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1 April 2009 | Approved: 6 May 2009

Commissioner Evans called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Charlie Challstrom, Eric Gleason, Steve Werts and Missy Yachup. Also in attendance were Georgette Cole, and Ralph Hurst.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for March 4, 2009 were approved.

Welcome Eric Gleason

The Commission welcomed new member Eric Gleason.

Proposed Ordinance Revision; No. 2008-07; Modifying Building Coverage Standards for Residential Zones and Maximum Height Standard for Accessory Buildings

For the benefit of the new member, Charlie Challstrom gave a brief history of this revision. He stated that the record was still open but action is on hold until the joint HPC/PC work session scheduled for April 8, 2009. There was a discussion about the possibility of using a provisional ordinance, the Town Master Plan (Exhibit A) and the “homework” for the joint work session.

Building Permit Requirement – Under Additional PC Requirements & Town Code Inspector

Montgomery County does a “wall check” as part of their inspection process. This is completed by a licensed surveyor or engineer and is done to verify the location of the walls in relation to the lot line. This document from Montgomery County will eliminate the Town’s need to use funds for the Code Inspector in this part of the process. The contract for the Town Code Inspector has been renewed through June 2010.

Report from Town Council

Charlie Challstrom submitted a written report (see Exhibit B).


There were no building permits to review.

103 Brown Street

Bob Evans asked for a walk-through of the submitted documents. The Commission discussed Mr. Hurst’s solution to the violation.
Missy Yachup moved to defer action on this until after the April 8th work session. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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