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11 March 2002 | Approved: 8 April 2002

Mayor John Compton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Tricia Knox, Peggy Odick, Nick Suzich, and Dodie Tippens. Both Darrell Andersen and Dave Gumula were out sick. Town residents in attendance were: Charlie Challstrom, Michael Voigt, David Neumann, and John Tomlin. Also in attendance were two students from the University of Maryland who are doing a study on the Town.

Public Appearances

In reference to the meeting on Feb. 20, 2002 with Joe Snider, David Neumann presented a summary of that meeting and stressed the need to clarify The Town’s wishes where the survey options are concerned. It was agreed that this would be an agenda item for next month’s meeting.

Approval of Minutes

Peggy Odick moved, Dodie Tippens seconded, that the Town Council minutes of February 11, 2002 be approved. Vote: 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Concerns about the Project Open Space funds were raised by Mary Challstrom. Nick Suzich moved, Peggy Odick seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for February be accepted. Vote: 4-0. Nick Suzich moved, Peggy Odick seconded, that the Treasurer be authorized to transfer funds, if necessary, to pay bills in March. Vote: 4-0.

Mayor’s Announcements

Mayor Compton announced the following

  • The "Humpback Bridge": The Transportation and Environmental Committee of the County Council has deleted funds from the Capital improvements budget for design of a new bridge over the CSX tracks. However, funding was retained for a facilities planning study of the Oakmont/Deer Park/Railroad St. transportation corridor.
  • Maryland Legislature: HPC Chairman David Neumann and Clare Cavicchi of the Heritage Committee offered arguments to our state legislators and budget committee members for retaining adequate funding of the MHT programs and tax credit incentives.
  • House Number Project: It is anticipated that the project will take place in the fall of 2002 and continue through next winter. Other maintenance projects will have priority.

Casey Property at Mill Creek/Shady Grove Village Status Report

Mayor Compton outlined the following problems with the current “new plan”; Road placement of Amity Drive, reduction in a natural wildlife corridor and the lack of a buffer for the homes on the lower part of Ridge Road. There was some discussion about the lack of recreation areas near the current Amity Drive area and further discussion concerning ways to raise money to preserve the tree line. Mayor Compton also informed The Council of the changes in the schedule for the Petition of Crabbs Branch Village, LLC Special Exception Case No. S?2497. Applicant must file new revised plans by Wednesday, May 29, 2002. Opposition statements would be filed by May 29, 2002 with the technical staff issuing its report and recommendations to the Planning Board on Friday, May 31, 2002. The County Planning Board may be holding an evening meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2002. The hearing before the Hearing Examiner will commence on Monday, June 17, 2002 and is scheduled through Friday, June 21, 2002.

Appointment/New Town Clerk

Dodie Tippens moved, Peggy Odick seconded, to confirm the appointment of Kathryn Lehman to the position of Town Clerk. Vote: 4-0.

Appointment/Town Treasurer

Peggy Odick moved, Trish Knox seconded, to confirm the appointment of Mary Challstrom to the position of Town Treasurer. Vote: 4-0.

Council Reports

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported on the following

Cator Property

It was suggested that Shirl Harrison be urged to present her revised plan to the County for review. Based on the fact that Ms Harrison has been doing what The Town has asked of her, Trish Knox thought it would be more equitable if our Planning Commission went to the County to determine suitable uses for the land.

Subdivision of Washington Grove Hills Property

David Neumann expressed concerns about our inadequate re?subdivision ordinance. He asked that Bill Roberts be consulted about The Town’s zoning authority and asked if we could put a moratorium on building until the resubdivision issues can be properly addressed. Mayor Compton will talk to Mr. Roberts.

Master Plan Review

The Commission completed the review of the Town Master Plan and approved the revised document. Edited copies were distributed to Council members.

Town-owned Lots

Vicki Andrews did check with Town Attorney Bill Roberts about Town-owned lots and parts of lots in Blocks 28 and 33. She will follow up this month.


Trish Knox reported that the gravel around McCathran Hall will damage the new floor and has talked with Jim Fletcher about replacing the gravel with wood chips. Mayor Compton suggested they speak with someone on the original hall committee and discuss sod vs. chips.

Public Safety

Based on additional public interest/concern about enforcing the Leash Law, an expanded definition of “under control” will be printed in the next newsletter.

Other Business

A Memorandum of Understanding for Emergency Management will be drafted and sent to Bill Roberts for review.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.

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