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13 September 2004 | Approved: 11 October 2004

Mayor John Compton called the meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:40 p.m.. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Betsy Klinger, Tom Land, John Tomlin, and Treasurer Mary Challstrom. Town residents Ann Briggs and Glenn Perry were also present.

Approval of Minutes

John Tomlin moved, Darrell Anderson seconded, that the Town Council minutes of August 16, 2004 be approved. Vote: 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Darrell Anderson moved, John Tomlin seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for August be accepted. Vote: 4-0.

Hall chairs & wall display system

Ann Briggs presented a status of the search for folding chairs for McCathran Hall. The black padded sample sent by KI is just too short. The committee will continue to look for a suitable chair. Discussion. Glenn Perry and Ann Briggs presented information about a wall display system for McCathran Hall. If approved, the system will be permanently installed in the Hall and used for a visual art display during the Mousetrap Concerts. The Mousetrap Concert Series will fund this project. The Mayor and Council approved of the idea.

Status of Ordinance Revision

Mayor Compton reviewed Town Attorney Bill Roberts’ previous draft of an ordinance to cover charitable/non-profit organizations. We will have to set a public hearing. The ordinance will need a number and some re-writing. Mayor Compton also would like our ordinances to restrict use of oversized and overweight vehicles on Town roads. Town Attorney Bill Roberts will do a draft for the Planning Commission to review. Planning Commission Chairman John McClelland stated that enforcement of an ordinance dealing with gross vehicle weight and size would be difficult and suggested that all large renovation/building projects require the posting of a bond. Then the Town would be protected. A lengthy discussion ensued which lead into a discussion about fees, specifically, fees for going to the Board of Zoning Appeals. John McClelland and the Planning Commission will put together a policy and procedure for going to the Board of Zoning Appeals when a building permit has been denied.

Council Reports


Betsy Klinger reported that Neighborhood Watch still has no clear leadership yet. Betsy also reported a peeper incident at 342 Ridge Road.


Tom Land reported that Waste Management’s trash/recycling pickups is really improving. Supervisor Lauren Datz has been riding around after the pickup in order to help residents understand why certain things were not collected. Maple Lake – Tom Land reported that the Lake Committee will meet soon for a final wrap-up of the 2004 season.


John Compton, speaking for David Stopak, reported that the larger piece of climbing equipment was in need of upgrading and/or repairing. Linda Baim, with Jim Fletcher’s input, will help with this project.

Historic Preservation Commission

John Compton, speaking for David Stopak, reported that the Fletcher porch review was completed.

Roads & Walkways

John Tomlin reported that he is going to prepare a map showing the roads that were recently repaired and the areas that are still in need of repair. He will get the map from Mary Challstrom.

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported that last month’s Planning Commission meeting included discussion about sub-dividing the property at 350 Ridge Road, the proposed renovation plans for 103 Brown Street, parking guidelines/ordinances, and swimming pools & fences. Forestry and Beautification Committee – Darrell Anderson reported that the Committee did not meet last month. However, Jim Fletcher and Darrell Anderson met with PEPCO and walked Washington Grove Lane in order to assess the trees that needed to be either cut down or trimmed away from the power lines. Trees on residential lots were included in this and the residents have been contacted. Darrell Anderson also reported that he and Town Forester Dan Landry met with the Ridge Road re-forestation committee. A final plan was developed and submitted to the Mayor.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Casey Field – Mayor Compton reviewed the newest 5 plans for the Casey Field. A discussion ensued. This item was removed from the M-NCPPC September 9th agenda because it wasn’t received in time to make comments. John Tomlin asked to go on record stating the unfairness of a 30 ft. buffer for lower Ridge Road residents vs. a 12 acre buffer for the upper Ridge Road residents. The plan may go to M-NCPPC in October.
  • Nagem (104 Maple) – The preliminary injunction has been completed.
  • Alexander Builders – The restoration of the corner on Ridge Road, aka "Big Bend", will happen this week.

John Tomlin moved, Tom Land seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Vote: 4-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m.

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