301-926-2256 [email protected]

12 September 2011 | Approved: 10 October 2011

Mayor Cole called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Sylvie Favret, Audrey Maskery, Joli McCathran, Alice Negin and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Planning Commission Chair Charlie Challstrom and residents Ann Briggs, Meredith Horan, Ernie Kawasaki, Joan Mahaffey, Dan Tutas, Greg Silber and Pastor Judy Young. In addition there were two (2) outside specialists; Chuck Schuster from the University of Maryland Extension Service and Gary Barkman from the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Montgomery Weed. Joe Clark arrived immediately after the approval of the agenda.

Approval of Agenda

Alice Negin moved, Bill Robertson seconded that the agenda be approved. Vote: 5-0.

Public Appearances

Meredith Horan came to discuss soccer in Woodward Park. She stated that the soccer game on Sunday afternoon (9/11/11) maxed-out the parking lot to the point of being unsafe and was extremely loud with lots of screaming and whistles. She requested that a sign reserving at least three (3) spaces for Town residents be placed in the parking lot in order to allow Town folks the ability to park if they drive down to play tennis. Joli McCathran stated that on Sunday she had received a phone call about the situation and she went to Woodward Park. Joli reported that she observed many spectators, some trash and an excessive number of cars parked in a manner that, in her opinion, created a fire hazard in terms of access for emergency response vehicles. Participants were asked to move some of the cars and they did so without incident. A discussion ensued. Joli will check with the Fire Department concerning the number of cars that could be safely parked in the area. The Council will consider a new sign after they have more information.
Judy Young came to announce the WGUMC Fall Festival on October 15, 2011. She said that they would be selling pumpkins this year. Overflow parking will be on the land between the church and the parsonage.

Approval of Minutes

Joli McCathran moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the Town Council minutes for August 8, 2011 be approved. There was one minor correction. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer Mary Challstrom presented some changes to the Treasurer’s Report that she would like reflected in the minutes from June and July for the sake of clarification.
Joe Clark moved, Sylvie Favret seconded that the Town Council minutes for June 13, 2011 be approved as amended. Vote: 6-0.
Alice Negin moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the Town Council minutes for July 11, 2011 be approved as amended. Vote: 6-0.
The Clerk will make these changes and send the amended minutes to the website for re-posting.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Audrey Maskery moved, Joe Clark seconded that the Treasurer’s Report for August 2011 be accepted. There were questions about property tax, County revenue sharing, surveying and mapping expenses, Deer Park Bridge consultant expenses and calendar expenses for the Town website. Vote: 6-0.
  • Sylvie Favret moved, Alice Negin seconded the motion to transfer funds from savings to checking in order to pay bills. Vote: 6-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2011-09 pdf

Woods Group Report from Outside Specialists

Chuck Schuster and Gary Barkman came to follow-up/discuss the wilt problem in isolated areas of the East Woods that may be a result of our spring hacking and spraying efforts. Mr. Schuster reported that this problem is a difficult one to address. It has been seen in other parts of the State but it is very inconsistent. He suggested that perhaps the recent environmental extremes could be part of the problem. A discussion about the herbicide Garlon ensued. Ann Briggs suggested that there be no spraying before the spring at which time the situation will be re-assessed and another conversation with Mr. Schuster will take place.
Janet Lottero expressed concern about the use of Garlon by M-NCPPC for the removal of invasive species in the WG Meadow Conservation Field. Both men recommended that the Town share our concerns and experience with Carole Bergmann, Forest Ecologist from Park and Planning, before the removal begins.

WG Meadow Conservation Park Committee Report

The proposal from this committee regarding the long-term maintenances of the Legacy Open Space Field was reviewed in advance by the Mayor and Council. Committee Chair, Ernie Kawasaki, and other Committee members were present to answer questions. Parks and Planning has not yet given their opinion of the proposal. Chairman Ernie Kawasaki asked for feedback from the Council. There were questions about use of the language “in times of fluctuating budgets…”, access to the meadow from the Toll development, methods to prevent parking along the East side of Ridge Road, the necessity of trying to prevent parking along the East side of Ridge Road, the paths, density of the proposed screening shown as islands and a peninsula on the map, views from the Toll development, Town maintenance of the 5 ft. road buffer and the M-NCPPC requirement to place an interpretive kiosk on the property. Mayor Cole thanked the Committee for their work on the Meadow Management Plan. The Town’s initial draft plan will be posted on the Town web site for public comment. The Committee will meet again in October.

Appointment of new member to Board of Supervisors of Elections

Joli McCathran moved, Joe Clark seconded that the Mayor’s appointment of Meredith Horan to the Board of Supervisors of Elections be approved. Vote: 6-0.

Resolution 2011-07 Woodward Park Use

Sylvie Favret moved to introduce Resolution No. 2011-07 with the opening date changed to April 1st. Audrey Maskery seconded the motion. A discussion ensued and additional changes were made. Vote: 6-0.
Sylvie Favret moved, Joe Clark seconded that Resolution No. 2011-07 be adopted as amended. Vote: 6-0.

Council Reports

  • There was a brief discussion about private brush on Town property and unregistered cars being parked on Town property, specifically on Daylily Lane. Sylvie Favret moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the Council Reports for August be approved for posting on the Town website. Vote: 6-0.
  • Town Council Reports – September 2011 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

Deer Park Bridge Update – Mayor Cole reported that this issue is moving along. There may be an informational meeting scheduled in November.
Well Failure at 300 Ridge Road Update – Mayor Cole presented paperwork from Mrs. Voigt’s daughter, Sherry Dionne, for the Town files. Mayor Cole also stated that the Town will write a letter to Toll Brothers supporting the actions requested by Ms. Dionne in her correspondence.

New Business

Audrey Maskery brought up the issue of a Saybrooke resident wishing to cut down 3 trees on the edge of the West Woods (at his expense) in order to get enough sun on his property to make the installation of solar panels worthwhile. She and Steve Werts looked at the trees. Audrey recommends that the Town allow him to remove two trees that are in decline but not the large, healthy Tulip Popular. Both Steve and Audrey believe that he will get enough sun with the removal of just two of the trees.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

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