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4 August 2010 | Approved: 1 September 2010

Georgette Cole (substituting for Chairman Evans) called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Samantha Beres, Eric Gleason, Jane Seegal and Steve Werts. Also in attendance were residents Charlie Challstrom, Anthony & Judy Russo (505 Brown St.) and new property owner Kent Williams (415 Grove Ave.).

Public Appearances

Anthony and Judy Russo came to talk about their fence permit application. Eric Gleason moved for approval, Samantha Beres seconded the motion. The permit for a four (4) foot fence was approved per Article VII, Section 3.328. Approved: 5-0.

After a brief discussion concerning the cost of a 6 ft. fence vs. the cost of a 4 ft. fence, the Commission asked the Russo’s to return to the meeting. The Russo’s were told that as the three long sides of the fence all currently occur on private-private lot lines (since the field still belongs to Toll Brothers) they could install either option, but that the fence parallel to the front lot line on the west side of the house would have to be four feet high or moved back so it met the 50-foot setback for the front property line in order to be 6 feet high. The permit application was modified so they could use either option. Georgette Cole moved for approval of the amended permit application, Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

Kent Williams (415 Grove Ave.) came to discuss the compliance issues with his property. He referred to the letter from Mayor Anderson dated Jan. 12, 2010. He asked if he could raise the grade of the property in order to come into compliance. The consensus of the Commission was “no”. Mr. Williams asked why he was being forced to build according to a new ordinance when the original permit was approved using another version. A discussion ensued. Georgette Cole explained the restrictions about furthering the non-compliance of a structure. Mr. Williams presented his drawings showing his plans to raise the grade and landscape the property. He agreed to send an e-mail to the Town Clerk including bullet points to explain his plan. Upon receipt of the e-mail, Steve Werts will meet with Bob Evans to evaluate.

Approval of Minutes

Jane Seegal moved to approve the July minutes. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

Building Permits

see Public Appearances.

Discussion of Montgomery County Shed Guidelines

There was a brief discussion about foundation requirements, the County guidelines, a Town inspection for minor permits and shed vs. accessory building definition. Charlie Challstrom was asked to research whether the guidelines were zoning ordinances (do not apply to WG) or Chapter 8 building code which adopted in our Article XIII. Much of the PC discussion related to the safety aspects of the County guidelines as several members felt that the requirements were prudent. If the guidelines are part of the building code then a copy of the Montgomery County Shed Guidelines will be included in the documents that residents receive when applying for a permit application to build a shed.

Mansionization – Next Steps

The next step for this process is to set up another FAR (floor area ratio) meeting. This concept will be presented at the joint PC/HPC meeting in three (3) weeks.

Report from the Town Council

Georgette Cole presented a written report (Exhibit A). There was a brief discussion about posting permit applications on the Town website.

Other Business

The Commission unanimously agreed that the Survey Point Location project that is being done by Charlie Challstrom should continue. This will be a valuable tool for future land use.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

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