WEBVTT 1 00:00:31.400 --> 00:00:32.960 John Compton: We say, yikes 2 00:00:43.930 --> 00:00:46.910 John Compton: yikes. 3 00:00:49.400 --> 00:00:51.920 Kathy Lehman: And yeah, that. 4 00:00:52.750 --> 00:00:59.349 Kathy Lehman: hey? A lot of people attending tonight, that's great. 5 00:01:00.640 --> 00:01:09.069 Kathy Lehman: If we get if we exceed the loud number of attendees. I'll have to take a moment to increase that number. 6 00:01:10.860 --> 00:01:16.259 Christine Dibble: What's the number? You the maximum number you have, John? 7 00:01:16.300 --> 00:01:17.620 Peter Nagrod: Oh, well. 8 00:01:17.750 --> 00:01:22.210 John Compton: I'm hoping that maybe maybe 50, just a moment. 9 00:01:22.550 --> 00:01:24.640 Peter Nagrod: We're we're over 52 now. 10 00:01:24.650 --> 00:01:26.400 John Compton: Yeah. So I think it's 100. 11 00:01:28.200 --> 00:01:31.290 Kathy Lehman: They can be increased. Just takes 12 00:01:32.010 --> 00:01:33.190 Kathy Lehman: doing that. 13 00:01:37.750 --> 00:01:50.759 John Compton: So all these people are here to talk about the roads being paved. That's nothing. Sets off the town of the roads. 14 00:01:55.080 --> 00:02:01.460 Christine Dibble: Yeah. When I saw Andrews email tonight about road resurfacing. I was like. 15 00:02:01.600 --> 00:02:04.340 Christine Dibble: Phew! Oh, my gosh. 16 00:02:04.740 --> 00:02:06.940 Peter Nagrod: that's not what Georgette and I are thinking. 17 00:02:15.170 --> 00:02:16.730 Kathy Lehman: they're still coming. 18 00:02:17.830 --> 00:02:19.810 Peter Nagrod: Wow! This is amazing. 19 00:02:25.220 --> 00:02:34.770 John Compton: Or remind everybody that your the name on your video or on your now on video needs to be something we can 20 00:02:35.490 --> 00:02:38.490 John Compton: know who's actually here. 21 00:02:38.820 --> 00:02:42.900 John Compton: not because we'll kick you out, but because anonymous 22 00:02:43.340 --> 00:02:46.860 John Compton: anonymous participation is frowned on. 23 00:02:47.030 --> 00:02:48.320 Sandra Gallagher: No. Boy No. 24 00:02:55.980 --> 00:02:57.360 Kathy Lehman: 4,000. 25 00:02:58.120 --> 00:03:03.699 Kathy Lehman: Well, it looks like we've got at least 75 participants 26 00:03:10.550 --> 00:03:12.250 Kathy Lehman: is set 27 00:03:16.060 --> 00:03:18.129 Kathy Lehman: made from heavier material. 28 00:03:44.290 --> 00:03:45.020 Hmm. 29 00:03:53.970 --> 00:03:55.100 thank you. 30 00:04:01.660 --> 00:04:02.770 Pretty good. 31 00:04:04.010 --> 00:04:04.940 Okay. 32 00:04:33.330 --> 00:04:35.270 John Compton: Alright. Well. 33 00:04:43.520 --> 00:04:46.380 Peter Nagrod: 70 connection so far. Okay. 34 00:04:47.720 --> 00:04:51.509 John Compton: So if I don't see who's what? 35 00:04:51.910 --> 00:04:52.590 Okay. 36 00:04:53.140 --> 00:04:55.080 Kathy Lehman: I apologize right now. 37 00:04:55.880 --> 00:04:58.560 John Compton: Okay, 38 00:04:59.540 --> 00:05:05.580 John Compton: I'm gonna call the Town Council meeting February twenty-seventh 39 00:05:05.950 --> 00:05:07.160 Kathy Lehman: to order 40 00:05:07.760 --> 00:05:13.359 Kathy Lehman: let me first a comment on the 41 00:05:13.590 --> 00:05:15.000 John Compton: I don't think 42 00:05:15.820 --> 00:05:28.310 John Compton: a a comment on the agenda. The initial intention of of the Council was to consult with our town attorney for legal advice. 43 00:05:28.640 --> 00:05:42.730 John Compton: because Rob Gilmore was suddenly unable to attend it was felt that this should be postponed. So the closed session that we would otherwise be inner proposing 44 00:05:42.840 --> 00:05:44.910 John Compton: has been deferred. 45 00:05:45.130 --> 00:05:57.719 John Compton: We'll talk about when we will hold that at the end. I've proposed that we do it before March the March eleventh regular meeting of the Town Council 46 00:05:58.010 --> 00:06:04.990 John Compton: at 6 15. So what that means is that the council meeting would actually start at 6 15. 47 00:06:05.800 --> 00:06:10.760 John Compton: The Council would decide whether or not to go into closed session 48 00:06:10.970 --> 00:06:18.609 John Compton: we go into closed session. Then the open meeting would recommence at 7 30 49 00:06:19.020 --> 00:06:31.660 John Compton: at the regular time. So that's that's just for everyone's fyi. If you don't hang in there till the end. When we decide exactly whether to do that. 50 00:06:32.150 --> 00:06:54.149 John Compton: John, this is Barbara, can you just clarify for people who may not know the reason for that meeting? So they don't get it confused. Get excited, maybe. Do get excited, Ferguson to 51 00:06:54.710 --> 00:07:11.139 John Compton: asked for some guidance as to what the illegal Options the town has, both from the state, the county, and in our own ordinance regarding neglected maintenance of properties in town. 52 00:07:11.510 --> 00:07:16.489 John Compton: As to how to go about correcting 53 00:07:16.560 --> 00:07:18.800 John Compton: and issues that have 54 00:07:18.830 --> 00:07:32.310 John Compton: have arisen in the past, that still continue to certain degree. So that would be legal advice regarding that issue. The Council has expressed an interest in 55 00:07:32.560 --> 00:07:39.410 John Compton: and establishing a procedure or a a addressing 56 00:07:39.570 --> 00:08:03.409 John Compton: issues of neglected maintenance. As as they arise. That would take the form of, you know. First we do this. Then we do that sort of thing. And to to make that happen, we, we're starting with the legal options as they exist today. So that's what that closed session was for 57 00:08:03.920 --> 00:08:09.670 John Compton: and any action, any, any establishment of a of a policy will, of course, be done in open meeting. 58 00:08:10.550 --> 00:08:14.989 Peter Nagrod: Hey, John, John, before before I make the motion to approve the agenda. 59 00:08:15.240 --> 00:08:23.380 Peter Nagrod: since there's 70 people here, could you, just for everybody but go over the ground rules of how this is going to work tonight, because otherwise 60 00:08:23.750 --> 00:08:37.369 John Compton: I would do that. We've called the order. I put. I re-establish public appearances for this meeting simply because the Council is now going to deal with 61 00:08:37.390 --> 00:08:40.180 John Compton: with the other business and open session. 62 00:08:40.360 --> 00:08:53.069 John Compton: Since most of you are not here, II trust, to do a public appearance on on a different issue from what's already on the agenda. Peter's right. 63 00:08:53.120 --> 00:08:54.720 John Compton: So 64 00:08:55.320 --> 00:09:06.880 John Compton: we really have 2. Well, 3 main items of business. We want to get started on road work plans to which we typically expend funds at the end of the fiscal year. 65 00:09:06.970 --> 00:09:09.789 John Compton: We the 66 00:09:10.140 --> 00:09:23.510 John Compton: Racial Equity Committee has transmitted a report on the Diversity and Inclusion Survey. That was 67 00:09:25.050 --> 00:09:28.370 John Compton: done in early in 2,022 68 00:09:28.790 --> 00:09:31.170 John Compton: and so that 69 00:09:31.440 --> 00:09:37.219 John Compton: is. Now, we now have a compilation of the data. 70 00:09:37.420 --> 00:09:46.749 John Compton: As they have transmitted it. It's it. It takes the, you know. So that's one item to the Council to 71 00:09:47.110 --> 00:09:50.889 John Compton: to discuss, and we may well take a public 72 00:09:51.010 --> 00:09:53.440 John Compton: public comment on that, so that I need 73 00:09:53.580 --> 00:10:06.460 John Compton: and of course the other one is the recommendations that came from racic con, that that stem really from an analysis, partly from an analysis of that that survey. 74 00:10:06.560 --> 00:10:14.949 John Compton: and equally the resolution that was passed last year 75 00:10:15.320 --> 00:10:21.580 John Compton: to where we repudiate racism, acknowledge past racism in town. 76 00:10:21.750 --> 00:10:25.500 John Compton: and a more, you know, as importantly. 77 00:10:25.550 --> 00:10:30.910 John Compton: had aspirations to to 78 00:10:31.540 --> 00:10:37.780 John Compton: do to to for town policies to be consciously non 79 00:10:37.890 --> 00:10:50.060 John Compton: racist, non-exclusionary. Going forward. So they've sent over 5 recommendations for the Council to consider for the town to consider. 80 00:10:50.130 --> 00:10:52.479 John Compton: and that is the second major 81 00:10:52.500 --> 00:10:56.270 John Compton: part of this of this meeting. Now 82 00:10:56.480 --> 00:11:12.760 John Compton: you know that nobody those just arrived last week. An any of you read all those materials? Congratulations hopefully, has read all of those materials. I know some people have spent some time thinking about it. 83 00:11:12.760 --> 00:11:29.029 John Compton: But to take action on any of those my recommendation, and the castle can, of course, make their own decision at this meeting. Would seem to be precipitous. But so the 84 00:11:29.360 --> 00:11:41.870 John Compton: I would anticipate that there would be some time for some of you to address those recommendations after the Council puts in an initial word, and perhaps some 85 00:11:42.810 --> 00:11:53.010 John Compton: so hopefully some consensus as to how to proceed. In in considering these anywhere from. you know. 86 00:11:53.220 --> 00:11:58.780 John Compton: adopting them all, burying them all, or leaving them open for discussion 87 00:11:58.870 --> 00:12:09.320 John Compton: or or opening them even to wider discussion. So if all of you are here hoping to speak. That just can't happen. Obviously 88 00:12:09.370 --> 00:12:20.249 John Compton: but hopefully you'll hear at least how how this is going to, how the Council hopes to plans to address this and 89 00:12:20.410 --> 00:12:23.869 John Compton: going forward. So that's what we're gonna do. 90 00:12:23.890 --> 00:12:31.409 John Compton: Anybody who does speak is going to be very limited in in, in what they say. 91 00:12:31.420 --> 00:12:32.850 John Compton: We are 92 00:12:33.190 --> 00:12:57.570 John Compton: the the count, the the town, and the council now have a policy that yes, you can. You can have a personal appearance. If we have nothing else going on much, we'll talk about it at length. But if it's a matter like like this one like this issue. It would be a very brief verbal statement, but but everyone is absolutely encouraged to 93 00:12:57.570 --> 00:13:06.879 John Compton: supply the council and the town with their written remarks, so that they can be reviewed so that they can be 94 00:13:07.330 --> 00:13:13.589 John Compton: you know, be be be accounted for going forward in in discussion. 95 00:13:13.610 --> 00:13:14.700 John Compton: about these. 96 00:13:15.410 --> 00:13:18.100 John Compton: Okay, that about what you wanted, Peter. 97 00:13:18.240 --> 00:13:23.449 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, yeah. Except that when when people are giving their comments, it would be really helpful 98 00:13:23.460 --> 00:13:29.820 Peter Nagrod: if somebody says something. It's not repeated 20 times to show that there's a majority pushing. 99 00:13:29.980 --> 00:13:33.419 Peter Nagrod: because all we're doing is gathering information. Correct? 100 00:13:34.790 --> 00:13:40.770 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, yeah, that's a good. I mean, you know we we 101 00:13:41.020 --> 00:13:42.300 John Compton: it's simply 102 00:13:42.710 --> 00:13:53.799 John Compton: not a good use of anybody's time to hear here that you agree with so and so over the past 10. So and so. So 103 00:13:53.900 --> 00:13:57.079 John Compton: But but the Council is very interested in hearing anything 104 00:13:57.250 --> 00:14:01.949 John Compton: different, or any any, any, any any personal point of view. 105 00:14:02.070 --> 00:14:26.580 Barbara: Of course, this is Barbara. I'm I'm gonna disagree with you. I think if people wanna say they agree with somebody, they should say they agree with somebody. If they wanna repeat somebody's point that's really up to them. I don't think we should try to. We do need to be mindful of time. So I definitely think we should if we wanna set a time limit. That's fine. But I don't think we should be instructing people about what they should or shouldn't say 106 00:14:27.790 --> 00:14:34.999 Peter Nagrod: nobody. Yeah, instructing anybody on what to say 107 00:14:35.210 --> 00:14:47.650 John Compton: when there's a finite amount of time. It simply isn't a good use of that time to here. you know. Yes, I'm in favor of that. 108 00:14:47.750 --> 00:14:58.389 John Compton: Thank you very much. Even that is just doesn't add to the discussion. Yes, it's a valid opinion. But if you and if you want, and if the Council wants to hear that, that's fine. 109 00:14:58.400 --> 00:15:02.689 John Compton: But I would. You know I we we? It's 110 00:15:02.730 --> 00:15:11.190 Eva: well, I think there's a simple solution here, which is that we have the chat, and people have already put stuff in the chat, so I think you could easily say in the chat, if you agree. 111 00:15:11.410 --> 00:15:14.509 Eva: and then it's not taking up more time. 112 00:15:14.770 --> 00:15:19.779 John Compton: Okay, that's one way to allow someone to express. 113 00:15:19.960 --> 00:15:31.050 John Compton: And, by the way, the just for those of you who don't know we we do record the the Council sessions. They've been recorded now for almost 2 years. 114 00:15:31.300 --> 00:15:49.200 John Compton: and those recordings in a variety of kind of formats of of presentations, one of which is the a, the closed caption, or the verbal, a, a, a, a machine 115 00:15:49.500 --> 00:15:52.520 John Compton: text file 116 00:15:52.620 --> 00:16:01.580 John Compton: so you don't actually have to see anybody. You can listen to them. But those are all available. Anybody wants them. We have not put them up on. 117 00:16:01.630 --> 00:16:10.299 John Compton: but I give access to anybody who has ever asked what that they want to. Hear what went on at the council 118 00:16:10.320 --> 00:16:17.120 John Compton: that goes for past councils, and hopefully we'll go for future council meetings as well. So the chat 119 00:16:17.430 --> 00:16:19.299 John Compton: will also be saved. 120 00:16:19.590 --> 00:16:20.310 Peter Nagrod: Hmm! 121 00:16:21.070 --> 00:16:27.399 John Compton: So you're anybody who expresses opinion there it will be recorded, and others can 122 00:16:27.520 --> 00:16:28.929 John Compton: view that as well. 123 00:16:29.290 --> 00:16:41.700 John Compton: That's a good point. So so this is Barbara again. I just wanna reiterate. I stand by my point that I'm interested in hearing what people say, whether it's agree. It's been said before or not. But that's that's how I feel about this. 124 00:16:45.070 --> 00:17:00.079 John Compton: Okay? Alright. So that's all kinds of procedural stuff. So do we have anybody here with a public appearance on something that is not already. John motioned to approve the agenda. 125 00:17:00.560 --> 00:17:14.780 John Compton: Now it comes. But okay. there's a motion to approve the agenda. I'll show the agenda. Everybody should have had a chance to look at the agenda. 126 00:17:14.819 --> 00:17:19.190 John Compton: in advance. But here it is. 127 00:17:19.230 --> 00:17:24.770 John Compton: I just changed the position of approval of the agenda which had dropped below public appearances. 128 00:17:25.240 --> 00:17:30.670 Peter Nagrod: Because when we had a close meeting, we weren't going to do public. 129 00:17:30.920 --> 00:17:33.630 John Compton: Okay? So any comments on the agenda 130 00:17:34.260 --> 00:17:35.330 John Compton: Dustin's. 131 00:17:35.700 --> 00:17:37.009 Kathy Lehman: Who did the second? 132 00:17:37.320 --> 00:17:44.419 Peter Nagrod: I knew you're gonna say that. Eva says, second in the agenda. 133 00:17:44.750 --> 00:17:45.800 Kathy Lehman: Alright. 134 00:17:45.970 --> 00:17:55.529 John Compton: there's no discussion. Further comments on the agenda. Then then let's move to a vote. All in favor of the Council. 135 00:17:55.900 --> 00:17:57.310 John Compton: Any opposed. 136 00:17:57.510 --> 00:18:04.159 John Compton: Speak up! I'm I'm having trouble finding everybody at the moment I'll I'll get you a rearrange when somebody else gets a chance to talk. 137 00:18:04.530 --> 00:18:09.279 John Compton: Okay, the agenda is is adopted. Thank you. 138 00:18:09.450 --> 00:18:14.869 John Compton: Alright. Now we're on to public appearances on matters that are not all already on the agenda. 139 00:18:16.870 --> 00:18:20.980 Kathy Lehman: You'll have to speak up because I won't find you 140 00:18:21.110 --> 00:18:26.089 John Compton: in the 78 connections. We currently 141 00:18:29.840 --> 00:18:37.339 John Compton: okay, there are no public appearances. Then. We'll move along 142 00:18:37.460 --> 00:18:41.029 John Compton: to Mayor's announcements, which 143 00:18:41.100 --> 00:18:51.449 John Compton: I'm sure you're all thrilled to see his blessedly blank. I will certainly respond any inquiries about something that I didn't 144 00:18:52.830 --> 00:18:59.210 John Compton: already indicate in in the announcements. But I don't have any. 145 00:19:01.110 --> 00:19:06.280 John Compton: Alright. Then we have an administrative manner with that which I put at the top of the meeting. 146 00:19:06.360 --> 00:19:18.230 John Compton: And that is planning for the fiscal 24 road repair work. There was a couple of documents were in the 147 00:19:18.340 --> 00:19:24.259 John Compton: in the materials for the for the Council for anybody to see last year. 148 00:19:24.420 --> 00:19:28.969 John Compton: And I'm going to get them out, but I don't have it already out. 149 00:19:29.130 --> 00:19:34.819 John Compton: Last year we put out an Rfp for road work, which included. 150 00:19:34.830 --> 00:19:43.020 John Compton: I think there were 13 areas around town segments of railway. They were 13, there were 151 00:19:43.290 --> 00:19:44.160 John Compton: 11, 152 00:19:45.050 --> 00:19:53.040 John Compton: and we got bids on all of them, and from which totaled $184,000. 153 00:19:53.410 --> 00:20:17.509 John Compton: That was last year's money last year's cost, and from that we chose the highest priority segments of roads road repairs. So the this is, this is a strategy. The council that we've used in the past we use once before. So that this year we could take a look and 154 00:20:17.690 --> 00:20:25.880 John Compton: we we would be be already have identified the road segments that we were thought to 155 00:20:26.610 --> 00:20:40.519 John Compton: need attention at some time or another. It's not to say there are areas that need new areas to be considered. And I think we've already had one suggestion. I've had a suggestion. Offline. 156 00:20:40.890 --> 00:20:46.419 John Compton: that Sixth Avenue be be 157 00:20:46.490 --> 00:20:52.239 John Compton: improved. Because it has part of Sixth Avenue, which is a walkway. 158 00:20:52.300 --> 00:21:09.279 John Compton: is is also the only access to several resa residences. So and and cars to those residents that are allowed on the road, and alright, so we we did 9 and 159 00:21:10.070 --> 00:21:31.430 John Compton: What I'm really proposing to the Council is that but I we will go back to a veers and to Laney. Who made who made bids on these individual segments? I can, by the way, show them to you just since I went to all the trouble to 160 00:21:32.330 --> 00:21:34.159 John Compton: wait a second. Where's my? 161 00:21:35.130 --> 00:21:36.179 There it is. 162 00:21:36.700 --> 00:21:44.449 John Compton: right? So this is I'd have to blow this up to show you this map. 163 00:21:44.710 --> 00:21:49.270 John Compton: This is all the segments. Hopefully, you can see that too big. 164 00:21:49.390 --> 00:21:52.660 John Compton: Those are the segments 165 00:21:54.190 --> 00:21:59.920 John Compton: there, and they're listed up here 166 00:22:00.070 --> 00:22:04.570 John Compton: and the bids from last year are here 167 00:22:04.630 --> 00:22:16.799 John Compton: as well, and some sort of prior organization. That's listed under my name. Here. Was was done. So we did. We did all the ones 168 00:22:17.050 --> 00:22:26.120 John Compton: and now we're left with the others. So I propose that we go back to the the 2 bidders. Ask them for current prices 169 00:22:26.420 --> 00:22:30.160 John Compton: for the though. This is this the same work. 170 00:22:30.570 --> 00:22:40.079 John Compton: and then the Council can handle the can then decide how to spend the funds we have available. 171 00:22:40.310 --> 00:22:41.090 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 172 00:22:41.250 --> 00:22:47.729 John Compton: which is a good question, and I'm forgetting how much it is. I'm sorry. 173 00:22:47.770 --> 00:22:48.990 John Compton: but 174 00:22:49.210 --> 00:22:55.419 John Compton: Will will definitely work work within the budget, both the end this year's budget and 175 00:22:55.610 --> 00:23:01.480 John Compton: possibly part of it next year's budget, since the work can be done. 176 00:23:02.240 --> 00:23:07.610 John Compton: June, July. In other words, cross over the the 2 fiscal years. 177 00:23:08.470 --> 00:23:12.790 John Compton: Okay, I have a question about the bathers. 178 00:23:13.040 --> 00:23:19.020 Peter Nagrod: Can we get it? Can we have another better? Included in this? Or is it test these 2? 179 00:23:21.170 --> 00:23:24.459 John Compton: Well, if we do that, we have to reissue the Rfp. 180 00:23:24.530 --> 00:23:30.490 Peter Nagrod: Oh, okay. I didn't know that the Rp. Had already gone out to this. Okay? Oh, no, this. The Rp went out last year. 181 00:23:30.650 --> 00:23:34.710 John Compton: This this avoids the Rfp. 182 00:23:34.950 --> 00:23:36.850 John Compton: It merely 183 00:23:36.940 --> 00:23:42.920 John Compton: utilizes the responses to their, since presumably there were, there would be nothing new here. 184 00:23:42.940 --> 00:24:01.390 John Compton: If there's anything we would have to issue an Rs beyond that. But these all have been, you know, under an Rsb. And and the 2 bidders went to some effort to make to give us these individual breakdowns. Here. Or I got it. I got it. Okay. 185 00:24:01.420 --> 00:24:03.889 Christine Dibble: go ahead. 186 00:24:04.050 --> 00:24:07.989 Christine Dibble: Yep. So I'm not 187 00:24:08.080 --> 00:24:12.500 Christine Dibble: clear. Yeah. Looking at this a through L, 188 00:24:12.820 --> 00:24:20.510 Christine Dibble: that we're seeing which of these items have already been taken care of, and which have not. 189 00:24:21.400 --> 00:24:25.939 John Compton: Okay. I should have indicated it on here, but I will do so now. 190 00:24:26.090 --> 00:24:36.360 John Compton: This one has. What should I put here. I'll make it gray. so I don't want to do that. I want to shade it. Great 191 00:24:36.390 --> 00:24:39.009 John Compton: Save it 192 00:24:39.870 --> 00:24:40.670 there. 193 00:24:40.930 --> 00:24:46.410 John Compton: So Macaulay Avenue to Wade Park chestnut road 194 00:24:46.490 --> 00:24:50.719 John Compton: 2 way Park was done. 195 00:24:51.190 --> 00:24:58.259 John Compton: Sorry. So so, John, can you indicate? 196 00:24:58.280 --> 00:25:06.680 Christine Dibble: Can can you indicate looking at the priorities like, have all the ones been done and all the two's been done. 197 00:25:07.140 --> 00:25:09.379 Christine Dibble: Okay, so the ones have been done. 198 00:25:09.470 --> 00:25:13.149 Christine Dibble: What about the twos looking at like H. And I. 199 00:25:14.100 --> 00:25:16.190 John Compton: right 200 00:25:17.700 --> 00:25:20.950 John Compton: ridge to Maple Road. No. 201 00:25:23.540 --> 00:25:28.130 John Compton: no. Center ridge to maple. It may have been done. I I'm sorry. 202 00:25:29.060 --> 00:25:31.230 John Compton: Yeah, 203 00:25:31.840 --> 00:25:39.449 John Compton: no, that was not done what we did. What we did is we did the intersection. We did the intersection of ridge and maple. 204 00:25:39.570 --> 00:25:49.419 John Compton: So we actually did part of this. We did the Maple Road tar and ship. That's for sure. We did. I mean the Center street turn ship. 205 00:25:49.770 --> 00:25:55.390 John Compton: We did railroad, chestnut road railroad to Brown. 206 00:25:55.580 --> 00:25:56.510 John Compton: Yes. 207 00:25:58.490 --> 00:26:02.450 John Compton: So we did. Some of the twos actually correct. 208 00:26:02.640 --> 00:26:04.679 Peter Nagrod: You didn't do Number C 209 00:26:05.800 --> 00:26:15.230 Peter Nagrod: chestnut Road. That's not done. Okay? So I'm wondering, can we? 210 00:26:15.240 --> 00:26:18.749 Christine Dibble: you know I really love this spreadsheet, because I think it's 211 00:26:19.220 --> 00:26:28.490 Christine Dibble: easy to understand and very clear. But I'm wondering if we could add a column to show what's already been done and what's not been done. 212 00:26:28.510 --> 00:26:34.569 Christine Dibble: And then and then Andrew, huddling sent, you know, an email today. 213 00:26:34.590 --> 00:27:01.859 Christine Dibble: Talking about Sixth Avenue, you know, which sort of you can see an FF. Is Dorsey Street. Go road to Sixth Avenue, but I'm not sure whether it includes the area that Andrew was talking about. But I'm wondering it must not include it, because it's a one, and it's already been done. 214 00:27:01.910 --> 00:27:15.060 John Compton: What I'm what I'm what we're discussing here is just going out and getting updated costs for the segments. And yes, if II would add 215 00:27:15.240 --> 00:27:27.639 John Compton: with our current vendors, that segment on on Sixth Avenue, which which would be a tarnship. It's currently not paved. It's 216 00:27:28.380 --> 00:27:41.039 John Compton: I believe it may have been tar shipped a long time ago, but it it it? That would be the kind of thing the turn ship is what we did between maple Avenue and 217 00:27:41.490 --> 00:27:45.310 John Compton: and Maple Road on center. 218 00:27:45.460 --> 00:27:48.930 Peter Nagrod: John John, that's a that's a planning commission. 219 00:27:49.960 --> 00:27:53.929 Peter Nagrod: complex. And I don't think we want to talk about it in this meeting. 220 00:27:54.300 --> 00:28:10.900 John Compton: No, I agree we don't, because yeah, not not that. But what Andrew is requesting we need to talk about. That is a decision to do work. All all of this is a 221 00:28:10.970 --> 00:28:14.339 John Compton: strategy to get a bid to do the work 222 00:28:14.750 --> 00:28:15.980 John Compton: that's different. 223 00:28:16.330 --> 00:28:17.000 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 224 00:28:19.720 --> 00:28:21.810 John Compton: okay, 225 00:28:23.480 --> 00:28:30.629 John Compton: So if we want to get it done by the within this fiscal year I wanted to start. We we should start now. 226 00:28:30.650 --> 00:28:35.139 John Compton: and and hopefully will be in a position to. 227 00:28:35.210 --> 00:28:49.050 Christine Dibble: and certainly in the meeting in June, to add, to go forward, if not earlier. So I guess. John, what I'm wondering is if we can update this spreadsheet to delete the items that have already been done. 228 00:28:49.340 --> 00:28:55.289 Christine Dibble: And then to to add the item that Andrew proposed. 229 00:28:55.550 --> 00:28:57.959 Christine Dibble: and and then reconsider. 230 00:28:58.660 --> 00:29:02.890 Christine Dibble: yeah. And it needs to be done this year. 231 00:29:03.120 --> 00:29:12.369 Eva: Someone in the chat is also wondering how to how to nominate roads for consideration, for repairs. I'm guessing just email 232 00:29:12.690 --> 00:29:14.900 Eva: the the council like Andrew did. 233 00:29:15.200 --> 00:29:16.000 John Compton: Yes. 234 00:29:16.120 --> 00:29:16.900 Kathy Lehman: yeah. 235 00:29:22.970 --> 00:29:23.830 John Compton: yes. 236 00:29:26.310 --> 00:29:28.480 John Compton: Okay. So 237 00:29:31.520 --> 00:29:39.160 Christine Dibble: so so could we update the spreadsheet and then add it to the agenda for the March meeting. 238 00:29:40.180 --> 00:29:42.510 John Compton: Yes. 239 00:29:42.560 --> 00:29:50.380 John Compton: absolutely I would like to go to the bidders, but we can do that in March. That's fine. 240 00:29:50.520 --> 00:30:08.369 John Compton: That's in 2 weeks. So okay, we'll we'll revisit the detail. There, there! There really is no way to decide what to do without real costs, and that that was the first step here. And yes, we need to cover all of the of the 241 00:30:08.930 --> 00:30:10.560 John Compton: road segments 242 00:30:10.810 --> 00:30:16.320 John Compton: which which ha! Anyone has an interest in 243 00:30:16.390 --> 00:30:18.690 John Compton: in upgrading. So 244 00:30:20.440 --> 00:30:21.330 John Compton: okay. 245 00:30:22.360 --> 00:30:23.580 John Compton: what it's about. 246 00:30:24.910 --> 00:30:30.160 John Compton: That's the plan. So we'll we'll we'll come back. I'll come back to 247 00:30:31.030 --> 00:30:37.739 John Compton: the march, the March meeting a couple of weeks with with that updated, and and we could just decide to move forward 248 00:30:38.200 --> 00:30:43.299 John Compton: and any new ones. That will give the planning commission who 249 00:30:43.530 --> 00:30:45.160 John Compton: seems to want to. 250 00:30:45.390 --> 00:30:59.099 John Compton: Way in early. Ii wanna emphasize a bit is not? It's not a contract we we so it. It just takes some 251 00:30:59.950 --> 00:31:01.200 John Compton: progressive 252 00:31:01.360 --> 00:31:08.499 John Compton: actions to be in a position to get the work done in a timely way. 253 00:31:08.640 --> 00:31:15.040 Peter Nagrod: John, just to be clear. The planning Commission isn't interested in the paving of roads. 254 00:31:15.090 --> 00:31:19.239 Peter Nagrod: We're we're interested in the paving of walkways. 255 00:31:19.600 --> 00:31:25.770 Peter Nagrod: That's that. That's the only that's why I brought up that distinction. That's the only reason. Okay, Pave the way. Otherwise. 256 00:31:27.200 --> 00:31:28.030 John Compton: Okay. 257 00:31:29.730 --> 00:31:34.630 John Compton: alright. Any further questions comments on on that plan. 258 00:31:34.810 --> 00:31:35.610 For now. 259 00:31:38.410 --> 00:31:47.410 John Compton: Okay, before I leave administrative matters, I'm gonna remind everybody here of the other quote administrative things that are 260 00:31:47.650 --> 00:31:56.960 John Compton: going on. The the big, the big one is the stormwater management sorry stormwater infrastructure, maintenance. Rf, a. 261 00:31:57.500 --> 00:32:04.120 John Compton: Which is a plan to spend our Arpa money. and 262 00:32:04.360 --> 00:32:15.989 John Compton: likely some of our State bond Fund money, which was awarded for the purposes of storm water management. Specifically in the West woods. But everything that that we're doing 263 00:32:16.450 --> 00:32:17.450 John Compton: from 264 00:32:17.830 --> 00:32:26.730 John Compton: and looking at impacts the rest. So hopefully, the Council is going to get another look at a revised Rfp. 265 00:32:26.800 --> 00:32:28.860 John Compton: And march 266 00:32:28.970 --> 00:32:30.660 John Compton: on that. 267 00:32:30.770 --> 00:32:46.139 John Compton: We also will. We're going to be sending out a we have to send out. We? We? I think it's prudent. The our lease contract lease collection contract which runs ran for 268 00:32:46.640 --> 00:32:55.099 John Compton: it, hey? It was awarded in 2,000 1920 fy 20 269 00:32:55.500 --> 00:33:08.039 John Compton: and yes, fy 20, and had 4 renewals. The that's the end of the renewals is this year. So we need to rebid the leaf contract, so that needs to be authorized 270 00:33:08.120 --> 00:33:11.359 John Compton: also. at our next meeting. 271 00:33:11.730 --> 00:33:19.829 John Compton: And as you know, we have a contract out an Rfp. For audit auditing services. 272 00:33:20.000 --> 00:33:26.479 John Compton: As well as refuse and recycling. 273 00:33:27.090 --> 00:33:36.719 John Compton: and the idea is to hopefully get bids on the water contract and refuse to recycling because the cost of that get gets put into the budget. 274 00:33:37.320 --> 00:33:43.209 John Compton: Specifically, it is the town dwelling tax assessment. 275 00:33:43.360 --> 00:33:45.360 John Compton: It's a pass-through expense. 276 00:33:45.490 --> 00:33:51.030 John Compton: So we have of all of those to those that I just mentioned, also to deal with on 277 00:33:51.480 --> 00:33:52.449 John Compton: the next meeting. 278 00:33:54.090 --> 00:34:04.360 John Compton: Alrighty. Okay. And we can move on now to the next agenda item, which is the diversity, equity and inclusion survey results. 279 00:34:04.580 --> 00:34:26.219 John Compton: and I feel quite certain that Paul is off. She's right in the middle of my screen. Look at that. So she's the chairman of of the basic committee or Co. Chair. And has is the face of the of the of the transmission of the the Dei Survey 280 00:34:26.540 --> 00:34:30.050 John Compton: Report. And 281 00:34:31.580 --> 00:34:39.530 John Compton: in discussion, we really, I mean, if you the the report is a hundred 20 slides, or something like that 282 00:34:39.639 --> 00:34:47.979 John Compton: there is, will do nobody any good to do an actual presentation of of on on the data 283 00:34:47.989 --> 00:34:51.019 John Compton: per say, we determined that that would be 284 00:34:51.060 --> 00:34:59.150 John Compton: be about a poor use of time, unless the Council feels otherwise, in which case I would recommend. We schedule a meeting 285 00:34:59.330 --> 00:35:12.459 John Compton: for a a presentation of the the data, compilation, and evaluation, all of which is in that report that, by the way, was delivered in 5 286 00:35:12.640 --> 00:35:24.500 Paula Puglisi: in. 5 webinar web zoom presentation. There were 5 presentations for each section described the data for each section. 287 00:35:24.520 --> 00:35:38.459 Paula Puglisi: and there were discussions after that, and the purpose was that they would act as a catalyst for discussion. so that already occurred, all of those presentations occurred. So tonight, if there's technical questions 288 00:35:38.640 --> 00:35:41.419 Paula Puglisi: I'll be happy to take them back 289 00:35:41.710 --> 00:35:56.630 Paula Puglisi: and let people review the data and make sure that the answers are accurate and comprehensive. But everything, as John said, was sent in the full analysis of the data 290 00:35:56.650 --> 00:36:02.580 Paula Puglisi: based on the survey responded end of discussion. So everything is in that report 291 00:36:02.610 --> 00:36:07.700 Paula Puglisi: also, just to point out in the session. 5 notes. 292 00:36:08.060 --> 00:36:10.570 Paula Puglisi: There are summaries 293 00:36:10.770 --> 00:36:12.580 Paula Puglisi: of every session. 294 00:36:13.270 --> 00:36:22.209 Paula Puglisi: So that's something that if I hope that you know the Council can look at that to get a good overview, anyone can. 295 00:36:22.520 --> 00:36:23.260 Paula Puglisi: Hmm. 296 00:36:23.920 --> 00:36:26.619 Christine Dibble: So so, Paula, I was 297 00:36:26.750 --> 00:36:45.979 Christine Dibble: kind of overwhelmed by 120 slides. But I did look, starting at slide 104, because that's where the summary starts. And I did review 104 through 120 quite closely. 298 00:36:46.020 --> 00:36:52.109 Christine Dibble: But one of the things I would love it if you could focus on was 299 00:36:52.190 --> 00:36:55.450 Christine Dibble: how the 300 00:36:56.150 --> 00:37:14.730 Christine Dibble: survey relates to the basic recommendations, because even after reviewing slides 104 through 120, I'm still not entirely clear on how the results played into the recommendations. 301 00:37:16.430 --> 00:37:21.809 Paula Puglisi: Well, I need to look at each recommendation to think about that 302 00:37:22.440 --> 00:37:26.859 Paula Puglisi: part of part 303 00:37:27.650 --> 00:37:29.270 Paula Puglisi: part of it. 304 00:37:29.730 --> 00:37:34.010 Paula Puglisi: Let me look. Let me. Just I'm gonna go through the recommendations here 305 00:37:34.170 --> 00:37:37.170 Paula Puglisi: just so that I can be more specific. 306 00:37:39.290 --> 00:37:47.510 Paula Puglisi: Some of the things I can tell you one thing right now. Some of the things that came out once in the in the survey 307 00:37:47.550 --> 00:37:49.970 Paula Puglisi: where things like 308 00:37:50.640 --> 00:38:01.579 Paula Puglisi: what is rac? There was a lot. There were a lot of different opinions about whether people had actually experienced 309 00:38:01.590 --> 00:38:20.979 Paula Puglisi: racism here or not, and how do they identify it? And so one of the record, there seem to be a lot of confusion about that. And even if we we needed something like that, and some people were saying they act absolutely. Observe bias and discrimination. 310 00:38:21.060 --> 00:38:27.670 Paula Puglisi: So one of the recommendations is to hire a diversity, equity and inclusion specialist 311 00:38:28.000 --> 00:38:30.709 Paula Puglisi: which would do some training 312 00:38:30.760 --> 00:38:37.749 Paula Puglisi: so that people could learn how to recognize racist and inappropriate behaviors 313 00:38:38.180 --> 00:38:46.639 Paula Puglisi: and receive feedback constructively and call it out without shamy. So that was one thing that did come pretty directly from that. 314 00:38:47.080 --> 00:38:49.290 Paula Puglisi: Let's see. 315 00:38:59.120 --> 00:39:06.040 Paula Puglisi: There were things in the Survey. Especially comments and some of the word clouds 316 00:39:06.310 --> 00:39:15.120 Paula Puglisi: that talked about whether Washington Grove seems to be welcoming to neighboring communities. 317 00:39:15.270 --> 00:39:25.610 Paula Puglisi: and one of the recommendations is to collaborate with neighboring communities regarding the shared use path which would be a gesture 318 00:39:25.720 --> 00:39:38.190 Paula Puglisi: and something practical in terms of negotiating with the county on shared interests. So those are 2 that I can just think of off the bat. 319 00:39:38.660 --> 00:39:39.440 Paula Puglisi: Hmm! 320 00:39:48.740 --> 00:39:52.309 Paula Puglisi: And anybody else on the committee can sign in 321 00:39:58.100 --> 00:40:01.539 Paula Puglisi: Tad. I'd like to add something. 322 00:40:02.040 --> 00:40:12.169 Paula Puglisi: So Paul, as you mentioned in the 5 Presentations, and there was discussion associated with the presentation 323 00:40:12.710 --> 00:40:23.880 Tad Stahnke: and some of the recommendations First emerged in the context of those discussions. Right? So at the end of each presentation of the data. 324 00:40:24.200 --> 00:40:27.409 Tad Stahnke: the people who are participating had some discussion. 325 00:40:27.890 --> 00:40:29.969 And also some 326 00:40:30.370 --> 00:40:35.740 Tad Stahnke: you know about potential responses. 327 00:40:37.870 --> 00:40:41.579 Tad Stahnke: So that was another area of of connection. 328 00:40:43.510 --> 00:40:50.510 Eva: This is Eva, I. Yeah. So I think Christine's question is really good. And thank you, Paul, for 329 00:40:50.520 --> 00:41:17.969 Eva: eliminating some of the how the recommendations came from the surveys. I think I I'm assuming a lot of people are here because of the specific recommendation about the renaming of the Catherine Hall, and I'm wondering if if now is an appropriate time to do so if you can talk about how survey results or discussion from the sessions maybe led to that idea. I'm I guess I'm just curious. You know, where that came from, if 330 00:41:18.070 --> 00:41:29.389 Eva: there was something that was being, you know, came up that felt like Reza felt like it needed to be addressed. If you could kind of walk us through. How the idea to rename developed 331 00:41:29.480 --> 00:41:38.490 John Compton: Ava. The interest in 332 00:41:39.930 --> 00:41:55.459 John Compton: addressing the recommendations, and I think Christine's question was, was was relevant to the survey, I think. What you're asking is Ava would more appropriately be in in a discussion of that recommendation 333 00:41:55.600 --> 00:42:03.619 John Compton: as to among other things. What? Why, you know, how did the survey factor into making that recommendation? 334 00:42:03.700 --> 00:42:07.179 John Compton: I my! My! My thought here on this 335 00:42:07.420 --> 00:42:27.780 John Compton: at this point, was to really address the survey itself. Okay, now I know it's been a long a while since the survey was sent out, and but there are some statistics and some some facts about the survey that are highly relevant. Larry is up here right 336 00:42:27.790 --> 00:42:42.849 John Compton: right the top of my screen. I'm not gonna ask Larry to comment. But, you know the first thing you have to do with the survey. It it really is. Understand? What? You know who contributed to the data? 337 00:42:42.880 --> 00:42:50.989 John Compton: So really, and how was the data, you know? Ha! You know, maybe, how. How? How was that used 338 00:42:51.080 --> 00:42:52.319 John Compton: to 339 00:42:52.690 --> 00:42:56.780 John Compton: to? How was that analyzed. 340 00:42:56.990 --> 00:42:57.930 John Compton: And 341 00:42:58.540 --> 00:43:19.689 John Compton: this report explains a good deal of that at the top of the survey. And I I'm just gonna show it. I didn't really allow. We didn't really allow a presentation. But let me just show you the the. This is 16, which is demographics, which which comes after, how they, how the results are laid out, and 342 00:43:19.690 --> 00:43:34.519 John Compton: and and a bunch of other things. As to how this, how the analysis went along. But this is the demographics tells you. You know, the basic source of the data that's being analyzed importantly, 123 343 00:43:35.260 --> 00:43:38.780 John Compton: survey responses go into this. 344 00:43:39.050 --> 00:43:53.070 John Compton: Then it talks about how many have, how long people have lived in in in Washington Grove age distribution language ethnic ethnic background or ethnic 345 00:43:53.170 --> 00:43:57.899 John Compton: identification. Sex. 346 00:43:58.160 --> 00:44:12.820 John Compton: And that's forms all of those form different ways of parsing out the the answers to the questions that were in the survey and 347 00:44:13.740 --> 00:44:15.720 John Compton: to the extent the survey 348 00:44:16.940 --> 00:44:18.680 John Compton: data 349 00:44:19.040 --> 00:44:28.820 John Compton: has been analyzed. I think. There, there's a lot of important important underlying, you know. 350 00:44:28.990 --> 00:44:38.100 John Compton: input that went into the the responses. 123, I mean the town. You know, we have 500 plus some 351 00:44:38.290 --> 00:44:44.820 John Compton: Residents 123 is probably a pretty good response rate 352 00:44:44.900 --> 00:44:57.629 John Compton: and there were some by younger people as well. And that's somewhere. It's it's reported. So here, over here, age, the the red bars give you the age distribution. So 353 00:44:57.810 --> 00:45:03.800 John Compton: you know, the under 45 and percent so these are 354 00:45:03.840 --> 00:45:12.810 John Compton: important stuff. I think I think. when when considers the responses. 355 00:45:13.180 --> 00:45:17.359 John Compton: I notice I'm just addressing the survey. The recommendations 356 00:45:17.620 --> 00:45:31.719 John Compton: you can. You, you, you know, can, is is a whole. Another way of looking at whether this data? to the extent this data supports. The the proposals. 357 00:45:31.890 --> 00:45:34.880 Peter Nagrod: John guy one question about the 1 23, 358 00:45:34.950 --> 00:45:42.750 Peter Nagrod: Paula of the 1 23. They are all Washington Grove residents correct. 359 00:45:43.110 --> 00:45:46.530 Peter Nagrod: So nobody outside of Washington Grove filled out the survey 360 00:45:47.930 --> 00:45:54.330 Paula Puglisi: other than the 123. Correct. But that's actually pretty high for a survey. Hmm. 361 00:45:56.180 --> 00:46:06.059 Paula Puglisi: it's my understanding. Now, that's a great response rate. Yeah. 362 00:46:08.670 --> 00:46:20.479 John Compton: Okay. But but nevertheless, I mean, you know not, nevertheless. that that that's a great response rate. But one of the challenges for 363 00:46:20.960 --> 00:46:23.649 John Compton: presenting the results of the survey 364 00:46:23.850 --> 00:46:29.290 John Compton: was and that most of the questions allowed for a a. 365 00:46:29.880 --> 00:46:35.930 John Compton: an explanation or a comment as to why you answered the way you did. 366 00:46:36.280 --> 00:46:42.479 John Compton: and that sort of that sort of information is very, very valuable. 367 00:46:42.700 --> 00:46:54.750 John Compton: As as those of us who have ever had fill that hundreds of multiple choice. You always feel like, well, huh! You know, I guess I have to answer this way. But you know, it's only because 368 00:46:55.280 --> 00:47:13.720 John Compton: but they're not gonna know that, because unless the survey has been very well crafted, so those anecdotal responses, and I will. I can go go down and just show you have been have been presented, and they were done in a fairly clever way. Let me let me. That was a small one. Let me go to a bigger one 369 00:47:13.720 --> 00:47:28.800 Paula Puglisi: here with with one of these, and I don't don't recall what this is called word cloud. Arlene, and Chad Chad is statistician. Arlene did the word cloud, and that protected the identity 370 00:47:28.890 --> 00:47:39.730 Paula Puglisi: of individuals, since it's such a small town. If you did it in any other way, people could be determined. So if they were conscious of confidentiality. 371 00:47:40.230 --> 00:47:41.680 Paula Puglisi: Hmm, hmm! 372 00:47:41.990 --> 00:47:47.030 John Compton: Right I that's where I was going with it. So in order to de identify 373 00:47:47.590 --> 00:47:52.170 John Compton: which is, of course essential. 374 00:47:52.660 --> 00:48:04.570 John Compton: This is a presentation of those comments with the size kind of indicating rel the relative size, not the absolute size, the relative size. 375 00:48:04.650 --> 00:48:11.049 John Compton: As to you know what number of people expressed that 376 00:48:11.470 --> 00:48:15.200 John Compton: that comment 377 00:48:15.590 --> 00:48:22.420 John Compton: alright. So in this one I'm now showing is that I feel engaged and included. That's the largest one by far. 378 00:48:22.580 --> 00:48:34.929 John Compton: but then it gets they get smaller and things go down and you know as to other things that we're we're we're mentioned. So the the the. This is again useful. 379 00:48:34.950 --> 00:48:41.750 John Compton: very useful, and important to understand the statistics. And there's lots of statistics here. 380 00:48:42.030 --> 00:48:52.260 John Compton: I, everyone II had the meeting knows that you can get this off of the link that I put into the agenda. This this is available 381 00:48:52.290 --> 00:48:58.489 John Compton: this. Basically, is the data from the survey. 382 00:48:58.570 --> 00:49:07.159 John Compton: If anyone wants to look closely and for some reason feels they want the data on something a little bit differently. 383 00:49:07.320 --> 00:49:18.110 John Compton: then, we could certainly ask. Ask that it be reported that way. And that's the kind of thing that you know we don't want to 384 00:49:19.000 --> 00:49:20.240 John Compton: overlook 385 00:49:20.260 --> 00:49:25.339 John Compton: because there may be other ways of of evaluating the data. 386 00:49:26.010 --> 00:49:27.200 Kathy Lehman: Okay. 387 00:49:27.770 --> 00:49:32.549 John Compton: alright. So this, this is kind of the background to the the the. 388 00:49:32.570 --> 00:49:34.810 John Compton: The survey results. 389 00:49:36.490 --> 00:49:42.270 John Compton: now, does any of the Council have any further questions about the survey? 390 00:49:42.320 --> 00:49:54.739 John Compton: I'm gonna then open it up to the rest of you who are here regarding the survey. The the presentations that Basic did were not heavily attended. 391 00:49:54.870 --> 00:49:57.340 John Compton: Gotcha understatement. 392 00:49:57.570 --> 00:50:00.100 John Compton: But 393 00:50:00.550 --> 00:50:02.040 John Compton: But 394 00:50:03.180 --> 00:50:12.249 John Compton: this presentation, if looked at closely, does actually represent a huge amount of 395 00:50:12.340 --> 00:50:15.840 John Compton: of analysis, and it represents data 396 00:50:15.960 --> 00:50:23.979 John Compton: as well. So anybody who wants to take a look. I urge you to take a look. and questions cannot be asked. 397 00:50:24.130 --> 00:50:31.009 John Compton: Of course. Perhaps for a while, to to better understand? 398 00:50:31.210 --> 00:50:33.819 John Compton: any aspect of of this report. 399 00:50:35.790 --> 00:50:41.929 John Compton: Okay, so I'm going to I see John, I'm gonna wait. And then we're doing the counsel first. 400 00:50:41.950 --> 00:50:43.410 John Compton: Thank you. 401 00:50:43.440 --> 00:50:47.589 John Compton: So let's let's do that any further. Any other. 402 00:50:49.120 --> 00:50:56.550 Christine Dibble: I think Joan has her hand up. II said, we're doing the council first. 403 00:51:00.530 --> 00:51:08.189 John Compton: Okay, alright. I have been a regular member of the racing committee. 404 00:51:08.430 --> 00:51:23.990 Joan Mahaffey: I attend it all but one of the meetings where the data was presented to the community. and I have several questions. Who was the author, especially of the notes and the editorial comments at the end of each section? 405 00:51:24.490 --> 00:51:29.439 What are that person's qualifications, professional qualifications to do that. 406 00:51:30.160 --> 00:51:35.520 Joan Mahaffey: Was any one paid in any way in connection with this survey project? 407 00:51:36.610 --> 00:51:47.770 Joan Mahaffey: When was this document approved by the race at committee, because this is the first time once John posted it. This was the first time I saw this complete document with comments. 408 00:51:48.440 --> 00:51:54.120 And finally, how does this document help us move forward in a positive way as a town. 409 00:51:58.390 --> 00:52:09.670 John Compton: so why are you? Why are you asking those questions? Are you questioning? 410 00:52:09.810 --> 00:52:22.749 Joan Mahaffey: No, not the day data, but it's the end of each section. There are notes, and then there are editorial comments talking about things like the 100 and fiftieth celebration and 411 00:52:23.640 --> 00:52:29.499 Joan Mahaffey: other some other issues that really 412 00:52:29.650 --> 00:52:37.169 Joan Mahaffey: didn't happen when the survey was administered. So they're ex extenuating. 413 00:52:37.310 --> 00:52:41.540 Joan Mahaffey: There are implications of things today 414 00:52:42.370 --> 00:52:48.359 Joan Mahaffey: that are extrapolated from the survey results. I'm not questioning the figures. 415 00:52:48.430 --> 00:52:53.910 I'm questioning comments. Who authored the comments at the end of each section, the summaries and the notes. 416 00:52:56.920 --> 00:52:59.929 Paula Puglisi: I took notes during the discussion 417 00:53:00.480 --> 00:53:05.709 Paula Puglisi: about the highlights of the discussion. 418 00:53:07.030 --> 00:53:08.740 Paula Puglisi: If that's what you need. 419 00:53:08.780 --> 00:53:10.849 Joan Mahaffey: So you authored that part. 420 00:53:11.520 --> 00:53:17.920 Paula Puglisi: I took note, yeah, of of the discussion. I summarize points that were made during the discussion 421 00:53:18.340 --> 00:53:28.759 Paula Puglisi: during those sessions. And then they're also besides notes. There was. There was some editorial comments made at the end of each section. 422 00:53:29.970 --> 00:53:33.870 Paula Puglisi: I don't really know what you mean. II need to look at you. 423 00:53:34.150 --> 00:53:43.360 Joan Mahaffey: I did go all through it, and I attended the only 4 of the 5. I just don't know exactly what you're referring to right now. 424 00:53:43.660 --> 00:53:45.719 Paula Puglisi: But what what do you 425 00:53:46.400 --> 00:53:51.940 Paula Puglisi: so what is your point? I mean, what are you saying? Are are you 426 00:53:52.580 --> 00:53:57.249 Paula Puglisi: well, is this a professional survey? Was it diagnosed in a professional way. 427 00:53:57.400 --> 00:54:00.820 Paula Puglisi: you mean? Was it? Analyze the statistician? 428 00:54:01.550 --> 00:54:12.519 Paula Puglisi: Analyze the data? She is a statistician. Arlene also has a lot of that. Chaz Arlene has a lot of experience with surveys. 429 00:54:12.620 --> 00:54:15.529 Paula Puglisi: She and Chad worked together. 430 00:54:16.180 --> 00:54:23.269 Paula Puglisi: and they produce a professional document. So I don't think they're, you know, credentials can be 431 00:54:23.280 --> 00:54:28.380 Paula Puglisi: challenge. If that's what you're saying. I'm not sure what you're really after here. 432 00:54:28.870 --> 00:54:29.710 Paula Puglisi: Hmm! 433 00:54:32.910 --> 00:54:35.030 Joan Mahaffey: But what are the qualifications then? 434 00:54:37.700 --> 00:54:38.700 Paula Puglisi: What I 435 00:54:40.250 --> 00:54:43.540 Paula Puglisi: and and also when was this presented to racic. 436 00:54:44.560 --> 00:54:52.559 Paula Puglisi: I don't know, Joan. I have to look back. It's been a while, but it was ratified. Nothing ever goes without being ratified. 437 00:54:52.630 --> 00:55:08.510 Paula Puglisi: When was it ratified? Okay? No, I don't question. The survey was ratified. I don't question the numbers in the survey, but the the notes and the editorial comments. 438 00:55:09.470 --> 00:55:11.629 This was the first time I've seen them. 439 00:55:11.740 --> 00:55:18.040 Paula Puglisi: Well, that's the first time anyone has seen them. This is in this packet. 440 00:55:18.250 --> 00:55:22.380 Paula Puglisi: Just as as we discussed in our rescue meeting. 441 00:55:22.790 --> 00:55:25.809 Paula Puglisi: you know we we 442 00:55:26.080 --> 00:55:29.999 Paula Puglisi: The recommendations came from several sources. 443 00:55:30.150 --> 00:55:42.039 Paula Puglisi: and at our meeting we said that we would turn in the recommendation and the survey data at the same time. The first time anyone is seeing all of that. 444 00:55:42.400 --> 00:55:45.849 Paula Puglisi: that for the the recommendation work groups all the recommendations. Yeah. 445 00:55:45.910 --> 00:55:50.070 Paula Puglisi: okay, so this is the first time anyone is seeing it. Thank you. 446 00:55:58.630 --> 00:55:59.590 John Compton: Okay. 447 00:56:04.480 --> 00:56:13.970 John Compton: alright. Anyone else have any further comments about the or questions, for concerning the survey. 448 00:56:14.190 --> 00:56:30.810 John Compton: I think that was an important clarification. Joan, thank you for asking about the the notes as Paul explained. Let's make sure I understood it. Maybe you all all you all did. But the notes are come from the the discussion 449 00:56:31.020 --> 00:56:44.040 John Compton: at those pads at that followed, or was coincident with the presentation of of the data and just reading some of those notes. Some of them are just comments on 450 00:56:44.200 --> 00:56:57.489 John Compton: the word cloud. You can decide whether they mean it, that they're correct or not. It's just that, you know. There's nothing, nothing, you know. It's an opinion. You can take it or leave it, and you can check it. 451 00:56:57.500 --> 00:57:00.930 John Compton: And others are maybe 452 00:57:01.090 --> 00:57:05.920 John Compton: maybe a a different evaluation or a different comment on the evaluation. 453 00:57:08.380 --> 00:57:15.429 John Compton: Okay, I think that was a pretty pretty, a very excellent addition. 454 00:57:15.760 --> 00:57:17.300 John Compton: because 455 00:57:17.470 --> 00:57:49.119 John Compton: you know, Racic and and the committee and the an and the analyst Chaz, and the the ones on the committee who who worked with her. Had a pretty formidable task to to evaluate this data. Any survey that's a formidable task. But this one, considering you know the age groups, the length of time and grove, and other things that 456 00:57:49.550 --> 00:58:04.330 John Compton: you and I would immediately ask when you read some of these opinions or these answers? You know, were in fact, address. So it was a. It was a pretty major effort. 457 00:58:04.710 --> 00:58:12.050 John Compton: I'm not commenting on the conclusions. This is just concerning the the reported itself. 458 00:58:12.120 --> 00:58:19.229 John Compton: So enough of that. I see, Larry. II expected, and Larry has comment. So please, Larry. 459 00:58:19.370 --> 00:58:27.749 Larry French: No, my comments, is simply an observation that that the the respondents to the survey 460 00:58:28.210 --> 00:58:38.669 Larry French: skew much older than the population. because we have the census data to compare them with on page 17, 461 00:58:39.060 --> 00:58:43.060 Larry French: and the males are 462 00:58:43.380 --> 00:58:54.040 Larry French: vastly underrepresented in this survey. The the census data says that 54.4% of the residents are male. 463 00:58:54.670 --> 00:59:02.780 Larry French: The the respondents were 30.9% of the of the respondents. 464 00:59:03.170 --> 00:59:09.779 Larry French: So we're we're we're seeing. I don't know what the implications of that are. 465 00:59:10.440 --> 00:59:13.480 Larry French: But it's not, it's it's so. 466 00:59:14.680 --> 00:59:25.619 Larry French: The the the characteristics of the respondents do not correspond terribly well to characteristics of the population. 467 00:59:26.690 --> 00:59:32.519 Larry French: I don't know what the implications are, but maybe Paula or other people that worked on it could comment on that. 468 00:59:32.630 --> 00:59:50.219 Paula Puglisi: I didn't really work on on that. Did you take the survey? No, II really can't. But I'd be happy to take that back if you want me to. Hmm. So your question is is 469 00:59:50.350 --> 01:00:04.359 Paula Puglisi: is what is your I mean? Doesn't that just mean that a lot of the man in Washington Road shows not to take it? Am I being simplistic there, I don't know. Well. 470 01:00:04.770 --> 01:00:15.019 Larry French: yeah, what if there were more males that took it, and that there were more younger people that took this? How would that affect the distribution of responses? 471 01:00:15.540 --> 01:00:40.289 Christine Dibble: It's surprising to me that a full 20% of the respondents failed to indicate their gender and the fact that there are close to 49% female respondents is not surprising to me. 472 01:00:40.460 --> 01:00:45.599 Christine Dibble: and that, you know the are almost 31% male respondents. 473 01:00:45.940 --> 01:00:56.559 Christine Dibble: You know, I I can't make anything out of these data, because there's such a large percentage of people who fail to respond 474 01:00:56.740 --> 01:01:02.329 Christine Dibble: about what their gender is, and I tend to think that probably most of them were male 475 01:01:02.580 --> 01:01:08.229 Peter Nagrod: well, and the population of Washington Grove I understood to be 5, 25, so 476 01:01:08.460 --> 01:01:10.890 Peter Nagrod: I don't know where the 700 comes from. 477 01:01:11.010 --> 01:01:17.520 Peter Nagrod: I know Charlie. Charlie probably isn't talking to us, but he could. Probably 478 01:01:17.760 --> 01:01:20.180 John Compton: it's just over 500. 479 01:01:20.490 --> 01:01:25.070 Charlie Challstrom: It says 700 here, so the numbers right? 480 01:01:25.730 --> 01:01:29.919 Christine Dibble: So the number. Page 17 481 01:01:30.240 --> 01:01:46.990 Peter Nagrod: relevant. 482 01:01:47.220 --> 01:01:51.309 John Compton: I have an aside here. 483 01:01:51.970 --> 01:02:08.269 John Compton: Christine has volunteered. I've been asking for we've been waiting for the specific data, the breakdown of census data by by. 484 01:02:08.560 --> 01:02:24.559 John Compton: it it by zip, code, by by by by responding response number, whatever location and that came out of the in August of last year. 485 01:02:24.570 --> 01:02:31.260 John Compton: Unfortunately, you can't just ask them what the data was for Washington growth. You actually have to go and look at it. 486 01:02:31.410 --> 01:02:35.849 John Compton: And yes, you can get it all. They have a pretty nice 487 01:02:36.350 --> 01:03:04.860 John Compton: nice site where you can go and parse out all the data that you want, but you have to ask for it. You have to put it together, and Christine has volunteered to do that, and the idea is not just to make work for Christine is to be able to have this actual table that is re, is the data or at least of important aspects of the town 488 01:03:04.900 --> 01:03:09.710 John Compton: moving forward. So, yeah, this, these are estimates. 489 01:03:09.820 --> 01:03:11.189 John Compton: And they're, you know. 490 01:03:11.390 --> 01:03:24.320 John Compton: Peter's pointing out one that's just not right for sure. So we can get the actual data. But it's going to take somebody names Christine Devil's efforts to put it together. 491 01:03:24.820 --> 01:03:30.470 Christine Dibble: so I'm wondering if we can stop talking about the survey 492 01:03:30.680 --> 01:03:35.389 Christine Dibble: and move on to the basic recommendations. 493 01:03:37.400 --> 01:03:41.850 John Compton: We can sense of the council, shall we? 494 01:03:42.610 --> 01:03:45.450 John Compton: move on to that? Okay. 495 01:03:45.510 --> 01:03:52.990 John Compton: alright. Good. Good. Good suggestion. So we'll we'll move on to the basic proposals. 496 01:03:53.050 --> 01:03:59.410 John Compton: I'm gonna again. Is Paula still here? She's no longer visible. 497 01:03:59.980 --> 01:04:03.450 John Compton: no, yes. 498 01:04:03.470 --> 01:04:04.690 John Compton: How are you here? 499 01:04:07.400 --> 01:04:13.050 John Compton: Oh, oh. okay, 500 01:04:13.870 --> 01:04:22.730 John Compton: The the proposals were all in the materials. I guess I can show the transmittal letter 501 01:04:22.930 --> 01:04:26.630 John Compton: here, which 502 01:04:26.670 --> 01:04:30.469 John Compton: basically summarizes the here we are. 503 01:04:30.930 --> 01:04:32.060 John Compton: I hope 504 01:04:33.250 --> 01:04:36.360 John Compton: somebody sees Paula return. I was going to give her a chance to just 505 01:04:36.530 --> 01:04:47.790 John Compton: briefly summarize that. But the the the letter explains the the 5 proposals recommendations for Ric. 506 01:04:47.910 --> 01:04:51.870 John Compton: They are an individual 507 01:04:51.930 --> 01:05:04.190 John Compton: separate documents. But this is the summary and the rationale for rescue going through a process. And that process is explained 508 01:05:04.260 --> 01:05:13.100 John Compton: in detail as to how they arrived at these at at recommending 509 01:05:13.130 --> 01:05:19.780 John Compton: to the council that these these proposals be considered 510 01:05:19.880 --> 01:05:32.929 John Compton: The 5 proposals which are based on everybody here. You all know what they are. But but here's the the they are. In brief. 511 01:05:33.550 --> 01:05:40.479 John Compton: there is a recommendation to create a town website protocol. That's a protocol 512 01:05:40.560 --> 01:05:49.789 John Compton: for vetting inappropriate the posting of inappropriate 513 01:05:50.040 --> 01:05:56.179 John Compton: public correspondence to the town on the website 514 01:05:56.260 --> 01:05:58.520 John Compton: A 515 01:05:58.630 --> 01:06:07.749 John Compton: on on the basis of simply not being meeting the town's requirements, for 516 01:06:07.880 --> 01:06:09.810 John Compton: on on 517 01:06:11.060 --> 01:06:14.229 John Compton: that's the right term. 518 01:06:14.600 --> 01:06:34.030 John Compton: opinions rather than attacks is an example. So that's the first one is a a protocol to an ensure that what is posted is acceptable and and and doesn't fall one of the categories, that is not to say a communication is lost. It means it won't be public 519 01:06:34.540 --> 01:06:36.310 John Compton: put on the website. 520 01:06:37.510 --> 01:06:45.169 John Compton: It will be part of the town's records. It will be available to anyone asking for it. 521 01:06:45.450 --> 01:06:51.210 John Compton: It just won't, would make wouldn't be available for open consumption. 522 01:06:51.790 --> 01:06:55.289 John Compton: Presumably that's my interpretation. 523 01:06:55.470 --> 01:07:01.250 John Compton: A second recommendation was to collaborate with neighboring communities regarding the shared use path. 524 01:07:02.320 --> 01:07:14.250 John Compton: You can read about what what is meant by that The third was to consider restoring the name of the Town hall to the Town Hall. Everybody is familiar with that one. 525 01:07:14.330 --> 01:07:22.650 John Compton: It is it It proposes that the name Mccatheran is 526 01:07:22.700 --> 01:07:25.900 John Compton: is is does does 527 01:07:26.410 --> 01:07:27.400 John Compton: is 528 01:07:28.230 --> 01:07:29.160 Larry French: jerkin 529 01:07:29.540 --> 01:07:32.700 John Compton: is, is offensive and represents 530 01:07:32.760 --> 01:07:50.849 John Compton: and offensive in terms of past actions of Washington growth. That's a very truncated summary. Rationale there. The the fourth one is to hire a should be highlight to hire diversity equity inclusion specialists. 531 01:07:50.900 --> 01:08:01.620 John Compton: You heard that that earlier in in this meeting as being one of the things that racic 532 01:08:03.500 --> 01:08:10.530 John Compton: saw in the believes that the survey data 533 01:08:10.970 --> 01:08:18.700 John Compton: suggested, or at least a recommendation that would address issues that came out in the survey. 534 01:08:19.340 --> 01:08:28.750 John Compton: and lastly, is to establish a communication system between the town and heritage, emery. 535 01:08:29.240 --> 01:08:33.470 John Compton: Heritage Emery Grove, by the way, is an organization. 536 01:08:33.660 --> 01:08:37.490 John Compton: Based in Emery Grove. 537 01:08:37.700 --> 01:08:39.770 John Compton: it is a 538 01:08:40.109 --> 01:08:46.420 John Compton: it. It would be like a committee here that has been well, actually, it's a partnership. 539 01:08:46.600 --> 01:09:06.380 John Compton: Hopefully, they hope it will be a partnership with the county to further the heritage. Take actions for the hair with respect to the heritage. Of Emory Grove. Something that we do here we've done here, and we have a historic Preservation Commission. They don't have any such thing. 540 01:09:06.700 --> 01:09:15.159 John Compton: So proposal to communicate with this group? in some sort of prescribed 541 01:09:15.210 --> 01:09:17.970 John Compton: prescribed circumstances. 542 01:09:18.350 --> 01:09:19.680 Christine Dibble: Paula. So. 543 01:09:19.990 --> 01:09:33.749 Christine Dibble: John, I have a procedural question. not only am I on the Council, but I am the town webmaster, and I've spent pretty much all of today. Trying to 544 01:09:33.939 --> 01:09:45.759 Christine Dibble: update the website with respect to all of the comments that have come in today, and most of them have to do with renaming the Town Hall. 545 01:09:45.770 --> 01:09:47.829 Christine Dibble: So what I'm wondering 546 01:09:47.870 --> 01:10:01.400 Christine Dibble: is I think it's appropriate to to perhaps discuss renaming of the Town Hall tonight, but not to make any decision tonight, because. 547 01:10:01.430 --> 01:10:22.160 Christine Dibble: there are a lot of very strong opinions, and it may be indeed appropriate to have a town meeting to discuss renaming the Town Hall before we make a decision. I don't remember offhand whether it is the case that we have to receive a petition of 25 548 01:10:22.160 --> 01:10:36.559 Christine Dibble: signatures or more in order to have the town meeting, or whether we can, just as a council or, as the mayor say, we're going to have a town meeting on this issue. But I'm wondering if tonight we could 549 01:10:36.580 --> 01:10:47.749 Christine Dibble: deal with some of the other recommendations, get them off the plate, and then schedule a town meeting 550 01:10:47.800 --> 01:10:57.740 Christine Dibble: to discuss the renaming of the Town Hall. Within the next month or 6 weeks. you know. 551 01:10:58.360 --> 01:11:03.479 Christine Dibble: Alternatively, we could have a town meeting to discuss all the recommendations. 552 01:11:03.770 --> 01:11:09.260 Christine Dibble: but I don't want to use the time tonight 553 01:11:09.270 --> 01:11:22.899 Christine Dibble: to get sort of stuck on re the issue of renaming the Town Hall. I'd like to sort of make some progress and see if we can get through some of the other recommendations tonight. 554 01:11:27.230 --> 01:11:36.219 Barbara: This is Barbara. I think the the idea of this. What you're suggesting would have to be discussed and voted on by the town Council. 555 01:11:36.300 --> 01:11:40.470 Barbara: Whether we even wanna have a town meeting on this I'm not. 556 01:11:40.570 --> 01:11:52.689 Barbara: you know that's not a given that we would agree to that as a council. The mechanics, the town meeting. Yes, time meeting can be called by the Town Council 557 01:11:53.200 --> 01:11:55.299 John Compton: town meeting can be called by the mayor. 558 01:11:55.660 --> 01:12:00.440 John Compton: Can can be called via petition with 559 01:12:00.770 --> 01:12:06.400 John Compton: with, but usually that I'm sorry that no, I? 560 01:12:06.910 --> 01:12:18.139 John Compton: Yeah, I'm not certain that a petition can call for a town meeting only an objection to a town council issue. I'd have to check on that but 561 01:12:18.340 --> 01:12:19.790 but 562 01:12:20.050 --> 01:12:23.010 John Compton: I think it as as Barbara's 563 01:12:23.680 --> 01:12:26.560 John Compton: point is. if if 564 01:12:27.110 --> 01:12:38.820 John Compton: and and and Christine certainly is, how do you organize discussion of of these 5 recommendations, so that so that everybody gets a chance. 565 01:12:38.830 --> 01:12:45.339 John Compton: And then this time we try and give everybody a chance to wants to express an opinion to express an opinion 566 01:12:45.510 --> 01:12:48.190 John Compton: on on 567 01:12:48.230 --> 01:12:50.450 John Compton: on the proposals, 568 01:12:50.460 --> 01:13:00.479 John Compton: and and and possibly a as well. The Council can decide. You know what their initial 569 01:13:00.690 --> 01:13:07.299 John Compton: thinking is, or do they want to wait and hear all the input before expressing any intentions? 570 01:13:07.430 --> 01:13:09.910 John Compton: So? 571 01:13:10.180 --> 01:13:15.120 John Compton: I think this is the appropriate time to have that discussion as to how to proceed 572 01:13:15.250 --> 01:13:20.370 John Compton: on these on these issues, which basically is what Christine said at the outset. 573 01:13:20.410 --> 01:13:22.000 John Compton: and Barbara said that 574 01:13:22.040 --> 01:13:24.190 John Compton: you know she'd like to discuss it. 575 01:13:25.210 --> 01:13:26.410 Barbara: So 576 01:13:26.720 --> 01:13:32.109 Barbara: everyone is here, I believe, to talk about the Town Hall name. 577 01:13:32.780 --> 01:13:38.719 Barbara: So II do think we have to discuss each of these issues separately. 578 01:13:39.460 --> 01:13:48.309 Barbara: What would happen if we put that first on the agenda and open it up to the public forum for that purpose. 579 01:13:49.610 --> 01:13:53.030 Barbara: and let that be our first step in the print process. 580 01:13:53.480 --> 01:14:10.780 Christine Dibble: The Barbara. My only concern about that is that we we would it 8, about 8, 45. Right now we would spend like another couple of hours, maybe a little less than that. Talking, you know, so that everybody can be heard about their opinions about 581 01:14:10.820 --> 01:14:15.199 Christine Dibble: the proposal to rename Town Hall, but we wouldn't get anywhere 582 01:14:15.220 --> 01:14:20.349 Christine Dibble: else with the other recommendations. And 583 01:14:20.380 --> 01:14:25.750 Christine Dibble: My preference would be to sort of, you know. 584 01:14:26.510 --> 01:14:35.900 Christine Dibble: Get some agreement with the other recommendations first, before we tackle the the naming of the Town Hall. 585 01:14:35.960 --> 01:14:46.949 Barbara: I think when when we put in the agenda that we're gonna talk about this topic, and all these people make time in their schedule to come out. I think we have an obligation to address it 586 01:14:48.430 --> 01:14:51.330 Paula Puglisi: is everybody here for that one recommendation. 587 01:14:52.270 --> 01:14:54.589 Paula Puglisi: Is that is that really so? 588 01:14:54.880 --> 01:15:01.230 Eva: II don't think that's so, because someone just said in the chat that they feel like II can 589 01:15:01.350 --> 01:15:13.640 Eva: get the chat here. Some people object to one or more of the other proposals is what was said in the chat. So I think there are people here for other recommendations as well. 590 01:15:14.330 --> 01:15:39.269 Paula Puglisi: Okay, I hear some. I see someone else just said they were here for 3 of them. And John, my, I had technical difficulties. I apologize to everybody. My computer just said, there's an error, and we have to restart. So I don't know if you ask me something or what happened in that interim. I mean, I was like supposed to do something, or I'm sorry. Everybody's computer. 591 01:15:39.500 --> 01:16:06.240 John Compton: resisting the intensitation to make some sort of facetious comments. I tried to ask you. I was gonna ask you to break just briefly. So summarize your transmittal letter of the for the recommendations instead, and arrived at immediately. The pro, you know. How did? How? How do we go about? 592 01:16:06.390 --> 01:16:16.760 John Compton: handling the okay? Well, I don't want to be redundant. 593 01:16:17.020 --> 01:16:24.099 John Compton: alright, so look we. We can 594 01:16:24.210 --> 01:16:36.800 John Compton: certainly take comment until everybody runs out of gas, so we can set a time limit and take comments in some order which I have no idea how that order will be determined. 595 01:16:37.050 --> 01:16:53.589 John Compton: for for tonight, I think, anticipating that we won't, wanna we we well, we can just start and see how many people we hear hear from. But my thinking is that you know all of this has come up. 596 01:16:53.960 --> 01:17:03.029 John Compton: The recommendations were were were crafted and approved a week and a half ago. As far as I recall, maybe something like that. 597 01:17:03.260 --> 01:17:25.730 John Compton: And so no, that's all the time anybody's really had to think about them. And some people have certainly spent a lot of time, and we have a lot of written comments that have been certainly generated. from this. But that's not very much time. So I would absolutely recommend that the Council. 598 01:17:25.870 --> 01:17:45.589 John Compton: allow additional time for others to form opinions and be able to see what the opinions of those who have written Christine, stone them up on the on the website. I'm sure she'll make every effort to keep doing that. I will make every effort to keep dropping them into 599 01:17:45.630 --> 01:17:50.179 John Compton: the single folder for this meeting. It's it. It 600 01:17:50.900 --> 01:18:01.940 John Compton: currently, I think, includes everybody's comments So every anybody can follow what's going on without having to ask me, and listen to this entire meeting? 601 01:18:02.190 --> 01:18:06.210 John Compton: To see what they were and get a much better 602 01:18:06.380 --> 01:18:08.010 John Compton: sense from the rhythm 603 01:18:08.320 --> 01:18:16.649 John Compton: once. But what can we do tonight? There's been a proposal. Christine has brought it up, and and and and either you know, at some point. 604 01:18:19.120 --> 01:18:23.059 John Compton: at some point the Council should decide. 605 01:18:23.320 --> 01:18:25.440 John Compton: I don't know whether or not to 606 01:18:25.830 --> 01:18:28.630 John Compton: whether or not to schedule a separate time. 607 01:18:29.250 --> 01:18:32.739 John Compton: A town meeting, if you will. Special town meeting. 608 01:18:33.170 --> 01:18:36.889 John Compton: On these recommendations, one or all. 609 01:18:36.990 --> 01:18:43.659 John Compton: when when, which would be for everybody to come, and, you know, give their verbal 610 01:18:43.830 --> 01:18:46.210 John Compton: commentary. 611 01:18:47.080 --> 01:18:51.500 John Compton: Written commentary is always encouraged in addition. 612 01:18:51.530 --> 01:18:53.450 John Compton: And then. 613 01:18:53.560 --> 01:18:56.210 John Compton: having heard everything. 614 01:18:56.260 --> 01:19:01.910 John Compton: we, the Council, can take up discussion of each one of these proposals. 615 01:19:02.520 --> 01:19:18.840 John Compton: Co, alternatively. If if you feel that some of the proposals can be taken up more with, with with far less far less net necessity to hear comment. And the Council could go forward with that. 616 01:19:19.290 --> 01:19:21.749 John Compton: My thought is that 617 01:19:22.610 --> 01:19:29.850 John Compton: it would be preferable. Given the number of people who want to weigh in on at least the Mac Catherine Hall naming issue 618 01:19:30.000 --> 01:19:37.460 John Compton: that a a town meeting sounds like a very good idea where, on all of the proposals that will 619 01:19:37.770 --> 01:19:51.419 John Compton: represent the the the biggest opportunity for everyone to weigh in the Council can then look at the look at each of these proposals having all of the public input 620 01:19:51.450 --> 01:19:52.999 John Compton: at at hand. 621 01:19:53.260 --> 01:20:02.439 Peter Nagrod: But okay, so my, my, my input here is that we could be, do what the Council has done in the past. Be bold 622 01:20:02.450 --> 01:20:20.560 Peter Nagrod: and survey the council and see how they wanna vote, or we could do what Barbara wants to do, and just like listen to as long as we can. Everybody's here. I'm sure. You know, there's some people that really wanna voice their opinion. I'd rather not vote tonight and listen to what 623 01:20:20.580 --> 01:20:22.069 Peter Nagrod: everybody has to say. 624 01:20:24.760 --> 01:20:37.079 Eva: Yeah, I would say, I, you know we've had comments coming in all day. I have not had time to read all the comments. I have not 625 01:20:37.080 --> 01:20:57.340 Eva: had time to really think deeply about this issue. So there's no way that I'm gonna be able to vote on anything tonight, or I mean, unless I was forced to. But I that's my preference would be to not so I would like to hear people's opinions and get a chance to read people's opinions that they've sent in 626 01:20:57.340 --> 01:21:04.280 Eva: before making any decisions. Yeah. But we definitely need to set a time limit. 627 01:21:04.380 --> 01:21:10.899 Christine Dibble: as Nan is saying right now, we need to set a time limit on comments. And 628 01:21:11.650 --> 01:21:17.270 Christine Dibble: I'm wondering, John, if we should go like 629 01:21:17.720 --> 01:21:40.640 Christine Dibble: if we're gonna encourage people to talk tonight about the recommendations. Should we encourage people to just say, Okay, let's talk about, recommend the first recommendation, and we'll give it 15 min or less, if we need to, and then go on to the you know, or is everybody just gonna talk about renaming of the Town Hall in that recommendation. 630 01:21:40.830 --> 01:22:03.089 Barbara: So this is Barbara. The reason why I said, to give people time to talk about Town Hall is because the comments that we've been receiving have mostly been about Town Hall. We've gotten a few that are more broad, but even those comments address Town Hall as well. So that is why, I felt like that was the most important thing to address first 631 01:22:03.130 --> 01:22:06.100 Christine Dibble: garb. And, John, do we want it? 632 01:22:06.380 --> 01:22:22.950 Christine Dibble: that tonight talk about or allow people to talk about their opinions, about the renaming of Town Hall, and then, if there is extra time tonight, have them talk about their opinions, about the other recommendations. 633 01:22:23.160 --> 01:22:34.980 Barbara: Yes, that would be. That would be my thinking that, like we would finish with the Town Hall comments. Then pick with. The next topic was that we wanted to hear comments on to do it. Not, you know, this 634 01:22:35.000 --> 01:22:55.700 Christine Dibble: topic than that topic, you know, not jump between topics, but stick with one topic, then stick with the second topic. That's that's that's what I wanna avoid is just the proposal is to to start taking some comments about the renaming of the Catherine Hall, and if there's any well, first set of time limit. 635 01:22:55.700 --> 01:23:05.409 John Compton: if there's any time left, then we can take comments on any of the others, or whatever, and and and at that time. 636 01:23:05.610 --> 01:23:32.620 John Compton: after the time has passed, decide how how to move forward in future future discussions and meetings, and before anybody says anything, Mary, we haven't heard from you. Rob, who was unable to make this meeting. He never has any opinions but ask him. And I'm I am being facetious. He, of course, will have an opinion as well. 637 01:23:32.830 --> 01:23:39.690 Christine Dibble: Of course you will. 638 01:23:40.500 --> 01:23:43.800 meghan: This is Megan O'connell. 639 01:23:43.970 --> 01:23:53.289 meghan: this is the for today is the first day that I really had a chance, and sounds like to read the results and the comments 640 01:23:53.470 --> 01:23:58.010 meghan: is, I don't know if that's unique. If I just been out of the loop. 641 01:23:58.360 --> 01:24:06.470 meghan: II heard Joan say that some of these comments and summaries were new. Is that correct? 642 01:24:07.760 --> 01:24:29.489 John Compton: Yes, and they that's she was commenting on the diverse. The the survey right? And that's what I'm saying is the first time survey has a the summaries of of basically summaries of each of the sessions that were were done. Yeah. So if you didn't attend those, you would have had to summary 643 01:24:29.490 --> 01:24:38.670 John Compton: notes or or heard the discussion. So yes, it's new but that that only in regards the Survey 644 01:24:39.350 --> 01:25:00.689 marywarfield: state their opinion. They're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're 645 01:25:00.690 --> 01:25:11.710 marywarfield: that is going to be devoted to this are we gonna be redoing everything again. When we come to the town meeting. I'm just not sure the purpose of doing both, and 646 01:25:11.710 --> 01:25:34.540 marywarfield: you know II hate for people who came, but you know. Th this is maybe look at this as an opportunity to have introduces to everybody. People know that it's out there. People have an opportunity to look at many of the comments a lot of them are showing up on the list, or Christina has gotten them all on the beautifully on the website that are easy to easy to find. And I just think, give people 647 01:25:34.660 --> 01:25:53.289 marywarfield: time to digest it and do it. You know, II just think it's redundant to to do it all now and then have a town meeting and do it all over again. I'm I'm not sure what that accomplishes, because we will figure out what people's opinion is with a little bit more time to to look at the issue. 648 01:25:53.370 --> 01:26:00.830 Barbara: Right? Yeah. Cause this is this is why I want to hear from people, because 649 01:26:01.770 --> 01:26:15.469 Barbara: so far the overwhelming majority of the opinion has been against it, and if that continues to be the case, and I don't think we should stop comment tonight, you know, because, for all the reasons people said, time is too short. But if 650 01:26:16.160 --> 01:26:33.690 Barbara: if the if the continuing comment is, no, no, no, no! Then I kinda would wonder why we would have a town meeting for that. So that's why I wanna hear more from people to help make that decision about whether a town meeting is really appropriate. 651 01:26:35.240 --> 01:26:37.620 Peter Nagrod: I so totally agree with you, Barbara. 652 01:26:39.910 --> 01:26:42.940 John Compton: Right? And and the other reason is, you know 653 01:26:42.990 --> 01:26:49.309 John Compton: the people who have come to this meeting. They're speaking to the Council. and yes, we are 654 01:26:49.470 --> 01:26:51.270 John Compton: very important. 655 01:26:51.310 --> 01:26:53.799 John Compton: but they're also speaking to everybody else here. 656 01:26:53.950 --> 01:27:05.340 John Compton: so they they have a chance to verbalize if they haven't already written a letter which then they have to count on somebody reading it. So they're actually speaking to everyone. 657 01:27:05.490 --> 01:27:11.390 John Compton: So it it. And lastly, repetition isn't necessarily bad. 658 01:27:11.580 --> 01:27:18.769 John Compton: especially since this is kind of the opening opening discussion. So 659 01:27:19.060 --> 01:27:24.019 John Compton: since everyone's here, I would agree, allow some time for comments. 660 01:27:24.260 --> 01:27:33.939 John Compton: even though, Mary, you're right. You would expect that most of those would be repeated at another session specifically to hear. 661 01:27:34.290 --> 01:27:41.599 Peter Nagrod: And also, John, I do agree with what you say, though I mean, it does seem that the majority of the letters are 662 01:27:41.860 --> 01:27:45.210 marywarfield: you know, have. 663 01:27:45.470 --> 01:27:56.959 Peter Nagrod: And it seems like there's there's a lot of concern about the divisiveness taking place within the town, and if tonight if we can all listen to what everybody has to say. If it can help us 664 01:27:57.380 --> 01:28:13.779 Peter Nagrod: get a little bit more on the same page. I think that'll be really helpful, because, you know, those of us who have been here for a while have seen some really ugly situations not not even relevant. The dog park was nothing compared with some of the other events with the town got split, you know. We're like a big family, and so I think. 665 01:28:13.860 --> 01:28:17.979 Peter Nagrod: be a good way for us to kind of think more in harmony with each other. 666 01:28:18.390 --> 01:28:33.909 Paula Puglisi: I just saw a thing in the chat there that said, Please don't assume that everyone here that these are the only people who have opinions to express. And so, you know, II don't know if I mean I know you're not gonna vote, but 667 01:28:34.030 --> 01:28:42.220 Paula Puglisi: but whether to have account meeting or not, based on just the people here may I don't know if that's really representative or not. 668 01:28:42.550 --> 01:29:02.840 Paula Puglisi: No, no, it wouldn't just be the people here, but people who also contact us outside of this meeting as well. If there's a a time for them to be communicating with us. Then we'll have time to hear from them, and they'll have 669 01:29:02.900 --> 01:29:12.139 Christine Dibble: this is Christine. Bob Kristen just asked. Where are the comments on the website. John, can you make me a 670 01:29:12.860 --> 01:29:16.419 Christine Dibble: What's it called? Not a participant, a co-host 671 01:29:16.460 --> 01:29:19.510 Christine Dibble: co-host, or whatever. So I can. Just 672 01:29:19.610 --> 01:29:25.520 Christine Dibble: I just want to show people where on the website they can read other people's comments. 673 01:29:26.570 --> 01:29:27.290 Oh. 674 01:29:27.580 --> 01:29:33.050 Barbara: but maybe okay, I can let Paul actually has the 675 01:29:33.380 --> 01:29:43.949 Christine Dibble: the email, the email, the URL, right here. But I'd still like to show people how to get from the homepage to read the comments. 676 01:29:44.110 --> 01:29:46.360 Paula Puglisi: hold on. 677 01:29:48.290 --> 01:29:49.190 John Compton: Okay. 678 01:29:50.510 --> 01:29:51.780 Christine Dibble: okay, am I? 679 01:29:51.850 --> 01:29:54.830 John Compton: Yeah. Made co-host. You're good. 680 01:29:55.270 --> 01:29:58.629 Christine Dibble: Okay. God, I don't see that at all. 681 01:29:58.850 --> 01:30:00.710 Peter Nagrod: Just try and share. 682 01:30:03.090 --> 01:30:05.740 Christine Dibble: Yeah, I don't even have a thing that says share. 683 01:30:06.390 --> 01:30:09.069 Christine Dibble: Yeah, you always have a thing. 684 01:30:09.850 --> 01:30:16.929 Christine Dibble: Okay, I'm just gonna tell you share. You go from the 685 01:30:16.970 --> 01:30:36.890 Christine Dibble: You go from the home page, and I always tell people don't ever search on the home page because the search is still not very good. But if you go to the top of the home page, you'll see a menu that says, like, yeah, about the Grove community town government, right? So you click on town government. 686 01:30:37.370 --> 01:30:42.279 Christine Dibble: and then you click on mayor and town council 687 01:30:43.100 --> 01:30:58.050 Christine Dibble: right, and then under mayor and town council on the right side. You see this written testimony and correspondence, and the second bullet says, from town residents to the town government. So you click on that. 688 01:31:00.520 --> 01:31:13.809 Christine Dibble: and then that at the top of the page it shows you like what's included on this page, and what's not, and if you scroll down you will see all the letters from town residents 689 01:31:14.140 --> 01:31:17.050 Christine Dibble: to the town government 690 01:31:17.080 --> 01:31:28.900 Christine Dibble: and what the topic is, and you can see all, all the ones that have to do with the proposal to rename Town Hall. So that's how you get to that page. 691 01:31:28.910 --> 01:31:36.200 Christine Dibble: That allows you to see what all your you know, your fellow residents, and and I'll tell you I have been 692 01:31:36.610 --> 01:31:49.649 Christine Dibble: moved is almost too strong word. But the what people have said about the proposal to rename on the hall. It's been 693 01:31:50.040 --> 01:31:59.620 Christine Dibble: very thoughtful, and so I would really encourage everyone to review the last, you know, I think, 12 or 694 01:31:59.820 --> 01:32:08.379 Christine Dibble: 15 emails that talk about the proposal to rename Town Hall or the the race recommendations. 695 01:32:10.110 --> 01:32:13.699 Peter Nagrod: Christine. Somebody mentioned that when you on it it doesn't open. 696 01:32:14.600 --> 01:32:15.980 Christine Dibble: What doesn't open. 697 01:32:16.730 --> 01:32:26.400 Christine Dibble: Click on, on, under item number and link on the left side. That's where the link is click on that. 698 01:32:26.770 --> 01:32:33.189 Christine Dibble: Yeah, you click on that and then it should open. 699 01:32:34.560 --> 01:32:35.810 Peter Nagrod: Okay, she got it. 700 01:32:36.210 --> 01:32:46.640 Christine Dibble: Yeah. The the 3 rightmost columns are not clickable. But the left column is clickable. So just click on that. And then, 701 01:32:46.690 --> 01:32:58.860 John Compton: yeah, any of those items just click on one of them, John. And the one I just brought up, which is Georgette's. 702 01:32:59.340 --> 01:33:01.750 Christine Dibble: So there, yeah, there you go. 703 01:33:01.920 --> 01:33:06.240 John Compton: It opened immediately, and there it is. 704 01:33:06.370 --> 01:33:07.230 Christine Dibble: and 705 01:33:07.400 --> 01:33:17.040 Christine Dibble: and I have to say that. That. and I'm now speaking, not as the Webmaster, but as a council member, that we received 706 01:33:17.370 --> 01:33:20.370 Christine Dibble: probably 5 or 6 comments 707 01:33:20.440 --> 01:33:40.380 Christine Dibble: on the I on the proposal to rename Town Hall even before we had received the racic recommendations. And so I was like, Whoa! Hold on! Wait a minute, you know. Let's see what the rest racic recommendation is. First, before we start 708 01:33:40.510 --> 01:33:43.129 Christine Dibble: reacting to that. 709 01:33:43.740 --> 01:33:59.810 Christine Dibble: so clearly, you know, this is very important issue to a lot of town residents. And I actually look forward to receiving a lot more comments on that issue and on the other racic recommendations. 710 01:34:08.310 --> 01:34:19.419 nhaskett: Pardon me, but where are we? Where are where are we at this point? Either recommendation, you know, either comments 711 01:34:19.510 --> 01:34:22.440 nhaskett: for tonight or comments 712 01:34:22.630 --> 01:34:26.430 nhaskett: during a a special town meeting, I mean. 713 01:34:27.280 --> 01:34:35.579 John Compton: well, tonight, we only have so much time, Nancy said. We have only a few time at this point. 714 01:34:36.860 --> 01:34:52.930 John Compton: well, okay, do you wanna hear comments and then decide what to do for future meetings, or we can hear comments and decide on Monday, at Monday, the eleventh meeting for future meetings don't have to actually do anything today. 715 01:34:52.960 --> 01:35:03.749 John Compton: But but I think we should now take some time. I think the the the consensus was to hear from. At least some of some of the people with this meeting. 716 01:35:03.960 --> 01:35:08.600 John Compton: How late do you want want those to go? It's 905 717 01:35:08.730 --> 01:35:09.900 Kathy Lehman: is 718 01:35:10.270 --> 01:35:25.709 Kathy Lehman: 9 45 enough time is, is is 40 min, or do you wanna give almost an hour? What do you wanna do so? Why don't they take a survey and ask whoever wants to appropriate John 719 01:35:25.860 --> 01:35:44.970 John Compton: alright, which means hopefully, everybody's comments will be cogent. If not brief, at least cogent time. The comments. Because that's we need to be fair. So we need to decide how much time everybody gets, and we need a timer. 720 01:35:45.110 --> 01:36:00.929 Eva: I'm happy to be a timer and also, I'm wondering if we can prioritize people who have not sent in written comments. Because we're gonna have a chance to read those written comments, but that's just a thought. But I am happy to be a timer. 721 01:36:01.270 --> 01:36:06.850 Barbara: and I recommend maybe 3 min per person. Does that sound fair. 722 01:36:08.100 --> 01:36:13.799 John Compton: That would be 12 comments or 13 comments, and that's people were shorter than 3. So 723 01:36:14.360 --> 01:36:22.829 Kathy Lehman: alright fine! 2 or 3 min. Let's just go with 724 01:36:23.210 --> 01:36:27.180 John Compton: 3. You'll be cut off at 3. 725 01:36:27.230 --> 01:36:48.290 John Compton: Okay? And II think that was a good suggestion by Eva. If you've if you've submitted written comments, and it is on Christine's list or in my folder. So that which means it's available, then it's not been lost in the ether we already had one lost in either, and but which you know 726 01:36:48.360 --> 01:37:03.869 John Compton: can happen. But so let's go with anyone who has not yet submitted written comments. So please raise your hands. Okay, I'm I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go ahead and start 727 01:37:04.180 --> 01:37:07.900 nhaskett: first of all. First of all. 728 01:37:08.190 --> 01:37:10.460 nhaskett: there, there have been 729 01:37:10.570 --> 01:37:14.910 nhaskett: 3 Mayor Mccatherans during my lifetime. 730 01:37:17.560 --> 01:37:19.400 nhaskett: Roy Mccatheran. 731 01:37:19.670 --> 01:37:28.179 nhaskett: his son Don, who, by the way, my brother, reminded me that he was 732 01:37:28.440 --> 01:37:34.280 nhaskett: me a member of the Duke Ellington Society, and he had meetings 733 01:37:34.420 --> 01:37:42.179 nhaskett: in his in his house. Very mixed meetings, by the way. 734 01:37:42.420 --> 01:37:49.260 nhaskett: Okay. And then and then his granddaughter-in-law. 735 01:37:49.430 --> 01:37:58.600 nhaskett: So II just want to mention 3, and then I also 736 01:37:59.870 --> 01:38:02.120 I would say that 737 01:38:04.550 --> 01:38:06.550 nhaskett: it it it's like 738 01:38:08.340 --> 01:38:11.679 nhaskett: you, you you you can't change the past. 739 01:38:12.550 --> 01:38:24.249 nhaskett: but you can go forward, and I think that the Catherine family has done plenty for this town, and I think it is 740 01:38:24.380 --> 01:38:27.919 nhaskett: probably on the plus side. I would say. 741 01:38:28.260 --> 01:38:29.990 nhaskett: plus a plus. 742 01:38:30.140 --> 01:38:35.900 nhaskett: Okay? So that that's the the range of my comment. 743 01:38:40.560 --> 01:38:42.070 Kathy Lehman: Okay, thank you. 744 01:38:42.480 --> 01:38:49.310 John Compton: That case will go to the first hand that came up and is, therefore it's already heavy. Les. 745 01:38:50.690 --> 01:38:51.930 John Compton: there's a bird. 746 01:38:54.440 --> 01:38:55.290 John Compton: No. 747 01:38:57.930 --> 01:38:59.170 John Compton: okay. 748 01:38:59.540 --> 01:39:07.289 Liz Everhart: if you're talking with there you go. You have to. Yes, sorry. It's Jay. Actually, cause. I've I've sent in written comments. 749 01:39:07.460 --> 01:39:20.240 Liz Everhart: Yeah, II actually just wanna make a quick comment about the shared use path, because otherwise it will probably get buried in all the other comments. So there! Really only a few of us who've worked 750 01:39:20.510 --> 01:39:28.450 Liz Everhart: for years on this, and I'm happy as one of those to have others participate in it. 751 01:39:28.490 --> 01:39:56.780 Liz Everhart: But II feel it has to be in a a constructive engagement with with Montgomery County. We're very far along this, and what I would, what I think, Barbara, who I've worked with on this and I would appreciate, would be to particularly light of the you know, the the the rac mission is to work with the county and apply pressure to get this done. 752 01:39:56.790 --> 01:40:09.590 Liz Everhart: Interesting. I gotta find out why that is, anyway. So that's all I have to say. I just wanted to. I don't think there'll be many other comments about this, but I think it has to be in a constructive engagement way with the with the county. 753 01:40:10.780 --> 01:40:12.000 iPad 2 Audrey: Howdy? Shh! 754 01:40:12.500 --> 01:40:15.060 John Compton: Okay, thank you. 755 01:40:16.060 --> 01:40:20.869 Eva: And also we should just say that if you're not the one talking right now. Make sure you're muted. 756 01:40:21.230 --> 01:40:23.719 Kathy Lehman: Okay, I will mute them, mesh. 757 01:40:23.970 --> 01:40:27.300 Larry French: as fast as I see 758 01:40:27.320 --> 01:40:32.290 John Compton: next one on my screen is Ted Stanky Ted. 759 01:40:35.020 --> 01:40:43.599 Tad Stahnke: Aye. well, first, I think it might be helpful to clarify what the recommendation is and what it's not. 760 01:40:44.290 --> 01:40:53.669 Tad Stahnke: The recommendation is to consider returning the name of the Community Center to 761 01:40:54.010 --> 01:40:56.469 Tad Stahnke: back to Washington Grove Town Hall. 762 01:40:56.880 --> 01:41:05.439 Tad Stahnke: and that this process of consideration should include reviewing the include included presentations which are made available to the Council. 763 01:41:05.630 --> 01:41:16.190 Tad Stahnke: having educational discussions with town residents gathering feedback and engaging residents with the decision. So it wasn't the intention of racic 764 01:41:16.440 --> 01:41:22.230 Tad Stahnke: to suggest that we have a Town Hall town meeting. 765 01:41:22.480 --> 01:41:25.930 Tad Stahnke: you know, next week or next month to vote on 766 01:41:26.060 --> 01:41:30.600 Tad Stahnke: the the issue. Recognizing that 767 01:41:30.850 --> 01:41:41.569 Tad Stahnke: it a decision like that requires, in our view, education and discussion and soliciting people's opinions and involving the town. 768 01:41:41.800 --> 01:41:44.060 Tad Stahnke: In the decision. So 769 01:41:44.170 --> 01:41:48.950 Tad Stahnke: I just think it's useful to keep that in mind, that that is the recommendation. 770 01:41:49.210 --> 01:41:56.700 Tad Stahnke: The second thing that I would say is that it derives from the resolution 771 01:41:56.930 --> 01:42:01.550 Tad Stahnke: that the Council passed in apologizing and 772 01:42:01.570 --> 01:42:05.809 Tad Stahnke: distancing the town from the institutional racism as it has. 773 01:42:06.180 --> 01:42:08.259 Tad Stahnke: And to me this is a further 774 01:42:09.140 --> 01:42:11.980 bringing up this topic, and considering it 775 01:42:12.440 --> 01:42:19.049 Tad Stahnke: is is in that spirit of distancing ourselves from that time 776 01:42:19.720 --> 01:42:23.639 Tad Stahnke: and the institutional racism of the town at that time. 777 01:42:23.850 --> 01:42:32.450 Tad Stahnke: and it's not to me a personal referendum on the character of any Mccassarin 778 01:42:32.720 --> 01:42:37.710 Tad Stahnke: right but giving the town a evergreen name 779 01:42:38.350 --> 01:42:41.540 that is not associated with 780 01:42:41.650 --> 01:42:45.870 Tad Stahnke: the period in the past that we have decided to 781 01:42:46.190 --> 01:42:48.940 Tad Stahnke: move on, sir. Thank you. 782 01:42:50.400 --> 01:42:57.599 John Compton: Okay, let me let me make one comment on II think, Ted, you were somehow employing that 783 01:42:57.960 --> 01:43:01.760 John Compton: account meeting would lead to a vote 784 01:43:02.200 --> 01:43:10.009 Kathy Lehman: that while town meeting, special town meeting, special town meetings that can be votes. 785 01:43:10.500 --> 01:43:15.040 John Compton: the votes are advisory to the Council. 786 01:43:15.550 --> 01:43:17.440 Kathy Lehman: The Council 787 01:43:18.690 --> 01:43:20.829 Kathy Lehman: first make a decision. 788 01:43:21.280 --> 01:43:29.860 John Compton: pass some sort of resolution ordinance. If a if a meeting is held on that action. 789 01:43:30.620 --> 01:43:51.889 John Compton: a town meeting, and if that town meeting votes to against the decision, then the decision is overturned. But town meetings other than the town meeting, the the the annual town meeting do not pass any legislation, they do not make decisions. The Council makes the decision. 790 01:43:52.150 --> 01:44:03.050 John Compton: The a a certain type of town meeting can overrule that decision, but it can't make a new substitute. Another decision for it. So 791 01:44:03.120 --> 01:44:20.210 John Compton: the town meeting we are talking about would be a forum to provide for for for comments by any resident on any of the the issue issues, the basic recommendations. 792 01:44:21.520 --> 01:44:34.050 John Compton: Someone could call for a vote. The meeting doesn't have to do that. The vote is not binding. The vote is is is is is purely optional. 793 01:44:34.140 --> 01:44:45.589 John Compton: So just wanna make make it clear. Everyone understands that the time meeting process is very powerful. but it doesn't make legislation. 794 01:44:45.760 --> 01:44:49.090 Larry French: It can only overrule 795 01:44:49.210 --> 01:44:56.409 John Compton: actions of the Council re-electing electing new counselors is your way to get new action. 796 01:44:57.400 --> 01:44:58.280 John Compton: Okay? 797 01:44:58.480 --> 01:45:03.219 John Compton: Alright, Larry. Your next. We've heard from you on on that. This is a new 798 01:45:03.330 --> 01:45:04.449 John Compton: got it? Go ahead. 799 01:45:04.670 --> 01:45:12.279 Larry French: Okay, I've got a just a couple of words that I'd like to say regarding this. The issue of Mcatheron Hall. 800 01:45:12.740 --> 01:45:24.340 Larry French: and my notion is that we're framing it in a binary way. It's either it remains Mccatheran Hall, or or it is something else, with 801 01:45:24.350 --> 01:45:29.950 Larry French: no mention of Katherine. and I've been following over the past 802 01:45:30.190 --> 01:45:40.180 Larry French: couple years have been following a little bit about how communities have dealt with with civil war persons. 803 01:45:40.540 --> 01:45:45.600 Larry French: and at times they've come up with some some ways in which. 804 01:45:45.770 --> 01:45:52.760 Larry French: they recognize, for example, the historical significance of civil war leaders 805 01:45:53.000 --> 01:46:00.049 Larry French: but yet they remove them one way or another, symbolically or physically, from 806 01:46:00.430 --> 01:46:04.059 Larry French: places of prominence. 807 01:46:04.620 --> 01:46:11.569 Larry French: Rockville, for example, attempted to do that some years ago it had a Confederate general right in the middle of town. 808 01:46:11.720 --> 01:46:19.140 Larry French: and it started moving that statue around to various places. And I believe now it's somewhere in 809 01:46:19.300 --> 01:46:28.069 Larry French: in some museum with appropriate information about this particular person. At any rate, I wonder if 810 01:46:28.540 --> 01:46:36.280 Larry French: we can convert this from from an either or choice, to to some more imaginative way 811 01:46:36.390 --> 01:46:48.720 Larry French: of of dealing with someone who was clearly neither fish nor fowl, either white nor black, that is, that is Roy Mccatheran. 812 01:46:49.080 --> 01:46:56.449 Larry French: and perhaps that will will open up some ways of thinking about this. That will leave us 813 01:46:56.800 --> 01:46:59.489 Larry French: not at odds with one another. 814 01:47:02.550 --> 01:47:03.710 Larry French: That's it. 815 01:47:04.880 --> 01:47:07.880 John Compton: Okay, thank you, Larry. 816 01:47:08.650 --> 01:47:14.569 John Compton: Next on my list is Sarah Sara Cover. 817 01:47:15.450 --> 01:47:20.560 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: Hi, thank you for chance to say something. I just I wanna add my voice to those who are supporting. 818 01:47:21.100 --> 01:47:23.349 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: taking this opportunity for healing 819 01:47:23.480 --> 01:47:33.970 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: for doing something affirmative that it helps our relationships with our neighbors, and I didn't know Mr. Mccather, and I'm not in any place, nor do I have any interest in judging his life or his legacy. 820 01:47:34.020 --> 01:47:44.279 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: I'm not sure that the honor of having a town hall named for you is understood to be something in perpetuity. It might be that we want to take the opportunity to honor someone else. 821 01:47:44.590 --> 01:47:51.140 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: In a way that is good for our relationships with our neighbors. good for our healing as a community. So 822 01:47:51.390 --> 01:48:03.640 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: again, I don't. I don't wanna judge, Mr. Mcathan, about whom I have insufficient information. But I do want us to look forward and think about the ways that we can contribute to that healing with our neighbors and within ourselves. 823 01:48:08.240 --> 01:48:09.920 John Compton: Okay, thank you, Sarah. 824 01:48:11.190 --> 01:48:24.269 iPad 2 Audrey: I have Audrey. Presumably. Audrey, Master Audrey, that's me. Hi, Hi, John! I'll take video off just a moment, so you can at least see me. 825 01:48:24.740 --> 01:48:35.249 iPad 2 Audrey: Oh, there I am somewhere. There, there we go. You can't see me. Sorry about that. You see my foot, anyway. I would like to support keeping Mccaffing Paul as is. 826 01:48:35.720 --> 01:48:44.230 iPad 2 Audrey: I've been here at least 30, almost 30 years. I've been very pleased to be in the town, and I find it a very welcoming place 827 01:48:44.410 --> 01:48:48.409 iPad 2 Audrey: for all colors? Do they have purple spots all over them. 828 01:48:48.420 --> 01:48:59.589 iPad 2 Audrey: or if they come from a different country, I find it offensive to the families whose name is Mccarthy is very insensitive. What you're doing 829 01:48:59.730 --> 01:49:09.159 iPad 2 Audrey: this this is just not done. I'm sorry I don't agree with it. I want this, the hall to remain, Mccather. Thank you. 830 01:49:13.200 --> 01:49:14.480 iPad 2 Audrey: That's the end of me. 831 01:49:14.620 --> 01:49:17.489 John Compton: Okay, thank you. Thank you, Audrey. 832 01:49:17.570 --> 01:49:23.049 John Compton: Alright, Joan, I can't believe you haven't sent any comments yet. But go ahead. Yes. 833 01:49:23.420 --> 01:49:29.839 Joan Mahaffey: I don't want sympathy for them. A Catherine family to be a reason considered in this. 834 01:49:30.010 --> 01:49:34.059 Joan Mahaffey: It's a consideration for the true legacy of Washington Grove 835 01:49:34.210 --> 01:49:39.450 Joan Mahaffey: and the opposing slide presentation is 836 01:49:39.820 --> 01:49:40.810 full of 837 01:49:42.000 --> 01:49:48.870 Joan Mahaffey: what I would call lies. Roy had no part in perpetrating the racial covenants. 838 01:49:49.630 --> 01:50:01.420 Joan Mahaffey: He had no authority to go within a private deed and change a covenant that was legal at the time. and this racic argument is 839 01:50:01.450 --> 01:50:13.630 Joan Mahaffey: using him as a scapegoat for the maybe half the deeds in town in 1,937 that might have had these racial covenants put in by the deed owners. 840 01:50:13.770 --> 01:50:15.930 Joan Mahaffey: And just as 841 01:50:16.170 --> 01:50:26.560 Joan Mahaffey: another detail. There was one person in town who was a real estate investor who owned many of these properties and those deed covenants were on his properties. 842 01:50:26.630 --> 01:50:37.830 Joan Mahaffey: He could have owned up to a third of the properties in the town in 1,937. So to even associate Roy Mccatherum with those racial covenants is to me a blatant lie. 843 01:50:38.180 --> 01:50:46.690 Joan Mahaffey: and I did put a presentation. I didn't want to attack each one of the misstatements that were made by 844 01:50:47.060 --> 01:50:51.619 Joan Mahaffey: the 2 authors of the opposing presentation. 845 01:50:52.090 --> 01:50:54.219 and so I can do that. 846 01:50:54.490 --> 01:51:02.230 Joan Mahaffey: I would be happy to do that. I did it previously. When all these arguments were presented before the resolution. 847 01:51:02.730 --> 01:51:05.650 And is this going to be an an annual occurrences? 848 01:51:05.660 --> 01:51:13.960 Joan Mahaffey: But instead of going into this divisive, hateful rabbit hole, I decided to present a view of Roy Mccatherum. 849 01:51:14.720 --> 01:51:21.990 Joan Mahaffey: who whom I knew personally, and you can say I have a vested interest because I'm his granddaughter, but 850 01:51:22.120 --> 01:51:23.320 this is 851 01:51:23.610 --> 01:51:28.040 Joan Mahaffey: I don't want you to use my family as an excuse not to consider this 852 01:51:28.100 --> 01:51:37.690 Joan Mahaffey: and the statement that we might feel more ownership of the Town Hall than any other citizen town is absolutely outrageous. 853 01:51:42.400 --> 01:51:43.620 John Compton: Okay, well. 854 01:51:43.650 --> 01:52:10.040 Joan Mahaffey: we won't be changing it to the Happy Hall then, anytime. Soon. Heavens! No, I was babysitting my younger brothers and sisters. When the decision to name the Town Hall was made. I wasn't even there, I was told. Nope. I only put my name on the slide show, so that you would know that I did have a vested interest in it, and no one else was picking up the mantle. 855 01:52:10.140 --> 01:52:13.410 Christine Dibble: I'm curious. What was the name? 856 01:52:13.700 --> 01:52:19.649 Christine Dibble: Just a history question. One was the name change to Mccaffrey Hall. So anybody know? 857 01:52:19.770 --> 01:52:45.960 Joan Mahaffey: 1,958 after Roy. 58. Yeah. At the council meeting, after he was made mayor, and it was called the Assembly Hall. From the time it was built, until 1,954, when the Methodist Church moved out into their new church property, but until then they pretty much used it for their services and for their Sunday school and town records were actually stored at 858 01:52:46.160 --> 01:53:02.030 Joan Mahaffey: at my grandfather's house rather than in the Hall, and even Town meet council meetings were held in private homes. Before that time the town meeting was held in the Assembly Hall, but the Assembly Hall was the historic name. Up until 859 01:53:03.130 --> 01:53:05.730 Joan Mahaffey: till the name was changed in 1958. 860 01:53:07.700 --> 01:53:13.350 Hutch: This is such I don't know, I can interject. But Bill Edwards, 861 01:53:13.450 --> 01:53:14.649 Hutch: look! It was 862 01:53:14.760 --> 01:53:20.189 Hutch: originally the Town Hall before was named. The Assembly Hall. Is that correct? 863 01:53:21.970 --> 01:53:24.890 Joan Mahaffey: No, it was. It was named the Assembly Hall. 864 01:53:26.070 --> 01:53:32.439 It it was not used for as an official center for town business until 1,954. 865 01:53:34.030 --> 01:53:40.499 John Compton: Okay, alright, thank you. We have Joe, with his hand up, and then I see Marilyn 866 01:53:41.750 --> 01:53:42.680 John Compton: Joe. 867 01:53:48.640 --> 01:53:51.149 John Compton: Joe is either. Not? 868 01:53:51.490 --> 01:53:54.299 Robert Christin: Yeah. He's on mute. He's he's on mute. 869 01:53:57.090 --> 01:53:59.840 John Compton: I can't ask him if I'm muted. Hmm. 870 01:53:59.870 --> 01:54:03.899 Joe Stolz: okay. Can you hear me? Now? You're good. 871 01:54:04.070 --> 01:54:14.350 Joe Stolz: Okay. Ii think this whole exercise is unnecessary. It's creating a problem where a problem doesn't exist. 872 01:54:14.470 --> 01:54:30.860 Joe Stolz: Roy Mccathan did not own slaves. If we take his name off of the Town Hall, then we logically, and must necessarily change the name of the town, because it's named for a slaveholder. 873 01:54:31.080 --> 01:54:32.550 Joe Stolz: So this 874 01:54:32.620 --> 01:54:54.229 Joe Stolz: this puts us on a road of years of divisiveness and fighting, and it is absolutely unnecessary every my parents house at 1 23 Grow road had a covenant in it not to sell the Catholics, Jews, or blacks. 875 01:54:54.390 --> 01:55:02.900 Joe Stolz: Our family was Catholic, and currently living in that house is my niece and her African-american husband. 876 01:55:02.950 --> 01:55:25.960 Joe Stolz: and the house was sold twice with covenants that were violated by selling to Catholics, and then by selling to an African American. So the whole issue of covenants is a phony, petty little issue, and 90% of the deeds in this country had covenants like that. At that time 877 01:55:25.960 --> 01:55:38.159 Joe Stolz: I did real estate settlements for 25 or 30 years, and most of the old deeds deeds that had been in place for a long period of time had racial covenants in them. 878 01:55:38.160 --> 01:55:59.599 Joe Stolz: So if we're gonna condemn one or 2 people, then everyone is doing that needs to go back and look at their own grandparents and great grandparents, and and and see if they're not casting stones at their own family. Okay, this is an unnecessary divisive exercise. 879 01:55:59.670 --> 01:56:02.570 Joe Stolz: And it's 880 01:56:02.860 --> 01:56:06.769 Joe Stolz: well it's heading us down a path of lots of trouble. 881 01:56:06.860 --> 01:56:18.560 Joe Stolz: So if you take Catherine's name off the Town Hall, the next thing will be the name of the town, and and and if it's not, it's totally illogical, and 882 01:56:18.900 --> 01:56:20.510 Joe Stolz: there's no other path. 883 01:56:20.600 --> 01:56:24.980 Joe Stolz: This is unnecessary. It should be stopped in its tracks. 884 01:56:25.680 --> 01:56:27.300 Joe Stolz: that's all I have to say. 885 01:56:29.920 --> 01:56:38.710 John Compton: Okay, thank you, Joe. So next was Marilyn Fry Bry. I always say 886 01:56:39.290 --> 01:56:41.209 Marilynn Frey: a couple of things. I 887 01:56:41.950 --> 01:56:51.469 Marilynn Frey: I keep hearing. They wish to change the name back to Washington Growth Town Hall. It was never Washington Road, Town Hall. I've lived here 75 years. It was. It was Assembly Hall. 888 01:56:51.490 --> 01:56:54.760 Marilynn Frey: If you look at the side of the building. It still says Assembly Hall. 889 01:56:55.050 --> 01:57:05.220 Marilynn Frey: it got named to Roy Mccatheran when I was still in high school. Roy Mccaffer was a good man, he did not own a single slave. Unlike 890 01:57:05.240 --> 01:57:20.419 Marilynn Frey: the person who this town is named for, I agree with Joe. First thing we need to do is, change the name of this town. If we're going to go changing the name of anything that has any racist comment, whether it's true or not. Most of you who are talking about this and fighting for it never met Roy Mccapes. 891 01:57:20.980 --> 01:57:22.890 Marilynn Frey: But you're sitting there in judgment of them 892 01:57:26.400 --> 01:57:28.660 Marilynn Frey: also, just just in passing 893 01:57:29.200 --> 01:57:35.039 Marilynn Frey: Assembly Hall was the church until I was in my fourth or fifth grade. 894 01:57:35.070 --> 01:57:38.509 Marilynn Frey: It was not used for town business at all. It was used for 895 01:57:38.630 --> 01:57:43.900 Marilynn Frey: The church. anyhow, that's my 2 cents. 896 01:57:45.030 --> 01:57:46.090 John Compton: Okay. 897 01:57:46.180 --> 01:57:50.120 John Compton: thank you. Marilyn. Next is Philip. 898 01:57:52.120 --> 01:57:53.539 Philip Mento: Yeah. Can you hear me? 899 01:57:53.690 --> 01:57:54.470 John Compton: Yeah. 900 01:57:54.890 --> 01:57:55.670 Philip Mento: Hi. 901 01:57:56.760 --> 01:58:02.429 Philip Mento: so I might be a little biased because my wife is on the on the committee. But 902 01:58:02.760 --> 01:58:06.330 Philip Mento: What what I'm hoping is that the 903 01:58:06.700 --> 01:58:12.340 Philip Mento: the Town Council considers this all started with the resolution that was passed 904 01:58:12.900 --> 01:58:21.270 Philip Mento: about, what do we do about our racist past? And so this committee has been trying to do the best they can 905 01:58:21.360 --> 01:58:25.890 Philip Mento: to come up with some of those ideas and solutions. 906 01:58:26.130 --> 01:58:29.209 and that's what they've been presenting here. 907 01:58:29.840 --> 01:58:37.939 Philip Mento: I know. Changing the name of the hall is is radical. I get a sense most people won't vote for it. 908 01:58:38.150 --> 01:58:44.340 Philip Mento: But what we I want is the Council to take a look at what has been presented. 909 01:58:44.380 --> 01:58:47.780 Philip Mento: because what is presented is in the public eye. 910 01:58:47.900 --> 01:59:02.229 Philip Mento: And so we're not making. I don't think the Council should be talking necessarily about changing the name. Everyone's caught up in the name of the hall or no. But I think what the Council is going to have to do, and looking at these presentations, and you have 911 01:59:02.450 --> 01:59:04.659 Philip Mento: on both sides. 912 01:59:05.490 --> 01:59:16.990 Philip Mento: how do you? What do you do about your racist past? And so this committee has come forward with some success, some suggestions and the committee worked hard. 913 01:59:17.290 --> 01:59:23.190 Philip Mento: The committee voted in a vast majority to move these forward. 914 01:59:23.830 --> 01:59:31.280 Philip Mento: and I understand people think it's insensitive. but I know that people on this committee, especially my wife. 915 01:59:31.750 --> 01:59:38.879 Philip Mento: And they did not make these things, these resolutions as recommendations to be insensitive. 916 01:59:39.760 --> 01:59:45.470 Philip Mento: So I do wanna just point out the ways of racist committee has a hard, hard job. 917 01:59:45.910 --> 01:59:53.379 Philip Mento: These are just recommendations, and I would hope that people understand they're bringing these forward because they're trying to address 918 01:59:53.810 --> 01:59:59.460 Philip Mento: what the Council passed on, the resolution to address our race is passed. 919 02:00:02.810 --> 02:00:04.280 Philip Mento: that's all I have seen. 920 02:00:05.820 --> 02:00:08.080 John Compton: Okay, thank you. Thank you, Bill. 921 02:00:09.100 --> 02:00:11.280 John Compton: Alright. Paul. 922 02:00:12.280 --> 02:00:15.129 John Compton: born to Zaya. 923 02:00:16.180 --> 02:00:19.760 Paul Thorne-Keziah: Alright, Mister Thorne, because I go ahead. 924 02:00:20.250 --> 02:00:35.279 Paul Thorne-Keziah: So first I have a question of protocol. I know you all are are big on protocol. I live just outside the boundaries of Washington Grove on Bounding Bend. But I'm not technically a resident, so I wanted to double check before I spoke. Whether I have the 925 02:00:35.510 --> 02:00:37.290 Paul Thorne-Keziah: floor to speak at this time. 926 02:00:39.100 --> 02:00:40.190 John Compton: Counsel. 927 02:00:43.590 --> 02:00:45.879 John Compton: hearing no objections, go ahead 928 02:00:46.350 --> 02:00:51.200 Peter Nagrod: before before you do Paddy. 929 02:00:51.360 --> 02:00:54.260 Peter Nagrod: Patty Klein just asked the question about 930 02:00:54.280 --> 02:00:58.239 Peter Nagrod: Compati. Just ask for question because I think it's relevant. 931 02:00:58.670 --> 02:00:59.550 Peter Nagrod: Patty. 932 02:01:02.540 --> 02:01:13.049 Patrice Klein: Hey? Good evening. I didn't want to interrupt your commentary period. My question is, who voted on the Racic Committee. And were these voters all-town residents 933 02:01:13.160 --> 02:01:17.039 Patrice Klein: in accordance with our town charter and our ordinances? 934 02:01:19.790 --> 02:01:22.259 John Compton: I mean, that question can be, answered 935 02:01:22.310 --> 02:01:26.539 John Compton: Patty, but personally, I think it's totally irrelevant. 936 02:01:26.990 --> 02:01:36.609 Patrice Klein: Well, I don't think it's irrelevant. I don't. I disagree tangent? I ask the question. It can be addressed by the council later. 937 02:01:36.890 --> 02:01:40.170 Peter Nagrod: and then I'll tell you what's irrelevant about 938 02:01:43.760 --> 02:01:44.690 John Compton: Paula. 939 02:01:46.330 --> 02:01:48.500 Christine Dibble: You're yeah, you have to unmute. 940 02:01:49.640 --> 02:01:58.310 Paul Thorne-Keziah: Sorry am I? Did you say, Paul or Paula? 941 02:01:58.620 --> 02:02:01.469 Paula Puglisi: Okay? So the question is. 942 02:02:01.750 --> 02:02:14.469 Paula Puglisi: is, what was the question? Again, who who voted on on the recommendation? Who voted on the recommendation that correct the Recommendation Work group 943 02:02:14.670 --> 02:02:22.460 Paula Puglisi: voted on the recommendation, but they were ratified by the whole race deck. 944 02:02:22.560 --> 02:02:24.730 Paula Puglisi: the voting members of Ray 6, 945 02:02:24.820 --> 02:02:27.720 Paula Puglisi: the General Racet Committee. They were ratified. 946 02:02:28.070 --> 02:02:28.830 Paula Puglisi: Hmm. 947 02:02:29.100 --> 02:02:33.799 Peter Nagrod: well, there's only 5. There's only 5 people voting. Is that correct? 948 02:02:34.770 --> 02:02:41.980 Peter Nagrod: That's what I that's what II read 3 before one abstained and one was against. Those are the numbers that I had seen. 949 02:02:43.480 --> 02:02:51.620 Paula Puglisi: Okay, are you talking about? You're talking about the work group. Is that what you're talking about? I think 950 02:02:51.890 --> 02:03:03.100 Paula Puglisi: you're talking about the Recommendation work group. and that was the vote. But then it was ratified by the voting numbers at the General meeting. Hmm. 951 02:03:03.600 --> 02:03:15.869 Paula Puglisi: I think, Paul, I think the question is the voting the voting members of Rasik? Are they all town residents, or does that include some non town residents? 952 02:03:16.440 --> 02:03:21.489 Paula Puglisi: Hmm. I mean, everybody is invited to an open meeting. 953 02:03:21.740 --> 02:03:27.969 Paula Puglisi: and in order, but according to the guidelines of Reset, if you attend 954 02:03:28.040 --> 02:03:33.190 Paula Puglisi: 2 consecutive meetings and express and interest. you can be a member. 955 02:03:34.640 --> 02:03:35.650 Paula Puglisi: So. 956 02:03:35.860 --> 02:03:42.349 Patrice Klein: being a member and being voting town resident, that's just my time. 957 02:03:42.700 --> 02:03:55.909 Patrice Klein: I didn't hear that. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Paul. There's there's a difference between being a member of a town committee, and generally most of our town committees are made up of town residents. I don't think we have any clarification on that 958 02:03:56.050 --> 02:04:03.359 Patrice Klein: at this time in our charter ordinances. But that's different than actually being able to vote. If you're a non 959 02:04:03.450 --> 02:04:21.609 Patrice Klein: resident of the town. That that's my concern is, people who are non residents of our town are influencing, and to some extent helping to make decisions about what happens in our town, and I don't see the fact that any of us, as town residents can go to Gatersburg or Germantown, or any other place. But we're not a resident. 960 02:04:21.610 --> 02:04:34.160 Patrice Klein: and have voting privileges. So I just think that that might be something that Town Council might want to consider going forward. If it's not clear in our charter and ordinances. I think it is. But it's subject to interpretation, thanks 961 02:04:34.520 --> 02:04:38.829 Paula Puglisi: well that's 962 02:04:39.230 --> 02:04:43.959 John Compton: I made a categorical statement that I thought that was irrelevant, let me explain why 963 02:04:44.750 --> 02:04:47.230 Peter Nagrod: the the recommendations 964 02:04:48.500 --> 02:04:55.699 John Compton: are very specific. and to me a recommendation to the town council or to the town. 965 02:04:55.870 --> 02:04:59.999 Paula Puglisi: Ought to be evaluated on its merits. 966 02:05:00.780 --> 02:05:03.120 Kathy Lehman: It's a process argument 967 02:05:03.360 --> 02:05:10.720 John Compton: as to oh, who made this recommendation? Was it all town residents? Was it all men? Was it all women? 968 02:05:11.070 --> 02:05:18.169 John Compton: Was? Was everybody consulted on the committee. All of those things are process oriented. 969 02:05:18.600 --> 02:05:32.240 John Compton: and some people make an if if we had a huge amount of business, and it was constantly an issue as to have have have all of it. Has the process been followed before we spend any time on it? 970 02:05:32.310 --> 02:05:39.060 John Compton: I would have a different opinion. But my opinion now is that these are very serious 971 02:05:39.710 --> 02:05:42.679 John Compton: and thoughtful proposals. 972 02:05:42.810 --> 02:05:51.379 John Compton: They may not be popular. That's what we are trying to determine whether or not, they have any. Have any resonate 973 02:05:51.610 --> 02:05:54.810 Kathy Lehman: with the council, or, in fact, with the town. 974 02:05:54.880 --> 02:06:12.100 John Compton: So yeah, you know, you can talk about. Oh, somebody else was part part part of the process. But I don't think that affects the merits of the proposal. And if you, if if this town is willing to reject proposal simply because somebody outside of town 975 02:06:12.290 --> 02:06:26.860 John Compton: think about that. We were talking about inclusivity here. I guess that may only count include people who live in town. I think that's a huge mistake, and that's why I declared an irrelevant that's my personal opinion. 976 02:06:26.920 --> 02:06:29.089 John Compton: You may all have your own, of course. 977 02:06:29.520 --> 02:06:31.119 John Compton: alright back to Paul. 978 02:06:32.760 --> 02:06:43.859 Peter Nagrod: So you asked us. You asked us about whether Paul should speak. I think it's great that he speaks, but I think that the town residents should be allowed to speak first, they, and if he's not, if they've all spoken, that's great. 979 02:06:44.720 --> 02:06:51.030 Peter Nagrod: I haven't seen anybody else with their hands up. It's a win win. 980 02:06:52.720 --> 02:07:20.989 Paul Thorne-Keziah: I did intentionally wait to see until the the hands faltered before II put my hand up to give my 2 cents. I do definitely appreciate that that you all have these meetings that are that you're included. I'm been connected with some discussions with Washington Grove, and the more I see the Democratic processes, the more I see the patience of the Town Council meeting members to to sift through and and 981 02:07:21.160 --> 02:07:46.580 Paul Thorne-Keziah: put 2 cents in and get input on little to small things. It really impresses me. You know, I've loved Washington grow from the get go because of the the forest, you know. That's one of the reasons we're excited to be nearby. But I continue to be impressed by the town itself, and it's founding. I am a member of racic and I continue to appreciate the chance to participate in those discussions. 982 02:07:46.580 --> 02:08:03.330 Paul Thorne-Keziah: And look at how to to be a part of Washington growth trying not to have such high walls, but be connected with the the surrounding community and look at ways. The the the past has been 983 02:08:03.360 --> 02:08:08.070 Paul Thorne-Keziah: difficult or damaging to some of the people that that were living outside the grove. 984 02:08:08.370 --> 02:08:32.320 Paul Thorne-Keziah: When I see the the recommendation to rename Mccatheran Hall. I think it's a disservice to to aim the main focus on trying to discredit Roy Mccatheran. I do think that he, like everybody, is a complex figure, and from what I've seen especially as far as his intentions and his dedication to the town. 985 02:08:32.320 --> 02:08:44.569 Paul Thorne-Keziah: It was much more good, much more, sacrificing his time and his resources, and making an effort to build a town and lay the foundation for a town that is kept lasted until now. 986 02:08:44.860 --> 02:08:56.120 Paul Thorne-Keziah: I think, with renaming the town a strong emphasis is not trying to discredit Roy Mccatheran, or say that he is not worthy of having a building named after him. 987 02:08:56.120 --> 02:09:20.159 Paul Thorne-Keziah: But rather they, Rory. That Catherine is, is symbolic of the time of the time that surrounded the founding of Washington Grove, which had some excellent things that has resulted in a town that has a a unique history and a new character. And some of, though that uniqueness has been from the exclusivity from the high walls, from being relatively cut off from the surrounding community. 988 02:09:20.160 --> 02:09:29.450 Paul Thorne-Keziah: And so, if Washington Grove, now, the residents of Washington Grove are wanting to be more intentional about reaching out 989 02:09:29.800 --> 02:09:53.570 Paul Thorne-Keziah: to and being connected with surrounding communities and addressing wrongs that may have happened in the past. I think renaming Mccatheran Hall is not a way again, not trying to disparage Roy Mccatheran. But it's a way of signifying that that is not the core identity of the town but that the town is is trying to seek a character that is more 990 02:09:54.580 --> 02:09:57.919 Paul Thorne-Keziah: that is more inclusive and connected with the surrounding communities. 991 02:10:00.030 --> 02:10:03.629 John Compton: Okay, thank you for that. That, poll. 992 02:10:04.580 --> 02:10:07.139 John Compton: We've got Ann Phillips next. 993 02:10:10.060 --> 02:10:22.839 Ann Philips: Yes, Hi, just a couple of comments. we, as a family have not written a letter in, but we're very interested. And the topic 994 02:10:22.860 --> 02:10:25.630 Ann Philips: I think it's it's very painful 995 02:10:25.690 --> 02:10:36.029 Ann Philips: to even consider changing the name of the Hall, and II feel some of that pain myself. I can understand it'd be very disturbing to people. 996 02:10:36.890 --> 02:10:47.670 Ann Philips: But this is like challenges to democracy we have, we. We have to struggle and listen to all different viewpoints. 997 02:10:47.880 --> 02:10:53.010 Ann Philips: and try to come out of it stronger. Come out of our disputes 998 02:10:53.020 --> 02:11:02.250 Ann Philips: stronger, and II think that this is the kind of question that every community is dealing with, and we are not immune. 999 02:11:02.600 --> 02:11:15.380 Ann Philips: Why should Grove is not immune from needing to look at the past and analyze our public buildings, naming the process of naming our public buildings. 1000 02:11:15.720 --> 02:11:22.650 Ann Philips: So I think a lot of people's outrage. I understand that 1001 02:11:22.870 --> 02:11:25.530 Ann Philips: you know the fear of changing something 1002 02:11:26.360 --> 02:11:39.249 Ann Philips: unnecessarily, but I think this is a process the towns have to go through, and I hope everyone can be patient with it and just recognise that it is valuable. It is valuable to look. And just because 1003 02:11:39.320 --> 02:12:09.050 Ann Philips: the name of the Town Hall is being questioned that doesn't automatically assume that the town wants to grow the name that name would be changed. I just I don't think that's logical. Yes, every every naming has a context, but each case should be looked at at a case by case basis. So II don't agree that Macath, changing the name of the hall. Not that I'm in favour of that. As I said, we we we haven't made 1004 02:12:09.170 --> 02:12:15.390 Ann Philips: written a letter, and it's very complex issue, but I just wanted to make those statements. 1005 02:12:18.530 --> 02:12:23.179 John Compton: Okay, thank you. And Charlie Charleston is next 1006 02:12:24.440 --> 02:12:35.479 Charlie Challstrom: wasn't gonna comment. But I I wanna echo a couple of things like Ted wanted to make sure that we understood what the recommendation is, and it isn't. 1007 02:12:35.680 --> 02:12:45.420 Charlie Challstrom: When the recommendation came to that final meeting of full racic and was voted on by the the voting members only, and I'm one of those. 1008 02:12:45.530 --> 02:12:55.579 Charlie Challstrom: I was disturbed and concerned because of the feeling of it, pinpointing Roy Mccatheran, who, I 1009 02:12:55.610 --> 02:13:16.209 Charlie Challstrom: have a great deal of knowledge and awareness and appreciation of, learned so much by my close association for so many years working with his son, Don Mccatherin, and learning about the relationships and actually participating in the relationships between Emory Grove and Washington Grove. As we found joint reasons to go together, and 1010 02:13:16.210 --> 02:13:37.630 Charlie Challstrom: we we literally moved the Flower Hill shopping center to be closer to where people needed grocery shopping. I was part of that, and worked with Bob Duvall and of Emery Grove, and Don Mccather and the 3 of us were a team on that, anyway, separate from that. When that recommendation came forward. It was recommending that racic recommend the name change. 1011 02:13:38.010 --> 02:13:52.650 Charlie Challstrom: But look carefully. It does not say that anymore. I thought the best that I could do when that came forward was to help the committee work through a process worldwide. We change that recommendation, it says, to consider. 1012 02:13:52.790 --> 02:14:15.989 Charlie Challstrom: because after it been out and exposed and shared like this. I felt like the best thing we could do was change it. So that, in fact, there is an education process of the awareness of the town and the relationship. And that's what could come out of this that the Council could make sure there was an education process. It wasn't calling for a town meeting, but it was calling for 1013 02:14:15.990 --> 02:14:25.400 Charlie Challstrom: can consider this, and by doing it, as the conditions, as Ted expressed it, would be an education process, so I felt 1014 02:14:25.670 --> 02:14:39.890 Charlie Challstrom: pleased that I was able to help in that, and I didn't join Joan and voting against it, although I regretted that. But I was afraid we'd come back with a recommendation that would be explicit and recommending a name change. And it doesn't. 1015 02:14:40.330 --> 02:14:44.970 Charlie Challstrom: I just wanna make sure you understand that it does not recommend the name change 1016 02:14:45.150 --> 02:15:05.960 Charlie Challstrom: and there's some wonderful, wonderful material to help reinforce that we. We must look forward. But we've gotta build on a very successful path, and and I've immersed a good portion of my life on those covenants. I know the background of those, perhaps better than anyone else. I've spent literally months working on them, and great progress lately. 1017 02:15:06.020 --> 02:15:07.360 Kathy Lehman: anyway, that's enough. 1018 02:15:10.880 --> 02:15:18.930 John Compton: Alright. Thank you, Charlie. I have Joe with his hand up. Hold up, Joe, anybody else? Joe has already spoken 1019 02:15:19.160 --> 02:15:21.660 Joe Stolz: on the on the on the 1020 02:15:21.750 --> 02:15:23.130 John Compton: recommendations. 1021 02:15:23.300 --> 02:15:31.730 Joe Stolz: Yeah, John, II just want to reiterate that if you change a name on the Catherine Hall. It is 1022 02:15:32.020 --> 02:15:36.289 Joe Stolz: totally illogical not to then wanna change the name of the town 1023 02:15:36.590 --> 02:15:52.490 Joe Stolz: to do that opens up years of contention and and disagreements and bitterness. And that's what's gonna happen. And you can say it's not gonna happen. But if you look at it logically 1024 02:15:52.490 --> 02:16:16.270 Joe Stolz: to change the name of the town because there were Roy Mccafferin didn't do anything to get rid of restrictive covenants, and I'm not saying that that's true. But if that's the accusation, then why keep the town name for a slave? Hold! It makes no sense, and this there is no purpose to be accomplished by going back through all of this. 1025 02:16:16.270 --> 02:16:45.789 Joe Stolz: and I'm sorry to say it, because I have great respect for some of the people involved on the other side of this issue, including Paula. But there's an element of virtue signalling in this that is inappropriate, and then inflicts the desire for the virtue signalling on everybody else, and the town should not have to suffer that. And it th. This is purposeless. It's gonna lead to nothing but trouble. 1026 02:16:47.230 --> 02:16:49.339 John Compton: Okay, Joe, Linda 1027 02:16:49.570 --> 02:16:55.519 John Compton: and Linda will be the last. We've reached our our witching discussion. 1028 02:16:55.969 --> 02:16:57.270 Linda Winter: Oh, okay. 1029 02:16:57.330 --> 02:17:01.509 Linda Winter: thank you. I have not submitted a letter myself. 1030 02:17:01.600 --> 02:17:16.129 Linda Winter: I've lived in the town for 37 years. My husband, Warren Winter, was born here. and pretty much lived here in his entire life. I think I can speak for him as well, we 1031 02:17:16.170 --> 02:17:26.740 Linda Winter: II read a lot of the comments. Then the letters that came in, and I think they were all very well written and and well spoken. 1032 02:17:26.900 --> 02:17:36.300 Linda Winter: My concern is is II looked at the Powerpoint presentation. Both of them, and you know at 1 point 1033 02:17:36.370 --> 02:17:50.679 Linda Winter: I don't know exactly where it said, you know, we're not trying the to vilify Roy Mccatheran. But then they proceeded to vilify Roy Mccatheran, and I just really object to the tone 1034 02:17:50.719 --> 02:17:54.989 Linda Winter: of the Powerpoint presentations and and some other comments. 1035 02:17:55.020 --> 02:18:03.989 Linda Winter: And I know that this is extremely painful to the Catherine family, and I don't support changing the name. Thank you. 1036 02:18:05.820 --> 02:18:06.719 John Compton: Hey? 1037 02:18:07.260 --> 02:18:12.509 John Compton: Thank you, Linda. Thank thanks, everybody for your comments and all of 1038 02:18:12.660 --> 02:18:20.289 John Compton: who have been listening. So we're back to a council discussion as to how to move forward. 1039 02:18:20.530 --> 02:18:31.129 John Compton: Let's just address the elephant in the room. The proposal has been that perhaps discussion of these proposals would best 1040 02:18:31.570 --> 02:18:36.789 John Compton: be encompassed in a town meeting special town meeting 1041 02:18:36.820 --> 02:18:43.510 John Compton: to hear to give everyone a chance to verbally express their views 1042 02:18:43.520 --> 02:18:53.620 John Compton: and after which the Council could then decide how to move forward on each of these recommendations. So 1043 02:18:53.670 --> 02:19:06.239 Peter Nagrod: my suggestion is that we get a consensus on whether to go for a town meeting or not. My suggestion is that we're gonna meet in 2 weeks. We have this discussion. Then, after we digest this. 1044 02:19:08.750 --> 02:19:10.279 Barbara: I agree with Peter. 1045 02:19:13.309 --> 02:19:20.779 marywarfield: II do, too. There's a lot of things to think about, and you know, not necessarily going to a town meeting, but just kind of. 1046 02:19:20.969 --> 02:19:22.320 marywarfield: you know. Maybe 1047 02:19:22.620 --> 02:19:33.659 marywarfield: look at it again. And and I, you know from this discussion I have a couple of questions that I would be interested in asking the committee just for clarification. That I don't feel 1048 02:19:33.910 --> 02:19:35.469 marywarfield: prepared to right now. 1049 02:19:38.400 --> 02:19:39.480 John Compton: Christine. 1050 02:19:40.219 --> 02:19:44.289 Christine Dibble: I'm I'm ready to 1051 02:19:44.559 --> 02:19:53.840 Christine Dibble: Is that a date for a town meeting in about 4 weeks tonight? I don't feel like we need to 1052 02:19:54.090 --> 02:20:01.459 Christine Dibble: discuss again on in our regular early March meeting 1053 02:20:01.630 --> 02:20:05.929 Christine Dibble: whether we should have a town meeting. I think we should just go ahead and schedule one 1054 02:20:08.210 --> 02:20:09.559 John Compton: that leaves you, Eva. 1055 02:20:10.580 --> 02:20:13.580 Eva: Yes, so I'm just trying to understand. So 1056 02:20:13.810 --> 02:20:24.029 Eva: was the suggestion that we decided the March meeting, whether or not to have a town meeting, or that the March meeting we try to address the recommendations 1057 02:20:25.250 --> 02:20:26.839 Eva: cause. II think 1058 02:20:27.310 --> 02:20:34.000 Eva: I think if we're going to have a town meeting we should go ahead and just decide that we're going to have a town meeting like Christine said, and set a date. 1059 02:20:34.200 --> 02:20:41.620 Peter Nagrod: I was thinking that we would be able to reach a decision without having the town meeting by having a little bit of time to discuss. 1060 02:20:41.870 --> 02:20:45.380 marywarfield: Yeah, yeah, this is Barbara. And I thought. 1061 02:20:45.480 --> 02:20:52.129 Barbara: it's kind of me. I mean, most of the recommendations are not really something that you would 1062 02:20:52.170 --> 02:20:55.860 Barbara: expect to debate in a town meeting. 1063 02:20:55.980 --> 02:21:02.829 Barbara: This is the only one, and I'm not even sure we need a town meeting for this. If we continue to get feedback from town residents. 1064 02:21:02.840 --> 02:21:15.900 Barbara: I don't know that we need to call a special town meeting for this, so I would rather continue the discussion during our next town council meeting. Have this on the agenda. 1065 02:21:15.970 --> 02:21:30.659 Barbara: have some time to go through the other recommendations as well, and see how far we can get in that meeting, and it's possible that we could wrap it up in that meeting. If we feel like we have enough information and enough input, and if not, we can 1066 02:21:30.720 --> 02:21:32.580 Barbara: figure out what to do after that. 1067 02:21:32.590 --> 02:21:55.679 marywarfield: Is it, is it? Yes or no? I mean, I feel like this committee has come up with a lot of suggestions and a lot of things that we should be thinking about. And for instance, Charlie saying that the, you know, was not to rename the the Town Hall, but to consider it. And II would be interested in, you know, considering it. What does that mean in terms of us moving forward 1068 02:21:55.680 --> 02:22:04.060 marywarfield: forward, I think, looking back and trying to change things that we can't change isn't gonna get us anywhere. But the conversation could maybe lead us to. 1069 02:22:04.130 --> 02:22:08.049 marywarfield: You know something more practical that we could agree on going forward. 1070 02:22:08.450 --> 02:22:16.559 marywarfield: but I hate to just say, you know. No, we don't. We don't accept any of these resolutions. And then and then what I mean. I think there should be something 1071 02:22:16.570 --> 02:22:22.730 marywarfield: something that comes out of all this this work, and and very considered. Look at the town. 1072 02:22:25.840 --> 02:22:28.280 Peter Nagrod: And you're saying that the town meeting would do that. 1073 02:22:29.270 --> 02:22:38.289 marywarfield: No, II not necessarily. I mean, I feel like if we, as the Council could, you know, digest some of this stuff and have another conversation about it? 1074 02:22:38.550 --> 02:23:05.010 Peter Nagrod: Well, that's what I'm saying. Is that. So I would prefer to use our next regular town meeting in early March to discuss other topics like ad use or dwellings that are not being maintained properly. 1075 02:23:05.070 --> 02:23:13.320 Christine Dibble: and to go ahead and have a separate town meeting to discuss. All of the basic recommendations. 1076 02:23:14.180 --> 02:23:22.019 Christine Dibble: We we have a lot on our plate right now, and I don't necessarily want to. I'm afraid if we 1077 02:23:22.130 --> 02:23:30.880 Christine Dibble: discuss the basic recommendations at the next regular town meeting that will never get to any of the other stuff we need to talk about. 1078 02:23:31.830 --> 02:23:42.599 Eva: III do think you're right there. There are some other more important things need to be discussed. I mean, the does a resolution need to be made within, you know, the next couple of weeks on this? 1079 02:23:44.340 --> 02:23:49.160 John Compton: No, of course, and I wouldn't think so. There's you know 1080 02:23:49.330 --> 02:23:50.000 that. 1081 02:23:50.100 --> 02:23:53.510 John Compton: The the Council can choose to defer 1082 02:23:53.570 --> 02:24:00.640 John Compton: discussion. III want to reiterate what Christine was pointing out. There is, like. 1083 02:24:00.870 --> 02:24:15.549 John Compton: you know, to do justice to the adu discussion and the the of the variety of other business. There wouldn't be a lot of time, exactly. 1084 02:24:15.610 --> 02:24:28.649 Eva: And we're already talking about that meeting potentially, starting at 6 15. That's right with the closed session. So it would be, you know, we could do it, but it would be very long. The reason the town meeting 1085 02:24:28.840 --> 02:24:30.110 John Compton: proposal. 1086 02:24:30.390 --> 02:24:38.149 John Compton: the timing proposal is like a adjunct to another council meeting discussion. So you can do both. 1087 02:24:38.190 --> 02:24:59.550 John Compton: or or do the do. The open open town resident discussion prior to a council discussion there. II hear some sentiment that some of you may feel that it was maybe, aside from the Mccatheran Hall, or maybe including it 1088 02:24:59.590 --> 02:25:06.639 John Compton: recommendation, that might be able to conclude further action 1089 02:25:06.700 --> 02:25:30.019 John Compton: and we could do that tonight. We could go through each one and ask whether the Council feels what they would like to do about each one, and we haven't addressed any of the others really other than the the whole issue. And so, having said all of that. It it probably it certainly makes sense to either 1090 02:25:31.050 --> 02:25:33.590 John Compton: toss it to a town meeting for 1091 02:25:34.640 --> 02:25:37.179 John Compton: for comprehensive input 1092 02:25:37.340 --> 02:25:44.640 John Compton: or do another bring it up at another council meeting and decide how to move forward. 1093 02:25:44.890 --> 02:25:47.890 John Compton: Given that, Mary's right. Nobody's thought. 1094 02:25:48.110 --> 02:25:51.479 John Compton: probably not. Many of you. Some of you. 1095 02:25:51.550 --> 02:25:57.939 John Compton: May may want to consider exactly how to move forward. So 1096 02:25:58.870 --> 02:26:09.300 John Compton: do we need to do a vote on, unless it sounded like there was not a an interest in in proposing a town meeting, but we could do a vote. 1097 02:26:09.320 --> 02:26:21.110 Barbara: So this is Barbara. What if we added another town council meeting, if we have too much, because I think that simplifies the matter 1098 02:26:21.280 --> 02:26:27.309 Barbara: rather than a town meeting with, you know, making sure we get the quorum and and all of the 1099 02:26:27.420 --> 02:26:42.129 Barbara: bureaucracy involved in a town meeting. We could just add an additional town council meeting to make sure that we cover everything that we need to cover 1100 02:26:42.770 --> 02:27:03.670 John Compton: one aspect of a town meeting that if you know I like Charlie, I did II did read the recommendation for the Catherine Hall renaming, and it. It starts really with start. After our review of the presentation, we we holding education discussions with town residents. 1101 02:27:03.730 --> 02:27:11.460 John Compton: Well, what does that mean? It might mean that we not? There's now 2 cases have been made. They came from basic 1102 02:27:11.490 --> 02:27:25.589 John Compton: the basic case that underlies the the, the proposal that the Catherine the name of Catherine be removed, and the one that, and the one from 1103 02:27:25.660 --> 02:27:45.650 John Compton: Joan, I'm happy that the the case isn't isn't isn't strong, and the case for honoring Roy Mcathan with a name is should should still as strong as it ever was. So those are educational presentations. I don't know what else you might 1104 02:27:45.760 --> 02:27:51.410 John Compton: consider educational presentations unless it's a discussion of what does 1105 02:27:51.460 --> 02:28:01.470 John Compton: inclusivity and racial discrimination and perpetuation of the past include. But those 2 could be start off a town meeting 1106 02:28:02.440 --> 02:28:07.219 John Compton: which would stimulate the point. I think that the recommendation 1107 02:28:07.530 --> 02:28:08.900 John Compton: aimed at 1108 02:28:09.160 --> 02:28:12.060 John Compton: there'd be a dialogue about 1109 02:28:12.420 --> 02:28:16.679 John Compton: the case for. and then the case against 1110 02:28:17.120 --> 02:28:24.000 John Compton: at the same time that offers the opportunity for every additional opinions to be 1111 02:28:24.140 --> 02:28:26.179 John Compton: to be thrown out. 1112 02:28:26.520 --> 02:28:43.149 John Compton: so that that's the plus for a town meeting, the the one for town council meeting. Barbara's right, you know. If you just wanna if you know we we could have a short town council meet that's almost that's almost a you know, non sequitur. But 1113 02:28:43.210 --> 02:28:51.119 John Compton: but it's an oxymoron. 1114 02:28:51.490 --> 02:28:56.380 John Compton: and and and run through the 5 and get a more better feeling, for 1115 02:28:56.410 --> 02:29:11.890 John Compton: you know where the Council on what the argument feels. Well, and John, the the sort of educational presentation you're talking about that could occur at a town council meeting just as well as it could at a town meeting, right? So, not not with the same expose. 1116 02:29:13.910 --> 02:29:16.889 John Compton: it wouldn't have the same. You 1117 02:29:17.850 --> 02:29:21.510 John Compton: having it at a time. Meeting means there's no excuse for missing it. 1118 02:29:22.580 --> 02:29:28.870 John Compton: Having an accounts, a meeting. There's a hundred excuses. Why, you know. Oh, I didn't know. You know it's it's 1119 02:29:29.020 --> 02:29:47.110 Eva: no, no, no, I mean, look at how many people we're on this council meeting tonight, though I think if people care about the issue, so I mean, the recommendation is for I assume for council to consider 1120 02:29:47.510 --> 02:29:56.460 Eva: renaming. So I think we could III guess I'm just saying I don't think it has to be a town meeting. It could be a council meeting, and still we would be considering. 1121 02:29:58.560 --> 02:30:02.479 John Compton: Okay, we need to do some voting here to move forward. 1122 02:30:02.720 --> 02:30:18.990 John Compton: Let's may. Let's go with the the the the simpler one. Well, I shouldn't say some. Let's just go for option one that is to and let's agree that we really don't want to add it to the discussion on on March Eleventh regular meeting. 1123 02:30:19.210 --> 02:30:29.950 John Compton: Let's take a vote on scheduling another special council meeting in 4 weeks. That that will be later in March. 1124 02:30:30.310 --> 02:30:36.409 John Compton: to to take up discussion of these resolutions. 1125 02:30:36.700 --> 02:30:38.340 John Compton: So 1126 02:30:38.810 --> 02:30:42.140 John Compton: make that motion right? 1127 02:30:43.820 --> 02:30:49.440 John Compton: Well, III can. Probably this is call. This is a administrative. 1128 02:30:49.570 --> 02:31:05.580 Barbara: So I move. That's what we do that we hold an additional town council meeting to discuss 1129 02:31:05.590 --> 02:31:08.970 Barbara: business that cannot be completed in the March meeting. 1130 02:31:09.030 --> 02:31:10.450 Peter Nagrod: I'll second that. 1131 02:31:11.650 --> 02:31:12.670 John Compton: Okay. 1132 02:31:12.900 --> 02:31:21.759 Peter Nagrod: I think we can go right to a boat, I hope. Wait a second. You you made it sound like there were options. So you're saying is, no, this is this is the option. Is that what you're saying? 1133 02:31:22.050 --> 02:31:34.349 John Compton: Decide some options? 1134 02:31:50.670 --> 02:31:57.590 Peter Nagrod: Alright. Let's just vote on this. The proposal is to have another town council meeting. I would propose. Let's not look at the dates 1135 02:31:58.010 --> 02:32:01.840 John Compton: unless you want to until March eleventh. 1136 02:32:01.880 --> 02:32:06.009 Peter Nagrod: Okay, all in favor of scheduling another special town council meeting. 1137 02:32:06.550 --> 02:32:11.079 John Compton: I see 3 all opposed. 1138 02:32:13.050 --> 02:32:29.610 John Compton: Christine is opposed. I where's Eva? Did you vote in favor? Okay, so that would be 4 to one we will schedule another town council meeting in March following the March eleventh meeting. 1139 02:32:29.800 --> 02:32:33.810 John Compton: when we actually pick a date. Okay? Great. 1140 02:32:33.960 --> 02:32:35.740 John Compton: Now that takes care of that. 1141 02:32:35.950 --> 02:32:48.430 John Compton: I guess there's nothing more to be said. Then. This come brings us to the end of the agenda. Is there anything any anybody else wants to bring up. 1142 02:32:49.030 --> 02:33:00.899 Kathy Lehman: II just wanna thank everybody for coming out tonight and sticking with us for all of this time, and thank you for all the comments that we've received, and they've been really helpful. So thank you for that. 1143 02:33:02.400 --> 02:33:07.260 John Compton: Yes, that goes, for I'm sure all of us as of attendance. 1144 02:33:07.310 --> 02:33:11.030 John Compton: And it's good to see. 1145 02:33:11.180 --> 02:33:20.139 John Compton: even though you might not have wanted to get involved in this issue. This is a a terrific participation addressing the issue. 1146 02:33:20.480 --> 02:33:33.640 John Compton: Okay? So the next meeting, just to finish off of this one will be March eleventh. Do we have way ago? Sorry we have to agree to start the meeting early for a closed session 1147 02:33:34.050 --> 02:33:38.429 John Compton: with our get get legal advice from Sue Allen. I have 1148 02:33:38.730 --> 02:33:47.359 John Compton: fortunately confirm with her that she can be available at 6 15. She has a heart. Stop at 7, 25, 1149 02:33:47.440 --> 02:33:52.009 John Compton: and she has another meeting with another 1150 02:33:52.100 --> 02:33:54.890 John Compton: municipality at 7 30. 1151 02:33:55.190 --> 02:34:03.839 John Compton: So we can do that. So unless I hear an objection, we'll we'll start the March eleventh meeting at 6 15 1152 02:34:04.120 --> 02:34:18.710 John Compton: with an open session, with the intention to immediately close it, to hear legal advice from our attorney. and that will, and no later than 7 25. That will be on the the agenda for the meeting. 1153 02:34:19.050 --> 02:34:19.720 Peter Nagrod: Umhm. 1154 02:34:20.980 --> 02:34:32.730 John Compton: Okay? And the other reminder. well, we'll work on that in March. We have a budget session coming up in March. I forgot exactly the date. It's a latter part of March 1155 02:34:32.970 --> 02:34:34.300 John Compton: to 1156 02:34:34.880 --> 02:34:41.549 John Compton: work on that. Okay, thank you. Everybody. Great.