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12 October 2015 | Approved: 9 November 2015

Mayor Joli McCathran called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Council Members Georgette Cole, Alison Faupel, Audrey Maskery, John McClelland and Greg Silber. Also present were residents Emily Brown, Charlie Challstrom and Jennifer Hix. Treasurer Mary Challstrom was also in attendance. Jeff Picard and Roxanna Serbanescu (new residents at 411 Chestnut) arrived at 7:50 PM.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was amended and approved by general consensus.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Playground Committee

Committee Chair Jenn Hix distributed the report of recommendations from the Committee to the Council. The Committee report, 1.) highlighted the Risk Management Review performed every two (2) years by Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT) and, 2.) the appropriate mulch and rubber matting around play equipment. Jenn thanked Steve Werts for his work on drainage improvements in Woodward Park. There was a discussion about the elimination of some pieces of old equipment and the cost of proposed new equipment. The Committee recommended removal and replacement of the wooden balance beam in 2016. Due to its poor condition, the Council suggested its immediate removal. The Mayor and Council thanked Jenn and the Committee for their thorough report and asked the Committee to provide cost estimates for its recommended equipment upgrades at the February Council meeting for the 2016-17 budget discussions.

Approval of Minutes

Georgette Cole moved to approve the minutes of the Town Council meeting on September 14, 2015. John McClelland seconded the motion.
Vote: 5-0, as amended.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Greg Silber moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report for September 2015. John McClelland seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • John McClelland moved to transfer of $5,000 from savings to checking in order to pay bills. Greg Silber seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2015-October pdf

Risk Management Hazard Evaluation from LGIT

Insurance Liaison Mary Challstrom presented recommendations resulting from the meeting with Local Government Insurance Trust. The Mayor and Council reviewed the memo. It was suggested the Town Clerk use a form to log complaints. However, the Council agreed to allow the Clerk to record complaints in an electronic file on the Town’s computer. Particular attention is to be paid to issues involving safety concerns. This process will be reviewed in 30 days.

Audio System Upgrades

Tabled until Bud O’Connor is present.

Approval for Recreation Committee Events

The proposed discussion about changes to the approval process was tabled until Bud O’Connor is present.

By the general consensus the Council approved the Recreation Committee’s request to sponsor the Halloween overnight for school-aged children in McCathran Hall. This sleep over will be on October 31st beginning at 9:00 p.m.

Consideration of Text Change for Resolution 2011-03

Mayor McCathran stated the three (3) proposed changes to the current language of Resolution 2011-03: Regulations for the Rental of McCathran Hall as follows:

  • A change in the utility fee for a Memorial Service from $25 to $50
  • More strict guidelines concerning smoking near the entrance to the Hall
  • A prohibition on non-service animals in the Hall

She went on to say this item will be tabled until another meeting at which Bud O’Connor can be in attendance.

Council Reports

  • Georgette Cole moved to approve the October 2015 Council Reports for posting on the Town website. John McClelland seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Town Council Reports – November 2015 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

  • 409 5th Avenue – Mayor McCathran reported the residents withdrew their application for permanent easement.
  • Maple Lake – Mayor McCathran reported further work has been done on legislation allowing for more autonomy when it comes to the management of our lake. Maple Lake is the only municipally-owned swimming lake in the State. Senator Nancy King will introduce a local bill allowing the Town to report directly to the State.
  • Block 11 Surveys – Letters were sent to property owners at #6 The Circle, #8 The Circle, 203 2nd Avenue, 315 Grove Avenue and 319 Grove Avenue regarding the results of the recent survey of Town land. Residents are being asked to voluntarily comply with the removal of privately-owned structures and other items to allow full access to the alley within 60 days.

New Business

203 2nd Avenue Oak Tree: Audrey Maskery expressed concerns with the health of a large oak tree on 2nd Avenue adjacent to the construction site. The tree has been root pruned by the digging of a basement and the roots have been compacted by car traffic and the storage of cinder blocks at its base. The Town should keep an eye on this tree. John McClelland brought up parking on tree roots in Town, specifically on Acorn Lane.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

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