301-926-2256 [email protected]

18 May 2010 | Approved: 21 September 2010

Present: Bob Booher, Sandy Klingenberg, Mimi Styles, David Stopak, David Neumann, Sylvie Favret. The meeting began at 7:30. David Stopak took minutes

Approval of Minutes and Adoption of Agenda

The minutes were approved for the meetings of March 16, 2010 and April 20, 2010. The proposed agenda was reviewed, modified and adopted.

Project Review

No Projects were considered

Council Report

Sylvie reported on Council meeting from May 17. Discussion of Ordinance 2010-06 included HPC consensus that property exchanges are premature and that the Council should address the issue on town wide basis rather than block by block as current ordinance does.

New Residents HPC Packet for Contributing Structures

Procedures were discussed on how to interest, inform, and educate new residents about the history of the homes they recently purchased and moved into. Just as the Women’s Club greets new residents with the materials about the Town, the HPC will provide new owners of contributing structures with a packet to include 1) Letter from HPC, 2) Contributing house template, 3) Archival material collected about their house.

Bob Booher will distribute the house template and letter via email for comment and editing. First packet will be delivered to Erica and David Colin Turner as soon as the packet is finalized.

Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure were discussed briefly with intention to review in greater detail at a later meeting in the near future.


David N. is continuing for now in the position of Town archivist, but it only a temporary arrangement. He reported that currently photos are being indexed with houses and biographical sketches if available. The archival material has been systemized using the software purchased by the Town by the previous archivist, Missy Yachup, and is working to his satisfaction.

Work Session for Combined Planning Commission and HPC

The combined work session will be held on 5/26/10 and the presentation to the Town is scheduled for 6/16/10. There was extensive discussion concerning these issues including:
Presentation to the town and ways to ensure that it is cohesive. Each planning tool should be described in a reasoned and fair presentation with pros and cons
How will the two commissions gauge the feedback that is received from residents? The possibilities of hiring experts or using the resources of Montgomery County were discussed.
There was detailed discussion of the trigger concept and how that might work. A stepped trigger was deemed essential with 3 levels of control. The first level being no change from the current procedures. A second level was conceived primarily to include control of bulk and the third level was to include design guidelines.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 7:30pm in the McCathran Hall meeting room.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m.

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