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3 November 2010 | Approved: 1 December 2010

Samantha Beres called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Jane Seegal and Steve Werts. Also in attendance were David Neumann, Liz Robertson and Kent Williams.

Approval of Minutes

Jane Seegal moved to approve the October minutes. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 3-0.

Building Permits

  • 315 Brown Street: Eric Gleason reviewed the 1st set of plans on October 29, 2010 and made the following recommendations:
    • Needs a Boundary Survey, but 2 are located and PC should waive
    • Needs lot coverage
    • Needs height of the addition noted on the plans
    • Correct demolition notes on pg. A3
    • Correct porch layout & rooflines
    • Note special conditions concerning the front porch remaining open to run with the property
  • Liz Robertson presented her corrected plans that now include, lot coverage, building height, corrected demolition notes and corrected porch layout and rooflines. The Commission discussed the plans with the applicant. The Commissioners agreed with the recommendation to waive the boundary survey requirement because three (3) of the four (4) survey points were located. However, the Commission did not believe that the plans could be approved until the acting chair reviewed them and had a chance to comment on the boundary survey waiver. The applicant is aware of the open porch condition. Steve Werts will contact Code Inspector Larry Plummer when the property is ready for the first inspection.
  • 415 Grove Ave – Mr. Williams was told that the Commission felt uncomfortable stamping/approving this permit application because there was no chairperson or permitting officer in attendance and because a better educated decision could be made after receipt of the Mayor’s opinion. Georgette Cole will bring this to the Commission upon her return. The current plan meets the requirements of the Mayor’s enforcement letter. The Commission briefly discussed forcing a change in the style of roof in exchange for a permanent waiver of the front setback violation.
  • 317 Brown Street: The Commission reviewed the permit application. Jane Seegal moved to approve the permit application. Samantha Beres seconded the motion. Approved: 3-0.
  • 352 Ridge Road: The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services approved this permit without a stamp from the Town. The fence had been installed.

Mansionization – Next Steps

There was a discussion about the previous joint HPC/PC meeting, the draft ordinance written by Charlie Challstrom, legal opinions and tabling the any vote on the draft ordinance.

Application for Zoning Text Amendment

This item was tabled pending review of the full Commission.

Report from the Town Council

There was no report.

Other Business

Jim Snyder (201 Maple) wants to erect a shed. Samantha will work with Jim on this.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

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