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September 13, 2021 | Approved October 11, 2021 and amended  November 8, 2021

The regular meeting of the Town Council was held remotely via ZOOM Video Conferencing. The meeting was recorded.

Mayor John Compton called the meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:33 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, David Cosson, Christine Dibble, Patty Klein, Barbara Raimondo, and Gray Yachup. Also in attendance were Treasurer Jean Moyer, Georgette Cole, Tom Land, Audrey Maskery, and approximately eight other residents.

Approval of Agenda

Gray Yachup moved to approve the agenda. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Mayor Compton added the American Rescue Plan to the agenda under Mayor’s Announcements.  Vote: 6-0, approved, as amended.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Approval of Minutes

Patty Klein moved to approve the Minutes of the June 30, 2021 Special Town Council Meeting. Christine Dibble seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, approved.

Darrell Anderson moved to approve the August 9, 2021 Minutes of the Town Council. Patty Klein seconded the motion. There was discussion about comments attributed to Patty Klein, Barbara Raimondo, and Mayor Compton in the Mayor’s update on the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force. Darrell Anderson felt the statements as written are correct. Language clarifying the comments was agreed to. Barbara Raimondo asked for clarity of the motion made by Dave Cosson to approve moving ahead with improvements in the Woods. Additional wording was added to provide that clarity.

Vote: 6-0, approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report

Darrell Anderson moved acceptance of the August 2021 Treasurer’s Report (PDF). Patty Klein seconded the motion. There was brief discussion of the Dwelling Tax, Property Tax, Tax Duplication, the process for changing the guarantor on the Town credit card.  Vote: 6-0, accepted.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • American Rescue Plan funds imminent – Mayor Compton announced that funds for direct deposit to the Town’s account had been approved by the State ($474K). He briefly reviewed how the allocation of funds was determined and how the funds could be spent. The Town still needs to develop a project that would qualify for use of the funds or will have to return them. The deadline for spending is December 2024.
  • Joint TC, PC, HPC Meeting to Discuss Demolition of Historic Structures Following a Presentation by Fred Stachura, President of the MD Association of Historic Districts – Mayor Compton reminded everyone about the joint meeting scheduled for September 22, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. via ZOOM Videoconference. The subject is the demolition of historic houses.
  • Update on PO Box policy at the Washington Grove Post Office – The Town and the US Post Office continue to search for documentation for the current absence of mail delivery and general delivery to the Town, and an explanation of why post office boxes must be rented by residents.
  • Translation of the Welcome Packet into Spanish – The Racial Equity group is working on getting the Welcome Packet contents translated into Spanish.
  • Update on the Revision of the Comprehensive Plan – The Planning Commission recently received substantive comments on the draft Comprehensive Plan (PDF) from the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP), and various sub-groups are working on integrating them into the draft. The Public Hearing on the draft CP is now expected to be scheduled for early November. It was noted that many of the comments from MDP don’t make sense for a Town of our size. However, the recommendation to include accessory dwelling units in the housing component of the CP needs careful consideration.
  • Update on the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force – Mayor Compton reported that the Task Force continues to meet weekly and held the first of two planned public comment meetings on September 1. The second is scheduled for September 30. They are considering a distributing a survey to residents.  At one of their meetings the Task Force heard from Kyle Lukacs, who is heading up the Montgomery County Department of Transportation Washington Grove Connector Study. He stated that a vote taken by the Planning Board in April selected the Brown Street connection for continued for facilities design and construction. He also stated the Town now has a key role in moving forward with detailed planning of the preferred route and connection. He acknowledged that were the second best alternative selected for building that it would be more environmentally impactful and more costly. Patty Klein felt discussion of this by the Council would be premature and should be deferred until after the Task Force report is received.

Administrative Matters

  • Status of Maintenance Supervisor Search – Darrell Anderson is working with John Tomlin and Steve Werts to complete updating the Maintenance Supervisor job description, and aim to complete it by early October. The Mayor and Council discussed how fortunate the Town has been to have an employee (and town resident) with the Steve Werts’ talent/abilities and how difficult it will be to replace him. Dave Cosson asked that the draft job description be made available to the Council.
  • Update on Exploration of Using Audio/Video Recordings as the Official Minutes of Town Council Meeting and posting to the Town Website – Mayor Compton noted that the Town Council should know how other towns handle the section 508 requirements for the deaf and hard of hearing. Darrell Anderson reported most towns do not produce transcripts of Council meetings. Many use video and/or audio minutes indexed to an agenda. Other towns also put out a summary document noting all actions taken at the meeting. The following was discussed:
    • The benefits of adopting audio/video recordings as Minutes.
    • The current challenge to capture relevant Council discussion in the current minutes, leading periodically to significant time spent balancing conflicting recollections, and the significant Council time consumed Minutes are approved.
    • Difficulties of creating audio/visual minutes when meetings are back in-person.
    • The requirements for local governments in Title 2 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    • Who is required to be 508 compliant, and what constitutes compliance?
    • Asking the Town Communications Committee to start up again and make recommendations.
    • Putting a request for help in the next Town Bulletin
    • Address this problem for meetings of the Town Council before considering solutions for the Minutes of other Town bodies.

    Actions: Barbara Raimondo volunteered to jump start this project.

  • McCathran Hall Use Policy: Proposed Revisions to the User Agreement Forms – Barbara Raimondo and Dave Cosson reported on their proposed revisions that and the requirement for users to agree to abide by Montgomery County COVID-19 regulations. There was a brief discussion about making the new form a fillable PDF format.  Actions: The forms are now considered final and will be put into use. Meanwhile they will be reviewed by the Town Attorney.

“Welcome to Washington Grove” Signage RFP – Open Bids and Award Contract

Mayor Compton opened the single bid for sign work: from Sign City for a $10,538.00. Patty Klein moved to award the bid to Sign City. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, awarded.

Proposal to Join Sustainable Maryland – Discussion, Proposed Resolution and Action

Gray Yachup moved to introduce Resolution 2021-12, Authorizing Washington Grove to Seek Sustainable Maryland Certification. Dave Cosson seconded the motion. Sustainability Group member Bob Booher explained the value to the Town of pursuing certification and the documentation requirements to be certified. Ernie Kawasaki has volunteered to work on the certification. Christine Dibble was concerned whether there needed to be more notification to residents to provide the opportunity for public comment before final approval. Gray Yachup reminded the Council that this had been talked about previously and efficiency should be kept in mind. There was additional discussion about the cost to join ($0), certification, and next steps. Gray called the question.  Vote: 6-0, Resolution 2021-12 approved.

Proposal to Join ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

Bob Booher and Paul Patrone, representing the Sustainability Group, presented a 20-minute slide show about the Town’s climate action plans and the measures required for the Town to achieve net zero carbon emissions (here’s a definition of that term). Paul Patrone introduced a proposal to engage ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability to help the Town understand the carbon footprint of Washington Grove by developing a specific data model, and to use this to develop recommendations for helping the Town and residents reduce our carbon footprint. Patty Klein asked about holding an informational webinar for residents. Bob noted that the Town hosted one by Montgomery County some months ago, and that further informational events will be planned. Discussion ranged over various topics: gasoline powered lawn mowers, leadership of this effort, cooperation, budget money, getting Town input, the use of extensive data and averaging by ICLEI, and the cost to engage ICLEI for one, two or four years. Bob and Paul recommended the four-year membership as being cost-effective in view of the likely time needed for defining data for the current situation in town and to then develop effective approaches to achieving the goal of greater sustainability. Barbara Raimondo moved to approve paying dues to ICLEI for four years at the cost of $2,000.00. Gray Yachup seconded the motion. It was noted that sufficient Town funds were budgeted in FY22 for sustainability programs.  Vote: 6-0, funding approved.

Resolution 2021-11: Establishing Rules for the Uses of the East and West Woods – Introduction, Discussion of Policy on Uses of the Woods, and Possible Action

Woods Committee Co-Chair Joan Mahaffey made a presentation of rules and prohibited uses proposed by the committee. She noted four reasons why bicycles should be prohibited: trails are not safe for bikers, bikes are prohibited by the County on natural trails, wetlands in the Woods should be protected from bicycle damage, and that the draft 2021 Comprehensive Plan 2021 supports reserving the Woods for passive recreation. Patty Klein moved to introduce draft Resolution 2021-11 (PDF). Dave Cosson seconded the motion. There was a lively exchange of thoughts and opinions:

  • Whether current Town rules and/or Ordinances already establish prohibited uses in the Woods.
  • Transit through the Woods by neighbors and whether restrictions may be viewed as exclusionary.
  • The pros and cons of restricting people to trails, including protecting vegetation, but limiting the experience of viewing off-trail features of interest.
  • That the West Woods are a great place to ride.
  • Dangers of having pedestrians and bikers using the same path.
  • Evidence of damage to trails by bicycle use.
  • Trail use rules used by the National Park Services.
  • Prohibitions undermining the experience of children playing in the nature in a forest.
  • The pitfalls from enforcing some aspects of preservation while ignoring others.
  • The need for Town input on the new restrictions presented in the resolution.

In addition to these comments, several residents told anecdotal stories of the joys their children experienced while playing in the woods. The Council reached consensus that resident input and comment should be requested in an item in the October Bulletin about the proposed Resolution (and new prohibitions). Barbara Raimondo asked for a vote on the Resolution. Patty Klein suggested that pending public input, action on the Resolution should be deferred.

Action: Consensus was reached that this Resolution will be deferred to the October or a subsequent meeting of the Town Council.

Installation of a Speed Hump on Lower Ridge Road – Discussion and Possible Action

This item was deferred to October.

Replacement of the Gate on Brown Street – Discussion of Design and Possible Action

Gray Yachup thanked everyone involved in supporting a replacement of the red metal gate on Brown Street where it intersects Hickory Road entrance to town from Railroad Street. He presented a concept drawing illustrating the placement of two removeable posts in the roadway and identity split rail fencing to either side. Maintenance would do the installation. Gray reported that the Fire Department had verified that their planning did not include use of this end of Brown as an entry into Town. Gray Yachup moved to approve replacement of the Brown Street gate with breakaway posts and identity fencing. Patty Klein seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, approved.

Town Council Reports

Items of Note (See the full Council reports below).

  • Racial and Social Equity Committee and Town Council Guidelines to Committees – The Committee requested the Mayor and Council confirm that they were meeting Council Guidance and any applicable Open Meetings Act requirements. Patty Klein stated this committee has to abide by the OMA. Mayor Compton responded this was not the case because none of the volunteer and unofficial Committees in town meet the OMA definition of public bodies. Mayor Compton and Barbara Raimondo both stated that as long as the spirit of the OMA is met (volunteer use of agenda posting, minutes, etc.) then RASEC is in compliance with Town Council guidelines in Resolution 2019-13, Guidelines To Provide For Proper Governance of Washington Grove Committees. Dave Cosson stated that things are not clear for this body but for a sub-committee it is quite clear: not covered by OMA.
  • Website Improvements – Christine Dibble stated she would rather do a presentation about the improvements when there was more time to discuss it. Mayor Compton urged the Council to check out the website. He thanked Christine for all her hard work.

Patty Klein moved to approve the September Council Reports for posting on the website. Dave Cosson seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, Town Council Reports approved for posting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 pm.

Kathryn L. Lehman
Town Clerk

Reports from Individual Councilors about their Areas of Responsibility


Table of Contents


Reports about Activities of Grove Commissions:

Reports about Activities of Grove Committees:

Reports about Other Grove Activities:

Reports about Activities of Grove Commissions

Historic Preservation Commission (Darrell Anderson)

The HPC held a virtual meeting on August 17, 2021; the next meeting will be held on September 21, 2021, at 7:30 pm by virtual means.

The HPC discussed a PWPP permit by Comcast for line replacement along Brown Street and Railroad Street. The HPC decided that it did not need to be involved in the decision but would attend a meeting with Comcast and the Planning Commission and Forestry and Beautification Committee to determine if they will need to have input.

The HPC discussed the upcoming public comment meeting of the Multiuse Pathway and the various HPC responses. A long discussion was held on the alternate pathway proposed by David Stopak and the historic section proposed by Wendy Harris. These would be edited and revised before the meeting to express the HPC’s position.

A joint meeting of the MAHD/Planning Commission/HPC/Town Council to hear a presentation on demolition is being planned. Dates suggested were September 14, 22, and 28. These will be sassed to the committees to gauge when the meeting will be held.

The HPC will respond by letter to the Montgomery County Solar APP regarding how the Town can review potential applications. The response will be sent to the Planning Commission for possible inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan.


Planning Commission (Christine Dibble)


Applications for Building Permits and Public Ways and Property Permits
  • Not submitted yet, but Marida Hines and Terri Johnson have expressed interest in requesting to convert their carport into an enclosed garage.
Other Matters
  • Meeting with Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions rep re: how to approach the permitting of the demolition of historic structures has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 22.  More information will be forthcoming.
  • 411 Grove (Bloskey and Tobolski/guardrail): PC is of the opinion that Steve Werts should supervise the replacement of the guardrail at 411 Grove Ave. 
  • 17050 Railroad Street/Harrison or Cator property (John Campbell/Forest Conservation Plan (FCP)):  We are drafting a Conservation Easement between the developer and the Town.
  • 108 Ridge Road (Chapman-Morgan/access to rear of property via Cherry Avenue):  We are deferring further discussion until we can review the easement previously granted.
  • 412 4th Avenue (Foreman):  We are deferring further discussion of permitting Bryant Foreman’s shed until we further review all applicable ordinances.
  • Comprehensive Plan: The PC is holding two work sessions (open to the public) this month to address comments on the draft plan received from the Maryland Department of Planning.
  • Ordinances: Once the Comprehensive Plan has been finalized, the PC will turn its attention to reviewing all of the Town’s ordinances and suggesting revisions.

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Reports about Activities of Grove Committees

Border Committee (Pat Klein)

The Border Committee met on August 12, 2021.

  • Washington Grove Town Entrance Signs: The RFP was distributed and bids are due September 13 to be opened at the September Town Council meeting.
  • Brown Street Metal Gate: EPSC met with Town Maintenance to consider replacement of the gate with at least 2 ‘breakaway’ wooden posts spaced 3-5 feet apart across Brown Street at the Hickory Road intersection to block vehicular traffic except for emergency vehicles. The spacing of the wooden posts would allow pedestrian, bicycle, and stroller/wheelchair passage.
  • Identity Fencing along WGL and RR Streets: receiving good comments on the sections placed along Chestnut and WGL including “Hutch’s Way” path; Will erect fencing at WGL/4th Avenue and Silver Dollar Court/Boundary Street at edge of East Woods trail entrance. Plan to clear West Woods corner of WGL/ Day Lilly Lane for placement of Entrance Sign and identity fence sections.
  • Noise and Speeding Vehicle Updates: A group of town residents is working with MC police to collect data on WGL and RR Street. Additional input being received from other town residents and certain habitual “violators” are being identified and reported to MC police. They will send a letter to MC listing public safety concerns and requesting speed cameras. The EPSC is preparing a letter for the Mayor to send.
  • Commercial Corner: Planning Commission is having discussions with MC and CC owner to move or remove the dumpster by end of the year which blocks driver visibility at the RR Street/ WGL intersection. Overgrown shrubs along WGL (CC driveway) need to be trimmed and guard rails installed for pedestrian safety.

The next meeting will be September 9, 2021.

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Dog Park Committee (Christine Dibble)

Grove dogs and their owners are meeting most weekends on Saturday or Sunday mornings for playdates.

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Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee (Pat Klein)

The EPSC met on August 26, 2021. Gary Temple and Kriss Grisham, co-chairs of the Shared Use Pathway Task Force joined the meeting. Also in attendance were Barbara Raimondo (Town Councilor) and Krista Zanetti.

  • Lower Ridge Road (LRR) public safety /vehicle speeding: Last year, the EPSC responded to public safety concerns for speeding vehicles raised by a town resident at LRR who noted potential jeopardy for children playing in the area. The EPSC conducted a site visit and recommended the Mayor solicit input from Town residents via Town Bulletin notice regarding installation of a speed hump on LRR. A second notice was posted in the Town Bulletin several months later without response. At the August 2021 TC meeting, the Mayor and TC decided to directly survey LRR residents before taking actions and will share the results with the EPSC. The Committee also contacted Town Maintenance to request clearing overgrown vegetation around the guard rail at the end of LRR so EPSC can affix reflective tape to warn drivers of the dead end. EPSC plans to assess the LRR and Center Street intersection for placement of new signs (e.g., “Children at Play”) and repositioning existing road signs.
  • Updates on Speeding Vehicles – Washington Grove Lane and Railroad Street: Krista Zanetti was invited to the EPSC meeting to provide updates on the town resident group working with MC police to collect data on reckless driving and loud exhausts along WGL and RR Street as part of a regional effort to reduce these public safety hazards. These residents drafted a letter to a county transportation official (Daniel McNickle) to request an evaluation for speed cameras on WGL and RR Street; new or enhanced speed bumps on both streets; and a reduced speed limit on WGL. The ESPC will draft a similar letter for the Mayor to send to county officials requesting action on these issues.
  • Shared Use Path Task Force – Summary of Safety Issues: The EPSC reviewed the previous 3-4 years of committee meeting minutes to identify town safety issues relevant for the Shared Use Pathway Task Force to consider for their report. Specifically, the importance of proper snow and ice removal from roadways, lines of sight at intersections, visibility to/for residents exiting driveways, vehicle speeding (exceeding town speed limits), stop sign enforcement, improved street lighting, and road signage are all critical concerns if the shared used path is routed through the Town roads. The EPSC will submit a list of public safety concerns to the Task Force.

The next EPSC meeting will be on September 23rd, 2021.

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Forestry and Beautification Committee (Barbara Raimondo)

Attended meeting September 8. Items discussed were:

  • Trees in the Grove draft for October
  • Planning for Fall tree planting
  • Fall workday for Circle restoration
  • Discuss Forest Conservation Plan for 17050 Railroad Street

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Lake Committee (Gray Yachup)

  • Measurements and reports: The last two measurements of e. coli have been within acceptable parameters.
  • Flora and fauna: The snapping turtle appears to have had babies. The Lake Committee will be monitoring their growth.
  • Miscellaneous: The Lake has closed for the season, and lifeguards have ended. There are several outstanding maintenance tasks that need to be addressed, including a possible crack in the well casing that will need to be patched up. In addition, the bubbler has been suspended from a floatation device to prevent it from being clogged.

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Lighting Committee (Dave Cosson)

The Lighting Committee did not meet in August, it will next meet on September 29th. In the meantime, efforts will be continue to coordinate with other municipalities in preparation for a Pepco streetlight filing with the Public Service Commission.

New bollard lighting has been installed and is in operation on the paths beside the Town Hall.

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Racial and Social Equity Committee (Barbara Raimondo)

Provided guidance on whether the committee or its subcommittees need to comply with the Open Meetings Act. (See below.)

RASEC Committee/Subcommittees and the Maryland Open Meetings Act

A question came up in a recent RASEC meeting: Are subcommittees of RASEC required to comply with the Maryland Open Meetings Act (OMA)?

To answer this question we start with another: Is the Racial Equity Committee required to comply with the OMA?

I believe the answer is no to both.

The OMA applies to a “public body.” This term means:

(h) Public body. —

(1) “Public body” means an entity that:

(i) consists of at least two individuals; and

(ii) is created by:

1. the Maryland Constitution;

2. a State statute;

3. a county or municipal charter;

4. a memorandum of understanding or a master agreement to which a majority of the county boards of education and the State Department of Education are signatories.

5. an ordinance;

6. a rule, resolution, or bylaw;

7. an executive order of the Governor; or

8. an executive order of the chief executive authority of a political subdivision of the State.

(MD Gen Provisions Code § 3-101)

RASEC was not created by any of these actions, therefore it is not a “public body” and not subject to the OMA. If the full committee is not subject to the OMA, then logically the subcommittees are not either.

A caveat: If a quorum of the Town Council or a Board or Commission that is required to comply with the OMA is present, and they meet to “consider or transact public business” (MD Gen Provisions Code § 3-101(g)), then the OMA applies.  Members of the Town Council, Boards, Commissions should be mindful of this. These individuals are required to take OMA training thus should be aware of their obligations.

In 2019 the Town Council of Washington Grove passed a resolution stating in part:

Committees should adhere to the spirit of the Maryland Open Meetings Act by:

1. Holding open meetings in the Town hall, or other public locations in or in the vicinity of the Town, so long as such locations are accessible to the public;

2. Providing town-wide advance notice of such meetings;

3. Publishing in advance an agenda for such meetings;

4. Approving and making publicly available draft and final meeting Minutes.

(Town of Washington Grove Resolution No. 2019-13, Enacted 04/13/2020)

It appears that RASEC adheres to the “spirit of the Maryland Open Meetings Act” by following these practices.

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Recreation Committee (Gray Yachup)

Joey Fones did an excellent job setting up the Labor Day events, which went off wonderfully.

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Woods Committee (Dave Cosson)

The Woods Committee (WC) met on September 7th by Zoom and discussed the following:

Draft Resolution Establishing Rules for Uses of the East and West Woods Preserves: At the request of the Town Council, The WC developed a draft resolution that would establish rules for the uses of the Woods Preserves. The WC recommends the Town Council approve and adopt this Resolution at the September Council meeting. Upon adoption, the WC will proceed with the acquisition and installation of the Woods trail entrance signage discussed last month. The Draft Resolution cites Ordinance 2021-13 (Art. I, Sec. 14) as authority for adoption of rules and establishing protection of The Woods to ensure a natural habitat and to provide sanctuary for residents to walk.

Re-routed Bradfield Crossing: Town Maintenance has installed anchors for the culvert placed in the stream bed over which the re-routed trail will ultimately go. Additional work to be done this fall includes placing dirt over the culvert, possible installation of stone steps, and clearing the stubs of the greenbrier that has been cut for the new trail. Upon completion the re-routed trail will provide much safer access to and from the Challstrom trail.

Future Timber Turnpikes: Consistent with the Town’s Forest Stewardship Plan to restore and manage The Woods, planning continues for extension of the Timber Turnpikes to the habitually wet and muddy areas of Maple Ave. Extended to provide a safe walking route for residents and reduce off trail walking that widens the trail and compacts the soil. Side rails for the turnpikes will be made from fallen tree limbs from The Woods and will protect vernal pools. Town Maintenance will have soil and wood chips available. The landscape contractor who built the pilot turnpikes has stated they will be available to conduct this project in late fall/early winter at a cost below the RFP bid requirement.

Deer Management Update: The TC last month approved the Committee’s recommendation for the volunteer BHFFMD bow hunt again this season, which begins September 10th. Coordination with BHFFMD has occurred and the feeding station installed in its prior location. Discussions with MCP&P will be initiated soon with respect to whether future deer bow hunts can be extended into the Meadows.

Identity Fencing and Welcome Sign: Town Maintenance has cleared an area in the West Woods at the Day Lily/Washington Grove Lane intersection to allow for installation of the WG Welcome sign and identify fencing sections designed by the Border Committee. WC members reviewed the site and recommended placement locations. A few understory trees may be planted behind the identity fencing.

Comment to Shared Use Path Task Force: The Committee discussed relevant input to provide to the Task Force. The consensus was to submit the following facts for consideration:

  1. recognize the proposed routes under consideration include an area that Montgomery County previously designated for afforestation,
  2. designated wetlands exist in the lower wooded area between Crabbs Branch and the Town border, and
  3. the importance of maintaining an intact “green buffer” on the Town borders which reduce noise disturbance and support the Town’s designation on the Historic Registry.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 4th, 7:30 pm

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Reports about Other Grove Activities

Contracts (Dave Cosson)

Forms for rental and Town organization use of McCathran Hall to include a requirement to follow County Covid-19 requirements have been drafted.

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McCathran Hall (Barbara Raimondo)

Revised rental forms to keep up with ongoing COVID protocols.

New cleaning person is up and running. Thanks to Kathy Lehman for her help with this.

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Maintenance (Darrell Anderson)

  • The season for steady grass-cutting is winding down, but the continual rains are still making the grass and brush grow. Much of maintenance time required grass-cutting, brush removal, and trips to the dump. Purchased gas when needed. Completed paperwork as required. Worked in the maintenance shop if needed or weather dictated.
  • Went to Home Depot to pick up wire for new sidewalk lighting at Town Hall. Went to Home Depot to pick up two new sprinklers for the clay courts.
  • Worked on the clay courts and rolled them as necessary.
  • Hauled dirt to the lake for the Lake Committee.
  • Fixed damaged drain pipe on Pine Road.
  • Went to Rentals Unlimited to pick up a trencher for installing new sidewalk lighting.
  • Met with WSSC for asphalt measurements on Ridge Road. Met with WSSC on Center Street (hole at the edge of the road).
  • Watered the new trees and grass on Cherry Ave. Replaced five rotted fence posts on split rail fence (Cherry Avenue). Replaced two rotted fence posts at Acorn and Chestnut Road. Fixed split rail fence at Dorsey and Grove Road.
  • Met with Guardian Fire at Town Hall (sprinkler quarterly inspection).
  • Weeded flower beds at Town Hall. Cleaned gutters at Town Hall. Checked emergency lights, sump pump and lights at Town Hall.
  • Met with Patty, Joan, and Peter at Daylily Lane to go over plans for border fence & signage. Reinstalled “No Parking” sign that was knocked down on Daylily Lane.
  • Put flags up for holiday weekend.

Note: I am working with John Tomlin to produce the job description for the hiring of the replacement for Steve.

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Maryland Municipal League (Darrell Anderson)

The MML will hold its next meeting on September 16, the first meeting after the summer lull began in June.

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Playgrounds and Tennis Courts (Christine Dibble)

Nothing to report this month.

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Roads and Walkways (Gray Yachup)

It was brought to the attention of the Mayor and myself that there was a severe water drainage issue on Daylily Lane. The water gets stuck in a divot made by a moving truck that passed over inadequately supported asphalt, and creates a swamp at the corner of the driveway. Currently exploring mitigation options with Steve that may include the widening of the turn around, to avoid further damage from delivery trucks.

Assessment has also been finished with regards to the red barrier at the end of Brown Street. In talks with F&B and Border, a location, barrier type, and aesthetic have been chosen to fit the area. Will be presenting this to TC at the next meeting (Sept. 14th).

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Shady Grove Crossing (Barbara Raimondo)

Reached out to, and had a call with, Shady Grove Crossing management representative to introduce myself and let her know to be in touch if she needs anything. Shared information about the Picea View Court/Ridge Road connection.

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Washington Grove Conservation Park (Upper Field) (Dave Cosson)

See discussion of potential deer hunt in the Meadow during 2022-23 hunting season in the Woods Committee report.

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Website and Communications (Christine Dibble)

I have reviewed and reformatted (to enhance usability) about 75% of the website’s 100+ pages.  Once I complete this task, I will:

  • Identify content owners for all pages and ask them to review page content and send me updates;
  • Populate the sortable tables of all Town ordinances and all Town resolutions, and identify gaps in these tables.
  • Add images to the website.

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