301-926-2256 [email protected]

10 February 2014 | Approved: 10 March 2014

Mayor Cole called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:31 p.m. In attendance were Audrey Maskery, Joli McCathran, Carolyn Rapkievian, Bill Robertson, Greg Silber and David Young. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, resident Ann Briggs and property owner Dennis Kane.

Approval of Agenda

Carolyn Rapkievian moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the agenda be approved. The Clerk requested the addition of Recycling Bins to New Business. Vote: 6-0.

Public Appearances

Ann Briggs came to encourage the Mayor and Council to include a budget category called Property Acquisition Set-Aside in the 2015 budget. She suggested that $20K per year be added to the fund. The Town borders are being threatened and this fund would allow the Town to quickly put a down-payment on property on our borders that may come up for sale. She urged the Council to consider this proposal.

Approval of Minutes

Greg Silber moved, Bill Robertson seconded that the meeting minutes for January 13, 2014 be approved. A few spelling corrections were made. Vote: 6-0; as amended.

The Mayor and Council reviewed and discussed the minutes from the January 27th Joint Worksession of the Town Council, Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission. They discussed the lack of any conclusion in the section titled "Early Review of Permits by the HPC." A discussion about Article XV; Historic Preservation Commission ensued. Mayor Cole suggested approval of these minutes be postponed until the next meeting when people will have had more time to read/review them. This item will be placed on the agenda for the March meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

  • David Young moved, Audrey Maskery seconded that the Treasurer’s Report for January 2014 be accepted. Mayor Cole reminded members to talk to their committees about budget needs for the coming year. Vote: 6-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2014-02 pdf

Opening of McCathran Hall Window Painting Bids: Mayor Cole opened the two (2) bids.

  • Land Painting – $7,500.00
  • Jupiter Systems – $7,895.00

Both proposals specified use of oil-base primer and 2-3weeks for completion. Jupiter Systems specified use of oil-base exterior white and provided more details concerning prep work and spraying. After some discussion, Joli McCathran moved, Greg Silber seconded that the bid from Jupiter Systems be accepted. Vote: 6-0.

Use of Metal Detectors on Town Public Ways and Property

Mayor Cole explained that she has received inquiries from residents asking why people with metal detectors are being allowed to dig up Town land. She has also received calls from people who wish to "treasure hunt" on Town land. Mayor Cole asked the Council for their thoughts. Should people with metal detectors be allowed to dig on Town land? Should they be told "no" when they ask? Should they be allowed but only if they do a Public Ways and Property Permit? There was a discussion about ownership of any culturally significant pieces that are found, enforcement, repairing the areas after digging, bottle collections that many Town residents have acquired from the Town woods through the years, documenting (not owning) significant pieces that are found, equal treatment for all and the need for more research to see how other municipalities handle this issue. Joli will ask the HPC about this.

CSX 70% Plan Submitted to the Town

With the absence of Charlie Challstrom, due to illness, and no new information since the joint meeting on January 27th, Mayor Cole postponed any further discussion on this topic.

Council Reports

  • Carolyn Rapkievian moved, David Young seconded that the January Council Reports be approved for posting on the website. The Mayor and Council discussed asking resident to give a copy of their boundary surveys to the Town for the house files, a survey about website use for residents, money for an upgrade to our website platform and getting the Woods Group information posted to the website. Carolyn Rapkievian and Christine Dibble will work on the survey. Vote: 6-0.
  • Town Council Reports – February 2014 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Joint TC-PC-HPC Worksession 1/27/14 – Mayor Cole stated that important points were covered in the previous discussion and asked for more reaction from the Council. In general all thought that the joint work session was a good idea and should be done annually.
  • Roberts Oxygen Update – Mayor Cole reported that no further contact had been made by Roberts or Montgomery County, to date.
  • Shady Grove Crossing Site Plan Amendment – Mayor Cole referred to a recent mailing from ESE Consultants, Inc. to Ridge Road residents concerning amendments to the Shady Grove Crossing site plan. After some phone calls, she found out that the changes had to do with enhancements to the community park between Amity Drive and the Inter-County Connector. This community park will be added to the many parks under the purview of the Montgomery County Parks Department.

New Business

  • Town Clerk Kathy Lehman reported a dilemma with the purchasing of new recycling bins. We can no longer buy them from Montgomery County. The Clerk explained most companies will not sell in quantities less than 200 and the Town has no storage space for such an order. The Town may be able to piggy-back on to a contract with the City of Gaithersburg but this will take some time and residents are asking for replacements now. The Clerk was asked to buy what we need at Home Depot and keep working with Gaithersburg.
  • Audrey Maskery reported about a recent meeting with PEPCO. They discussed three (3) trees that were threatening the high-voltage power lines along Washington Grove Lane that PEPCO would like to remove. PEPCO will take the trees down and remove all debris.
  • Carolyn Rapkievian asked if any more information was available concerning the closing of the at-grade crossing for repairs. She stated that she counted two (2) cars per minute making U-turns in the Roberts Oxygen property and many making the illegal left turn on to the Deer Park Bridge. Mayor Cole stated that signs are being corrected and placed in more prominent places.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

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