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9 January 2012 | Approved: 13 February 2012

Mayor Cole called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:31 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Audrey Maskery, Joli McCathran, Alice Negin and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Planning Commission Chairman Charlie Challstrom and residents Kevin Ambrose, Russ Glasgow, Nancy Haskett, Birgit Henninger, Don Henninger, Meredith Horan, Jenny Long and Marty Long. District 6 Congressional candidate John Delaney and Andrew Feldman also attended the meeting.

Approval of Agenda

Alice Negin moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the agenda be approved. Vote: 4-0.

Public Appearances

District 6 Congressional Democratic candidate John Delaney gave a short presentation to attendees.

Approval of Minutes

Joli McCathran moved, Bill Robertson seconded that the Town Council minutes for December 12, 2011 be approved. Audrey Maskery made one correction. Vote: 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Audrey Maskery moved, Alice Negin seconded that the Treasurer’s Report for December 2011 be accepted. Vote: 4-0.
  • Joli McCathran moved, Bill Robertson seconded the motion to transfer $10,000 from savings to checking in order to pay bills. Vote: 4-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2012-01 pdf

Approval of the Audit Report FY 2010-11

There was a brief discussion about the recommendation by the auditors to purchase two (2) publications; Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Using the GASB 34 Model and/or Preparing Governmental Financial Statements Under GASBS No. 3. The Treasurer will follow up on this.

Alice Negin moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the Audit Report for 2010-2011 be approved. Vote: 4-0.

Changes to Woodward Park Use Policy – Discussion

Mayor Cole reviewed the current status and procedure. She presented a Rough Draft Resolution No. 2011-01 and highlighted the changes made at the last few meetings. She went on to say that the numbers in the section that covers the fees are not firm numbers. She hopes to have better numbers by the next meeting of the Town Council. There was a lengthy discussion, including public input, about the following:

  • Finding a Woodward Park Coordinator
  • Having the Town Clerk issue non-recurring use permits
  • Finding Town sponsors
  • Returning Woodward Park to a community park rather than a regional soccer field
  • Enforcement
  • Benefits to the Town
  • Previous obligations that accompany using Program Open Space funds
  • Re-printing the governing ordinance in the Town Bulletin
  • Putting a link on the front page of the website for easy access
  • Asking for additional public input in the February Bulletin

Council Reports

  • Alice Negin moved to approve the December Council Reports for posting on the Town website. Bill Robertson seconded the motion. There was a brief mention of the status of the crack sealing proposal for our roads. Bill Robertson will follow up. Vote: 4-0.
  • Town Council Reports – January 2011 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Casey 6 & 7 – Mayor Cole reported that the County had begun its clearing of the area near Roberts Oxygen where the County Service Park will be relocated. After fear that the County had cleared beyond its border, a meeting was held to review the clearing and the boundaries. David Dise, from Montgomery County, stated that notifications of any activity in that area can be found on the EMOC website, hopefully on a weekly basis. Residents Shelley Winkler and Wendy Harris will monitor the activity. The next meeting will be with the landscape architect at which time the salt barns, off-site forestation and the berm will be discussed.
  • WG Conservation Meadow Park Update – Mayor Cole reported that she had talked to Brenda Sandberg from M-NCPPC and would be meeting with her tomorrow (1/10/12). The piles of brush that remain after the M-NCPPC fall clearing were mentioned but no specific time was set for their removal.
  • Deer Park Bridge Update – Mayor Cole reported that the Bridge Group is on hiatus for a few weeks but will meet again on January 26, 2012. The consultations continue.

New Business

Alice Negin asked if the Town would consider doing more planting in McCauley Park. With the redevelopment of the Towne Crest apartments, we will need additional screening in that area. She suggested that it be similar to the efforts in Morgan Park that were done many years ago. The Forestry Committee will consider this.

After a motion from Bill Robertson, a second from Audrey Maskery and a unanimous, enthusiastic vote from the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

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