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14 February 2011 | Approved: 14 March 2011

Mayor Anderson called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:31 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Joe Clark, Georgette Cole, Sylvie Favret, Joli McCathran and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Planning Commission Chairman Eric Gleason and Town residents Ann Briggs, Charlie Challstrom, Audrey Maskery and Paula Puglisi.

Approval of Agenda

Georgette Cole moved to approve the agenda. Sylvie Favret seconded the motion. Sylvie Favret wanted to add two (2) items to the agenda; 1) the signage at McCauley Street and W.G. Lane and 2) the treatment of Town volunteers. The signage will be addressed during the Council Reports. The second item was addressed immediately. Sylvie stated that some Town volunteers have expressed concern about a lack of respect for their efforts and dismissive attitudes by those in charge. She went on to say that the complaint centered around the fact that folks do research on an issue, bring it to the meeting where it is going to be discussed and then nothing happens and the work is dismissed. Discussion… The Mayor said that perhaps he should call the committee chairs and remind them that all have the right to be heard and treated respectfully.
Mayor Anderson asked to move #9) Introduction & Discussion of ZTA #2011-01 to the #6 spot.
Bill Robertson would like to add a discussion of moving the date for opening the soccer field in Woodward Park from April 15th to April 1st.
The agenda was approved as amended. Vote: 5-0.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Approval of Minutes

Georgette Cole moved, Joe Clark seconded that the Town Council minutes for January 10, 2011 be approved. Vote: 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Treasurer Mary Challstrom reported that the LOS donor had approved the Town’s request to use the remainder of the donation for general expenses. There was a brief discussion about legal expenses and final leaf collection payments.
  • Georgette Cole moved, Joe Clark seconded that the Treasurer’s Report for January be accepted. Vote: 5-0.
  • Bill Roberson moved, Georgette Cole seconded the motion to transfer funds from savings to checking in order to pay bills. Vote: 5-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2011-02 pdf

Introduction & Discussion of ZTA #2011-01

Amending Article VII; Sections 3 & 4 (Anti-Mansionization): Planning Commission Chairman Eric Gleason presented information to the Council about the process which resulted in this ordinance. He gave some background information and stated that this ordinance should be considered a “1st cut” with more to follow. There were questions and answers about the graph that accompanied the ZTA, using the phrase “Threat of Mansionization”, FAR vs. Maximum Enclosed Area, how the multiplier was decided upon and whether this could be defended in court.
Georgette Cole moved to introduce Ordinance 2011-01; Zoning Text Amendment to Amend Article VII, Sections 3 & 4. Joli McCathran seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
The public hearing date was set for March 24, 2011 at 7:30 PM in McCathran Hall.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Deer Park Bridge – Mayor Anderson reported that the Town group will meet on February 22nd. CSX has a May 2011 deadline. He went on to say that resident Shelly Winkler was getting some legal advice to help with the Memo of Understanding with CSX and the rights of the Town. A discussion ensued.

Council Reports

  • Georgette Cole brought up the STOP sign and No Right Turn sign mentioned in Sylvie’s report. She went on to talk about refurbishing our current signs, particularly the one at Ridge Road and Railroad Street. She would like to see additional signage indicating that on-coming traffic does not stop. Joe Clark will talk to Town Maintenance about signs.
  • Georgette Cole moved, Sylvie Favret seconded that the January 2011 Council Reports be approved, as amended, for posting on the Town website. Vote: 5-0.
  • Mayor Anderson distributed two (2) handouts to the Council and began a discussion about the Town Maintenance position. The Mayor and Town Council discussed, at length, Joe Clark’s request for a part time person (20 hours per week; March 1st – June 30th) to assist with the maintenance responsibilities. Joe Clark moved to allocate $5,232.00 in order to hire part-time employee(s) to assist Steve Werts beginning March 1st – June 30th. Bill Robertson seconded the motion. There was another brief discussion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Bill Robertson requested a change in the opening day of the Woodward Park soccer field from April 15th to April 1st, in order to be in line with the opening of other fields throughout Montgomery County. There was a brief discussion. Joli McCathran moved to change the date for opening the soccer field from April 15th to April 1st. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Town Council Reports – February 2011 pdf

McCathran Hall Rental Policy

Ann Briggs brought forth what the McCathran Hall Needs Committee concluded to be the real problems with renting the Town Hall. The Committee believes that the real problem seems to be the use of amplified music (thumping bass and loud DJ’s). The discussion included; acceptable decibel levels, purchasing a decibel meter, restricting the hours, earlier ending times, limiting big rentals (weddings/parties) to two per month and one per weekend, eliminating private rentals completely, resident-sponsored rentals and adding language about excessive noise levels may result in the loss of one’s deposit. This item merits further discussion and will be placed on the March 14, 2011 Town Council meeting agenda as well.

New Business

There was no new business.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

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