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22 November 2010 | Approved: 3 December 2010

Mayor Anderson called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Georgette Cole, Sylvie Favret, Joli McCathran and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom and Town resident Charlie Challstrom. Councilor Kelly arrived at 7:40 PM.

Approval of the Agenda

Mayor Anderson added the adoption of Resolution 2010-10 as #8. Georgette Cole moved, Sylvie Favret seconded that the amended agenda be approved. Vote: 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Treasurer Mary Challstrom reported that the Income Tax Revenue for the year will be down $20,000. She also reported that the Town had received $3,000 in donations to go towards the LOS purchase.
    Georgette Cole moved, Ted Kelly seconded that the Treasurer’s Report for October 2010 be accepted. Vote: 5-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2010-11 pdf

Approval of the Audit Report FY 2009-10

Joli McCathran moved to approve the Audit Report FY 2009-10. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.

Streetlight Conversion Decision

The Clerk reported the results of the streetlight poll. The light at Miller Drive and Chestnut Road received the most votes. There was a discussion about brightness, color and wattage. More than half of our current incandescent bulbs are the lowest wattage available. The Mayor and Council wondered if the winning bulb could be moved to the fixture behind the Figueres/Ritter home (206 Grove Ave.) in order to see how it looks without the lights from the Methodist Church around it. The Clerk will ask PEPCO to contact Bill Ballenger on our behalf.

Approval of Council Reports from October 2010 for Posting on the Website

Georgette Cole moved, Bill Robertson seconded that the Council Reports from October 2010 be approved, as amended, for posting on the Town website. Vote: 5-0.

Flood Insurance Resolutions – Discussion

Charlie Challstrom presented the Council with background information and two (2) draft resolutions to aid in this discussion. He went on to explain that this action would result in allowing residents to purchase flood insurance, should they wish to do so. He also volunteered to be the liaison/contact person with FEMA. Joli McCathran suggested that personal phone numbers be removed and that the Town Office number be added instead.
Georgette Cole moved, Sylvie Favret seconded the motion to introduce and adopt Resolution No. 2010-11; Resolution of Intent to Enter the National Flood Insurance Program. Vote: 5-0.
Georgette Cole moved, Bill Robertson seconded the motion to introduce and adopt Resolution No. 2010-12; Resolution to Adopt Certain Flood Protection Measures to Join the National Flood Insurance Program for a Non-Floodprone Community and to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Charlie Challstrom as Flood Plain Coordinator/Liaison to FEMA. Vote: 5-0.

Resolution 2010-10

Resolution Calling for the State of Maryland to Reinstate Highway User Revenues (HUR) and State Aid for Police Protection: Georgette Cole moved, Sylvie Favret seconded that Resolution 2010-10 be adopted. Vote: 5-0.

Council Reports

  • The winter list for Town Maintenance was mentioned. Members were reminded that the official approval of items for this list comes from the Town Council. Georgette Cole brought up the plan for planting along the lower Ridge Road buffer. She also stated that the removal of trees is very dramatic. A discussion ensued.
  • Town Council Reports – November 2010 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

  • LOS Field Meeting with M-NCPPC Update: Mayor Anderson reported that M-NCPPC is excited and willing to do good things to help maintain the Meadow. They will remove all invasive species. The bad news is that 90% of the tree line along Ridge Road is comprised of invasive species. The good news is that M-NCPPC would like to help residents establish an area for a community garden. There will be a presentation of the maintenance plan for this property to Town residents in early 2011. There was a brief discussion about the encroachment of a parking pad at 211 Ridge Road. As part of the stewardship for the property, M-NCPPC will take care of the enforcement on this.
  • Deer Park Bridge Update: Mayor Anderson reported that the Town group will meet on December 2, 2010. He also reported that there were no satisfactory answers for his very pointed questions to CSX about lowering the tracks. They basically stated that they did not want to do it. There may be a way to compromise; with CSX lowering the track 6 inches and the bridge being raised the remaining foot or so. This idea will be pursued.
  • De-annexation: Mayor Anderson reported that he had received an e-mail from John Tomlin (358 Ridge Rd.) asking about the procedure for de-annexation of his property. The Mayor researched this and found that it would fairly easy to do. Nothing more will be done until a formal written request for de-annexation is received.
  • Meeting Once a Month: The Mayor asked the Council whether or not there was still a need for two meetings per month. A discussion ensued resulting in the decision to try one meeting per month for the next three months (December, January, February) and see how it goes. This will be publicized in the December Town Bulletin. The meeting will continue to be on the 2nd Monday of the month.

New Business

  • Georgette Cole requested that the cutting of the first speed hump on Ridge Road by Town Maintenance be postponed until the other two rebuilds are complete. The Council agreed. Joe Clark and Steve Werts will be informed of this decision.
  • Joli McCathran, on behalf of the Historic Preservation Commission, asked if the Town could purchase a projector for Power Point presentations. Charlie Challstrom explained the deal that exists with the Town and the Washington Grove United Methodist Church. The WGUMC offered the Town free access to their projector if the Town would purchase a spare bulb ($250.00). So far, this has worked out very nicely. Joli withdrew her request.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

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