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14 July 2002 | Approved:

Present: Bob Booher, Chair; Clare Cavicchi; Larry French; David Neumann
Observing: Ed Roberts

This Sunday meeting began at 4:20 pm. Clare Cavicchi took minutes.

Commissioners approved meeting minutes of May 30 and June 17 (as amended).

David Neumann asked the Chair to contact the Mayor regarding the schedule for WG Master Plan review/update

The Commission unanimously adopted a list of contributing structures as provided by the Heritage Committee. The list is based on the National Register nomination, updated to reflect houses presently in the Town. David Neumann made the motion, Larry French seconded.


The Commission discussed building permit form and directions and possible need to change length of permit process. David Neumann agreed to get copies of the building permit instructions.


Discussed methodology for reviewing subdivisions. Issues to consider include configuration of lots, relation of houses to lots, orientation/relation to public way(s), and viewsheds from public way(s). The HPC discussed the advantages of taking the opportunity in the subdivision process to address issues of building scale, massing, siting. Some level of architectural control should be negotiated during subdivision review and a condition of approval.

  1. Regarding the Decatur property, Railroad Street, the HPC has not yet received an application.
  2. Fangshou Hsu property, 342 Ridge Road
    HPC reviewed the subdivision plan for two lots out of the current one acre parcel. There is no historic house on or near the property. Larry French agreed to write the certificate of review.

Discussed need to have a list and/or map of properties that can yet be subdivided according to the existing zoning regulations.

Identified need for amending Article 12, Section 4. E.g. add Historic Preservation Ordinance to Item 6.

Procedure for Certificate of Review:
HPC writes review, signs, and sends to Town Clerk. She distributes to applicant, Mayor, HPC file, Building Permit officer (Bud O’Connor), and Planning Commission Chair.

Need a Town Council liaison. Suggest it is the same person as Planning Commission liaison. Currently it is Darrell Anderson.

Discussed list of projects that are eligible for expedited review, i.e. the chair can review and send comments to fellow Commissioners, and then e-mail to Town Clerk without having to bring them to the scheduled monthly meeting.

Projects that may be reviewed in an expedited process:
Horizontal construction: driveways, walkways and patios, steps and stoops, decks;
Landscape structures and outbuildings: gazebos, sheds;

Permits that do not require HPC review:
Fences and walls, trellises and screens, treehouses, oil tanks and AC equipment, shutters.

The HPC identified need to further discuss items for expedited review, especially pertaining to exterior finishes: door hoods, awnings, roof and wall material change, etc.

Next meeting, agreed to work on developing submittal requirements for applicants. Bob Booher identified four categories for submissions: accessory structure, house modification (addition?); expedited review; subdivision.

The next HPC meeting is set for Thursday, August 29, 7pm.

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