301-926-2256 [email protected]

21 October 2014 | Approved: 18 November 2014

Members Bob Booher, Gail Littlefield, Wendy Harris, Mimi Styles, and David Stopak were present. John McClelland, Town Council, was also present. Shelly Winkler also appeared. The meeting began at 7:45 pm at the Town Council chambers.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes.

The agenda was approved. Approval of the September minutes was deferred.

Permit review.

501 Brown Street, Winkler-Stopak residence. Shelley Winkler appeared to get the HPC’s reaction to making a slight modification to approved plans for a back porch/deck project for the residence. The HPC did not have a problem with the addition of a second set of steps off the deck as reflected in a sketch. Shelley will provide additional documentation of the steps addition to the PC.

121 Chestnut, Cavey-Gilmore residence. Mimi will draft the HPC comments on this shed project.

410 Oak, Wirtz residence. Mimi will draft the HPC comments on this shed project.

203 Second Ave, Polston residence. No additional plans have been submitted.

Council Report.

Georgette submitted a written report by email.

Zoning Text Amendment.

John McClelland appeared to discuss with the HPC its concerns with provisions in the proposed Zoning Text Amendment regarding regulation of vertical additions to historic houses. HPC wants to ensure that the Town’s small historic houses on small lots be liveable. The TC wants to ensure objective standards. The discussion will continue.

Easement ordinance, procedures and Segall application.

Charlie Challstrom PC chair has drafted procedures for obtaining an easement for town residences built on town property. Jane Seegal is the first resident to submit an easement request. No project plans are attached. Gail will draft language for HPC consideration for insertion in the Seegal easement related to historical integrity of the town and compatibility with the neighborhood and improvements therein, tailored to the Seegal structure portion on Town land.

PC meeting report.

David reported on the PC discussions on the Zoning Text Amendment provisions. Bob will attend the November PC meeting, Wendy the December meeting, and Gail the Jan 7 meeting.

Steatite quarry.

Wendy reported that all but one boundary marker adjacent to the steatite quarry had been located.


Due to the lateness of the hour, other agenda items were deferred until the next HPC meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 pm.

Gail Littlefield

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