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18 June 2013 | Approved: 16 July 2013

Bob Booher, Mimi Styles, Wendy Harris and Gail Littlefield. Councilor Joli McCathran was present as Town Council Liaison. The meeting began at 7:30p.m. Bob Booher took minutes.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes

The proposed agenda was modified and then adopted unanimously. Minutes for the May HPC meeting were reviewed, amended and approved.

Project Reviews

Members reviewed a permit application from Nick and JoAnn Suzich for an addition on the back oftheir house at 122 Chestnut Ave. The design was done by Architect Ralph Hurst. The Review will be submitted
by Mimi Styles.

Council Report

Joli reported that the Council discussed and was in favor of an annual joint meeting of the Town Council, the Planning Commission and the HPC. January was suggested as an appropriate time.

PC Meeting Report

David left notes reporting on several items from the PC meeting. Joli added comments as well. Revisions to the setback ordinance are being proposed by the Planning Commission. They will have a public hearing before the Town council meeting July 9. The proposed ordinance would relax the minimum side setbacks from requiring a total of 25′ to a total 20′, 10′ each side. This could allow a little more flexibility for properties facing constraints that make modifications to their houses unfairly difficult. The Commission was generally in favor but desired further exploration of the long term effects of the change.
The proposed addition to the Young house reviewed at the last meeting came before the PC and was not approved pending clarification of some elements on the drawings. The project presented did not include any
of the suggested changes from the HPC review.

Archive report

Wendy elaborated on several items in Pat’s report. The President’s minutes of1890-l917 have been entered into the Past perfect database , scanned and are available on a CD. Many interesting recounts are contained therein of the early days of the Camp Meeting Association.
Moisture in the archive room appears to be condensation on the floor perhaps due to the proximity of the AC ducts below the floor. The overall temperature and humidity readings appear to be adequate. The door between the office and the archive room will be left open to see it that helps resolve the moisture on the floor. The amount of available storage remains a looming problem.
Pat provided a link to a website that aids in the solving of records management issues and possible transfer of records to be stored at the State leveL The members were encouraged to review and start developing a plan.

Deer Park Bridge

Bob reported on progress the Bridge Work Group has made. A meeting was held with the MARC director to discuss iruprovements to Railroad Street and the area at the MARC station. He was in favor of improvements as they past due on their list of stations. He is in favor of increasing parking, replacing the platforms and accessibility. He was very resistant to introducing trees or other substantial greenery proposedby the group. It was agreed to have their engineers proceed with drawings to do the former and forward them to the Town for review. We would mark them up with the comments regarding how they met our needs and how we could introduce greenery into them. The County will also be contacted to ascertain their level f support for the increased parking and the potential use and improvements to the Deer Park parcel.

Towne Crest

Bob reported that there had been no further action on the project, but that the developer intended to go to the County Council to ask for review of both the Planning Commission’s and the Hearing Examiner’s negative findings. No public testimony would be scheduled.

Preservation Maryland

Mimi and David attended the tour of the Park Seminary and presented background on the threats to Washington Grove at a symposium for several of the other designees of the Most Endangered list. They were impressed by both the restoration of the facility and the other presentations. The Commission reviewed a draft of an announcement of the the Endangered status intended for County and
State officials. Edits were suggested and Joli volunteered to distribute the final to the appropriate people. It was agreed to combine David’s to write an op-ed piece with Wendy’s effort to compose a press release.

Annual Award

Mimi presented the bronze award plaque for this year’s recipient. Bob will deliver it to Liz Robinson.

Calor Property

The Commissioners discussed the message distributed regarding the inquiry by a representative of the Cator Property that was annexed in 2008. It was annexed with the understanding that it could be subdivided into 4 lots under a cluster zone that defined immediately prior to the annexations. This zone allows more flexibility than the normal RR4 zone in order to encourage compatibility with the Grove amongst other goals. The Planning Commission has indicated that they have approved a submitted subdivision plan. It was unclear whether the HPC had officially reviewed it. Bob volunteered to research the status.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 16, 2013, at 7:30pm in the McCathran Hall meeting room.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

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