grove Committees:

Reports about Other Grove Activities:

Reports about Activities of Grove Commissions

Historic Preservation Commission (Darrell Anderson)

The HPC held a virtual meeting on July 20, 2021; the next meeting will be held on August 17, 2021, at 7:30 pm by virtual means.

The HPC reviewed a permit application for a second-floor renovation at 114 Ridge Road (Temple). It includes a dormer on the right side, and a second-floor bathroom. The HPC has no problem with the renovation and will write a review.

The HPC reviewed a PWPP permit for a rebuild of a walkway (some on Town property) that leads to 315 Grove Avenue (Seegal). The Planning Commission had previously said that they considered this a “repair or maintenance” that did not need a permit. The HPC feels differently and heard a presentation by Georgette Cole to compare this walkway with others along Grove Avenue. This le to a discussion about what are defining properties of walkways; they are different in different parts of Town. The HPC wants to maintain the character of different sections of the walkways. So, there may be different guidelines, depending on where it is. As for the Seegal permit, the HPC accepted that it is “repair and maintenance” since it was rebuilt exactly to the original. The HPC will write a review saying such.

The HPC will submit comments to the Multiuse Pathway Task Force.

The HPC has developed a draft review criterion for the PWPP. It was discussed and changes were suggested.

The HPC discussed the new street sighs for locations designated by the Border Committee. It was determined that the HPC and Border Committee should work on this together.

No action was taken on masonry repairs (e.g., fireplace, wall along Brown Street). Photos will be taken and in the next few meetings, the HPC will develop a plan.

The HPC discussed the Chapman driveway issue but may want to provide input when the Town Council brings this up for discussion and a decision.

The HPC authorized a $200 donation to an equity case in support of the American Association for State and Local History (in the archive report).


Planning Commission (Christine Dibble)


Applications for Building Permits and Public Ways and Property Permits
  • 412 4th Avenue (Foreman): Relocation of Shed.  Denied.  Will most likely go to the BZA.
  • 123 Chestnut Avenue (Styles, S.):  Lawnmower shed.  The homeowner will find another location and present the building permit application at another meeting.
  • 315 Grove Avenue (Seegal):  Repair and replacement of brick walkway.  Approved.
Other Matters
  • JJB Contractor for Comcast Cable – Brown Street /Railroad Street: The PC determined the work proposed on Washington Grove Lane and Railroad Street requires a Public Ways & Property Permit. Because of potential tree damage and additional damage to Town land by the work vehicles, a bond may be required as well.  The PC will re-review after further discussion with the contractor.
  • Comprehensive Plan: Feedback from the Maryland Department of Planning has been mostly positive.

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Reports about Activities of Grove Committees

Borders Committee (Pat Klein)

The Border Committee met on July 15 to discuss the following topics.

  • Welcome signs: Three RFPs were sent out to solicit bids and only 1 vendor response received from Sign City with a bid of $14,500. The company was willing to reduce its cost to $10,500. Craig English has a work commitment and no longer is available to make these signs but was instrumental in the design.
  • Identity fencing: Members of F&B, Woods Committee, HPC, and Maintenance visited the proposed fencing sites to offer suggestions. Fencing will be placed at Maple Avenue/RR, Grove Avenue/RR, the walkway at Hickory/WGL across from the Lake, Chestnut Avenue/WGL, 4th Avenue/WGL, and 6th Avenue/Boundary Street. The homeowner at 4th/WGL supports improving 4th Ave to accommodate people using the walkway in the mornings.
  • Closed roads: Brief discussion on improving the appearance of Brown/Hickory, Center/WGL and Oak/WGL. These roads are closed except for emergency vehicles. Some ideas being considered to make them more welcoming to pedestrians while preventing vehicle access.
  • Commercial corner: Montgomery County (MC) will investigate the pedestrian safety issues involving the dumpster blocking a driver’s view of the corner crosswalk at RR/WGL. The property owner will be contacted to discuss relocating the dumpster.
  • Speeding vehicles: Town residents on WGL and RR are working with MC police to gather and submit data on motor vehicles with excessive speed and noise along those roadways. Similar joint efforts by law agencies have resulted in significant citations in other nearby targeted areas. Speed cameras are still on the table as a possible option.
  • Shared use/bike path: General discussion on optional connections to or near Brown Street “Extended”. Many committee members favored a path behind the salt barns and extending along RR St. It was noted that Gaithersburg has not yet decided on their bike path route(s).
  • Maple Lake: Brief discussion on creating a walkway around Maple Lake that would provide access to the Maple Lake spring source site. Any further discussion would include the Lake Committee.

The next meeting is scheduled on August 12, 2021.

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Dog Park Committee (Christine Dibble)

Grove dogs and their owners are meeting most weekends on Saturday or Sunday mornings for playdates.

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Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee (Pat Klein)

The EPSC met on July 29th to discuss the following topics:

  • Speeding vehicles and other traffic concerns: Committee members noted that excessive vehicle speeding on town roads and bordering public roads (WG Lane and Railroad Street) continues to be a public safety issue for town residents. Several town residents have been working MC police to collect data on reckless driving and loud exhausts. This and similar data have informed targeted law enforcement
  • Activities in nearby communities, e.g., along Route 355: These town residents have inquired about additional speed bumps and speed cameras on WG Lane and Railroad Street. MC will evaluate those roads for speed cameras. EPSC recommends the Mayor to send a letter to MC police and DOT stating the Town’s concerns for pedestrian and traffic safety in and surrounding the Town. The EPSC also recommends the Mayor and TC address the concerns for speeding vehicles on lower Ridge Road and install a trial speed hump and improve posted vehicular signage on lower Ridge Road.
  • Road closure: Hickory/Brown metal gate: discussion on replacement options. EPSC chair will contact the Fire Chief to ensure emergency access would not be affected if wooden posts or bollards replace the gate. EPSC will offer fire officials a “walk-though” of the Town to affirm the department’s town map and spreadsheet of residential addresses are up-to-date.
  • WG Lane overgrown vegetation: Dave Cosson is coordinating with Gray Yachup, Darrell Anderson, and Steve Werts on trimming overgrown vegetation along WG Lane impeding pedestrian passage on the sidewalk and risking public safety.

The next EPSC meeting will be on Thursday, August 26, 2021

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Forestry and Beautification Committee (Barbara Raimondo)

No meeting, no report.

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Lake Committee (Gray Yachup)

  • Measurements and reports: The last two measurements of E. Coli have been within acceptable parameters.
  • Flora and fauna: The snapping turtle appears to have returned to its home in the lake. No resident geese sighted.
  • Miscellaneous: Swim lessons will be wrapping up shortly.

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Lighting Committee (Dave Cosson)

The Lighting Committee will meet again in September. In the meantime, efforts will be made to coordinate with other municipalities in preparation for a Pepco streetlight filing with the Public Service Commission.

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Racial Equity Committee (Barbara Raimondo)

  • Met July 18, was joined by a representative from East Gaithersburg United, Chazz Wilson.
  • Accessory dwelling units – Want to see if WG can expand housing options. Subcommittee will discuss how to proceed.
  • Town equity assessment – Have the funds, need to get started.
  • Events with neighboring communities – Want to invite neighboring communities to Town, maybe a lake event, soccer tournament, or another social gathering.
  • Town comprehensive plan – Shared suggestions made. Hearing is on September 22.
  • Is considering changing its regular meeting time to a week night, as Sunday afternoon is not a good time for some.

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Recreation Committee (Gray Yachup)

The Committee has been assessing working with the Wild Child Association to host a camp for Grove kids. Additional details of the proposed program are pending.

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Woods Committee (Dave Cosson)

The Woods Committee (WC) met on August 2 by Zoom and discussed the following:

WC Recommendations to TC re Trail Signage and Maintenance Projects. The WC will present updates on plans for trail maintenance and public safety to include trail entrance signage and trail restoration at the August TC meeting. The Committee’s trail maintenance work and plans have been reported in detail in monthly reports and the Council has approved its budget requests for these projects.

East Woods Trail Signage. The Committee agreed to install trail markers at trail entrances to evaluate effectiveness and consider adding additional markers at trail intersections at a later date. The entrance signs will not only provide useful information for trail users, but are essential to implementation of the Ordinances and Resolutions adopted by the Town Council limiting and regulating use of the Woods Preserves (Town Ordinances Article I, Secs. 14-16; Resolution 2021-02) . The signs will also support our ongoing Forest Restoration Plan by protecting against damage to trees, the understory and soil erosion. Trail sign posts will consist of pressure treated wooden poles with attached placards similar to the one shown below at the entrance to the Conservation Meadow at Picea Court. Sign markers will be purchased from a local vendor and mounted to the poles by town volunteers at a cost well within the budgeted amount.

The Committee requests Town Council concurrence to proceed.

East Woods Trail Maintenance. The Committee has received positive feedback from town residents and has agreed that the “timber turnpikes” should be expanded beyond the initial trial locations. The next section will improve the remaining chronically wet areas of Maple Ave. Extended. By providing a dry path on the trail, the turnpikes protect users from slipping and injuring themselves on muddy trails and allow walkers to keep to the trail, thereby preventing widening of the trails and protecting adjoining areas from soil compaction and root damage. Materials for the turnpikes are sourced from our Woods (wood chips, and downed timber). The construction cost will remain with the approved budgeted amounts.

The Committee requests Town Council concurrence to proceed.

Deer Management. Initial discussions were held with BHFFMD volunteer bow hunters regarding the 2021-2022 deer hunting season. They will provide proof of liability insurance and the DNR permission form for hunting on private property to be signed by our Mayor for the coming season. An updated Resolution approving the volunteer bow hunt will be presented to the Town Council for approval during the August meeting.

Preliminary discussion began with MNCP&P officials regarding expanding the volunteer deer hunt to include the Conservation Meadow. MC Park officials are interested and will discuss in the future plans and coordination that could not be completed in time for the coming season. Committee members noted that while smaller numbers of deer have been routinely observed in the Woods, some private residences have witnessed deer browsing damage in their gardens.

Coordination with Border Committee. The Committee discussed the relation of its efforts to those of the Border Committee, including installation of identify fencing on the edge of the West Woods. The WC will provide $500 support from our approved Outreach budget towards the Border Committee’s purchase of the Town welcome signs

Next Meeting. To avoid the Labor Day holiday, the Committee will next meet by Zoom on Tuesday, September 7th.

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Reports about Other Grove Activities

Contracts (Dave Cosson)

Revised forms for rental and Town organization use of McCathran Hall to include Covid-19 requirements are still being reviewed by the Town’s attorney

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McCathran Hall (Barbara Raimondo)

Hall reservation documents being reviewed by the Town attorney.

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Maintenance (Darrell Anderson)

  • We are well into the steady grass-cutting season. Much of maintenance time required grass-cutting, brush removal, and trips to the dump. Purchased gas when needed.
  • Completed paperwork as required. Worked in the maintenance shop if needed or weather dictated.
  • Took down flags on Grove Road.
  • Watered new trees and sod. Watered newly planted grass on Cherry Ave (behind 116 Ridge Road).
  • Met with Patty Kline and David Cosson at Brown and Hickory (possible site for identity fence). Installed new boarder fencing at Grove Ave and Railroad Street. Installed new boarder fencing at Maple Ave and Railroad Street. Worked on new boarder fence on Washington Grove Lane (across from the lake entrance). Started on new border fence at entrance to Chestnut Ave from Washington Grove Lane. Finished new border fence on Chestnut Avenue.
  • Fixed the basketball net (again).
  • Serviced the mowers and cleaned the shop. Picked up mower parts from Rippeon Equipment.
  • Worked at the lake with Hutch on security cameras.
  • Turned water off at the tennis courts (someone left on over the weekend). Cut the tennis courts.
  • Worked on the sediment pond at the bottom of Brown Street extended.
  • Bought a new string trimmer from Gaithersburg Rental (Model HV-522L Serial # 20211200403)
  • Met with Montgomery County stormwater inspector at sediment pond (passed inspection).
  • Fixed window stuck at Town Hall (used by SITP).
  • Started cleaning up the ditch in the park.
  • Finished spreading gravel on Grove Ave (WSSC project completed).
  • Fixed stop signs at Grove Road and Railroad Street. Reinstalled walkway sign at Grove Ave and Center Street. Reinstalled street sign at Grove Ave and Acorn Lane (was knocked down). Reinstalled fence that was knocked down at Maple Ave and Center Street
  • Started installing PVC pipe under sidewalk for new lighting at Town Hall.
  • Cut up a large limb that fell on Cherry Ave/Betsy Klinger’s fence.

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Maryland Municipal League (Darrell Anderson)

The MML will not hold a meeting until September. Meanwhile, I have been contacting Montgomery County municipalities to gather information on their strategy to address the recent PSC denial of the PEPCO rate changes. I hope to have definitive answers next month.

In addition, I have been contacting Montgomery County municipalities to gather information on if and how they use recordation for producing meeting minutes.

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Playgrounds and Tennis Courts (Christine Dibble)

Nothing to report this month.

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Roads and Walkways (Gray Yachup)

Currently working with Border and EPSC to create a final draft of the proposed replacement barrier at the termination of Brown Street at the Commercial Corner.

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Shady Grove Crossing (Barbara Raimondo)

No report.

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Washington Grove Conservation Park (Upper Field) (Dave Cosson)

See discussion of potential deer hunt in the Meadow during 2022-23 hunting season in the Woods Committee report.

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Website and Communications (Christine Dibble)

Highlights of edits/additions include:

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