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5 October 2016 | Approved: 2 November 2016

Chairman Nagrod called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Brenda Gumula, Deborah Mehlferber, and Steve Werts. Dave Hix was out sick and John McClelland arrived at 8:25 p.m. Others in attendance were Mayor Joli McCathran, Council member Audrey Maskery and residents Charlie Challstrom, Eva Polston and Jane Seegal. Also present were property owners Shirl & Steven Harrison (17050 Railroad Street) and Virginia Quesada & Robert Johnson (400 Center Street).

Approval of Agenda:

Deb Mehlferber moved to approve the agenda. Brenda Gumula seconded the motion. Chairman Nagrod moved both building permit applications (203 2nd Ave. and 400 Center St.) to Public Appearances. Approved: 4-0, as amended.

Public Appearances:

203 2nd Avenue: Brenda Gumula explained the proposed fence was in four (4) locations on the lot. All of the proposed fence is on the owner’s property. She called to the Commission’s attention the stated purpose in Article VII, Section 1.1, specifically; “in order to accomplish these ends it is further the purpose to provide adequate light, air, and access…” The proposed fence will make access to the heat pump and chimney at 315 Grove Avenue a challenge. Eva is open to the idea of installing gates in order to solve the problem. Jane will pay for the gates. This is a private issue between neighbors and out of the Commission’s hands. Ed Roberts (#6 The Circle) sent in a letter asking the Commission to deny the fence permit for a fence between Eva’s and Ed’s property. The proposed fence is not in that area. Peter will communicate with Ed.
Brenda Gumula moved to approve the proposed fence at 203 2nd Avenue. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 4-0.

400 Center Street: Dave Hix’s report recommended approval of this project. The Commission and home owners reviewed the proposed plans. There was a discussion about the ordinance governing open porches. It was determined that lattice work underneath a porch in the setbacks did not violate the rules. Peter Nagrod moved to approve the plans as presented. John McClelland seconded the motion.
Approved: 4-0.

Cator Property Lots (17050 Railroad St.) – Forest Conservation: The Commission discussed many details including but not limited to the following:

  • Maintenance of trees in Forest Conservation area – two (2) years
  • Cluster Development
  • Subdivision Development
  • Property owner’s responsibilities
  • Developer’s responsibilities
  • Legally binding documents
  • Staging the requirements/responsibilities
  • Full disclosure and legal acknowledgement for development criteria;
    • Detached garages
    • House placement on lots
    • Walkway construction
    • Shared ingress/egress

The following items are to be completed by the property owner/developer:

  • Forest Conservation – including two (2) year maintenance
  • Shared ingress/egress
  • Sewer, water and utilities to lots
  • Walkway construction

John McClelland moved to approve the Forest Conservation Plan with a bond for the care of trees as presented on the Forest Conservation Plat. Brenda Gumula seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

John McClelland moved to approve the Subdivision Record Plat, Block 37 Lots 1-4 in Washington Grove, Maryland dated August 2016; including the Preliminary Subdivision Plan (“Cator Property”) dated May 2007 and revised on June 3, 2015; with additional covenants for permanent maintenance of 15 foot easement walkway path, a performance bond for private 20 foot wide shared access driveway, water, sewer, electricity and other standard utilities. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approval: 5-0.

Approval of the Minutes:

Steve Werts moved to approve the September minutes. John McClelland seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0

Building Permit Applications:

See Public Appearances

Block Corner Survey Project – Update:

The responses to the RFP for the East Woods border marking and de-platting are scheduled to be opened at the November meeting of the Town Council.

Border Committee:

Peter Nagrod reported he has eight (8) members who will serve on this new committee. The group is charged with helping residents along Washington Grove Lane and Daylily Lane feel more included in the Town. The hope is to establish a better sense of community in these areas which may discourage littering and other unwanted actions.

Washington Grove House Records – Status Report:

Brenda Gumula reported the group met twice in September. A total of 74 homes have been completed.

Report from Town Council: Nothing to report.

Other Business:

112 Chestnut Avenue Fence: A fence is being erected by the property owner without a permit. There was a discussion about replacement vs. repair and the height. Peter will ask the Mayor to issue a Stop Work Order. The resident will be asked to apply for a building permit.

Signage on Grove Road: It was reported that people are parking along Grove Road; sometimes all day because they take the train to work and sometimes participating in other activities. The Commission discussed No Parking signs. John McClelland will bring this to the Council’s attention.

Peter James from Eco-Village came to talk to the Commission about agri-forestry, sustainable forestry and something called Robo Grow. He thought it would be a good fit for our Town. Peter suggested he start with putting something out on the Town Listserve. Peter offered to help.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM.

Kathryn L. Lehman, Town Clerk

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