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13 April 2009 | Approved: 8 June 2009

Mayor Anderson called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:37 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Charlie Challstrom, Joe Clark, Georgette Cole, John Compton, Kathie Evans and Marida Hines. Also in present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom and Town residents Ann Briggs and Judy Young.

Approval of the Agenda

Georgette Cole moved, Joe Clark seconded that the Agenda for April 13, 2009 be approved. The Council decided to switch items 7 (Adopt Recommended FY 2010 Budget & Tax Rate) & 9 (Refuse/Recycling Contract). The amended agenda was approved. Vote: 6-0.

Public Appearances

Ann Briggs announced that Ted Kelly may be withdrawing his nomination from the election and it was too late in the game to find a replacement. She also stated that the schedule for spraying the invasive plants in the West Woods had to change because of the wet weather. The West Woods will now be closed this Thursday and Friday for spraying.
Judy Young came to thank all who helped with the fund raising auction for Rebuilding Together. She also announced a yard sale on May 2, 2009 to benefit the Sunday school kids at WGUMC.

Approval of Minutes

Joe Clark moved, Georgette Cole seconded that the Town Council minutes for March 9, 2009 be approved as amended. Vote: 6-0.
Georgette Cole moved, Charlie Challstrom seconded that the Town Council minutes for March 23, 2009 be approved with one spelling correction. Vote: 6-0.

Approval of March 2009 Council Reports for Posting on the Website

Charlie Challstrom moved, Georgette Cole seconded that the reports from the Town Council for March 2009 be approved for posting on the Town website. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Mary Challstrom asked if there were any questions. There was a brief discussion how things will look at years’ end, gravel and obtaining excess liability coverage for public officials as recommended by Local Government Insurance Trust.
Georgette Cole moved, John Compton seconded that the Treasurer’s report for March 2009 be accepted. Vote: 6-0.
John Compton moved, Georgette Cole seconded the motion to transfer funds to pay bills.
Vote: 6-0.

Refuse/Recycling Contract

Ecology Services backed out of the contract which was awarded last month. A discussion ensued.
Georgette Cole moved to accept the bid from our current contractor, Montgomery County Sanitation and Recycling. Marida Hines seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0.

Special Town Meeting on LOS Condemnation Suit

Mayor Anderson reported that April 30, 2009 appeared to be the best day for the Special Town Meeting. It will start at 7:30 PM. There was a discussion about the meaning of a vote at Town Meetings, procedures, getting out the information to residents, reasonable & respectful discourse, a Power Point presentation of the facts, and handouts at the meeting.

Adopt Recommended FY2010 Budget & Tax Rate

Charlie Challstrom moved to recommend the presented budget for FY2010. Georgette Cole seconded the motion.

Joe Clark moved to amend Charlie Challstrom’s motion to accept the budget with the addition of $10,000 in each of the Town attorney’s categories (total $20,000). John Compton seconded the motion. Charlie Challstrom expressed his opposition stating that it was premature and shouldn’t be done until after the Special Town Meeting. Marida Hines stated that the amendment was more accurate and a more fair representation. Vote: 5-1 on the amendment. Vote: 6-0 on the original motion to accept the budget for FY2010 as amended.
Charlie Challstrom moved to approve the Tax Rate for FY2010 budget as presented. Joe Clark seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0.

Ordinance 2008-07

Modifying Building Coverage Standards for Residential Zones and Maximum Height Standard for Accessory Buildings – Continued Discussion: Although the Planning Commission is not yet ready to present anything, it appears that this ordinance has support from the Commission and the HPC.

Ground Cover Under Play Equipment – Discussion; Safety & Types

John Compton began a discussion about the LGIT (Local Government Insurance Trust) recommendation of a twelve inch base under all play equipment. Discussion… It was suggested that the Town try a base of rubber mulch under one piece of equipment and see how it goes. The sense of the Council was “yes”, try it under one piece.

Mayor’s Announcements

Deer Park Bridge: Mayor Anderson announced that repairs to the Deer Park Bridge will happen this summer. The Town will be notified about the closure which will be from June 17 – August 30, 2009. This is a 50-year fix but CSX still reserves the right to raise the bridge.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:34 p.m.

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