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17 May 2010 | Approved: 14 June 2010

Mayor Anderson called the organizational meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:32 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Joe Clark, Georgette Cole, Sylvie Favret, Marida Hines and Bill Robertson.

Oath of Office

Mayor Anderson administered the Oath of Office to councilors Marida Hines and Bill Robertson. He then presented the agreed upon of responsibilities and explained his expectations for the coming year. He also asked for vacation schedules from the Council in order to be sure that future meetings would always have a quorum.

Appointments to the Fire Board and the Planning Commission

Joe Clark moved to approve the Mayor’s appointments to the Fire Board (Chris Kirtz & John McClelland*) and the Planning Commission (Jane Seegal, Alternate). Sylvie Favret seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.

Maintenance Updates

Joe Clark reported that the job had been advertised on Craig’s List, the MML website, an e-account on the Gazette website and in the Gazette newspaper. Of the 28 resumes received, the candidates are all over the map in terms of qualifications. Items that Joe asked for guidance with are; how to handle gaps in employment, background checks and questions for the interviews. There was also a discussion about brush pick up by Town Maintenance. It was decided that this practice would end as of July 1, 2010. Joe Clark offered to write something for the Town Bulletin.

New Business

Bill Robertson asked that the date for opening the Town athletic field be changed from April 15th to April 1st in order to coincide with the Montgomery County schedules. The change can easily be made by a Resolution. The Mayor and Town Council agreed with the change.

* At the time of this transcription, John McClelland resigned from this appointment. He did not realize that the meetings were in the middle of the day. He can not commit to meetings during his workday.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

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