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19 April 2011 | Approved: 17 May 2011

Bob Booher, Mimi Styles, Margot Bohan, and David Neumann. Councilor Joli McCathran was present as Town Council Liaison. The meeting began at 7:30p.m. Bob Booher took minutes.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes

The proposed agenda was modified and then adopted unanimously. Minutes for the March HPC meeting were approved subject to a few changes. They will be filed in the Town office and submitted to Bill Saar to be added to the Town Web Site.

Project Reviews

Members reviewed a permit application from John & Sheila Compton to build an addition to the rear of their house at 202 Ridge Road. Mimi Styles agreed to write the review.

Council Report

Joli McCathran presented her report on Council activities relevant to the HPC. She reported that the Council postponed a vote on the Ordinance presented at the March Hearing regarding establishing a maximum enclosed area of house relative to the property area limiting. The Mayor requested the vote await full attendance by the council Members.

PCIHPC work sessions on Mansionization

Members discussed their impressions of the comments made by attendees of the Hearing for the area limit ordinance. The impressions varied among the Commissioners. Several felt that the comments were more negative that at the previous Forums or at least more concerned about the effects of limiting the enclosed area. Other impressions were that the attendees were different this time and consisted of more people opposed to limits in general.

There was concern on the part of the Commissioners that the Council and Mayor had gotten the impression that this Ordinance would mark the end of the Work sessions on Mansionization. We requested Joli emphasize to the Mayor & Council that the consensus of the PC & HPC was that the Ordinance was a first step, did not represent adequate protection on its own, and would be supplemented with further measures to be worked out over the next year. A request was made at the Hearing for the Council to specifically extend the brief of the group to do so. Bob volunteered to draft a resolution to that effect.

Window Workshop

Margot Bohan indicated there had been moderate response to the wood window repair and maintenance workshop. Mimi volunteered to provide coffee. Margot agreed to post another notice on the list serve to remind people of the workshop.

Amending Historic District to include the Meadow

David Stopak has volunteered for the Meadow Committee and will be a liaison for the HPC.


We are still in search of an archivist. David Neumann has been acting as a part-time archivist and volunteered to write up a job description for a wider search. He has also coordinated a meeting with Garrett Park to show them our system. There may be a possibility of sharing an archivist with them.

Town Hall Historic Easement

David Neumann reported on the meeting with a representative of the Maryland Historic Trust, the organization that holds an easement on the Town Hall. The representative indicated that all work done on the Hall or its surrounding landscape must be reviewed by MHT. The paving that was added since the addition changed the context of the Hall. She advised submitting the proper forms retroactively to the MHT. The Town Clerk is to locate the original easement and investigate how to complete the proper forms.

New Commissioner

Long serving member David Neumann has resigned from the Commission. He was integral to the research leading up to the crafting of the Ordinance creating the HPC, was nominated a member to the first Commission, and has been a key influence in developing the course the HPC has taken. He has brought experience in preservation, tax credits, zoning policy, Town Council procedures, and town history to the body. He has also brought a unique and important understanding of the role the Sacred Circle holds in the functioning and character of the Town. He has spearheaded many of the successful HPC efforts over the years including the Archives, the Rules of Procedure, and the Bylaws, and has been an advocate of the HPC becoming a firm force in preserving the Town’s Historic heritage. He will be missed more than we yet know.

Replacement possibilities were discussed. Bob indicated that he had discussed the position with Gail Littlelfield who is a professional architectural historian, and she has expressed willingness to join if asked. All members agreed that she would be the best candidate and bob agreed to notifY the Mayor of such.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 17, 2011, at 7:30pm in the McCathran Hall meeting room.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

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