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3 January 2007 | Approved: 7 February 2007

Commissioner Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Peggy Ebner, Bob Evans and Bud O’Connor and alternate Joe Clark. Also in attendance were town residents Charlie Challstrom and Georgette Cole.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for November and December were approved.

Building Permits

There were no building permits to review for January.

Master Plan Revision

Charlie Challstrom began the discussion with an overview of the Master Plan revision process to date and next steps. He pointed out that the next draft will go to the state, county and City of Gaithersburg for comment. Then there is a 60 day comment period before the next public hearing and then on to the Town Council for approval. Commissioner Anderson asked the commissioners to edit their sections and to send the updates to Charlie Challstrom. Commissioner O’Connor stated that he was surprised at the level of detail Town residents wanted to see in the Master Plan. He thought the Master Plan was intended to reaffirm Town policies and goals, and guide for future ordinances. Charlie Challstrom agreed that the Ordinances should be based on the guidelines addressed in the Master Plan.

The commissioners discussed and agreed on the following review schedule for the Master Plan:

  • February Meeting – Sections 1, 2, 4
  • March Meeting – Sections 3, 5, 6
  • April Meeting – Sections 7, 8, 9

Report from Town Council

Commissioner Anderson presented Zoning Text Amendment 2007-01 (Attachment A) for discussion and approval. After review, Commissioner Evans motioned that the PC accept Sections 1 and 2 as written. The motion was approved unanimously. After review, Commissioner Clark motioned to accept the alternate language for accessory building in Section 3. The motion was approved unanimously.

Missy Yachup – Secretary

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

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