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16 August 2016 | Approved: 20 September 2016

Members Present: Bob Booher, David Stopak and Mimi Styles, along with Georgette Cole, Town Council Liaison, and Cynthia Werts, Town resident. The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm.

Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed and approved, as amended.

Adoption of Minutes:

The draft minutes from the meeting of July 19, 2016, were reviewed with no changes – the motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes as written.

Review Session:

The Commission reviewed the plat/vicinity map of the Cator property development. The property owner is moving forward with recording the plat of subdivision with Montgomery County. The owner now intends to put the individual lots up for sale rather than sell the whole to a developer. There are several issues and concerns that need to be addressed to make sure everything is in compliance with the conditions of the annexation agreement between the Town of Washington Grove and the property owner:

  • Forest conservation land
  • Building restriction line
  • Criteria for a cluster zone
  • Roads & walkway connections to homes
  • Enforcement of subdivision plans/design (porches/garages)
  • Compatibility with the Town

The Commission agrees that the Town should obtain legal counsel from the Town attorney to ensure that the conditions of the annexation agreement are enforced and that a subdivision contract is in agreement with the prospective buyer(s). A copy of the legal agreement and requirements should be distributed to the real estate agent and prospective buyer, as well.

Bob will draft a report on these concerns and circulate to Commission members for their input. Once the report has been edited, it will then be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review and comment.

Design Guidelines:

Further discussion on this issue will be postponed until next month’s meeting.

Town Council Report:

Georgette gave a brief report on items discussed at the August meeting. She noted that the draft RFP for the project to re-subdivide and establish property markers along the boundaries of the East Woods will be sent to the Town lawyer for review before it is mailed out to prospective bidders. The Council also discussed having a policy to establish a time limit for public appearances at TC/PC/HPC meetings (a five-minute limit was suggested).

Vacant Properties:

David reported that the work group plans to have a report ready to present to the Town Council meeting in October. All the information has been gathered and the committee is in the process of preparing a written report.

Bulletin Material:

Mimi reported that Pat Patula has prepared an article for the September bulletin and Mimi has prepared an insertion about Clare Kelly’s October presentation.

Clare Kelly Presentation:

Notification will appear in the September and October Town bulletins as a reminder to residents to mark their calendars for Friday, October 21st. Georgette Cole has volunteered to post signs around Town the week before, and, Bob will also post the announcement on the Washington Grove Yahoo site. The final details for the presentation will be worked out at the next meeting.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Minutes prepared and submitted by:
Cynthia Werts

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