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16 November 2004 | Approved: 21 December 2004

HPC members present: Bob Booher, Chair, Chris Kirtz, and Bruce Rothrock. Also in attendance, David Stopak as liaison to the Town Council.

The November 16, 2004 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission began at 7:30 p.m. with the approval of the agenda. The Chair asked Chris Kirtz to take minutes.

Open items from the last meeting

Archival Matters: Members spent considerable time reviewing the status of the Archives using the Agenda Bruce Rothrock had prepared for an October meeting he held with Ed Mroczka, Chris Kirtz, Mary Challstrom and Missy Yachup. Bruce agreed to check on the status of the Grove’s acquisition of the Archival Software. The Commissioners agreed the first item we should recommend the Town Archive was information relating to Contributing Structures and Chris agreed to develop a set of items the archivists should consider.

Heritage Committee. Chris Kirtz agreed to develop a list of specific tasks that Heritage Committee volunteers might perform which could serve as the basis of a WG Bulletin item soliciting assistance.

Public Review Session

Bob Booher agreed to prepare a Certificate of Review for a proposed rear deck/porch for 211 Ridge Road.

The Commissioners noted a set of plans for the Higdon/Kershaw residence and garage containing ridge height measurements but performed no actual review.

Commissioners Booher and Kirtz made "informal only" observations regarding revised plans for the Rothrock/Banachowski residence at 407 Acorn Lane. Since it was Commissioner Rothrock’s residence he had to recuse himself and with his recusal the HPC did not have a quorum. Accordingly, the Commission scheduled a follow up meeting for Saturday, November 21st at which time Commissioner Neumann, Booher and Kirtz met from 9:30 — 10:25 a.m. and reviewed the revised plans.

Public Work Session

The Commission approved the October minutes with minor agreed upon edits.

Other Business

The Commission discussed the importance of encouraging early "informal consultation" with the HPC prior to formal Planning Commission submission which could become a standard Bulletin insert under the HPC heading. Chris Kirtz agreed to draft language for the Town Bulletin.

The Commission also discussed getting out a Bulletin notice encouraging anyone with any information about the Town’s contributing structures to let us know. Chris Kirtz agreed to develop language for a bulletin notice requesting this information.

The next meeting was scheduled for December 21, 2004.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 p.m.

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