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22 October 2002 | Approved:

Present: Bob Booher, Clare Cavicchi, Chris Kirtz, David Neumann

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. on Tues, Oct 22. Clare Cavicchi took minutes.

Bud O’Corrnor, Planning Liaison for the HPC, attended the beginning of the meeting. No Council Liaison has yet been appointed. Bud talked with the HPC about building permit applications, finding that the timing of permit review is important. Planning Commission is obligated to refer applications to the HPC. He suggested giving email address or phone number of HPC contacts to applicants to facilitate communication.

One application for a preliminary review for a stone castle playhouse at 110 Grove Avenue was discussed with the applicant John McClelland present.

Discussed the need for a regular meeting date. Planning Commission is the 1st Tuesday of the month. HPC decided to meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

HPC informed Bud of the proposed handout regarding HPC review. The plan is when someone asks for a building permit application or zoning ordinance at the town hall, they would receive the handout. The handout will recommend preliminary consultation with HPC before permit is filed. Bob said we are fine-tuning the guidelines to hand out to residents.

Chris Kirtz agreed to be the point person for building permit applications and will receive them after they are filed at the Town Office. Permit applications are to be published in the Bulletin. If the application comes in after the Bulletin is published, David recommended it be posted outside the door of the Town Office. Ideally minutes will be posted on the Town website. Bob agreed to email the minutes to Bill Saar, town webmaster. HPC agreed on the goal of posting pending applications to the Planning Commission and HPC on the website as well.

David made motion to approve and adopt the By-Laws as amended. He will email to HPC members. Clare seconded. Unanimous approval.

Amended list of contributing structures discussed. Questionable ones should be included, even if modified, including the Carrato house on 5th Avenue.

House Inventory Files on Clare’s computer still are not available for editing. David agreed to look at the computer files and try to determine the problem. Clare and David to meet on Nov 8 to try to resolve the issue.

Next meeting to be Tues November 19.

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