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4 September 2013 | Approved: 2 October 2013

Chairman Challstrom called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Brenda Gumula, Peter Nagrod, Freda Temple, Steve Werts and David Young. Also in attendance were Mayor Georgette Cole, property owner Saeed Nassehi (121 W.G. Lane) and resident John Porter.

Approval of Agenda

Benda Gumula moved, Steve Werts seconded that the agenda be approved. Approved: 5-0.

Approval of the Minutes

Brenda Gumula moved, Peter Nagrod seconded that the Planning Commission minutes for August 7, 2013 be approved. Brenda asked for better language explaining the proposed work session. Approved, as amended: 5-0.

Public Appearances

Mr. Nassehi came to ask about permit requirements for a fence at 121 Washington Grove Lane. The Commission explained the Town process. Mr. Nassehi completed the forms and left them with the clerk. He will return to pick up the Notice to Neighbors sign tomorrow. He will come back to the October meeting for approval.

John Porter presented preliminary plans for a garage with upper story work space. There was a discussion about permitted number of stories, lot coverage and setbacks. All seemed to be in order. John was encouraged to go to the HPC meeting on Sept. 17th for a preliminary review.

Building Permit Applications

There were no applications for approval.

Accessory Buildings/Sheds – County Building Permit Clarification

Chairman Challstrom explained that this was a continuation of a previous discussion concerning permits for temporary carports. The Commission discussed the following; the Town’s temporary use permit, County requirements for temporary garages, party tents, the definition of temporary, the definition of structure, amending Article IV to allow for this type of thing and the potential problems that could follow. The Commission agreed to table this item until the need arises again.

Non-Compliance – Education and Assistance

The Commission decided to schedule a work session for this topic. The first session will be devoted to setting goals. The date for the work session is September 26th. The Town Clerk will post the required notices in the Post Office and on the Town bulletin board near the Council Room doors.

Report from Town Council

David Young reported that the Council approved Deb Tarasevich to fill the vacancy on the Audit Committee left by the death of Carolyn Sanford, two (2) documents governing the use of Woodward Park and the revised version of Ordinance (ZTA) 2013-05; Amending Article VII, Side Set Backs.

Other Business

  • Peter Nagrod expressed displeasure with the way people leave their trash cans along the side of the road. He wondered if anything could be done about this practice by some residents. There was a brief discussion.
  • Maple Lake – The recent activity of a young man with his pants open outside the fence at Maple Lake was brought up. There was a brief discussion about informing the police, calling our Neighborhood Watch Commander, Council involvement and video surveillance. This issue will be brought to the attention of Keith Gillis (Neighborhood Watch) and Carolyn Rapkievian (Safety).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

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