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4 February 2003 | Approved: 4 March 2003

Chairman John McClelland called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Darrell Anderson, Vicki Andrews, Bob Evans, John McClelland, Bud O’Connor and alternate Jim Leng. Also present were Pat Klein, Bill Kenealy, Dave Pelkey, Pat Houston and Walter, Tony and Terri Kuchnir.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for January were approved.

Ridge Road Subdivision

Pat Houston, owner of 346 Ridge Road, and Dave Pelky requested an exception to Town Ordinances in order to sell his property as a subdivision. Article 12, Section 1 of Town Ordinances state that property may not be marketed as subdividable. He would like to avoid the cost of subdividing and developing the property but would like to market the property as a subdividable lot. John McClelland stated that he consulted the town attorney and was told that the Town can’t grant an exception. Vicki Andrews concurred that there really isn’t a mechanism for the PC to grant an exception. Mr. Houston also asked if he could write a contract on a sale for the rear lot that is binding contingent upon subdivision of the lot. John said he would check with the Town attorney and would get back with them.

Building Permits

Pat Klein presented new plans for a porch enclosure for her property at 207 Grove Avenue. A building permit was previously approved for a porch enclosure in which the porch columns were imbedded in the new walls. Ms. Klein had already met with the HPC and received their enthusiastic approval for the new plan. Although the PC could not approve the new permit, they recommended that Ms. Klein go to the Board of Appeals for a hearing. It was also recommended that the HPC’s recommendation be presented to the Board of Appeals.

Bud O’Connor reported approval of a building permit for the Elliot residence at 415 Center

Town Council Report

Darrell Anderson reported that the Town Council approved the sale of a band of property at 115 Chestnut to the owner at 10 cents per foot. This was an agreement that was made some years ago but had never been legally transferred by the Town.

Missy Yachup – Secretary

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

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