301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday » 09.12.11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Actions at the August 8th Council meeting included:

  • approval of two (2) additional vacation days for Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts’ employment contract.

Casey 6 and 7 Update

On Monday August 1 the County presented an overview of the EMOC build-out on Casey 6 and 7 in the Town Hall. They answered resident questions about the details and staging of the work. We will continue to follow up on the zoning of the Roberts Oxygen property and closure of Roberts access to Railroad Street. Shelley Winkler will continue to act as resident liaison to the County during the two year building process.

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 09.07.11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. Please contact the Town Office (301-926-2256) or [email protected], or see permits for more details. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permit applications as well.

The following permits were approved at the MONTH meeting:

  • 204 Ridge Rd. » Fence
  • 302 Ridge Rd. » Shed Relocation

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: Tuesday » 09.20.11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. Meetings are open to the public. The HPC encourages residents to come for an early consultation when planning a renovation.

Thank you David Neumann!

An era is coming to a close. This month David and Maureen Neumann will be moving down the (Rockville) pike to inaugurate a new chapter in their lives. The Town wishes to thank David for the untiring work and leadership he has provided, literally for decades, to the many Town groups for which he willingly volunteered. David played a part in many of the momentous decisions and memorable Town events over the last 34 years. He brought depth of knowledge and broad experience to every issue he got involved with as well as a keen sense of what was best for the Grove. He has remained steadfast to protecting the unique qualities that make our community and neighborhoods strong, coherent, and vibrant. Having for years been passionately involved with houses in the oldest part of Town, he initiated and led the study that resulted in formation of the Historic Preservation Commission. He served on the Commission for over 10 years as an ever thoughtful and forward thinking figure that always had both the past and the future of the Grove in his sights. He was responsible for establishing a consistent and grounded basis for how the Commission approached its responsibility to the historic assets that placed it on the National Register. He has participated in re-writing the Town Master Plan, brought insight and passion to the efforts to curb mansionization, and been a guiding light in many a Town Meeting.

Hopefully he will still remain connected to the Grove and wander back up the Pike to help us through all the thorny issues that confront us for years to come

Forestry News

Next Meeting: TBD Call Audrey Maskery for more information; 301-977-0582.

Woods Group Update

We are still trying to determine what has caused wilt in small but specific areas of the East Woods. Two experts from the University of Maryland Extension service and the Maryland Department of Agriculture will be at the September Council meeting. They have been investigating possible causes and will present their findings to date.

PEPCO/Asplundh Pruning Update

August arrived with the long expected Asplundh pruning and tree removal. Pepco’s main objective was to clear all wires of tree limbs within eight/ten feet. This sometimes included the removal of a tree that had potential of falling during winter storms and fouling the electric lines. Pepco hired a licensed forester to review the Town and private property trees adjacent to roads and walkways. The F&B Councilor and Town Maintenance spent many hours checking the trees on Town property to insure minimal damage would occur. There are some trees on Town property that will need some remedial pruning once Asplundh has left town. Where trees have been pruned or removed on private land permission of the property owner was obtained by Pepco before passing the contract to Asplundh. Pepco/Asplundh also had a Roadside Tree Permit for their work as required by the State of Maryland.

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 09.21.11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend. New members always welcome!


Support Chamber Music in the Grove
Subscribe for all FIVE incredible concerts…
And Bring a friend!
(Brochures are in the mail)

Bluestober Fest Cometh!!

The 3rd Annual Washington Grove Bluestober Fest will be on Saturday, October 1st at the Gazebo from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.. The Billy Thompson Band will headline this event. Sausages, hot dogs, potato salad and condiments provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. BYOB! Please call Lauren or Eric Selby if you can help with grilling, set-up or clean-up; 301-963-7073 or [email protected].
Lederhosen optional!


Yoga instructor Terry Strother will start her classes again on Tuesday, Sept. 6th from 7:00 – 8:30 PM in McCathran Hall. The fee is still $10.00 per class. For more information, call Terry at 240-631-2759.

Lake Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 09.21.11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend. New members always welcome!

Fishing Regulations at Maple Lake

New fishing regulations have been approved by the Town Council and are now posted at the Lake. The Lake Committee has worked hard to come up with rules that are reasonable and that protect our residents. Safety is our greatest concern so please remember that fishing is NOT permitted from the dock, the beach or the berm in between. Even when you are in the area where fishing is permitted (see the posted map) you must not throw lines if swimmers enter the area. Since the fishing at Maple Lake is catch and release fishers are encouraged to use barbless hooks.
Ordinance Article I, section 12b says that “fishing by any means is prohibited in the Town except in conformance with State law.” This means that anyone 16 or older must have a valid fishing license. Please be aware that fishing or trapping of snapping turtles is prohibited by State law.
Continue to be alert to the potential hook hazard.
I’m sure our residents will be mindful, but it’s clear we often have non-residents using the lake who may not be as careful. Even with the Lake combinations changing regularly, trespassers continue to be a problem. The Lake Committee has done a wonderful job of making Maple Lake a welcoming haven for the Grove. Dedicated volunteers do yearly cleanup, organize lifeguard schedules and open and close the gate. Please remember, however, that all of us who use and enjoy the lake need to play a part in keeping this area safe and enjoyable.

Woman’s Club News

In memoriam
The Woman’s Club of Washington Grove joins the Town in mourning the loss of our friend and longtime member Mary Kay DuBois. She wore many hats in the Club. She beefed up our ranks as Membership Chair, extended hospitality to all as the Potluck Dinner co-Chair, and was a super good sport to let yard sale donations pile up in her garage year-round. She was always ready to speak up with new ideas and pitch in wherever she could. Her level head and easy laugh carried us through many an episode. Rest in peace, Mary Kay.

Potluck Dinner

Come one, come all to the annual Potluck Dinner on Friday, September 16, at 6:30 P.M. at the Woman’s Clubhouse. Please bring a dish to share.

We are very excited to have as our speaker Ted Kelly, who will present:
“From the Crystal Set to the Internet”
A celebration and history of 90+ years of Radio as the great entertainer and companion we have all grown up with. A light and interactive conversation mixed with audio and video looking at the history of radio, some of the most interesting and benchmark moments I have had the honor to be a part of throughout my career and the evolution of the medium into the 21st century.
Ted is a broadcast veteran, whose on-air, programming, marketing and communications career spans from the advent of FM to internet and satellite radio. He is responsible for some of the most recent radio benchmarks and firsts for internet radio and global/US satellite radio and looks forward to sharing some stories from here and abroad that will take you behind the curtain of the theater of the mind…radio.


  • September 18th-"Rally Day" celebrates the start of Sunday school for the year at 12:30 (following 11 am worship) with Games, face-painting, and cook out…All welcome! The 2011-2012 Sunday school year will involve learning about the Methodist history of service to schools, clinics, and shelters, along with projects to continue that history of service…
  • Mark your October Calendar-Get your Pumpkins at the Fall Festival! October 15th, 9 am to 4 pm–Get your Halloween pumpkin at our Fall Festival “pumpkin patch,” and get a start on Christmas by visiting craft tables…bake sale, food, and more! Artists and crafters and others interested-email Judy at [email protected] or Kathi Ives at [email protected] to reserve a space, or for more details.


If you would like to help, call Craig English at 301-840-1897.
September 3,4,5, 2011

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