WEBVTT 1 00:00:38.809 --> 00:00:40.289 John Compton: Good evening. Hi ava! 2 00:00:40.980 --> 00:00:42.010 John Compton: Barbara! 3 00:00:42.310 --> 00:00:43.230 Eva Patrone: Hello! 4 00:00:43.230 --> 00:00:44.160 John Compton: Maryland 5 00:00:44.560 --> 00:00:47.450 John Compton: and a host of others. Joan. 6 00:00:49.630 --> 00:00:51.840 John Compton: Lots of others are here. 7 00:00:52.170 --> 00:00:54.320 John Compton: They're all waiting 8 00:01:46.880 --> 00:01:49.880 John Compton: another big turnout here, I guess. 9 00:01:50.080 --> 00:01:51.160 John Compton: Hey, Peter. 10 00:01:52.425 --> 00:01:52.910 Peter Nagrod: Hello! 11 00:01:53.295 --> 00:01:53.680 John Compton: Press. 12 00:01:58.290 --> 00:02:01.060 John Compton: and somewhere will be Mary and Rob. 13 00:02:04.020 --> 00:02:04.710 John Compton: Nope. 14 00:02:22.620 --> 00:02:24.349 Peter Nagrod: Eva you missed. 15 00:02:25.820 --> 00:02:28.740 Peter Nagrod: She's hiding behind a picture. There she is. 16 00:02:28.740 --> 00:02:30.260 John Compton: Eating. He's eating. 17 00:02:36.440 --> 00:02:38.350 Peter Nagrod: Oh, Mary, it is Mary! 18 00:02:43.080 --> 00:02:44.210 Kathy Lehman: Felix. 19 00:02:49.910 --> 00:02:50.670 Peter Nagrod: On it. 20 00:03:28.430 --> 00:03:29.479 Peter Nagrod: Marilyn, you 21 00:03:29.530 --> 00:03:30.540 Peter Nagrod: gone. 22 00:03:31.250 --> 00:03:32.200 Peter Nagrod: I hope? 23 00:03:40.250 --> 00:03:41.209 Marilynn Frey: Sorry. I what. 24 00:03:41.520 --> 00:03:43.900 Peter Nagrod: So they took away your brush. 25 00:03:44.540 --> 00:03:46.860 Peter Nagrod: the trap, the very. 26 00:03:46.860 --> 00:03:48.439 Marilynn Frey: Yes, they did. Thank you very much. 27 00:03:48.440 --> 00:03:50.090 Peter Nagrod: Okay. Good. Good. 28 00:03:50.090 --> 00:03:52.250 Marilynn Frey: Gee! That was like so many crises ago. 29 00:03:55.530 --> 00:03:58.049 Marilynn Frey: I have lived from crisis to crisis today. 30 00:04:04.450 --> 00:04:07.149 John Compton: There are no crises in Washington. 31 00:04:08.930 --> 00:04:11.190 Kathy Lehman: Not 0. 32 00:04:11.190 --> 00:04:13.770 John Compton: All my opportunities to 33 00:04:14.030 --> 00:04:14.960 John Compton: to improve. 34 00:04:15.330 --> 00:04:17.600 Marilynn Frey: There wasn't a crisis would go invent one. 35 00:04:21.410 --> 00:04:22.160 John Compton: Right? 36 00:04:25.130 --> 00:04:28.159 John Compton: Okay, well, we have the entire town. 37 00:04:28.160 --> 00:04:28.550 Peter Nagrod: And so. 38 00:04:28.550 --> 00:04:32.899 John Compton: Here, and it's a long agenda. So I'm going to call 39 00:04:33.402 --> 00:04:36.180 John Compton: the council meeting for July 8th 40 00:04:36.200 --> 00:04:37.340 John Compton: to order. 41 00:04:37.660 --> 00:04:45.249 John Compton: and the 1st item of business is to approve the agenda which I am showing 42 00:04:45.900 --> 00:04:51.690 John Compton: small note. We added an item I added item last night, which I had overlooked. 43 00:04:51.920 --> 00:04:55.760 John Compton: But this is the agenda with that, Adam added. So 44 00:04:56.574 --> 00:04:58.469 John Compton: I'm gonna need a. 45 00:04:58.690 --> 00:05:01.500 Peter Nagrod: Motion motion to approve the agenda. 46 00:05:01.500 --> 00:05:02.060 John Compton: Thank. 47 00:05:02.060 --> 00:05:02.980 Eva Patrone: Kinted. 48 00:05:02.980 --> 00:05:05.390 Barbara Raimondo: Yeah, John, what was the item that was added? 49 00:05:05.390 --> 00:05:06.150 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 50 00:05:06.150 --> 00:05:08.787 John Compton: The item added, was the one you requested here 51 00:05:09.580 --> 00:05:10.750 John Compton: down below. 52 00:05:11.571 --> 00:05:13.980 John Compton: Oh, it's is it here? 53 00:05:14.250 --> 00:05:19.859 John Compton: No, of course not wrong one. I've I've brought up the wrong. 54 00:05:21.970 --> 00:05:24.140 John Compton: yeah, I'm supposed to bring up the 55 00:05:24.610 --> 00:05:27.870 John Compton: okay, John, let's get my act together. Here. 56 00:05:28.110 --> 00:05:29.010 John Compton: We will 57 00:05:29.370 --> 00:05:30.440 John Compton: somehow 58 00:05:30.540 --> 00:05:32.220 John Compton: stop the share. 59 00:05:32.570 --> 00:05:36.929 John Compton: Kill this agenda. This is the unrevised one I see. 60 00:05:37.140 --> 00:05:41.000 John Compton: and somewhere will be there it is. 61 00:05:42.620 --> 00:05:44.900 John Compton: And here we are. 62 00:05:48.950 --> 00:06:02.909 John Compton: Okay. So this is the agenda that's been moved and seconded. The item was down here. Education on Robert's rules of order. Proposal to hire Parliamentarian for parliamentary training. 63 00:06:03.410 --> 00:06:04.130 Barbara Raimondo: Thank you. 64 00:06:04.130 --> 00:06:05.129 John Compton: Under new business. 65 00:06:06.097 --> 00:06:10.242 John Compton: Okay, any other, any comments or questions or 66 00:06:11.300 --> 00:06:13.620 John Compton: additions whatever to the agenda? 67 00:06:15.350 --> 00:06:22.640 John Compton: Not. Let's have a vote on favor of approving of the agenda as as shown. 68 00:06:23.540 --> 00:06:30.030 John Compton: Alright, that's unanimous, thank you, and we'll stop share sharing that and 69 00:06:30.150 --> 00:06:31.439 John Compton: move on 70 00:06:33.690 --> 00:06:35.659 John Compton: to something as soon as I 71 00:06:36.460 --> 00:06:39.060 John Compton: see what we're doing, public appearances. 72 00:06:39.280 --> 00:06:43.390 John Compton: as usual, public appearances on something not on the agenda. 73 00:06:43.440 --> 00:06:46.830 John Compton: I see Christine Devil with her hand up. Go ahead. 74 00:06:47.988 --> 00:06:53.079 Christine Dibble: I think it's time for the town to revisit adding air conditioning to the Town Hall. 75 00:06:55.120 --> 00:06:56.540 Peter Nagrod: Why Lily. 76 00:06:56.540 --> 00:06:57.090 John Compton: Thank you that. 77 00:06:58.336 --> 00:06:59.583 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 78 00:07:00.830 --> 00:07:04.439 Christine Dibble: Weather is not in the summertime is not getting any cooler. 79 00:07:04.970 --> 00:07:09.350 Christine Dibble: It's only going to get hotter, and they're already 80 00:07:09.490 --> 00:07:13.370 Christine Dibble: things we've had to cancel in the Town Hall, due to the heat. 81 00:07:15.942 --> 00:07:17.210 Peter Nagrod: And I think. 82 00:07:18.210 --> 00:07:24.400 Christine Dibble: We have a Historic Preservation Commission, so that we can ensure that the addition of air conditioning 83 00:07:24.810 --> 00:07:26.650 Christine Dibble: is done. 84 00:07:27.010 --> 00:07:33.319 Christine Dibble: In a way that is consistent or as consistent as possible with the historic nature of the hall. 85 00:07:33.320 --> 00:07:36.910 John Compton: Yeah, that would be to bring in ice and blow air over. 86 00:07:38.240 --> 00:07:43.920 John Compton: Well, we get the ice from Maple Lake in the winter, and we store it 87 00:07:44.060 --> 00:07:46.050 John Compton: 100 grand or somewhere. 88 00:07:46.770 --> 00:07:51.139 Christine Dibble: I don't care how it gets done. I just want it to be cooler in there. 89 00:07:51.140 --> 00:07:51.780 Peter Nagrod: And left. 90 00:07:52.790 --> 00:07:59.479 John Compton: Okay? Well, I have an item on my mayor's report which is relevant to that. So we'll 91 00:07:59.800 --> 00:08:02.149 John Compton: and point that out when we get there. 92 00:08:04.180 --> 00:08:08.479 John Compton: so anybody else here have something to 93 00:08:10.710 --> 00:08:19.719 John Compton: publicly state. Okay, if not, we'll close out the public appearances and we will go on to the treasures. Report that. 94 00:08:19.720 --> 00:08:23.270 Kathy Lehman: John can. I'm sorry, could I? I forgot. I wanted to say something. 95 00:08:24.130 --> 00:08:27.900 John Compton: Right. I don't see you changing hats, but go ahead. 96 00:08:27.900 --> 00:08:28.280 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 97 00:08:28.280 --> 00:08:32.410 Kathy Lehman: Well, now, all all I wanna say is 98 00:08:32.530 --> 00:08:38.839 Kathy Lehman: that it's getting harder and harder for me to do my job, because I'm not getting stuff 99 00:08:39.130 --> 00:08:42.339 Kathy Lehman: when I need to get it in order to meet all the deadlines. 100 00:08:42.480 --> 00:08:47.129 Kathy Lehman: So if you could help with the people you you have in in your groups. 101 00:08:47.350 --> 00:08:58.690 Kathy Lehman: I'll help. I certainly am a culprit with that, but it's getting hard to get the job done. I'd say I apologize so many times. It's just driving me crazy. Thank you. 102 00:08:59.880 --> 00:09:04.679 John Compton: Okay, I'll work with Kathy to to PIN down what? Exactly she 103 00:09:05.380 --> 00:09:13.780 John Compton: she is referring to, and maybe we'll we'll set some more stringent 104 00:09:13.930 --> 00:09:15.720 John Compton: requirements on 105 00:09:16.070 --> 00:09:21.160 John Compton: and and and realistic expectations for what she can do. 106 00:09:22.970 --> 00:09:24.950 John Compton: I'm around. Thank you. 107 00:09:27.260 --> 00:09:28.330 John Compton: Okay. 108 00:09:28.350 --> 00:09:29.550 John Compton: Any other. 109 00:09:30.440 --> 00:09:41.559 John Compton: Alright in that case. Let's go on to the treasures. Report gene is here. This is the final treasures. Report for the 110 00:09:42.120 --> 00:09:45.799 John Compton: for fiscal 24, and 111 00:09:46.130 --> 00:09:54.230 John Compton: I'm sure the books well, she'll tell us if the books were closed. Probably not quite, because it's pretty close to the end of the year. 112 00:09:54.230 --> 00:10:04.220 Jean Moyer: No, this it it there are close. You're in close entries that are not in the report that you saw 113 00:10:04.290 --> 00:10:05.559 Jean Moyer: to get this 114 00:10:05.940 --> 00:10:11.520 Jean Moyer: close done. This was like the shortest close period possible to meet 115 00:10:12.407 --> 00:10:14.794 Jean Moyer: the 8th of the month. 116 00:10:16.190 --> 00:10:27.200 Jean Moyer: so for the audit purposes, there are entries that would go into the Year End books and records that are not reflected in here. 117 00:10:27.729 --> 00:10:33.829 Jean Moyer: They're not really pertinent to, you know, a good assessment of the year. 118 00:10:36.070 --> 00:10:45.499 Jean Moyer: I I see. You know. I like to report that our income has come in just ahead of budgeted 119 00:10:46.333 --> 00:10:52.529 Jean Moyer: and expenses are just under two-thirds of budgeted for the year. 120 00:10:53.482 --> 00:10:55.649 Jean Moyer: There are fluctuations 121 00:10:56.292 --> 00:11:15.009 Jean Moyer: within line items. But each area department, if you wanna think of it that way, major area are all less than 100% of budget. So there'll be no need for any budget transfer ordinance. 122 00:11:16.850 --> 00:11:27.559 Jean Moyer: the year-end entries tend to conform us to generally accepted accounting principles to reflect accrued vacation. 123 00:11:28.223 --> 00:11:30.476 Jean Moyer: That type of thing 124 00:11:31.060 --> 00:11:39.369 Jean Moyer: accrued payroll that, and there have been some bills that I had to pay after this report was produced. 125 00:11:39.510 --> 00:11:43.410 Jean Moyer: I believe there will be a few more expenses coming in. 126 00:11:43.957 --> 00:11:48.173 Jean Moyer: That per pertain to fiscal 24. So 127 00:11:48.710 --> 00:11:50.723 Jean Moyer: nothing, Major. 128 00:11:51.950 --> 00:12:03.329 Jean Moyer: just, you know, with all the events we had in May and June, and reimbursement requests as well as what John is highlighting right now. 129 00:12:03.420 --> 00:12:03.954 Jean Moyer: I 130 00:12:04.490 --> 00:12:05.780 John Compton: So they coming in. 131 00:12:06.390 --> 00:12:10.429 Jean Moyer: I've put a call into the auditors 132 00:12:10.650 --> 00:12:16.140 Jean Moyer: to find out what we need to do from a documentation point of view. 133 00:12:16.270 --> 00:12:22.670 Jean Moyer: to reflect some of that 40,000 as used in this fiscal year. 134 00:12:24.050 --> 00:12:27.500 Jean Moyer: we don't have an invoice dated 135 00:12:27.590 --> 00:12:34.610 Jean Moyer: in this fiscal year. But I did send them a question to find out, what do we need to do to reflect? 136 00:12:34.810 --> 00:12:36.780 Jean Moyer: Use of that budget 137 00:12:36.980 --> 00:12:38.990 Jean Moyer: in fiscal 24 138 00:12:40.007 --> 00:12:42.680 Jean Moyer: I have not heard an answer back from them. 139 00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:49.629 Jean Moyer: They got through preliminary audit field work. I never heard another word from them. 140 00:12:52.070 --> 00:12:57.300 Jean Moyer: so IA quiet auditor, is a good auditor in my 141 00:12:59.960 --> 00:13:00.560 Jean Moyer: so 142 00:13:01.290 --> 00:13:06.600 Jean Moyer: everything seems totally fine. I I have nothing 143 00:13:07.333 --> 00:13:08.056 Jean Moyer: to 144 00:13:08.890 --> 00:13:12.600 Jean Moyer: comment on other than the comments that are already in the report. 145 00:13:13.322 --> 00:13:14.487 Jean Moyer: If anybody 146 00:13:15.140 --> 00:13:23.819 Jean Moyer: as suggestions on an alternative format, I am more than happy to entertain that as well, for next fiscal year. 147 00:13:27.360 --> 00:13:29.520 John Compton: Anybody have any questions for Gene. 148 00:13:30.470 --> 00:13:31.280 John Compton: I have 149 00:13:31.660 --> 00:13:32.580 John Compton: sorry. 150 00:13:32.790 --> 00:13:33.810 Peter Nagrod: Oh, I have none. 151 00:13:34.480 --> 00:13:45.879 John Compton: Yeah, I I have several comments that I wanted to make 1st off under the the the revenue was about 6% higher than projected. 152 00:13:46.800 --> 00:13:48.539 John Compton: All of that 153 00:13:49.460 --> 00:13:52.510 John Compton: can be attributed here to this earnings. 154 00:13:53.612 --> 00:13:56.340 John Compton: Based on our our 155 00:13:56.520 --> 00:13:58.320 John Compton: our reserve. 156 00:13:58.600 --> 00:14:09.840 John Compton: And that's not going to happen again, not because interest rates are going to be lower, but because we're going to spend a good deal of the money. Some of the money from this. 157 00:14:10.160 --> 00:14:12.630 John Compton: from this account. 158 00:14:14.740 --> 00:14:20.159 John Compton: the other thing I need to mention and it's coming up later in the meeting. 159 00:14:20.250 --> 00:14:28.819 John Compton: Is that the the road work? I'm gonna propose that the road work actually exceed our budget not 160 00:14:29.190 --> 00:14:31.210 John Compton: necessarily this year, but 161 00:14:31.380 --> 00:14:36.380 John Compton: either this year or next year's road budget. And I'll explain 162 00:14:36.600 --> 00:14:49.180 John Compton: what that's all about when we get there. But the the bottom line, I think, from Jean's report, is, everything works pretty much as as as good as we could expect, which is great. 163 00:14:51.530 --> 00:14:52.680 John Compton: Okay? 164 00:14:52.700 --> 00:14:55.899 John Compton: Need a motion to accept the treasurer's report. 165 00:14:59.380 --> 00:15:01.716 Eva Patrone: Motion to accept the treasurer's report. Eva. 166 00:15:02.050 --> 00:15:03.030 John Compton: Okay, Eva. 167 00:15:03.030 --> 00:15:04.480 marywarfield: Second, Mary. 168 00:15:04.860 --> 00:15:05.680 John Compton: Okay. 169 00:15:06.314 --> 00:15:12.510 John Compton: By the way, have I have I said this yet in in after the robbers, rules of order. 170 00:15:13.968 --> 00:15:17.829 John Compton: issues from the town meeting I had occasion to 171 00:15:18.170 --> 00:15:22.789 John Compton: review Robert's Rules of order in in In a lot of respects. 172 00:15:22.950 --> 00:15:27.489 John Compton: and it turns out that a second to emotion. Remember, we had a big issue over that. 173 00:15:27.740 --> 00:15:32.180 John Compton: Seconds to motions are not formally required. 174 00:15:32.550 --> 00:15:34.530 John Compton: They are 175 00:15:35.980 --> 00:15:41.890 John Compton: taken in meetings to indicate that it's not just one individual who is 176 00:15:42.180 --> 00:15:46.100 John Compton: who is interested or making in in making a motion. 177 00:15:46.210 --> 00:15:46.990 John Compton: But 178 00:15:47.260 --> 00:15:49.669 John Compton: a motion doesn't require a second. 179 00:15:49.780 --> 00:15:52.250 John Compton: as if it goes on to a debate. 180 00:15:52.440 --> 00:15:53.320 John Compton: Barbara. 181 00:15:53.320 --> 00:15:56.640 Barbara Raimondo: Right. So if it goes on to a debate, I think that 182 00:15:56.780 --> 00:16:00.769 Barbara Raimondo: that's the key. So we wouldn't be really clear about that. 183 00:16:00.770 --> 00:16:01.570 John Compton: Yeah, okay. 184 00:16:01.570 --> 00:16:04.849 Barbara Raimondo: And then the debate can't just be arbitrarily stopped. 185 00:16:06.180 --> 00:16:08.959 John Compton: Yes, that has to follow a procedure as well. 186 00:16:09.350 --> 00:16:14.609 John Compton: Okay, but that's that we can continue doing it. It's not not not necessarily a big deal. 187 00:16:16.310 --> 00:16:16.960 John Compton: Okay. 188 00:16:17.100 --> 00:16:24.280 John Compton: So that brings me brings us to the mayor's report, which hopefully, will be fairly short. 189 00:16:24.858 --> 00:16:34.900 John Compton: We have some kudos, because we had some great town events. Which many of us attended one way or the other. 190 00:16:35.538 --> 00:16:43.169 John Compton: There was music weekend. So the Rec committee organizers of music weekend all the volunteers 191 00:16:43.759 --> 00:16:53.829 John Compton: for the children's recital. The band night at the gazebo and the jazz brunch which was joined by many residents to serve 192 00:16:55.093 --> 00:16:59.059 John Compton: recognition for bringing off another great event. 193 00:17:00.050 --> 00:17:07.980 John Compton: Then, just last week we of course, did. I'd have the July 4th in Washington Grove 194 00:17:08.329 --> 00:17:16.390 John Compton: event. Again, the Rec. Committee organizers want to recognize Kathy Lehman and her muskrat musicians 195 00:17:17.210 --> 00:17:19.250 John Compton: Alan Janice, who, 196 00:17:20.160 --> 00:17:23.690 John Compton: Probably for the 3rd year at least, running. 197 00:17:23.869 --> 00:17:30.479 John Compton: Actually his musket actually fired as it was expected to. So he's he's on our. 198 00:17:30.795 --> 00:17:31.110 Peter Nagrod: Heap. 199 00:17:31.110 --> 00:17:53.379 John Compton: There are years when it's not done that. But of course powder was pretty dry this year. Charlie Charlstrom, Rob Gilmore, and many other patriotic Row volunteers contributed on a day which literally was 95 degrees in the shade. 200 00:17:54.893 --> 00:17:55.796 John Compton: So 201 00:17:56.730 --> 00:18:10.679 John Compton: you know, it's it's it's great to see a turnout under those conditions, any conditions, and the event continues to be one of the one of the best traditions in the town. 202 00:18:10.920 --> 00:18:21.799 John Compton: Finally, I have to mention Steve, where it's if you read the agenda, you, of course, saw that he he was called upon to once again get the aging 203 00:18:22.870 --> 00:18:24.569 John Compton: town tractor working. 204 00:18:25.220 --> 00:18:26.900 John Compton: aging Mayor 205 00:18:27.506 --> 00:18:33.409 John Compton: which he did and of course, as a volunteer 206 00:18:33.430 --> 00:18:35.010 John Compton: and 207 00:18:35.240 --> 00:18:37.789 John Compton: much appreciated Steve 208 00:18:38.020 --> 00:18:42.929 John Compton: for stepping in so often under in cases like this. 209 00:18:44.990 --> 00:18:47.573 John Compton: Okay, under the next item. 210 00:18:49.493 --> 00:19:04.960 John Compton: this is just to inform the council and and those present that asic is is going to sponsor an outreach to our neighbors. To be held at Maple Lake. 211 00:19:05.050 --> 00:19:08.590 John Compton: which will be scheduled, has yet to be scheduled. 212 00:19:08.780 --> 00:19:14.360 John Compton: and I think Rick Sultan should be here to give a 213 00:19:14.430 --> 00:19:15.264 John Compton: brief 214 00:19:16.300 --> 00:19:18.729 John Compton: brief review of that, Rick, are you here somewhere? 215 00:19:20.380 --> 00:19:22.420 John Compton: If he's not 216 00:19:25.910 --> 00:19:26.585 John Compton: then, 217 00:19:27.310 --> 00:19:29.019 John Compton: hey, Tom? But 218 00:19:29.090 --> 00:19:34.125 John Compton: anybody else on basic. I want to do this, or should I do this? I I can do it. 219 00:19:34.410 --> 00:19:44.050 John Compton: So the idea is to actually to. You know, it's supposed it's it's intended to be a neighborly event. 220 00:19:44.604 --> 00:20:03.280 John Compton: It. It does, of course, correspond to the discussions about lake access, but, that, be that as it may, it will serve to anyone who attends, and hopefully others will attend who are invited 221 00:20:03.727 --> 00:20:13.669 John Compton: to see the lake to see. You know that it's a. It's a great spot, but it's small, and it has limitations in capacity. And 222 00:20:14.199 --> 00:20:21.710 John Compton: and all of those things. There's nothing like having a firsthand view of of a 223 00:20:22.060 --> 00:20:24.869 John Compton: of something that's been been discussed. 224 00:20:24.950 --> 00:20:25.810 John Compton: and 225 00:20:26.960 --> 00:20:31.249 John Compton: The the challenge will be to have this event. It it won't be 226 00:20:31.770 --> 00:20:36.119 John Compton: advertised wide open to the town, because, of course, the lake can't support 227 00:20:37.000 --> 00:20:39.849 John Compton: an event the size of Circle Fest, for example. 228 00:20:40.060 --> 00:20:53.800 John Compton: But but certainly anyone at the lake will be participating as well. It's it's it's intended. And the the plan was to make it to be couple of hours, not an entire afternoon or morning, or whenever it is actually scheduled. 229 00:20:55.510 --> 00:21:02.566 John Compton: Okay, if I have not done justice to that event, Paul is here, and others can. 230 00:21:03.350 --> 00:21:14.820 Paula Puglisi: I can. I can just say a little quick something. Really, the the Lake Work group just was trying to think of ways to share the lake without 231 00:21:14.890 --> 00:21:31.669 Paula Puglisi: big policy changes and without inconveniencing residents or making any waves, so that people here wouldn't in be able to enjoy it too. So one activity that we just thought about was just to invite 232 00:21:33.240 --> 00:21:34.770 Paula Puglisi: people 233 00:21:34.830 --> 00:21:56.109 Paula Puglisi: from who had attended the reckoning with race sessions to kind of celebrate the last of that series. So that that's all that is. And it will be a limited time. And Georgette is on that work group, too, if you have anything to say, but it's just a sort of a 1 time invitation thing. 234 00:21:58.210 --> 00:21:58.950 John Compton: Right. 235 00:21:59.180 --> 00:22:08.931 Peter Nagrod: So so this is not opening it up to the community. This is this is very limited and specific. Okay, thank you. Thank you, Paul, for clarifying that. 236 00:22:09.280 --> 00:22:09.950 Paula Puglisi: And and. 237 00:22:09.950 --> 00:22:10.630 Peter Nagrod: Different. 238 00:22:10.630 --> 00:22:23.689 Paula Puglisi: And I'm not directly involved in in like getting everything for it. And Rick was going to be here. I don't know. Something must have happened, but you know they'll get the permits and all that stuff for the for the group. If it's larger. 239 00:22:23.690 --> 00:22:27.089 John Compton: And they may, may probably will hire who may. 240 00:22:27.090 --> 00:22:27.460 Paula Puglisi: What? 241 00:22:27.580 --> 00:22:34.439 John Compton: Recruit another lifeguard to ensure. You know we have. We have requirements in that regard for. 242 00:22:34.440 --> 00:22:39.144 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. Still, in the planning stages, we don't even know how big it's gonna be, or anything yet. But. 243 00:22:39.780 --> 00:22:40.565 John Compton: Okay? 244 00:22:43.510 --> 00:22:53.110 John Compton: Okay. So next on my report is about the Conservation Meadow Restoration planning. 245 00:22:53.880 --> 00:22:55.389 Christine Dibble: Wait. I have a question. 246 00:22:55.670 --> 00:23:00.094 Christine Dibble: I I have. I'm sorry I have a question. I was busy unmuting, and 247 00:23:00.530 --> 00:23:10.880 Christine Dibble: myself. So, Paula, how are you going to make sure that no more than 40 people come because you will require party permit, and no parties are not allowed at more than 40 people. 248 00:23:11.400 --> 00:23:23.619 Paula Puglisi: Yeah, I don't. I can't. I'm sorry I missed the 1st thing you said, and I actually may not be able to answer all these questions, but because we're just in the beginning. And I wasn't planning on doing this. But can you please repeat the beginning. 249 00:23:23.620 --> 00:23:35.310 Christine Dibble: Sure, so you you'll have to get a party permit, and the party parties are not permitted to have more than 40 people, so I think what you'll have to do is have get some sort of sign up sheet in advance. 250 00:23:35.310 --> 00:23:35.940 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. 251 00:23:36.370 --> 00:23:37.940 Christine Dibble: Cut it off at 40. 252 00:23:37.940 --> 00:23:38.480 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. 253 00:23:38.480 --> 00:23:44.140 Christine Dibble: I just wanted to make sure like if this is very, very, and that would include Grove residents, too. 254 00:23:44.971 --> 00:23:47.140 Christine Dibble: Yeah. Being part of the party. 255 00:23:47.590 --> 00:23:47.910 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. 256 00:23:47.910 --> 00:23:51.370 Christine Dibble: So I just want to make sure we don't contravene like rules. 257 00:23:51.370 --> 00:24:09.010 Paula Puglisi: No, no, no, not at all. I mean that that work group is on that, and following looking at the rules have to be followed. The 1st thing that's going to happen is an interest survey. There may not even be an interest to go there. So that's the 1st thing we're we're way in the beginning here. 258 00:24:10.550 --> 00:24:11.350 John Compton: Okay? 259 00:24:12.900 --> 00:24:13.650 John Compton: All right. 260 00:24:14.940 --> 00:24:18.891 John Compton: So conservation Meadow Restoration planning. 261 00:24:19.680 --> 00:24:20.526 John Compton: So 262 00:24:22.630 --> 00:24:25.420 John Compton: So under under the 263 00:24:26.374 --> 00:24:36.590 John Compton: auspices of the ad hoc committee and Bruce. The the committee is working with and is, I've forgotten his name. Dang name, but of course I have 264 00:24:37.963 --> 00:24:39.256 John Compton: and 265 00:24:41.260 --> 00:24:42.780 John Compton: he, he! Yeah. 266 00:24:42.780 --> 00:24:44.300 Joan Mahaffey: Brian Collison. 267 00:24:44.300 --> 00:24:50.630 John Compton: Right right, of course, Ryan 1,000, and he's a 268 00:24:50.930 --> 00:25:17.120 John Compton: involved in meadow health and well, he has a title, fancy title, but expertise in this area, and that's his role with the Parks department and the intention. The Parks Department has agreed that the meadow has has the current condition of the meadow has 269 00:25:17.280 --> 00:25:23.519 John Compton: trade from where the management plan and where where, in fact, they, as well as the town. 270 00:25:23.570 --> 00:25:27.160 John Compton: at least the committee would like it to be 271 00:25:27.280 --> 00:25:35.590 John Compton: so they're working out a a strategy. Of course there were several work sessions earlier this spring 272 00:25:35.610 --> 00:25:52.489 John Compton: to attack some of the non-native invasives, but the current issue with the Restoration. The big change and proposal is to remove a fair number of the cedars that are in the center of the meadow 273 00:25:52.830 --> 00:25:57.608 John Compton: and in the materials, and I'll show you a 274 00:25:58.750 --> 00:25:59.690 John Compton: stop! 275 00:26:02.290 --> 00:26:04.710 John Compton: But it's not what I want 276 00:26:06.190 --> 00:26:07.429 John Compton: which step 277 00:26:07.490 --> 00:26:09.440 John Compton: clicking on the wrong thing. 278 00:26:09.540 --> 00:26:30.650 John Compton: I'll share with you a map of the this is just a proposal. There will be more information. The Council can discuss it, and townspeople can weigh in on their thoughts. But Rick produced this diagram show overhead. Shot of the meadow, of course. 279 00:26:30.700 --> 00:26:42.730 John Compton: showing a lot of all of the all of the cedars are shown from above, and he's colored them in in with 2 2 colors. 280 00:26:43.373 --> 00:26:50.310 John Compton: One would be the red trees would be targeted for the initial phase of removal. 281 00:26:50.380 --> 00:26:55.909 John Compton: and the strategy here, and the point of it is to open up the viewscapes in the meadow 282 00:26:55.970 --> 00:26:59.729 John Compton: that were intended and did exist 283 00:26:59.770 --> 00:27:04.560 John Compton: back when the original meadow plan was approved. 284 00:27:04.800 --> 00:27:11.950 John Compton: so the red red ones would go. In the 1st phase the yellow ones are tentatively targeted for the second phase 285 00:27:12.000 --> 00:27:16.330 John Compton: and this is as far as this has gotten 286 00:27:16.882 --> 00:27:24.719 John Compton: and it will be coming around for comment. In a more formal way. This wouldn't happen until October. 287 00:27:25.276 --> 00:27:30.010 John Compton: Looking at that at October, for the 1st phase 288 00:27:31.930 --> 00:27:32.680 John Compton: right. 289 00:27:32.680 --> 00:27:34.819 Eva Patrone: Can can I ask a question about that. 290 00:27:35.030 --> 00:27:35.920 John Compton: Course. Here. 291 00:27:37.450 --> 00:28:04.279 Eva Patrone: so I know this is probably all before my time of when it was decided to keep it as a meadow, instead of letting trees naturally grow there. And I'm just wondering if this is something that before this goes through. All the at all, the town, but especially all the houses that surround the meadow are going to get to weigh in and just be aware that this is happening. Cause it does seem like 292 00:28:04.660 --> 00:28:15.529 Eva Patrone: the trees. I know it changes the viewscape, but the trees might block out some of the sound from the highway that didn't used to be there, and I I don't know. I just wonder what people's preference would be. 293 00:28:16.440 --> 00:28:27.759 John Compton: Well, that's what I meant right. This would come at the council and to the town for comment. So of course, everyone, including those on the borders of the meadow. 294 00:28:28.160 --> 00:28:28.830 Eva Patrone: But okay. 295 00:28:29.245 --> 00:28:31.734 John Compton: We'll we'll have the opportunity to 296 00:28:32.390 --> 00:28:35.080 John Compton: express what they think about. 297 00:28:35.580 --> 00:28:36.900 Eva Patrone: Gotcha. Okay. 298 00:28:38.750 --> 00:28:39.400 John Compton: All right. 299 00:28:43.030 --> 00:28:48.670 John Compton: Okay. Last thing on my relatively short report 300 00:28:48.710 --> 00:28:56.439 John Compton: is the climate Resilience pilot project that we are engaged with with the bank. 301 00:28:56.520 --> 00:29:00.440 John Compton: I've I've described this previously. 302 00:29:01.356 --> 00:29:06.630 John Compton: The green banking has received funds from Montgomery County. 303 00:29:07.306 --> 00:29:11.170 John Compton: I believe it's the county, and not a private source. 304 00:29:11.912 --> 00:29:16.888 John Compton: To start some work on climate resilience, 305 00:29:17.630 --> 00:29:21.550 John Compton: resilience, planning and resources 306 00:29:21.630 --> 00:29:28.710 John Compton: for municipalities and other and other entities. 307 00:29:29.492 --> 00:29:46.069 John Compton: And we were fortunate enough to learn about this, and are part of the pilot of several pilot projects that began basically have begun now to to try trial out 308 00:29:46.240 --> 00:30:02.680 John Compton: the whole idea which is to aid. Let's just talk municipalities in addressing challenges caused by climate change. 309 00:30:02.790 --> 00:30:09.879 John Compton: and in our case, of course, we we can immediately point to our stormwater and flood water management issues. 310 00:30:10.707 --> 00:30:18.939 John Compton: Which? Which was the of of interest to this, the intentions of this project? 311 00:30:19.589 --> 00:30:34.300 John Compton: As well as it's that's not the only thing as well as the the program to encourage residents to move off of non renewable energy sources such as oil 312 00:30:35.025 --> 00:30:44.409 John Compton: for energy and the resources required to do that, and and and the the 313 00:30:44.650 --> 00:30:54.410 John Compton: support or making that those conversions will can also be part of the climate. Resilience. 314 00:30:55.980 --> 00:30:57.440 John Compton: moving forward? 315 00:30:58.038 --> 00:31:08.550 John Compton: I I wanna make an update because Laura Mandarin, who's the who's the green bank? Lead on these on on this whole project. 316 00:31:09.331 --> 00:31:18.389 John Compton: Was was trying to. I think, longer term. And just, for example, a year or 2 years of 317 00:31:18.420 --> 00:31:21.600 John Compton: of floodwater projects. 318 00:31:21.670 --> 00:31:26.750 John Compton: And and, by the way, ours, our phase. One of that is the West Woods 319 00:31:27.440 --> 00:31:28.100 John Compton: up 320 00:31:28.730 --> 00:31:32.330 John Compton: mitigation of stormwater damage. 321 00:31:32.480 --> 00:31:47.900 John Compton: But was trying to think longer term, and she has interested and is requested from one or more outfits here in Montgomery County who have 322 00:31:47.950 --> 00:32:13.379 John Compton: expertise and have have aided the county and others in their climate, related projects to, for example, environmental projects, flood control and energy, etc, etc. So this is Maryland environmental services. They are going to make a proposal 323 00:32:14.830 --> 00:32:17.690 John Compton: to to 324 00:32:18.010 --> 00:32:23.699 John Compton: serve as sort of a a consultant for this pilot project, and that's really what I'm reporting. 325 00:32:24.550 --> 00:32:33.590 John Compton: so I'll let you know when that comes in and and and when we move ahead. But the the hope here is that it will provide resources 326 00:32:34.470 --> 00:32:38.180 John Compton: for us to identify 327 00:32:40.420 --> 00:32:44.557 John Compton: solutions potential solutions to the West woods 328 00:32:46.413 --> 00:33:00.169 John Compton: problems. And we already know, that will cost a lot of money. So if more important, is potential. You know ways to fund the projects that that would 329 00:33:00.360 --> 00:33:02.599 John Compton: would solve our problem or address the problem. 330 00:33:03.870 --> 00:33:05.100 John Compton: Questions. 331 00:33:07.920 --> 00:33:09.460 John Compton: okay, great. 332 00:33:11.230 --> 00:33:20.579 John Compton: so let's move on to administrative matters. Okay, the 1st one is the comprehensive road work contracts. Now last 333 00:33:20.810 --> 00:33:28.300 John Compton: me. At the last meeting the Council approved extending contract contract 334 00:33:28.350 --> 00:33:35.730 John Compton: offerings to 2 bidders, Laney and Laney and Ross construction. 335 00:33:35.930 --> 00:33:41.083 John Compton: which we did, and I outlined in fact, I can show you 336 00:33:41.780 --> 00:33:42.710 John Compton: fire 337 00:33:42.830 --> 00:33:44.675 John Compton: if I can. 338 00:33:45.700 --> 00:33:46.809 John Compton: where are we? 339 00:33:48.870 --> 00:33:49.560 John Compton: Good 340 00:33:51.470 --> 00:33:52.839 John Compton: road work? Here we are. 341 00:33:56.800 --> 00:33:59.680 John Compton: Here we go. So let me 342 00:34:01.240 --> 00:34:02.593 John Compton: share this. 343 00:34:05.130 --> 00:34:14.930 John Compton: okay. So what we did is what I proposed is on is on the in these 2 boxes. I hope you can see which ones they are 344 00:34:15.514 --> 00:34:21.990 John Compton: contracts, Delaney, of about $50,000, and to Ross for about $28,000. 345 00:34:22.100 --> 00:34:29.270 John Compton: To do this work turns out that Ross construction declined the contract because it was 346 00:34:29.500 --> 00:34:42.319 John Compton: they they were bidding on the all of the areas which total that, as you can see up here would have been $172,000. 347 00:34:42.709 --> 00:34:55.300 John Compton: So it wasn't a large fraction of that, so they have declined to do the work. Laney, however, went ahead and signed a contract with us for the $50,000 worth of work. 348 00:34:56.148 --> 00:35:03.520 John Compton: You'll recall we have a budget up here combining 24 and 25 of $80,000. 349 00:35:03.910 --> 00:35:16.219 John Compton: So I am going to propose to the Council that rather than simply not do the work that that we that was offered to Ross, and that's up here in green. 350 00:35:16.720 --> 00:35:17.330 John Compton: I've 351 00:35:18.500 --> 00:35:19.620 John Compton: got another 352 00:35:21.100 --> 00:35:23.030 John Compton: the revised award 353 00:35:23.580 --> 00:35:34.449 John Compton: proposal. I'm proposing to give those areas to Laney, and they are willing, I believe, to take them on. That's what I was told verbally. 354 00:35:35.339 --> 00:35:51.590 John Compton: The. Of course they're not the low bidder on those. It's that's here in the the beige, the beige. So they were. Actually they were the low bidder on this acorn Mccauley way Park. 355 00:35:51.760 --> 00:35:56.749 John Compton: But they weren't on the other 2 hickory road, and 356 00:35:57.130 --> 00:36:00.729 John Compton: and the intersection at Oak Korean Oak. 357 00:36:00.800 --> 00:36:05.019 John Compton: But I I'm going to propose that we give them those 3 at 358 00:36:05.090 --> 00:36:12.910 John Compton: at their bid. Well, that is, down here in the beige, and it brings the total for the contract. 359 00:36:13.200 --> 00:36:15.560 John Compton: We're up to 82,000 360 00:36:15.960 --> 00:36:17.300 John Compton: and change 361 00:36:18.000 --> 00:36:23.139 John Compton: that overspends that the the $80,000 budget. 362 00:36:24.930 --> 00:36:30.374 John Compton: I I don't think that's a problem. For our finances. 363 00:36:30.980 --> 00:36:42.880 John Compton: we have some unspent money in in the roads, budget category of about $10,000 which would absorb this 2,000 364 00:36:43.256 --> 00:36:51.489 John Compton: and, by the way, the 2,000 is approximate, because there will be there could be some adjustments. There are stop lines and other small things. 365 00:36:51.890 --> 00:36:59.630 John Compton: but but there's in in in fiscal 24. We underspent the roads. The roads 366 00:36:59.700 --> 00:37:02.829 John Compton: category budget by 10,000, I believe 367 00:37:03.443 --> 00:37:16.089 John Compton: so that would absorb this easily. And in the fiscal 25 budget it's likely we will do the same. If we want to assign it all to 24, though we can. 368 00:37:16.390 --> 00:37:18.229 John Compton: and take care of it. 369 00:37:19.110 --> 00:37:20.145 John Compton: Alright. 370 00:37:21.410 --> 00:37:26.913 John Compton: Any question about. So the other thing that's not in here just to make sure 371 00:37:27.520 --> 00:37:34.899 John Compton: understand that we also had an area here in Johnson Alley which has sort of a sunken depression 372 00:37:35.000 --> 00:37:41.170 John Compton: which affects, you know, partly into the roadway, and needs to be fixed. 373 00:37:41.657 --> 00:37:45.660 John Compton: And I want to get a price from Laney to just fix that 374 00:37:46.886 --> 00:37:50.219 John Compton: I don't expect it to add a whole lot, but it'll add something 375 00:37:50.400 --> 00:37:52.040 John Compton: that's that's here. 376 00:37:52.120 --> 00:37:54.500 John Compton: And it is an unknown 377 00:37:54.770 --> 00:37:55.730 John Compton: amount. 378 00:37:57.830 --> 00:37:58.660 John Compton: okay. 379 00:37:58.840 --> 00:38:04.069 John Compton: So what I'm asking the council is comments on this about going ahead and 380 00:38:04.180 --> 00:38:16.429 John Compton: taking advantage of Laney's interest in doing the work and and getting done all of the areas that would have been done by Ross, as well as Laney. 381 00:38:17.450 --> 00:38:18.929 Peter Nagrod: So did you get any 382 00:38:19.040 --> 00:38:21.810 Peter Nagrod: information about Locust Lane 383 00:38:22.300 --> 00:38:24.690 Peter Nagrod: as far as what they would or could do? There. 384 00:38:24.690 --> 00:38:32.339 John Compton: No, I can do that. i i i've looked at that multiple times, Peter and I, you know. I wish you'd look at it, too. It's really 385 00:38:32.660 --> 00:38:34.760 John Compton: problematic as to whether 386 00:38:34.990 --> 00:38:38.379 John Compton: it needs the problem is a root heave. 387 00:38:39.030 --> 00:38:41.600 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, it's my tree. So I. 388 00:38:41.600 --> 00:38:42.509 John Compton: And we don't. 389 00:38:42.510 --> 00:38:43.010 Peter Nagrod: And the. 390 00:38:43.010 --> 00:38:44.459 John Compton: Compromise that tree. 391 00:38:44.850 --> 00:38:53.350 Peter Nagrod: Know. That's why I was. Yeah, no, I might. I just thought that I thought I understood that they were. Gonna look at that and give us some advice on it. That's all. 392 00:38:53.350 --> 00:38:54.580 John Compton: And we can do that. 393 00:38:54.580 --> 00:38:56.811 Peter Nagrod: Oh, so they haven't done it, though. Yeah. 394 00:38:57.090 --> 00:38:59.100 John Compton: We have the same thing on Oak Street, Oak. 395 00:38:59.100 --> 00:38:59.750 Peter Nagrod: He asked. 396 00:38:59.750 --> 00:39:05.430 John Compton: There's root heaves there the tree. There may be a specimen tree. 397 00:39:05.570 --> 00:39:19.330 John Compton: and we're not certainly not going to do anything to compromise the tree, but maybe there's something we can do to smooth the road out, I know. So that's the advice I think you're referring to. As to. Is there anything we can do to smooth out the bump 398 00:39:19.370 --> 00:39:20.870 John Compton: a moose. 399 00:39:21.130 --> 00:39:30.490 John Compton: Yeah, I definitely will do that as part of this, and it's in there, in there. It's in the con. It will be in the contract to advise the town on that. 400 00:39:30.490 --> 00:39:31.700 Peter Nagrod: Okay. Okay. 401 00:39:32.140 --> 00:39:39.420 marywarfield: It seems seems like their bit is lower than the only other one out there. So if we didn't accept them, what would be the alternative getting additional. 402 00:39:39.680 --> 00:39:40.130 John Compton: You're going. 403 00:39:40.130 --> 00:39:41.459 marywarfield: Yes. Okay. 404 00:39:41.460 --> 00:39:47.009 John Compton: Not doing it in in 2424, 5, and holding it off till 26. 405 00:39:47.010 --> 00:39:47.710 marywarfield: Gotcha. 406 00:39:48.580 --> 00:39:50.983 John Compton: When there will no doubt be more. 407 00:39:52.220 --> 00:39:55.277 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I, I think this plan makes sense. 408 00:39:55.930 --> 00:39:56.750 Eva Patrone: Yeah, Rick. 409 00:39:57.100 --> 00:40:14.729 John Compton: Okay, good. I'm gonna stop sharing this so that basically, I I'd like the council to just consensus. That will just transfer the award from Ross to Laney at Laney's bid prizes, which are about $4,000 more than Ross's. 410 00:40:16.030 --> 00:40:16.990 John Compton: Hmm. Okay. 411 00:40:17.562 --> 00:40:18.799 John Compton: then that's what. 412 00:40:20.880 --> 00:40:26.282 Robert Gilmore: Should we? Should we vote on that, John? Real quick? I I'll move that we transfer the 413 00:40:26.710 --> 00:40:29.599 Robert Gilmore: the award for those 3 414 00:40:29.870 --> 00:40:31.829 Robert Gilmore: portions of the work from 415 00:40:31.860 --> 00:40:33.150 Robert Gilmore: Ross, Delaney. 416 00:40:33.380 --> 00:40:33.840 John Compton: Okay. 417 00:40:33.840 --> 00:40:34.840 Barbara Raimondo: Megan, Barbara. 418 00:40:35.670 --> 00:40:37.059 John Compton: Alright, all in favor. 419 00:40:38.010 --> 00:40:39.659 John Compton: all right, unanimous. 420 00:40:40.470 --> 00:40:41.670 Robert Gilmore: Thanks for your work on that, John. 421 00:40:41.670 --> 00:40:45.304 John Compton: Let it be done. Alright. 422 00:40:46.590 --> 00:40:54.220 John Compton: okay. Under administrative matters. I have town liability insurance review. 423 00:40:54.560 --> 00:41:03.530 John Compton: So normally, we don't talk about the town's liability insurance. In fact. Up until this year, I suspect 424 00:41:03.970 --> 00:41:05.460 John Compton: almost nobody 425 00:41:06.221 --> 00:41:10.790 John Compton: knew anything about the town's liability insurance. Except that we have it. 426 00:41:11.277 --> 00:41:15.659 John Compton: I certainly knew about it, however, and the issue with liability comes up 427 00:41:15.980 --> 00:41:17.380 John Compton: routinely 428 00:41:17.520 --> 00:41:27.946 John Compton: when new new projects, for example, the bike path was was raised, and now we have the the the issue of 429 00:41:28.660 --> 00:41:46.130 John Compton: of opening the lake to non residents. And you know, would I, what what would that do to the town's insurance. So I not. Not trusting my own reading of the insurance policy, I inquired from the 430 00:41:46.130 --> 00:41:59.717 John Compton: the head under writer at our our insurer, which is a local government insurance trust, which for may. Maybe it's worth stating here. What that is. It is a 431 00:42:00.380 --> 00:42:01.510 John Compton: State 432 00:42:02.520 --> 00:42:05.160 John Compton: State authorized 433 00:42:07.870 --> 00:42:10.470 John Compton: insurance collective 434 00:42:10.960 --> 00:42:24.870 John Compton: back in 1987 or 86. I'm not sure when it was enabled, but certainly legit started in 87 it was formed to provide to allow municipalities to pool 435 00:42:25.761 --> 00:42:51.008 John Compton: their resources and obtain insurance through this intermediary, who would actually obtain the insurance for for your 4 municipalities, both for liability and for property property. Insurance. Of course, towns like Gaithersburg and Rockville larger cities. 436 00:42:51.790 --> 00:43:12.899 John Compton: will in to a large extent self-insure. We don't have those resources, we can't self-insure. So we we joined the a legit and have been members since the beginning and we get our insurance with them, the insurance, our insurance policy. And it was just 437 00:43:13.000 --> 00:43:17.870 John Compton: offered to us, for renewal is roughly $4,000 438 00:43:18.784 --> 00:43:20.446 John Compton: and that includes 439 00:43:21.080 --> 00:43:23.460 John Compton: general liability insurance 440 00:43:23.600 --> 00:43:27.620 John Compton: to the tune of 3 million dollars total annually 441 00:43:27.970 --> 00:43:30.759 John Compton: 1 million per incident. 442 00:43:31.070 --> 00:43:41.759 John Compton: and then there's some other rider involving the 1 million dollars, which is which I don't fully understand. But suffice it to say, that's the liability coverage 443 00:43:42.635 --> 00:43:58.320 John Compton: and then we have property property insurance. Oh, and the liability all. Then there's also liability liability insurance that writers that dictate, that it it covers employees under certain circumstances and 444 00:43:58.923 --> 00:44:03.110 John Compton: and of course, officials, and it covers everything. 445 00:44:03.540 --> 00:44:19.329 John Compton: The property insurance then requires a more detailed listing of property, and it does goes into all everything that is insured. For example, the lake, the shed is called out, the dock is called out 446 00:44:19.828 --> 00:44:26.632 John Compton: so to be insured for a certain amount, etc, and you can go to all the other 447 00:44:27.050 --> 00:44:31.529 John Compton: property owned by the owned by the town. 448 00:44:32.654 --> 00:44:43.579 John Compton: The the the interesting thing, and the concern was that Jay does. The town is the town insured for the lake specifically, and the answer is, no. 449 00:44:44.160 --> 00:44:55.079 John Compton: the lake is not even mentioned. Except for those shed, and the dock isn't even mentioned in the insurance policy it we are covered for general liability throughout 450 00:44:55.420 --> 00:44:56.880 John Compton: town property. 451 00:44:57.200 --> 00:45:00.309 John Compton: The town liability is blanket. 452 00:45:00.590 --> 00:45:02.450 John Compton: There are no restrictions on it. 453 00:45:02.490 --> 00:45:03.890 John Compton: There are no 454 00:45:04.705 --> 00:45:09.250 John Compton: you know. It's not resonance, only it's liability. 455 00:45:09.810 --> 00:45:20.220 John Compton: And that's basically what I wanted to convey it. I believe I didn't ask this question. I believe we could raise the general liability coverage 456 00:45:20.310 --> 00:45:23.600 John Compton: at a cost. I'm not certain of that. But 457 00:45:23.660 --> 00:45:26.019 John Compton: I wouldn't be surprised, but we couldn't. 458 00:45:26.741 --> 00:45:29.569 John Compton: I'm also not aware of any 459 00:45:29.690 --> 00:45:30.730 John Compton: claim 460 00:45:32.380 --> 00:45:36.929 John Compton: in the history of the town, or at least that history that is online 461 00:45:37.070 --> 00:45:40.370 John Compton: that has ever been paid against the liability insurance. 462 00:45:42.370 --> 00:45:44.710 John Compton: that's just aside. 463 00:45:45.310 --> 00:45:53.379 John Compton: So that's the story about the insurance if anybody has any further questions. I can answer them to my the best of my ability. 464 00:45:55.010 --> 00:46:00.139 John Compton: you know this is not, you know, insurance is different from from 465 00:46:01.525 --> 00:46:02.630 John Compton: from 466 00:46:03.770 --> 00:46:06.720 John Compton: claims of claims of 467 00:46:06.990 --> 00:46:07.950 John Compton: M. 468 00:46:08.200 --> 00:46:10.720 John Compton: Liability. So anybody 469 00:46:10.750 --> 00:46:14.940 John Compton: from any town resident to any non town resident can sue the town 470 00:46:15.010 --> 00:46:26.259 John Compton: or anything at any time. And of course, the question is, you know, if we were sued for XY. And Z. Would we be covered? And those specific questions 471 00:46:26.430 --> 00:46:33.890 John Compton: can also be addressed? But the general answer is that this insurance policy 472 00:46:34.180 --> 00:46:36.110 John Compton: covers pretty much 473 00:46:36.895 --> 00:46:40.499 John Compton: everything up to the limits I described. 474 00:46:42.140 --> 00:46:46.169 Peter Nagrod: But you're saying that the lake, so if somebody, if somebody. 475 00:46:46.980 --> 00:46:52.439 Peter Nagrod: if it's if they deem it a attractive nuisance, say, and somebody 476 00:46:52.660 --> 00:46:56.269 Peter Nagrod: crawls in or goes over the fence and is injured 477 00:46:56.750 --> 00:47:00.009 Peter Nagrod: and sues the town. Are we covered? I'm not. That's not clear. 478 00:47:00.010 --> 00:47:00.989 John Compton: Yes, we're covered. 479 00:47:01.220 --> 00:47:02.370 Peter Nagrod: We are covered. Okay, good. 480 00:47:02.806 --> 00:47:06.299 John Compton: We're covered where we define be found liable. 481 00:47:06.510 --> 00:47:07.270 John Compton: Yes. 482 00:47:07.530 --> 00:47:08.280 Peter Nagrod: Okay. 483 00:47:08.280 --> 00:47:12.100 John Compton: Okay, if that's different from whether we would be found liable. 484 00:47:12.440 --> 00:47:13.320 Peter Nagrod: Right, Credit. 485 00:47:13.320 --> 00:47:18.873 John Compton: Amber. We did have someone we we did not. There was a drowning incident. 486 00:47:19.270 --> 00:47:20.770 Peter Nagrod: I was thinking of 3 years. 487 00:47:21.340 --> 00:47:25.946 John Compton: And as far as I know, there was never any any liability. 488 00:47:27.420 --> 00:47:29.210 John Compton: I mean regarding that. 489 00:47:32.450 --> 00:47:33.380 John Compton: Okay. 490 00:47:35.200 --> 00:47:45.010 John Compton: Lastly, on administrative matters, I'm just this is in the nature of progress and a little bit of a you know, it's coming guys. 491 00:47:45.663 --> 00:47:49.606 John Compton: We've talked about doing hybrid meetings which 492 00:47:50.880 --> 00:48:00.120 John Compton: for everyone who is who has been used to all our virtual only meetings means that there will be an in-person component 493 00:48:00.410 --> 00:48:09.659 John Compton: to meetings, and in order to have a hybrid meeting. We've talked about this. We need an adequate electronic audio visual setup 494 00:48:09.760 --> 00:48:10.600 John Compton: and 495 00:48:11.700 --> 00:48:16.530 John Compton: it. It turns out that a number of municipalities, Kensington 496 00:48:16.550 --> 00:48:18.099 John Compton: Chevy Chase. 497 00:48:18.630 --> 00:48:20.720 John Compton: Aaron Park 498 00:48:20.890 --> 00:48:22.699 John Compton: have been having these 499 00:48:23.040 --> 00:48:25.920 John Compton: hybrid meetings now for some for 500 00:48:26.180 --> 00:48:32.610 John Compton: some time, and they they are now they are successful, and they do it routinely so it can be done. 501 00:48:33.621 --> 00:48:48.529 John Compton: and the Montgomery municipal cable has facilitated those hybrid meetings, and they've been working. They will work with us where we we are members of Maryland, Montgomery municipal cable. 502 00:48:48.690 --> 00:48:49.770 John Compton: In fact. 503 00:48:49.780 --> 00:48:57.509 John Compton: unfortunately, I'm now the vice chair of the board overseeing the cable channel. 504 00:48:57.870 --> 00:48:58.795 John Compton: and 505 00:49:00.130 --> 00:49:00.885 John Compton: So 506 00:49:02.210 --> 00:49:04.130 John Compton: They visited 507 00:49:05.730 --> 00:49:06.780 John Compton: the hall. 508 00:49:06.850 --> 00:49:12.079 John Compton: We talked about how to implement a hybrid meeting in the Council chambers. 509 00:49:12.591 --> 00:49:15.559 John Compton: Specifically the new Council chambers, but it would 510 00:49:15.590 --> 00:49:24.440 John Compton: be a minor thing to shift that over to the old chambers. We did not discuss how to do it, or at least we 511 00:49:24.620 --> 00:49:27.680 John Compton: we in detail in the hall. 512 00:49:28.308 --> 00:49:33.239 John Compton: I know we've we've committed to next year's annual meeting. 513 00:49:33.470 --> 00:49:37.410 John Compton: Being a a being held in person in the hall. 514 00:49:38.165 --> 00:49:41.379 John Compton: Maryland municipal cable has committed to 515 00:49:41.400 --> 00:49:43.590 John Compton: managing that 516 00:49:43.680 --> 00:49:48.080 John Compton: the audio visual requirements for a hybrid meeting 517 00:49:48.210 --> 00:49:49.539 John Compton: or our annual 518 00:49:49.610 --> 00:49:52.470 John Compton: town meeting next May 519 00:49:53.205 --> 00:50:11.864 John Compton: but meanwhile we we need to be able to to show that we can do it in in in the smaller meetings. So we have the equipment. That was provided by Maryland municipal cable at no expense to us. What we don't have is a trial run, and so we need to. 520 00:50:12.230 --> 00:50:20.100 John Compton: We need to some guinea pig meeting or 2, and it shouldn't be the Council, because the council meetings. 521 00:50:20.690 --> 00:50:27.190 John Compton: if it somehow screwed up, failed, there would not be happiness in mudbill. 522 00:50:27.200 --> 00:50:35.890 John Compton: So maybe a committee meeting would be the right is the is the right place to test this. So I'm kind of looking for a committee or 2 523 00:50:35.910 --> 00:50:42.949 John Compton: to offer to have an in person hybrid meeting test 524 00:50:43.303 --> 00:50:49.166 John Compton: we did run test. And you know, we've set up kind of the visual part. Looks like it works fine. 525 00:50:49.500 --> 00:50:55.890 John Compton: Audio seemed. Okay. The challenge is, of course, managing the meeting 526 00:50:56.585 --> 00:51:07.244 John Compton: while it's going on, and all hands setting it up, and all of that. So that's going to come up in the next month or 2. And 527 00:51:07.930 --> 00:51:19.809 John Compton: I'm hoping I'm talking to the committee in general at this at this Council meeting. You know somebody like the Woods Committee, or I'm not a commission because they have to have their 528 00:51:20.359 --> 00:51:30.020 John Compton: you know their formal meetings. But but what's committee? Maybe forestry and beautification, or somebody who could also have someone attend 529 00:51:31.200 --> 00:51:31.900 Peter Nagrod: Archer. 530 00:51:32.230 --> 00:51:34.340 John Compton: To test the setup. 531 00:51:35.670 --> 00:51:37.100 John Compton: Any comments on that. 532 00:51:37.640 --> 00:51:45.160 Christine Dibble: Yes, my understanding is that the Lake Committee has been doing a hybrid version of their meetings for several months. 533 00:51:46.230 --> 00:51:51.499 Christine Dibble: so I'm not sure. Why you haven't mentioned the late committee meetings. I thought you were aware of this. 534 00:51:52.070 --> 00:51:53.280 John Compton: Was totally unaware of it. 535 00:51:53.280 --> 00:51:53.960 Peter Nagrod: Eric. 536 00:51:55.360 --> 00:52:01.064 John Compton: What did I do? Hold up in person at the lake, and then everybody else is virtual, or I'm kidding. 537 00:52:01.350 --> 00:52:06.037 Christine Dibble: No, they were held in the hall I don't know where in the hall. 538 00:52:06.350 --> 00:52:07.130 marywarfield: It is in the. 539 00:52:07.130 --> 00:52:08.070 Christine Dibble: People, calling, in. 540 00:52:08.070 --> 00:52:13.589 Dennis Kirschbaum: Actually meet we. This is Tom Land. We meet in the old council room. We have 541 00:52:13.870 --> 00:52:26.683 Dennis Kirschbaum: 8 to 12 people in the old council room, and occasionally we have one or 2 people attend by zoom, and we've been doing it for I don't know. What do you think, Mary? And 542 00:52:27.300 --> 00:52:28.480 Dennis Kirschbaum: a year. 543 00:52:29.450 --> 00:52:30.670 marywarfield: Yeah. 544 00:52:31.010 --> 00:52:32.589 marywarfield: it's not that I don't. 545 00:52:32.590 --> 00:52:34.882 John Compton: To talk to you about that, because 546 00:52:35.210 --> 00:52:40.178 Dennis Kirschbaum: It. It's been announced in the Town Bulletin as a hybrid meeting for about a year. I think John. 547 00:52:41.390 --> 00:52:45.230 John Compton: Okay, good for you. I I simply missed that little 548 00:52:45.250 --> 00:52:57.250 John Compton: little tidbit. They, your experience hopefully is relevant. But believe me, we're not talking about one or 2 virtual attendees 549 00:52:57.300 --> 00:53:02.139 John Compton: where we need to be able to handle, you know. Look how many are here 550 00:53:02.250 --> 00:53:06.440 John Compton: today. So if the council was sitting there, and we had 20. 551 00:53:06.600 --> 00:53:09.530 John Compton: How many connections do we have right now? 40 552 00:53:09.790 --> 00:53:10.800 John Compton: shall. 553 00:53:10.820 --> 00:53:20.229 John Compton: If 10 of us are at the meeting, we have to be able to handle 30. So it's you know. Hopefully it will scale. Well, your experience will scale. Well, but 554 00:53:21.010 --> 00:53:21.770 John Compton: good. 555 00:53:26.170 --> 00:53:38.600 John Compton: Alright, that's the end of the administrative matters. So we'll go on to the current business 1.st One is a big one, although I think tonight it won't be so big. 556 00:53:38.730 --> 00:53:41.335 John Compton: and that is the stormwater infrastructure. 557 00:53:42.670 --> 00:53:43.970 John Compton: A project? 558 00:53:44.940 --> 00:53:45.670 John Compton: Yes. 559 00:53:45.850 --> 00:53:53.129 John Compton: nobody. Okay. Well, the bids, you know, we had about 7 560 00:53:53.340 --> 00:54:01.350 John Compton: vendors at our walkthroughs to to look at the areas where we were requesting work. 561 00:54:01.620 --> 00:54:06.139 John Compton: We we wanted work done, and in the end we got 2 562 00:54:07.490 --> 00:54:09.829 John Compton: comprehensive responses 563 00:54:09.890 --> 00:54:15.109 John Compton: for the work, and they are in the materials for the meeting. 564 00:54:15.862 --> 00:54:21.770 John Compton: They are from the the one is the lead is bio habitats. 565 00:54:23.114 --> 00:54:28.839 John Compton: They are an environmental environmental 566 00:54:29.630 --> 00:54:50.349 John Compton: installation design execution group. They work with several others to on on infrastructure projects exactly like the ones that we are requesting to be done. It's all they do. A terrific job in there. 567 00:54:50.380 --> 00:54:54.980 John Compton: proposal, outlining what they have done in in in DC. 568 00:54:55.310 --> 00:55:11.779 John Compton: Along the lines of the kind of work they do. The construction is done by Antion, another small outfit construction outfit that has worked with them and has experience 569 00:55:12.020 --> 00:55:20.340 John Compton: with with these sorts of projects constructing them, and, you know, going through all the the hoops of whatever about 570 00:55:20.420 --> 00:55:22.680 John Compton: about getting them done. 571 00:55:22.850 --> 00:55:27.829 John Compton: And the second submission was, by S. 572 00:55:28.000 --> 00:55:30.180 John Compton: Am I. And I'm now. 573 00:55:30.320 --> 00:55:41.750 John Compton: I've forgotten what that stands for doesn't matter. They are an environmental group, a large group. They have. They have extensive experience with large environmental 574 00:55:43.363 --> 00:55:50.733 John Compton: mediation projects, such as stormwater management and and other projects. 575 00:55:51.640 --> 00:55:52.810 John Compton: and 576 00:55:54.060 --> 00:55:56.110 John Compton: so they have 577 00:55:56.774 --> 00:55:59.109 John Compton: extensive experience, of course. 578 00:55:59.180 --> 00:56:03.840 John Compton: and generally with even larger projects. 579 00:56:03.950 --> 00:56:06.860 John Compton: but they did. May send a proposal. 580 00:56:07.558 --> 00:56:12.489 John Compton: Both of the both of the proposals 581 00:56:13.249 --> 00:56:26.390 John Compton: came with sort of with 2 2 different 1. 1 was a full blown do it all at as as as we outlined it. 582 00:56:27.089 --> 00:56:36.799 John Compton: And then there was an alternative scaled down, not necessarily scaled down. It's bad term modified, modified. 583 00:56:37.100 --> 00:56:40.479 John Compton: Modify some of the specifications. 584 00:56:41.567 --> 00:56:46.279 John Compton: work which would come in at less less expense. 585 00:56:46.990 --> 00:56:49.740 John Compton: Unfortunately, both of them, as 586 00:56:50.750 --> 00:56:52.530 John Compton: not unexpected 587 00:56:53.206 --> 00:56:57.900 John Compton: to do. All of the work we requested exceeds our budget 588 00:56:59.060 --> 00:57:03.379 John Compton: fairly, substantially by maybe you know, up to 2 fold 589 00:57:03.560 --> 00:57:05.609 John Compton: 50% higher to twofold 590 00:57:06.522 --> 00:57:09.477 John Compton: so we're going to have to 591 00:57:10.040 --> 00:57:15.990 John Compton: look closely at what work we can actually get done for the resources available. 592 00:57:16.872 --> 00:57:24.840 John Compton: I I do urge the Council and of course, the the members of the of the Stormwater. 593 00:57:25.080 --> 00:57:37.713 John Compton: you know, ad hoc stormwater Rfp group will be examining what those proposals entail and we'll we'll need to discuss 594 00:57:38.300 --> 00:57:40.749 John Compton: exactly how to move forward. 595 00:57:41.580 --> 00:57:42.700 John Compton: Be that 596 00:57:43.430 --> 00:57:44.930 John Compton: the reality? 597 00:57:46.090 --> 00:57:56.305 John Compton: we had envisioned, and I think it's appropriate. Given the responses. Once you read the proposals that that the council 598 00:57:57.247 --> 00:58:01.520 John Compton: Here a brief summary of from each of the vendors. 599 00:58:01.590 --> 00:58:12.979 John Compton: and then and I have an opportunity to ask questions, because certainly you know, I have a bunch of questions already, and it doesn't, you know, just reading it. We'll give all of you. 600 00:58:13.482 --> 00:58:17.640 John Compton: You'll all have some questions concerning the proposals. 601 00:58:17.720 --> 00:58:22.729 John Compton: and you know how to help us make a decision as to how to 602 00:58:23.303 --> 00:58:26.086 John Compton: how to award the the work. 603 00:58:28.310 --> 00:58:29.650 John Compton: And so 604 00:58:30.490 --> 00:58:32.729 John Compton: as we discussed last 605 00:58:33.550 --> 00:58:34.370 John Compton: month. 606 00:58:35.064 --> 00:58:42.279 John Compton: I'd like to schedule like the Council, to schedule a council meeting here here in July. 607 00:58:42.430 --> 00:58:50.000 John Compton: when when we can get both of the bidders to give a brief presentation, and we can do a Q. And a. 608 00:58:50.390 --> 00:58:54.269 John Compton: I will say that there was insufficient time to 609 00:58:55.130 --> 00:59:03.790 John Compton: Let me step back those of us who put this together, and we did this. Of course we did the Rp. With the help of Jason Mills of Sultez. 610 00:59:04.010 --> 00:59:19.130 John Compton: and he provided, you know, sort of some gravitas, and you know we were working from the report he led. That was done last last year 611 00:59:19.230 --> 00:59:30.344 John Compton: as to where and what sort of what sort of stormwater and floodwater control features. Would would fit the 612 00:59:30.860 --> 00:59:47.729 John Compton: The town's existing infrastructure. So I we would like, of course, to get his opinion on this, and that will be very valuable. So I think Jason would be part of this as well. And yes, of course I have not. 613 00:59:48.254 --> 00:59:52.939 John Compton: None of us have spoken with him. The the bids were just delivered on 614 00:59:53.160 --> 00:59:55.470 John Compton: last Wednesday, so 615 00:59:55.670 --> 01:00:02.269 John Compton: will definitely get him to weigh in, and hopefully he'll be able to participate as well. 616 01:00:02.896 --> 01:00:08.830 John Compton: In the meeting, if not not necessarily for questioning. But possibly 617 01:00:08.940 --> 01:00:11.059 John Compton: he'll have his own 618 01:00:11.170 --> 01:00:18.640 John Compton: helpful, you know advice, and we can then utilize that meeting 619 01:00:18.680 --> 01:00:19.395 John Compton: to 620 01:00:20.440 --> 01:00:21.225 John Compton: to 621 01:00:22.750 --> 01:00:24.590 John Compton: decide exactly 622 01:00:24.710 --> 01:00:26.739 John Compton: how we want to 623 01:00:26.820 --> 01:00:33.420 John Compton: want to identify which which vendor we want to move forward with, and how much of the work 624 01:00:33.700 --> 01:00:35.410 John Compton: we want done. 625 01:00:35.700 --> 01:00:36.390 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 626 01:00:37.250 --> 01:00:44.590 John Compton: Remember this is a design built so that beauty the you will read them, and that the 2 627 01:00:44.970 --> 01:00:46.040 John Compton: proposal 628 01:00:46.760 --> 01:00:47.610 John Compton: are not 629 01:00:47.900 --> 01:00:52.389 John Compton: strictly similar. They are in that they propose specific work. 630 01:00:53.440 --> 01:00:56.839 John Compton: But the bio habitats 631 01:00:57.640 --> 01:00:58.555 John Compton: proposal, 632 01:00:59.560 --> 01:01:05.889 John Compton: is clearly envision. Some a flexible 633 01:01:06.567 --> 01:01:13.879 John Compton: design approach based on you know what the town? How the town responds to their proposals. 634 01:01:14.020 --> 01:01:18.367 John Compton: They've they've kind of built in alternatives and 635 01:01:19.310 --> 01:01:22.920 John Compton: and that's not in the 636 01:01:23.340 --> 01:01:25.200 John Compton: Esmonic proposal 637 01:01:25.978 --> 01:01:33.961 John Compton: per se, although I know who who provided it, and I'm pretty certain they'll respond similarly 638 01:01:34.660 --> 01:01:37.400 John Compton: with respect to any, any. 639 01:01:37.880 --> 01:01:40.200 John Compton: any 640 01:01:40.290 --> 01:01:44.709 John Compton: modifications to to the proposals. The specific proposals 641 01:01:44.890 --> 01:01:48.529 John Compton: that are in are in the bids. 642 01:01:50.600 --> 01:01:52.231 Peter Nagrod: So, Johnny, were you? 643 01:01:52.940 --> 01:02:01.429 Peter Nagrod: just. It's hard to read. You got your poker face on about what was in there when you looked at that, though, and Patty looked. You guys looked at it. 644 01:02:02.008 --> 01:02:04.039 Peter Nagrod: Were you disappointed, or 645 01:02:06.000 --> 01:02:08.010 Peter Nagrod: meet your expectations? 646 01:02:08.150 --> 01:02:11.729 John Compton: Actually, I'm surprisingly not disappointed. 647 01:02:12.030 --> 01:02:13.190 Peter Nagrod: Good. Yeah. 648 01:02:13.190 --> 01:02:20.740 John Compton: I was. I'm I'm I'm impressed especially with the one which seemed to 649 01:02:23.070 --> 01:02:24.480 John Compton: understand 650 01:02:25.030 --> 01:02:27.179 John Compton: where the town was coming from. 651 01:02:28.560 --> 01:02:31.559 John Compton: Sort of solutions we required. 652 01:02:32.296 --> 01:02:38.200 John Compton: And the uncertainties. You know that the fact that we we 653 01:02:38.230 --> 01:02:39.840 John Compton: we we weren't 654 01:02:40.590 --> 01:02:48.330 John Compton: to the extent we, we propose specifics. We weren't wedded to those specifics. We were wedded to the solution, not not. 655 01:02:48.330 --> 01:02:49.010 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 656 01:02:49.010 --> 01:02:51.180 John Compton: The particular way we get there. 657 01:02:51.190 --> 01:02:54.567 John Compton: So that that was very gratifying. And 658 01:02:55.110 --> 01:02:58.309 John Compton: you know, we just need to look a lot closer at 659 01:02:58.660 --> 01:03:00.700 John Compton: at what we can afford to do. 660 01:03:00.880 --> 01:03:01.689 John Compton: I think. 661 01:03:01.990 --> 01:03:05.410 Peter Nagrod: And the the center street. Bio Bio Garden. I'll call it 662 01:03:05.926 --> 01:03:07.510 Peter Nagrod: that was included right. 663 01:03:08.020 --> 01:03:10.079 John Compton: Rich. The centre street. Yes, yeah. 664 01:03:10.480 --> 01:03:11.750 Peter Nagrod: No! Was it really. 665 01:03:12.050 --> 01:03:17.902 John Compton: Oh, the the the actually both of them bid! Yeah, the the the 666 01:03:18.490 --> 01:03:22.290 John Compton: the Jason. Now I just forgot what it's called. 667 01:03:23.800 --> 01:03:24.170 Patrice Klein: Will, we. 668 01:03:24.170 --> 01:03:25.849 John Compton: I'd like to grab a weapon. 669 01:03:26.130 --> 01:03:27.250 Peter Nagrod: The wetlands. Yeah. Yeah. 670 01:03:27.250 --> 01:03:36.840 John Compton: Yeah, yeah, both of them. And they are. I don't know what you know devils in the details, but those particular, the cost of the work in that area 671 01:03:36.850 --> 01:03:40.009 John Compton: was surprisingly lower. 672 01:03:40.663 --> 01:03:41.430 Peter Nagrod: Okay. Good. 673 01:03:41.640 --> 01:03:42.340 Peter Nagrod: Good. 674 01:03:42.623 --> 01:03:45.746 John Compton: We still don't know whether we want to prioritize that, but 675 01:03:46.070 --> 01:03:57.199 John Compton: it's so you know, you're welcome to take a look it's you should take a look. We have to spend real money on this much more money than we're used to spending, so 676 01:03:58.400 --> 01:03:59.450 John Compton: jumps out. 677 01:03:59.450 --> 01:04:04.900 Robert Gilmore: John, have we? Have we given these to Sultes? For 678 01:04:04.980 --> 01:04:06.760 Robert Gilmore: them to review, to. 679 01:04:06.760 --> 01:04:11.935 John Compton: Yes, i i i copied him along with you or guys when I sent them out. And 680 01:04:12.310 --> 01:04:22.950 John Compton: I just have. As I say, I haven't spoken with Jason. As to his, his reaction. To where you know I we need to. 681 01:04:24.670 --> 01:04:35.498 John Compton: I think I think those of us who are involved in creating the Rfp. And discussing it. We intended always intended to to 682 01:04:35.970 --> 01:04:38.699 John Compton: to engage a 683 01:04:38.740 --> 01:04:43.069 John Compton: a project. What do we? What we call a coordinator 684 01:04:43.629 --> 01:04:56.550 John Compton: someone who had with expertise could could be sure the work was being done the way it should be done, rather, you know, rather than have us know nothing's oversee it. So 685 01:04:56.920 --> 01:05:00.319 Robert Gilmore: We you call owners. Engineer is typically there. 686 01:05:00.320 --> 01:05:07.300 John Compton: Exactly, and I always in business. I mean the practical. The most obvious way thing is to get Saltus to agree to do that. 687 01:05:08.110 --> 01:05:08.630 John Compton: And. 688 01:05:08.630 --> 01:05:09.290 Robert Gilmore: Yes. 689 01:05:09.290 --> 01:05:12.954 John Compton: We'll have to pay them. I mean we should pay them and 690 01:05:13.620 --> 01:05:18.940 John Compton: and therefore get their best advice just to, you know. 691 01:05:19.370 --> 01:05:20.350 John Compton: But the best. 692 01:05:20.610 --> 01:05:22.820 John Compton: best bang for our buck. It's going to be 693 01:05:24.020 --> 01:05:29.929 John Compton: so. Yes, they he has it, and I will make. I will definitely speak with and get 694 01:05:30.160 --> 01:05:31.410 John Compton: Jason to 695 01:05:31.760 --> 01:05:32.830 John Compton: respond 696 01:05:32.890 --> 01:05:34.020 John Compton: those thoughts 697 01:05:34.780 --> 01:05:35.540 John Compton: home. 698 01:05:38.500 --> 01:05:41.770 John Compton: Patty, you have any comments you're you're seeing there. Okay. 699 01:05:42.240 --> 01:05:45.399 Patrice Klein: No, no, this time I'll take a closer look at the documents. 700 01:05:46.050 --> 01:05:46.460 John Compton: I, I. 701 01:05:46.460 --> 01:05:51.960 Robert Booher: John, John, this is Bob, are are you? We gonna have a pre meeting before the. 702 01:05:52.210 --> 01:06:04.599 John Compton: Of course, we're gonna have a pre meeting at least one absolutely clearly, there was no chance for anybody to actually talk about this. I mean, we can have a meeting tomorrow, we being all of the town members 703 01:06:04.720 --> 01:06:08.219 John Compton: who got us this far 704 01:06:08.410 --> 01:06:09.240 John Compton: of. 705 01:06:09.680 --> 01:06:17.019 John Compton: But yeah, it may not meet some of Bob's extent to which it meets Bob's quantitative 706 01:06:17.906 --> 01:06:26.389 John Compton: concerns. Is is unclear. But remember, it's a design build. So 707 01:06:26.560 --> 01:06:30.140 John Compton: you know. And we did put in we 708 01:06:30.210 --> 01:06:33.530 John Compton: we we wanted some quantitative 709 01:06:33.950 --> 01:06:41.169 John Compton: assessment of of what? What the installations would do with respect to 710 01:06:41.360 --> 01:06:43.120 John Compton: of the 711 01:06:44.070 --> 01:06:45.750 John Compton: water. Water, flow. 712 01:06:45.930 --> 01:06:47.330 John Compton: storm, water flow 713 01:06:47.360 --> 01:06:50.110 John Compton: through each each area and each 714 01:06:51.050 --> 01:06:51.900 John Compton: of 715 01:06:52.490 --> 01:06:56.460 John Compton: each improved infrastructure 716 01:06:56.790 --> 01:06:57.680 John Compton: installation. 717 01:07:00.630 --> 01:07:06.549 John Compton: Alright, I guess the so. So anybody else on the Council. This is the time to you know 718 01:07:09.410 --> 01:07:10.210 John Compton: what, but. 719 01:07:10.210 --> 01:07:13.440 Robert Gilmore: I have. Its presentation is very impressive. 720 01:07:14.340 --> 01:07:15.660 John Compton: Yes, it is. 721 01:07:15.830 --> 01:07:16.650 John Compton: Adam. 722 01:07:18.700 --> 01:07:25.610 John Compton: hopefully, it's sufficiently sufficiently spot on from from the point of view of a 723 01:07:25.930 --> 01:07:29.779 John Compton: of of an environmental engineer. It looks like it. But what do we know? 724 01:07:31.430 --> 01:07:32.100 John Compton: yeah. 725 01:07:32.598 --> 01:07:43.060 John Compton: Okay, so can we, can we agree to have a meeting? And when we all look at the calendars and and attentively set one up. I you know, I I wanna be sure that we 726 01:07:43.490 --> 01:07:45.760 John Compton: we can have our bidders there. So 727 01:07:45.880 --> 01:07:47.860 John Compton: I'm I'm going to assume. 728 01:07:49.060 --> 01:07:59.764 John Compton: 1st thing is for the for us to figure out when we want want to do it. Maybe a couple of days times would be helpful, and then we'll make sure they can come, and 729 01:08:00.210 --> 01:08:05.620 John Compton: and and schedule it with that in mind, it being the 8th 730 01:08:06.339 --> 01:08:09.929 John Compton: I would recommend that we do it the last 731 01:08:10.080 --> 01:08:15.340 John Compton: week of July, or at the end of the near the last week of July. So 732 01:08:16.920 --> 01:08:22.619 John Compton: There is a Monday monday, the 29, th if you want to stick with Mondays 733 01:08:23.430 --> 01:08:28.739 John Compton: 29th of July, or we could also do Tuesday 734 01:08:28.819 --> 01:08:30.290 John Compton: or Wednesday. 735 01:08:31.427 --> 01:08:33.750 John Compton: How does that week look for? 736 01:08:35.270 --> 01:08:36.080 John Compton: I like. 737 01:08:36.340 --> 01:08:38.230 Robert Gilmore: Special Council meeting. 738 01:08:38.590 --> 01:08:41.767 John Compton: Yes, this will be a special council meeting on 739 01:08:42.240 --> 01:08:44.010 John Compton: unless we have some other 740 01:08:44.510 --> 01:08:47.649 John Compton: pressing business, it'll just be on the stormwater man. 741 01:08:48.890 --> 01:08:49.410 John Compton: Yeah. 742 01:08:49.930 --> 01:08:52.250 Eva Patrone: Monday, the 29th works for me. 743 01:08:52.250 --> 01:08:55.059 John Compton: Okay, how about how about anybody else? 744 01:08:55.510 --> 01:08:56.430 marywarfield: Okay, Bernie. 745 01:08:57.170 --> 01:08:58.000 marywarfield: may I? 746 01:08:58.319 --> 01:09:08.709 John Compton: Yeah, can we get 2 days? Because you never know with somebody's schedule? I i i you know. I think we'll heavily go for the Monday. If. 747 01:09:09.140 --> 01:09:13.030 Barbara Raimondo: No, this is Barbara. I can't make it on Monday, but I could do Tuesday or Wednesday. 748 01:09:14.630 --> 01:09:16.940 John Compton: I can do Tuesday or Wednesday. 749 01:09:17.220 --> 01:09:19.179 Robert Gilmore: Tuesday works for me. 750 01:09:20.810 --> 01:09:23.440 John Compton: How's Tuesday? Sorry to Eva. Let's. 751 01:09:23.630 --> 01:09:26.560 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I can. I can be there. I'll just be sweaty. 752 01:09:29.880 --> 01:09:30.270 John Compton: Right. 753 01:09:30.859 --> 01:09:40.870 John Compton: I'll tell you what we'll do if everybody. Barbara, has a problem on the 29.th Let's make it the 30th and 31.st 754 01:09:40.930 --> 01:09:42.200 John Compton: It's Wednesday 755 01:09:42.670 --> 01:09:44.490 John Compton: as 2 alternatives 756 01:09:44.939 --> 01:09:47.899 John Compton: heavily favoring the 30th 757 01:09:47.960 --> 01:09:49.439 John Compton: earlier being better. 758 01:09:49.840 --> 01:09:54.280 John Compton: And I'll get that firmed up here in the next few days, and we can. 759 01:09:55.880 --> 01:09:57.600 John Compton: We can firmly schedule it. 760 01:09:58.990 --> 01:09:59.750 John Compton: Okay? So. 761 01:09:59.750 --> 01:10:02.549 Kathy Lehman: So will we do. A grove alert for that. Then John. 762 01:10:03.140 --> 01:10:07.590 John Compton: Yes, of course, so there'll be a council meeting. We'll have to. We need to make give notice, and 763 01:10:08.390 --> 01:10:12.230 John Compton: I think it's 10 days we're required something like we may not even be. 764 01:10:12.230 --> 01:10:15.070 Kathy Lehman: I should look. I'll I'll look into that. Yeah. 765 01:10:15.260 --> 01:10:20.430 John Compton: I I've done. We did. We've done these before. I always forget. Noticeable. 766 01:10:23.140 --> 01:10:24.620 John Compton: Okay? Sounds good. Yeah. 767 01:10:25.022 --> 01:10:33.879 Robert Booher: This is Bob, just a little worried about the time. Would you be intending on awarding it at the following. 768 01:10:34.010 --> 01:10:36.930 John Compton: Yes, that thanks, Bob. You're right. 769 01:10:37.190 --> 01:10:41.069 John Compton: Well, the earliest we would award. It would be the following Council meeting. 770 01:10:41.350 --> 01:10:42.030 Robert Booher: Yeah. 771 01:10:42.030 --> 01:10:47.160 John Compton: We're not under any, you know, with with proposals on the table now. 772 01:10:47.814 --> 01:10:50.780 John Compton: I think we have time to. 773 01:10:50.850 --> 01:10:52.100 John Compton: but you know. 774 01:10:52.430 --> 01:10:56.600 John Compton: to to be sure, we're we're, you know, we're we're 775 01:10:57.320 --> 01:11:01.589 John Compton: getting the work we want done in the contract. And you know. 776 01:11:01.840 --> 01:11:02.410 John Compton: yeah. 777 01:11:02.410 --> 01:11:07.100 Robert Booher: There, there, there has to be time for the design process to to go through is what I'm. 778 01:11:07.600 --> 01:11:14.899 John Compton: Oh, yeah, no, no, okay. Let me remind everybody. Our requirements for expending the money are only to commit 779 01:11:15.470 --> 01:11:17.749 John Compton: by contract the funds 780 01:11:18.930 --> 01:11:27.019 John Compton: that does not mean we have to. The contract can be executed in the next several years. The funds need to all be expended. I believe it's 26 781 01:11:27.990 --> 01:11:30.940 John Compton: so the it's the committed. 782 01:11:31.960 --> 01:11:37.920 John Compton: which apparently is, is done if you let contract 783 01:11:38.250 --> 01:11:42.369 John Compton: so as long as we've led a contract for the total arpa funds 784 01:11:43.073 --> 01:11:46.740 John Compton: and then we we we have additional 785 01:11:46.970 --> 01:11:52.099 John Compton: time to spend it. So yes, Bob, absolutely. The design in the phase is. 786 01:11:52.500 --> 01:11:54.940 John Compton: is, we have to account for the design. 787 01:12:00.180 --> 01:12:06.899 John Compton: Right? So we may we. We will have an opportunity to to award it in in August or September. 788 01:12:06.950 --> 01:12:10.379 John Compton: depending on what else we we want to refine. 789 01:12:10.520 --> 01:12:12.100 John Compton: I mean, we do have to. 790 01:12:13.280 --> 01:12:14.666 John Compton: You have to. 791 01:12:17.610 --> 01:12:21.450 John Compton: come to agreement on what the contract looks like, and that may not be like 792 01:12:21.590 --> 01:12:23.330 John Compton: may not be a 2 day 793 01:12:23.530 --> 01:12:24.960 John Compton: exercise. So. 794 01:12:27.520 --> 01:12:28.430 John Compton: okay. 795 01:12:29.090 --> 01:12:29.880 John Compton: right? 796 01:12:30.100 --> 01:12:32.080 John Compton: So the 30th 797 01:12:32.170 --> 01:12:33.600 John Compton: or the 31, st 798 01:12:33.780 --> 01:12:34.550 John Compton: where do you? 799 01:12:35.050 --> 01:12:35.880 John Compton: Hopefully? 800 01:12:38.340 --> 01:12:48.970 John Compton: Alright. Let's go on, then, to item 8, and under our current business, and that is resolution 2024 guidelines to provide proper governance of Washington Growth committees. 801 01:12:48.980 --> 01:12:53.590 John Compton: This is a resolution to replace the existing resolution. 802 01:12:54.000 --> 01:12:56.779 John Compton: 2019, dash 13. 803 01:12:57.960 --> 01:13:00.750 John Compton: So I think 804 01:13:00.860 --> 01:13:03.236 John Compton: we we need a 805 01:13:03.920 --> 01:13:06.850 John Compton: We've we've had an introduction. 806 01:13:09.850 --> 01:13:13.420 John Compton: of 2024 dash o 2, 807 01:13:13.990 --> 01:13:16.584 John Compton: and we have 808 01:13:18.870 --> 01:13:20.200 John Compton: discussed 809 01:13:20.400 --> 01:13:24.008 John Compton: some modifications, but none of those have actually been 810 01:13:24.840 --> 01:13:26.290 John Compton: voted on. 811 01:13:26.660 --> 01:13:28.070 John Compton: and we have. 812 01:13:28.910 --> 01:13:30.259 John Compton: We have left it 813 01:13:30.760 --> 01:13:32.590 John Compton: a month to get. 814 01:13:32.780 --> 01:13:36.419 John Compton: Allow the town and residents to comment on it. 815 01:13:37.071 --> 01:13:41.249 John Compton: And we have received comments. I'm sure all of you have seen those. 816 01:13:41.686 --> 01:13:46.210 John Compton: and now we are at the point of discussing the resolution. 817 01:13:48.200 --> 01:13:50.560 John Compton: Who would like to start and 818 01:13:51.390 --> 01:13:52.420 John Compton: festivities. 819 01:13:53.990 --> 01:13:56.179 Peter Nagrod: I'd like to make a motion to 820 01:13:56.780 --> 01:13:58.910 Peter Nagrod: new amended resolution. 821 01:14:04.360 --> 01:14:07.279 John Compton: Okay, well, we we have. I think we have that already. 822 01:14:07.810 --> 01:14:15.877 Barbara Raimondo: I mean, I'm not clear what you're moving. You're Peter. You're moving to include these changes that were discussed last time, but not voted on. 823 01:14:16.200 --> 01:14:20.690 Peter Nagrod: I'm I'm looking at the resolution that the latest one that John sent us 824 01:14:21.070 --> 01:14:23.139 Peter Nagrod: with the yellow because. 825 01:14:23.340 --> 01:14:26.270 Barbara Raimondo: These changes in yellow were not. 826 01:14:26.520 --> 01:14:27.527 John Compton: Right have not been. 827 01:14:27.780 --> 01:14:31.280 Barbara Raimondo: Opposed by the town council, or voted on by the Town Council. 828 01:14:31.280 --> 01:14:35.344 Peter Nagrod: So we go back to my so I made the resolution at the last meeting. How we. 829 01:14:35.570 --> 01:14:45.860 Barbara Raimondo: I think we should go back to the original one that was introduced and seconded, and the discussion was begun on, because it's too confusing to have this stuff in here that isn't approved. 830 01:14:47.110 --> 01:14:47.600 Barbara Raimondo: Cool that. 831 01:14:47.600 --> 01:14:48.080 Peter Nagrod: Well, I'm. 832 01:14:48.080 --> 01:14:53.559 John Compton: Okay, okay, I can try and resolve this right now, for the Council is a motion 833 01:14:54.080 --> 01:15:07.409 John Compton: to approve 2024, which includes what you're looking at in. I think it looks blue. The blue is is part of the resolution. The blue is there solely to show the 834 01:15:07.430 --> 01:15:12.159 John Compton: the changes compared to 20. The old resolution 835 01:15:13.340 --> 01:15:17.470 John Compton: in blue you're seeing it as it was introduced. 836 01:15:17.690 --> 01:15:20.860 John Compton: Everything in yellow or in red 837 01:15:22.710 --> 01:15:28.180 John Compton: is have just been changes that were discussed. 838 01:15:28.300 --> 01:15:29.490 John Compton: but not 839 01:15:30.530 --> 01:15:31.710 John Compton: about a lot. 840 01:15:31.710 --> 01:15:35.350 Barbara Raimondo: No, no, I don't think the I think the red was in the original. John. 841 01:15:38.130 --> 01:15:41.660 John Compton: I just did the red before I open this document. 842 01:15:41.660 --> 01:15:49.440 Barbara Raimondo: Okay, well, let's go back to the original one. This is very confusing to have changes in here that we haven't agreed on. 843 01:15:50.790 --> 01:15:57.819 John Compton: Well, I can show you the original, but we're immediately going to start talking about the proposed changes. But you know. 844 01:15:57.820 --> 01:16:02.940 Barbara Raimondo: If the if a town councillor makes a motion to amend it, then we will. 845 01:16:05.465 --> 01:16:05.840 John Compton: 5. 846 01:16:06.740 --> 01:16:07.470 John Compton: I don't know. 847 01:16:11.170 --> 01:16:13.869 John Compton: I have to kill this share. 848 01:16:16.000 --> 01:16:17.090 John Compton: I have to 849 01:16:18.270 --> 01:16:20.020 John Compton: at the right one now 850 01:16:21.130 --> 01:16:22.890 John Compton: to restart the share. 851 01:16:25.310 --> 01:16:27.610 John Compton: and we are talking about 852 01:16:27.950 --> 01:16:28.830 John Compton: this one? 853 01:16:30.020 --> 01:16:30.780 John Compton: No. 854 01:16:31.260 --> 01:16:32.929 John Compton: whatever. Did I get the right one? 855 01:16:33.130 --> 01:16:38.547 John Compton: Who knows? There it is. Yes, that's the right one. 856 01:16:39.860 --> 01:16:45.089 John Compton: Okay, it had. Does have one little bull red, because that was a grammatical error. 857 01:16:46.094 --> 01:16:48.296 John Compton: Otherwise. Oh. 858 01:16:50.960 --> 01:16:52.900 John Compton: there were a few grammatical. 859 01:16:52.940 --> 01:16:54.830 John Compton: This is all these other things 860 01:16:58.390 --> 01:16:59.010 John Compton: done. Okay. 861 01:16:59.010 --> 01:17:03.530 Barbara Raimondo: Thread was in here before, so I I'm not sure what distinction you're making. 862 01:17:04.040 --> 01:17:06.472 John Compton: Okay, then, this is as introduced. Fine. 863 01:17:09.810 --> 01:17:13.690 John Compton: Okay. Discussion of the resolution continues. 864 01:17:14.210 --> 01:17:16.880 Kathy Lehman: Can I ask what Peter's motion was? 865 01:17:18.750 --> 01:17:20.169 John Compton: he has no motion. 866 01:17:20.580 --> 01:17:27.090 John Compton: we have no motion. On. The only motion on the floor is the this. 867 01:17:27.150 --> 01:17:29.390 John Compton: This resolution, as shown. 868 01:17:31.400 --> 01:17:31.820 Kathy Lehman: Okay. 869 01:17:31.820 --> 01:17:33.760 Barbara Raimondo: To approve this resolution, we have. 870 01:17:33.760 --> 01:17:35.500 Peter Nagrod: That was, that's the resolution. 871 01:17:35.500 --> 01:17:37.349 Barbara Raimondo: And a second. Yes, that's where. 872 01:17:37.350 --> 01:17:39.129 Peter Nagrod: That's the resolution I proposed. 873 01:17:39.130 --> 01:17:40.105 Barbara Raimondo: Yes, thank you. 874 01:17:40.430 --> 01:17:41.350 Peter Nagrod: Last month. 875 01:17:41.760 --> 01:17:42.400 John Compton: Right. 876 01:17:43.480 --> 01:17:45.090 marywarfield: Lunch. Oh, okay. 877 01:17:45.460 --> 01:17:46.610 marywarfield: for far. 878 01:17:46.730 --> 01:17:47.830 marywarfield: Oh. 879 01:17:49.580 --> 01:17:50.490 marywarfield: we're home. 880 01:17:50.490 --> 01:17:51.849 John Compton: That a council member, barking. 881 01:17:51.850 --> 01:17:54.170 marywarfield: Yes, at the moon. 882 01:17:54.940 --> 01:17:55.400 Peter Nagrod: I. 883 01:17:55.590 --> 01:17:56.779 Peter Nagrod: So okay. 884 01:17:57.200 --> 01:17:58.630 Barbara Raimondo: I mean, this is Barbara. 885 01:17:58.630 --> 01:18:01.584 John Compton: There's no discussion. We can move to a vote. So 886 01:18:04.190 --> 01:18:05.699 Barbara Raimondo: I I agree, let's vote. 887 01:18:07.400 --> 01:18:10.909 Robert Gilmore: Sorry I'd like to be heard and I wasn't 888 01:18:11.820 --> 01:18:15.670 Robert Gilmore: at the last was unable to make the last Council meeting. 889 01:18:19.110 --> 01:18:25.969 Robert Gilmore: I I'm opposed to the changes to resolution 2,019 that are reflected in the the current 890 01:18:26.090 --> 01:18:27.930 Robert Gilmore: proposed resolution. 891 01:18:30.100 --> 01:18:31.560 Robert Gilmore: I think that 892 01:18:31.970 --> 01:18:33.270 Robert Gilmore: it's important 893 01:18:33.330 --> 01:18:34.609 Robert Gilmore: for the town 894 01:18:35.310 --> 01:18:37.139 Robert Gilmore: and its commitment 895 01:18:37.360 --> 01:18:38.370 Robert Gilmore: to 896 01:18:41.010 --> 01:18:48.210 Robert Gilmore: having good relations with our neighboring communities, that we not send a message 897 01:18:48.660 --> 01:18:52.420 Robert Gilmore: that we don't want non residents 898 01:18:52.940 --> 01:18:54.999 Robert Gilmore: to be active 899 01:18:55.050 --> 01:19:02.100 Robert Gilmore: e, even as as leaders on some, our town committees. 900 01:19:04.840 --> 01:19:13.710 Robert Gilmore: there are certain committees and racic, I think, is one of them, but that by their very nature. It kind of lends themselves to having 901 01:19:13.810 --> 01:19:21.329 Robert Gilmore: nonresidents play an active leadership role on those committees. I think it helps foster 902 01:19:21.350 --> 01:19:25.930 Robert Gilmore: the the objectives of the town in 903 01:19:26.240 --> 01:19:32.099 Robert Gilmore: the that are embodied in the the resolution committing the town to anti-racism. 904 01:19:32.932 --> 01:19:39.127 Robert Gilmore: To be sure, not every committee. Is it going to be sort of appropriate 905 01:19:39.740 --> 01:19:41.690 Robert Gilmore: and and probably not 906 01:19:42.060 --> 01:19:45.600 Robert Gilmore: even of much interest for non-residents 907 01:19:45.740 --> 01:19:49.390 Robert Gilmore: to be to be leaders. But I think. 908 01:19:49.540 --> 01:19:53.330 Robert Gilmore: having a statement from the town that categorically. 909 01:19:53.620 --> 01:19:56.509 Robert Gilmore: we don't want committees 910 01:19:57.368 --> 01:20:04.070 Robert Gilmore: to have non residents play a leadership role, or or even a voting role. 911 01:20:04.540 --> 01:20:07.550 Robert Gilmore: I think, is very detrimental to 912 01:20:07.960 --> 01:20:11.850 Robert Gilmore: what I think should be our objective to be 913 01:20:12.010 --> 01:20:15.230 Robert Gilmore: an inclusive town, a town that 914 01:20:15.715 --> 01:20:21.819 Robert Gilmore: embraces its role in the broader, diverse community, that that we're a part of. 915 01:20:21.960 --> 01:20:27.844 Robert Gilmore: And I I think I'm not ascribing 916 01:20:28.880 --> 01:20:29.660 Robert Gilmore: kind of 917 01:20:29.810 --> 01:20:34.599 Robert Gilmore: motives other than I understand the kind of legitimate concerns about 918 01:20:34.670 --> 01:20:40.080 Robert Gilmore: how the the importance of committees and the desire that committees 919 01:20:40.645 --> 01:20:45.504 Robert Gilmore: be responsive to what the town as a whole wants 920 01:20:46.330 --> 01:20:53.069 Robert Gilmore: But I think it's important to to to understand that at the end of the day that the Town Council. 921 01:20:53.110 --> 01:20:58.190 Robert Gilmore: the Government controls the purse strings and makes the ultimate decisions on whether 922 01:20:58.654 --> 01:21:03.969 Robert Gilmore: you know what things are being done with town funds that have been budgeted and 923 01:21:04.610 --> 01:21:07.059 Robert Gilmore: and that's an important check. 924 01:21:07.170 --> 01:21:09.459 Robert Gilmore: and I think really should be the 925 01:21:09.540 --> 01:21:11.310 Robert Gilmore: what addresses the 926 01:21:11.500 --> 01:21:15.760 Robert Gilmore: the concern that non residents are directing the. 927 01:21:15.880 --> 01:21:19.020 Robert Gilmore: the, the spending and appropriation of 928 01:21:19.250 --> 01:21:21.360 Robert Gilmore: our town taxpayer dollars. 929 01:21:21.430 --> 01:21:28.579 Robert Gilmore: So I think for all those reasons I urge the members of the committee not to 930 01:21:28.940 --> 01:21:33.569 Robert Gilmore: pass this resolution or urge the the other town counselors. 931 01:21:34.070 --> 01:21:35.450 Robert Gilmore: and I think that 932 01:21:35.580 --> 01:21:36.400 Robert Gilmore: it it 933 01:21:36.520 --> 01:21:43.439 Robert Gilmore: a a modest modification, and I guess I'll offer this as an amendment. That would undo 934 01:21:43.600 --> 01:21:45.300 Robert Gilmore: the the changes. 935 01:21:45.540 --> 01:21:48.430 Robert Gilmore: But add in a statement 936 01:21:48.610 --> 01:21:49.650 Robert Gilmore: that 937 01:21:50.477 --> 01:21:52.210 Robert Gilmore: committees shouldn't have 938 01:21:52.280 --> 01:21:55.669 Robert Gilmore: a majority of voting members be non residents. 939 01:21:55.940 --> 01:22:02.459 Robert Gilmore: I think that limitation is appropriate, and I think it preserves the the desire for the town 940 01:22:02.490 --> 01:22:06.479 Robert Gilmore: to have committees be reflective of town members. 941 01:22:06.990 --> 01:22:14.480 Robert Gilmore: But the categorical statement that we shouldn't have nonresidents, play leadership roles or vote on committees. 942 01:22:14.690 --> 01:22:21.470 Robert Gilmore: I think, is ill-vised, counterproductive, not consistent with what the town itself has espoused 943 01:22:21.590 --> 01:22:23.920 Robert Gilmore: as its commitment to inclusiveness. 944 01:22:24.890 --> 01:22:27.281 marywarfield: So in in terms of spending 945 01:22:27.770 --> 01:22:31.549 marywarfield: the Council oversight on spending. I'm I'm not sure how 946 01:22:31.570 --> 01:22:43.200 marywarfield: I mean we we approve a budget, but in the daily. You know how committees spend spend their money does not get approved by the Council, you know, once the budget is approved. So you just mean once we 947 01:22:43.470 --> 01:22:50.440 marywarfield: once we set a budget for a committee. Then then that's our role in terms of how the funds get used. 948 01:22:53.410 --> 01:22:53.760 Robert Gilmore: Well. 949 01:22:54.400 --> 01:22:55.586 John Compton: Directly, true. 950 01:22:56.543 --> 01:22:57.270 Robert Gilmore: John. Yeah. 951 01:22:57.860 --> 01:23:04.169 John Compton: Sorry I'm muted. No, I'm on it, it's true for the Council, Mary, but 952 01:23:04.700 --> 01:23:10.910 John Compton: expend expending money within the money allotted to a committee needs to be approved 953 01:23:11.220 --> 01:23:14.730 John Compton: by myself or and or the treasurer. 954 01:23:14.980 --> 01:23:17.709 John Compton: and in, as you 955 01:23:17.760 --> 01:23:20.359 John Compton: hopefully, I've known over time. 956 01:23:21.025 --> 01:23:25.930 John Compton: If there's anything controversial about the proposed spending. 957 01:23:26.860 --> 01:23:31.880 John Compton: It's my responsibility and my intention to come to the Council to review 958 01:23:32.110 --> 01:23:36.620 John Compton: that expense. So I don't think you want the Council involved and 959 01:23:37.760 --> 01:23:38.720 John Compton: proving 960 01:23:39.870 --> 01:23:43.789 John Compton: budgeted items in general. 961 01:23:44.010 --> 01:23:47.879 John Compton: What what you want is responsible oversight. 962 01:23:48.448 --> 01:23:52.120 John Compton: About how that money is being spent and 963 01:23:53.510 --> 01:23:55.980 John Compton: I've I've always interpreted at least. 964 01:23:56.120 --> 01:23:58.660 John Compton: and I believe other mayors will as well. 965 01:23:59.387 --> 01:24:10.050 John Compton: That there's an intention and a in in in authorizing or providing funds contracting, if you will, funds to a committee. 966 01:24:10.200 --> 01:24:20.996 John Compton: and it's the mayor's responsibility to be sure that that is is not a controversial expense, and that if it is that the Council 967 01:24:21.910 --> 01:24:25.789 John Compton: you know, clarify whether whether whether the 968 01:24:26.080 --> 01:24:28.010 John Compton: spending is correct. So 969 01:24:28.612 --> 01:24:35.070 John Compton: that's my opinion on that. I I don't think we've had any problem, and maybe that's you know, just because 970 01:24:35.210 --> 01:24:38.500 John Compton: just my point of view and others may think otherwise. But 971 01:24:39.650 --> 01:24:42.980 John Compton: you really don't want to get involved in the Council approving 972 01:24:44.500 --> 01:24:46.730 John Compton: every choice, to spend 973 01:24:47.910 --> 01:24:49.689 John Compton: funds that are allocated. 974 01:24:51.690 --> 01:24:52.390 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 975 01:24:55.370 --> 01:25:00.456 John Compton: Anybody in that. So Rob has. Rob. Rob has stated his his 976 01:25:00.920 --> 01:25:02.613 John Compton: position that 977 01:25:03.802 --> 01:25:04.829 Peter Nagrod: That's the thing. 978 01:25:04.830 --> 01:25:05.344 John Compton: This 979 01:25:06.280 --> 01:25:06.930 John Compton: This 980 01:25:08.420 --> 01:25:16.990 John Compton: new resolution is is is needed, that it? It's counter to what the town intends in 981 01:25:17.180 --> 01:25:22.080 John Compton: in in in utilizing committees for advice, and in. 982 01:25:22.680 --> 01:25:23.940 John Compton: in. 983 01:25:24.750 --> 01:25:33.130 John Compton: you know, hoping for the involvement of non-residents in in getting that best advice. 984 01:25:34.170 --> 01:25:42.269 Peter Nagrod: So yeah, I I disagree with Rob. I it's it's nice what he says in a perfect world. But you know you're talking about leadership. 985 01:25:42.370 --> 01:25:46.870 Peter Nagrod: something that I have a little 30 years in the leadership business. 986 01:25:46.940 --> 01:25:59.269 Peter Nagrod: and a leader doesn't have to be voted in. If if somebody from the outside could be a leader and influence what takes place? They don't have to be elected to run the Council. 987 01:25:59.540 --> 01:26:09.859 Peter Nagrod: and I think I think that I I like the event. I I thought that there were a few wordsmithing improvements on the second one that came out, but 988 01:26:09.920 --> 01:26:19.810 Peter Nagrod: I'm in favor, and I think the town personally. You know, our job is to also represent the town, not just our own opinion, and I believe the town has spoken. 989 01:26:19.990 --> 01:26:27.049 Peter Nagrod: and I think that town majority of the town feels very strongly that they want us to pass this 990 01:26:27.080 --> 01:26:28.300 Peter Nagrod: have a solution. 991 01:26:30.830 --> 01:26:31.420 John Compton: Barbara. 992 01:26:31.570 --> 01:26:35.570 Barbara Raimondo: Yes. So a lot of discussion around this 993 01:26:35.580 --> 01:26:57.139 Barbara Raimondo: proposal talks about expenditure of funds. But I really want to remind people that the resources that we're talking about are not just money. It's the time, energy, and attention of people in town. And when we have seen proposals that take up an enormous amount of time and energy for people 994 01:26:57.140 --> 01:27:24.289 Barbara Raimondo: that are misguided. It's very problematic, and people who are at least from the town are at least a little bit in sync with what people think and how things will be received. And I think it makes, I think, having input on these committees from people who don't live in town is great, but any kind of leadership role or voting, you know, I think we've covered that in here, and Peter is right. People have spoken on this. 995 01:27:24.290 --> 01:27:39.929 Barbara Raimondo: and I was just trying to think of like situations where you know. How would we have a leader on on some other committee? And I thought, well, like the Lake Committee. What if somebody decided? Well, we're going to have somebody who doesn't live in Washington Grove run the Lake Committee. 996 01:27:39.930 --> 01:28:00.330 Barbara Raimondo: Well, then they would be interacting with the contractor to keep the lake clean and up to the sanitary standards. And how would they even be in touch with people in town to know how to do that. They don't even have the combination to the lake. I mean, it can really lead to results that are sort of like a little bit absurd. 997 01:28:00.460 --> 01:28:10.289 Barbara Raimondo: Committees have done very well using residents as leaders up until I mean on all on all other committees. And I think that's what we should stick with. 998 01:28:13.354 --> 01:28:19.030 Eva Patrone: I'll just. I'll add my 2 cents, because, as usual, I'm seeing things from both sides. 999 01:28:19.130 --> 01:28:40.450 Eva Patrone: and you know I do agree with Peter and Barbara that you know people have spoken. People have been clear, I think. At least the people weighing in on this of how they feel. For the most part, and you know in in so many ways. Logically, you think well, you know, it makes sense that people who are voting and leading 1000 01:28:40.580 --> 01:28:45.800 Eva Patrone: committees should live in town. On the other hand, you know, I can think of examples, and 1001 01:28:45.830 --> 01:28:50.559 Eva Patrone: I got summer in the parks on the rain, because today was the 1st day, and we do have a lot of kids this year 1002 01:28:50.730 --> 01:29:03.989 Eva Patrone: from out of town, and I could imagine that if some of the parents of those campers wanted to join the Rec. Committee and get involved. And God knows we need more people involved in the Rec. Committee. We are always scrambling to find help. And if 1003 01:29:04.030 --> 01:29:19.389 Eva Patrone: you know so I can see how you know it's not just racic that could potentially benefit from non residents. But I I think at the end of the day I still well, and then the other issue with this 1004 01:29:19.750 --> 01:29:29.580 Eva Patrone: is that it's not really enforceable. I mean, I'm going to be honest, there's things on here like posting draft and final minutes that I 1005 01:29:29.680 --> 01:29:33.030 Eva Patrone: no, not all committees are doing so. 1006 01:29:33.380 --> 01:29:49.809 Eva Patrone: You know. We can change the wording all we want, and you know, I know there are some people who want stronger wording in this resolution, but at the end of the day, like their volunteer committees, we only have, but so much control over them. So 1007 01:29:49.900 --> 01:29:51.720 Eva Patrone: I kind of feel like 1008 01:29:52.300 --> 01:30:03.929 Eva Patrone: people are feeling nervous about the spending of town funds, and whether that's a valid concern or not, I think I have to go with what residents are 1009 01:30:04.350 --> 01:30:07.500 Eva Patrone: feeling will make them comfortable. 1010 01:30:07.730 --> 01:30:12.020 Eva Patrone: That being said, I would love some non-residents on the Rec. Committee to help us get stuff done. 1011 01:30:12.370 --> 01:30:16.919 Eva Patrone: So that's that's where I stand. I definitely can see both sides. 1012 01:30:17.487 --> 01:30:20.130 Eva Patrone: But I think that I have to. 1013 01:30:20.420 --> 01:30:23.790 Eva Patrone: you know, as Town Council. It's not just about my opinion. 1014 01:30:29.740 --> 01:30:30.769 Eva Patrone: that's all I got. 1015 01:30:30.770 --> 01:30:36.039 John Compton: The statement here. I i i've I've now shared the 1016 01:30:37.140 --> 01:30:41.359 John Compton: the version that was created last month 1017 01:30:41.760 --> 01:30:45.700 John Compton: with a few comments. Not they, weren't they? Were they were. 1018 01:30:46.682 --> 01:30:50.619 John Compton: Propose this possible amendments because we were discussing 1019 01:30:51.578 --> 01:30:56.539 John Compton: addressing. And I think one of these issues is the one I've highlighted here. 1020 01:30:56.630 --> 01:31:00.089 John Compton: and that is that no one intends the 1021 01:31:00.410 --> 01:31:03.759 John Compton: I. I don't think it was the intention of anyone in the Council. 1022 01:31:04.160 --> 01:31:07.160 John Compton: nor, I believe, anyone proposing 1023 01:31:07.280 --> 01:31:13.419 John Compton: to to limit the role of residents to exclude non-residents. 1024 01:31:13.910 --> 01:31:19.819 John Compton: and therefore this, whereas was proposed that the town recognizes the town building's benefit 1025 01:31:19.900 --> 01:31:28.320 John Compton: from participation of non-residents and committees may encourage their perspectives and ideas through participation in committee meetings and activities. 1026 01:31:28.670 --> 01:31:37.880 John Compton: So that adds a statement that addresses the non resident participation also up here in the previous, whereas there's a 1027 01:31:37.900 --> 01:31:41.790 John Compton: you know, the the non residents were added to the 1028 01:31:42.470 --> 01:31:45.919 John Compton: The intention was to promote the interests of 1029 01:31:46.110 --> 01:31:48.100 John Compton: non-residents to volunteer. 1030 01:31:48.810 --> 01:31:51.210 John Compton: As well. So 1031 01:31:51.703 --> 01:31:55.009 John Compton: that was one of the things was discussed. 1032 01:31:55.847 --> 01:31:57.579 John Compton: Not much else. 1033 01:31:57.580 --> 01:31:58.520 Paula Puglisi: And shut. 1034 01:31:58.520 --> 01:31:59.639 John Compton: Was proposed. 1035 01:32:02.700 --> 01:32:03.460 John Compton: James. 1036 01:32:03.460 --> 01:32:05.020 Paula Puglisi: Students, not yet. 1037 01:32:05.770 --> 01:32:11.480 Christine Dibble: Has has everyone from the Council spoken their piece about this before we move to non council. 1038 01:32:11.480 --> 01:32:12.020 Paula Puglisi: I'm in. 1039 01:32:12.020 --> 01:32:12.870 Christine Dibble: Comments. 1040 01:32:12.870 --> 01:32:15.420 Kriss Grisham: I have a quick comment, and I guess 1041 01:32:15.510 --> 01:32:19.290 Kriss Grisham: it has to do with, you know, if you if you go back to the town charter. 1042 01:32:19.520 --> 01:32:30.790 Kriss Grisham: There's a under what is the section 24. It talks about voters, and in there, it says, a qualified voter entitled Vote and All town elections and town meetings is a town resident. 1043 01:32:30.830 --> 01:32:34.640 Kriss Grisham: So if if you, if you derive 1044 01:32:34.710 --> 01:32:39.353 Kriss Grisham: what a voter is right based on what's in the town charter 1045 01:32:40.900 --> 01:32:44.069 Kriss Grisham: It's pretty clear to me, you know, be it 1046 01:32:44.530 --> 01:32:46.165 Kriss Grisham: committee, or whatever 1047 01:32:46.830 --> 01:32:50.139 Kriss Grisham: you need to be, a town resident to vote. 1048 01:32:50.900 --> 01:32:51.610 Paula Puglisi: Hmm. 1049 01:32:51.610 --> 01:33:03.169 Kriss Grisham: It's pretty clear whether it whether it be for adjusting, you know, or or talking about finances, or talking about, you know when to have the next party. If if it involves the town. 1050 01:33:03.260 --> 01:33:10.459 Kriss Grisham: you know there's there's if you look at the town charter, there's all kinds of language in there that talks about qualified voters? 1051 01:33:11.980 --> 01:33:14.649 Kriss Grisham: so I mean, that's that's my take on. 1052 01:33:14.870 --> 01:33:17.750 Kriss Grisham: And whether we should allow 1053 01:33:18.640 --> 01:33:20.890 Kriss Grisham: nonresidents on committees 1054 01:33:21.210 --> 01:33:39.410 Kriss Grisham: with voting rights. And again, just like, John pointed out. You know the other, whereas clearly states that that we need volunteers, subject matter experts, or whatever and and we welcome that. And there's nothing to stop people from doing that. And if there's an interest. 1055 01:33:39.710 --> 01:33:42.320 Kriss Grisham: you know whether they vote or not, they should 1056 01:33:42.630 --> 01:33:44.679 Kriss Grisham: still be interested. Right? 1057 01:33:44.960 --> 01:33:45.520 Kriss Grisham: Job. 1058 01:33:48.280 --> 01:33:49.379 Kriss Grisham: I'm sorry. Go ahead. 1059 01:33:49.820 --> 01:33:52.990 John Compton: No, I want it right till you finish it. I should. 1060 01:33:53.140 --> 01:33:54.017 Kriss Grisham: No go ahead. 1061 01:33:54.310 --> 01:33:56.320 John Compton: I want to express my opinion 1062 01:33:56.580 --> 01:33:57.969 John Compton: that the 1063 01:34:00.610 --> 01:34:09.439 John Compton: the the the decisions made by rac with respect to a variety of things that that has generated 1064 01:34:09.490 --> 01:34:18.629 John Compton: this. This proposed change to the guidelines, in my opinion, wouldn't have changed anything 1065 01:34:19.490 --> 01:34:21.549 John Compton: with what they decided to do 1066 01:34:22.200 --> 01:34:23.190 John Compton: so. 1067 01:34:24.020 --> 01:34:27.469 John Compton: Nevertheless, it would it? It would. 1068 01:34:27.974 --> 01:34:31.719 John Compton: Why do I say that? Because if someone's giving you 1069 01:34:31.770 --> 01:34:35.819 John Compton: suggestions or advice, and at the committee. 1070 01:34:36.000 --> 01:34:41.439 John Compton: and you believe that this is valuable, a valuable suggestion. 1071 01:34:42.126 --> 01:34:47.680 John Compton: and somewhere to go. Then, if it's persuasive, then the committee is going to vote for it. 1072 01:34:47.690 --> 01:34:57.330 John Compton: So anybody who comes up with an idea or a suggestion can can affect the outcome 1073 01:34:57.340 --> 01:35:02.969 John Compton: just with by by being persuasive. An individual vote. 1074 01:35:03.640 --> 01:35:07.920 John Compton: in fact, except in a small number such as 1075 01:35:08.140 --> 01:35:17.389 John Compton: the Council, where there's only 6. Sure, each one of your votes counts a lot, but in a bigger setting one vote doesn't count. A non-resident vote doesn't count. 1076 01:35:17.470 --> 01:35:33.779 John Compton: I shouldn't say doesn't count. It isn't decisive. What is decisive is an argument that persuades enough people. So my opinion is, it wouldn't have made any difference. But the principle 1077 01:35:33.780 --> 01:35:47.690 John Compton: that Chris has just defended, that I think a lot of town residents are behind, I I think, is a good one. And that is that you know, town business should be 1078 01:35:47.730 --> 01:35:49.170 John Compton: town business 1079 01:35:49.290 --> 01:35:51.043 John Compton: town of 1080 01:35:52.050 --> 01:35:53.930 John Compton: advice to the town 1081 01:35:54.370 --> 01:35:56.350 John Compton: from committees. 1082 01:35:56.530 --> 01:35:59.099 John Compton: Any individual is something else, but 1083 01:35:59.320 --> 01:36:02.340 John Compton: from committees should be 1084 01:36:02.500 --> 01:36:04.209 John Compton: from residents. 1085 01:36:05.570 --> 01:36:19.149 marywarfield: I I agree with that, and I I think, by adding the second, whereas it shows our commitment to, you know, welcome non residents for their participation and and for their input but I don't. 1086 01:36:19.710 --> 01:36:25.790 marywarfield: I don't think by not not adopting them as voting shows that we're we're rejecting 1087 01:36:26.193 --> 01:36:30.190 marywarfield: being inclusive. I mean, I think I think, that that we are. 1088 01:36:30.680 --> 01:36:31.090 Eva Patrone: Yeah. 1089 01:36:31.495 --> 01:36:31.900 Peter Nagrod: I. 1090 01:36:31.900 --> 01:36:36.880 Eva Patrone: I think you know. I I definitely understand Rob's concern about you know 1091 01:36:37.050 --> 01:36:42.339 Eva Patrone: how we seem to, you know. We want to make sure that we're not sending the wrong message. 1092 01:36:42.390 --> 01:36:55.414 Eva Patrone: So I think, you know, adding that in of that we really do want non residence participation. We want people to to, you know, be involved in committees, if that's what they're interested in and come to events and meetings. 1093 01:36:56.040 --> 01:36:57.260 Eva Patrone: you know I 1094 01:36:57.350 --> 01:37:06.559 Eva Patrone: I feel like, if you look at any other town. They probably have similar requirements, you know. I mean, think I think somebody was talking the other day about. 1095 01:37:06.640 --> 01:37:22.559 Eva Patrone: I can't remember what it was but that they attend another. You know, municipalities, meetings, but they don't have voting rights like, I don't think that us having that stipulation is automatically going to say, Oh, look! They don't want us here unless that's how people 1096 01:37:23.730 --> 01:37:29.599 Eva Patrone: talk about it. So I think if we talk about this resolution as like. Look, this is actually a resolution that is 1097 01:37:29.720 --> 01:37:36.010 Eva Patrone: very encouraging to participation, but by non-residents. But 1098 01:37:36.150 --> 01:37:44.780 Eva Patrone: being being, you know, that we want non-residents in the committees, we just want to say, but hey, you know there are limitations when you're a non resident. 1099 01:37:44.780 --> 01:37:45.210 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 1100 01:37:45.690 --> 01:37:59.069 Eva Patrone: So you know, if we can, if we can paint that, you know, and if people coming away from this meeting can paint it in that way to the outside world instead of painting it in a negative light. Then I think we we don't 1101 01:37:59.680 --> 01:38:01.322 Eva Patrone: need to worry so much. 1102 01:38:02.330 --> 01:38:08.649 Peter Nagrod: I would just. I would just also add that you know this is not. This is not all about racic. 1103 01:38:08.690 --> 01:38:19.169 Peter Nagrod: You know the town, the town. I've been on a lot of committees, and it's it's very loose. It's I think I think it's. This is just a time when we need to look at 1104 01:38:19.380 --> 01:38:40.149 Peter Nagrod: the committee what the Council's relationship is to the committees, and I think this is an opportunity for us to improve our relationship with the committees and to provide more guidance. And I think that this is like this is just the 1st step in moving forward like maybe getting the minutes, and other information on the website a little bit quicker. 1105 01:38:40.430 --> 01:38:51.379 Eva Patrone: Yeah, that I was. Gonna add that you know, one of the things I took away from this resolution was to say that some of the committees that I am liaison to like, hey guys, we need to be doing this, you know. 1106 01:38:51.380 --> 01:38:51.825 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 1107 01:38:52.270 --> 01:38:58.699 Eva Patrone: Which again, and I will say, no matter what happens, of how we word this resolution 1108 01:38:58.880 --> 01:39:02.088 Eva Patrone: we only have but so much control. But 1109 01:39:02.520 --> 01:39:03.860 Eva Patrone: you know, I think. 1110 01:39:04.253 --> 01:39:09.560 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I I like, I like this resolution with the added, you know, kind of 1111 01:39:10.020 --> 01:39:14.550 Eva Patrone: we want the non residence language. Sorry it's not in front of me. So I can't read it. But 1112 01:39:14.850 --> 01:39:17.360 Eva Patrone: yeah, and and I, yeah, I agree just kind of 1113 01:39:17.470 --> 01:39:22.919 Eva Patrone: giving the committees these guidelines so that we can all be a little bit more structured and. 1114 01:39:26.590 --> 01:39:35.899 John Compton: Okay, if you're pro, if you're if you're talking about the adding the whereas and the the site addendum to the other, whereas we need a proposal to amend 1115 01:39:36.760 --> 01:39:37.620 John Compton: the 1116 01:39:38.700 --> 01:39:41.039 John Compton: the resolution that was introduced. 1117 01:39:43.500 --> 01:39:49.389 Peter Nagrod: So I'll restate my motion, and I'd be in the beginning to fix to accept that 1118 01:39:49.510 --> 01:39:51.030 Peter Nagrod: amended up 1119 01:39:51.060 --> 01:39:52.170 Peter Nagrod: resolution. 1120 01:39:52.680 --> 01:39:55.139 John Compton: You propose to amend. 1121 01:39:55.140 --> 01:39:58.620 Peter Nagrod: No, I yeah, no, not to amend it. Well. 1122 01:39:59.330 --> 01:40:02.189 John Compton: Not amended yet, Peter, you have to amend it. 1123 01:40:02.770 --> 01:40:07.809 Peter Nagrod: I'm proposing to amend it. But can we look at? Did you show us the entire amended resolution. 1124 01:40:07.810 --> 01:40:11.269 John Compton: I so well, you guys had it in your in your thing. Yeah. 1125 01:40:11.270 --> 01:40:12.970 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, I know, but I'm I'm saying to have the. 1126 01:40:13.257 --> 01:40:20.162 John Compton: Yeah. Yeah. But well, okay, you want to talk about what else is in here? Fine, because there are a few other words within. 1127 01:40:20.450 --> 01:40:21.370 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, yeah. 1128 01:40:21.370 --> 01:40:35.106 John Compton: Wordsmithing things which you may want to introduce at the same time. Let let me just so. Dave calls on. suggested a few just, simple, grammatical, and inconsistent. 1129 01:40:37.633 --> 01:40:46.540 John Compton: word word changes, for example, right here, because the resolution, adds Mayor and town Council. 1130 01:40:46.550 --> 01:40:48.940 John Compton: it should have have not have. 1131 01:40:49.300 --> 01:40:51.290 John Compton: So that seems to have. 1132 01:40:51.947 --> 01:40:55.495 John Compton: We put the 2 in here because 1133 01:40:56.820 --> 01:41:00.748 John Compton: I don't. Why recommendation such committees as 1134 01:41:01.540 --> 01:41:05.110 John Compton: as to town policies just made better English 1135 01:41:05.797 --> 01:41:11.069 John Compton: Mayor and Council wish to promote, not wishes to promote 1136 01:41:12.112 --> 01:41:15.729 John Compton: down here to establish certain 1137 01:41:15.780 --> 01:41:25.690 John Compton: recommended best practices. Certain best practice was a little bit redundant or or unnecessary to say recommended in this, whereas 1138 01:41:26.639 --> 01:41:29.511 John Compton: the blue, as I say, was all there. 1139 01:41:29.960 --> 01:41:35.570 John Compton: here holding the recommendations on on holding mirror meetings 1140 01:41:35.690 --> 01:41:44.380 John Compton: in the Town Hall, or other public locations, or in the vicinity of the town or virtual meetings, because that's what we do these days. 1141 01:41:44.840 --> 01:41:47.930 John Compton: So having or virtual meetings. 1142 01:41:49.083 --> 01:42:01.589 John Compton: Lastly, down here, simple majority vote of members. This, this is a little more substantial. It's a majority of voting members. 1143 01:42:01.800 --> 01:42:02.710 John Compton: not 1144 01:42:04.010 --> 01:42:05.359 John Compton: which is, I think, what 1145 01:42:05.660 --> 01:42:07.190 John Compton: is really intended. 1146 01:42:07.330 --> 01:42:12.400 John Compton: not a majority of members, but a more majority of those who are allowed to vote 1147 01:42:12.590 --> 01:42:14.209 John Compton: same thing down here. 1148 01:42:15.150 --> 01:42:16.230 John Compton: And then 1149 01:42:16.780 --> 01:42:25.579 John Compton: right, it should not hold leadership positions. That is a is simply a different way than we then is said. 1150 01:42:26.590 --> 01:42:29.100 John Compton: else she's now escaping me. 1151 01:42:33.220 --> 01:42:35.850 John Compton: Where is it? Oh, here it is, officer. So 1152 01:42:35.900 --> 01:42:43.560 John Compton: nonvisors should not hold leadership positions, and then it says elected town officials should not serve as committee officers. 1153 01:42:44.340 --> 01:42:46.879 John Compton: So that's kind of different. 1154 01:42:49.370 --> 01:42:53.060 Eva Patrone: Yeah, can we talk about that? Because I do feel like. 1155 01:42:53.450 --> 01:43:00.899 Eva Patrone: Oh, leadership position is kind of squiggly, whereas an off officer isn't. I don't. 1156 01:43:01.600 --> 01:43:04.920 Eva Patrone: I mean, you can like. I think, Peter said. You can be a leader. 1157 01:43:05.190 --> 01:43:09.869 Eva Patrone: even if you're not a voting member, you know, if you're if you're persuasive. And you're 1158 01:43:10.070 --> 01:43:11.850 Eva Patrone: I don't know that you're a leader. 1159 01:43:14.020 --> 01:43:16.789 Eva Patrone: I? What do other people think about that? Because I'm not sure. 1160 01:43:17.120 --> 01:43:18.420 Peter Nagrod: Not sure what you're saying. 1161 01:43:19.060 --> 01:43:20.490 Eva Patrone: Well, I mean. 1162 01:43:22.400 --> 01:43:23.959 marywarfield: No, I I understand. Leader. 1163 01:43:23.960 --> 01:43:25.410 Eva Patrone: Like a chair, the chair. 1164 01:43:25.410 --> 01:43:27.050 marywarfield: Officers were specific. 1165 01:43:27.050 --> 01:43:29.179 Eva Patrone: Yeah. The chair of a committee is like 1166 01:43:29.230 --> 01:43:45.174 Eva Patrone: that is clearly the the leader of the committee is the chair, the co-chair, whereas a leadership position. Well, I guess I don't know. I guess it just depends cause different committees have different ways that they do things I don't know. I guess it's fine. Never mind. 1167 01:43:45.500 --> 01:43:57.132 marywarfield: How are you gonna be able to define who's leading and who's not, I mean, if you have an outspoken member, you know, who's who's very active and has good ideas and kind of leads. The group, I mean is that the leader? And then they. 1168 01:43:57.380 --> 01:43:58.769 Eva Patrone: I guess that's what I'm saying. 1169 01:43:58.770 --> 01:44:01.320 marywarfield: I don't know how you'd be able to define that. 1170 01:44:01.320 --> 01:44:06.870 Barbara Raimondo: But this says, should not hold leaders leadership positions. So we know what a position is. 1171 01:44:07.260 --> 01:44:08.400 marywarfield: That would be opposite. 1172 01:44:08.400 --> 01:44:11.299 Eva Patrone: Something. Official, right? Yeah, okay? 1173 01:44:11.300 --> 01:44:15.669 marywarfield: A vote, a voted position, a position that's been voted on by the committee is that 1174 01:44:16.170 --> 01:44:17.659 marywarfield: what would make it official. 1175 01:44:19.510 --> 01:44:20.520 Joan Mahaffey: Elected. 1176 01:44:20.620 --> 01:44:24.650 Joan Mahaffey: I think it's most of the committees. Yeah, most of the committees elect 1177 01:44:25.040 --> 01:44:25.630 Joan Mahaffey: there. 1178 01:44:25.630 --> 01:44:26.050 marywarfield: Right. 1179 01:44:26.050 --> 01:44:28.610 Joan Mahaffey: Chair, co-chair, secretary. 1180 01:44:28.780 --> 01:44:29.390 marywarfield: Right. 1181 01:44:29.390 --> 01:44:32.740 John Compton: Yeah. But how about a subcommittee? How about a subcommittee 1182 01:44:33.760 --> 01:44:35.730 John Compton: who leads the subcommittee. 1183 01:44:35.730 --> 01:44:40.349 Christine Dibble: Well, do we wanna just say elected positions instead of leadership positions? 1184 01:44:40.350 --> 01:44:41.810 marywarfield: I think that makes sense. 1185 01:44:41.810 --> 01:44:44.610 Christine Dibble: Cause that would cover both committees and subcommittees. 1186 01:44:44.610 --> 01:44:46.459 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I that makes sense. 1187 01:44:47.400 --> 01:44:51.910 Joan Mahaffey: Work groups don't necessarily elect their leadership in my experience. 1188 01:44:54.690 --> 01:44:56.060 marywarfield: And then it won't apply. 1189 01:44:57.090 --> 01:45:01.860 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I think if a for a work group that's like for us 1190 01:45:01.900 --> 01:45:06.230 Eva Patrone: certain particular project that a non resident has an interest in. 1191 01:45:06.330 --> 01:45:09.999 Eva Patrone: I would. Yeah, I like the suggestion of 1192 01:45:10.050 --> 01:45:13.519 Eva Patrone: non residents should not hold, what did we say? Elected positions? 1193 01:45:14.240 --> 01:45:14.960 Eva Patrone: Yeah. 1194 01:45:19.580 --> 01:45:22.639 Patrice Klein: If committees don't do certain elections in that 1195 01:45:22.820 --> 01:45:24.999 Patrice Klein: excludes that option. 1196 01:45:25.100 --> 01:45:34.750 Patrice Klein: so you could say, Excuse me, I my voice is all raspy tonight. Elected or leadership positions, you could say either or. 1197 01:45:37.690 --> 01:45:41.639 Christine Dibble: Well, if they're not elected, Patty, then I would say, you know 1198 01:45:41.700 --> 01:45:43.590 Christine Dibble: who put you in this role? 1199 01:45:43.880 --> 01:45:46.140 Christine Dibble: There, there! There was no vote. 1200 01:45:46.640 --> 01:45:47.040 Patrice Klein: Well, I. 1201 01:45:47.040 --> 01:45:48.380 Christine Dibble: Within your committee. 1202 01:45:48.380 --> 01:45:51.479 Patrice Klein: I do which I would be surprised at committees 1203 01:45:51.650 --> 01:45:55.080 Patrice Klein: work under different sets of operational 1204 01:45:55.470 --> 01:46:04.490 Patrice Klein: protocols. I you would think that there would be elections, but I understand some committees may not do that, so they fall between the lines. 1205 01:46:04.940 --> 01:46:10.880 Peter Nagrod: So I like. I like the way I like the way this is written right here. I think it makes a lot of sense. 1206 01:46:11.360 --> 01:46:12.720 Patrice Klein: I think you should leave it as leadership. 1207 01:46:12.890 --> 01:46:15.969 Christine Dibble: Where does it? Where do you mean, Peter, when you say right here. 1208 01:46:15.970 --> 01:46:19.769 Peter Nagrod: Non residents should not hold leadership positions. Because, as I said 1209 01:46:20.280 --> 01:46:37.609 Peter Nagrod: you, you can, you can, you can. You can be a you can right, non resident, can come in and be influential if if what they have to say is is relevant to what's going on. But but the word I agree the word positions. A position would be a chairperson, or whatever other terminology you want to use. 1210 01:46:37.610 --> 01:46:38.879 Patrice Klein: Within your committee. 1211 01:46:39.430 --> 01:46:40.040 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 1212 01:46:40.040 --> 01:46:43.380 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I'm yeah, okay. It's I think you're right, because. 1213 01:46:43.380 --> 01:46:45.240 Peter Nagrod: I think this is well, yeah, I think. 1214 01:46:45.240 --> 01:46:51.658 Eva Patrone: Yeah, it's true that not all committee. Some committees don't do elections, or you know. 1215 01:46:52.060 --> 01:47:00.660 Peter Nagrod: I hear what you what you're trying to get at, Eva, but I think a a person that come a person from the outside who has you know, some really great. 1216 01:47:00.730 --> 01:47:02.270 Peter Nagrod: you know things to 1217 01:47:02.320 --> 01:47:03.500 Peter Nagrod: contribute 1218 01:47:04.070 --> 01:47:08.449 Peter Nagrod: them. They just don't have to be identified as you know. 1219 01:47:09.190 --> 01:47:09.690 Patrice Klein: Leader. 1220 01:47:10.190 --> 01:47:13.309 Peter Nagrod: They don't. They don't have the. They don't have the authority 1221 01:47:13.360 --> 01:47:20.440 Peter Nagrod: to. They have to influence by their own skills and not have the power of a person to say, Okay, whatever. 1222 01:47:20.440 --> 01:47:25.230 John Compton: No, this is discouraging. A chair of a subcommittee from being anonymous. 1223 01:47:27.750 --> 01:47:29.339 Eva Patrone: Okay. Sounds good. 1224 01:47:29.560 --> 01:47:33.590 John Compton: Alright, we have Richard, Richard. I don't know which. Richard we're talking about here. 1225 01:47:35.430 --> 01:47:37.219 Peter Nagrod: Are we done going through this now? 1226 01:47:37.220 --> 01:47:39.468 John Compton: Oh, we're we're certainly not. We are. 1227 01:47:39.790 --> 01:47:41.970 Peter Nagrod: Why don't we get the Council to go through it first? st 1228 01:47:41.970 --> 01:47:45.649 John Compton: We we are at. We have your wait. We have your motion to amend. 1229 01:47:45.660 --> 01:47:51.848 John Compton: I'm question. We extended to this various and sundry other things in here. 1230 01:47:52.290 --> 01:47:54.621 Eva Patrone: But have we gone through all of the changes. 1231 01:47:54.880 --> 01:47:55.360 John Compton: It's good. 1232 01:47:55.360 --> 01:47:55.830 Eva Patrone: You were saying. 1233 01:47:55.830 --> 01:48:00.860 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. So, John, I have a question. I have a robust rules question. 1234 01:48:00.930 --> 01:48:07.649 Peter Nagrod: We we discussed this last month, and then we allowed feedback from the town. 1235 01:48:09.130 --> 01:48:15.899 Peter Nagrod: for you know they have. The towns had a month's worth of time to give us feedback. So 1236 01:48:15.940 --> 01:48:20.320 Peter Nagrod: what what would be the what's the point of getting into 1237 01:48:20.832 --> 01:48:27.599 Peter Nagrod: a discussion with the town, with with people that are on here. As far as why we can't vote on this. 1238 01:48:28.520 --> 01:48:31.229 John Compton: Who said, anyway, we aren't at the point of voting. 1239 01:48:31.410 --> 01:48:35.450 Peter Nagrod: I know we're not. I know we're not, but it seems like we're going to get back now into a 1240 01:48:35.480 --> 01:48:36.573 Peter Nagrod: into a 1241 01:48:37.170 --> 01:48:40.019 Peter Nagrod: debate about everything in here. 1242 01:48:40.350 --> 01:48:41.290 Peter Nagrod: right even though. 1243 01:48:41.290 --> 01:48:41.880 John Compton: I don't. 1244 01:48:41.880 --> 01:48:47.829 Peter Nagrod: I was just saying that I'm just saying that we've had. We've had the feedback from the town already. So 1245 01:48:48.500 --> 01:48:50.899 Peter Nagrod: what's what's the point of going through that again. 1246 01:48:50.900 --> 01:48:58.519 John Compton: Peter, I can just recommend you. Wait till we get there before you worry about whether this is going to be wrapped up tonight or not. 1247 01:48:59.683 --> 01:49:01.150 Peter Nagrod: Okay. Okay. 1248 01:49:01.150 --> 01:49:03.419 Barbara Raimondo: So I just I wanna 1249 01:49:03.490 --> 01:49:07.940 Barbara Raimondo: support Peter in that. What happened last month is that we had. 1250 01:49:07.940 --> 01:49:11.130 John Compton: Barbara, can we wait till let's finish with this update? 1251 01:49:11.290 --> 01:49:17.959 Barbara Raimondo: But but no, you're no. You're saying that town residents should come in and start amending this again. 1252 01:49:17.960 --> 01:49:18.720 John Compton: Is this where we. 1253 01:49:18.720 --> 01:49:20.310 Barbara Raimondo: Were last week last month. 1254 01:49:20.310 --> 01:49:21.290 John Compton: Said that. 1255 01:49:21.700 --> 01:49:24.615 Barbara Raimondo: That's what you're calling on, everybody, and you're including. 1256 01:49:24.940 --> 01:49:36.380 John Compton: Calling for public comment. Remember, I I deferred public appearances for things that are on the agenda. We need to let anybody who has something to say about this. Say it now. 1257 01:49:36.450 --> 01:49:38.880 John Compton: but it's not a deferral at all. 1258 01:49:39.910 --> 01:49:43.890 John Compton: You don't want to hear the comments of anybody who's not a Council member. 1259 01:49:44.180 --> 01:49:51.780 Barbara Raimondo: I want to hear people's comments. I'm concerned with having changes in this document based on every comment that people make. 1260 01:49:52.010 --> 01:49:53.929 John Compton: But you have to wait till see what 1261 01:49:53.960 --> 01:50:05.520 John Compton: you you're jumping the gun. We are half before us, a proposal to amend. We're trying to refine that to see you guys want to go back to the original menu unamended. 1262 01:50:06.170 --> 01:50:10.590 John Compton: We, I think Peter was proposing an amendment. We we we held off 1263 01:50:10.620 --> 01:50:22.820 John Compton: to go through these other these other wordsmithing items, we discussed the leadership position. So right now we have a proposal to amend the resolution? 1264 01:50:23.770 --> 01:50:24.600 John Compton: Are you ready to. 1265 01:50:24.600 --> 01:50:28.239 Eva Patrone: So should we vote on the amendments. 1266 01:50:28.240 --> 01:50:29.450 John Compton: That's where we are. Yes. 1267 01:50:29.450 --> 01:50:29.800 Eva Patrone: Okay. 1268 01:50:29.800 --> 01:50:30.420 Peter Nagrod: Yep. 1269 01:50:31.270 --> 01:50:33.619 John Compton: All right. Everybody understand what we're voting 1270 01:50:34.080 --> 01:50:39.320 John Compton: all in favor. I'm amending the resolution as we describe. 1271 01:50:39.400 --> 01:50:41.650 John Compton: I see 1, 2, 1272 01:50:41.680 --> 01:50:44.790 John Compton: 3, 4. Rob, am I 1273 01:50:45.750 --> 01:50:46.959 John Compton: any opposed 1274 01:50:48.676 --> 01:50:51.449 John Compton: post? Okay, so it's 5 to one 1275 01:50:52.277 --> 01:51:03.670 John Compton: the amendments are carried. So now we're on the on the resolution as amended, and we have a bunch of people interested in commenting. They are not council members. 1276 01:51:03.900 --> 01:51:09.679 John Compton: so we will allow them to comment. I don't know who Richard is who is Richard. 1277 01:51:10.030 --> 01:51:11.470 Richard’s iPad: It's Gretchen. 1278 01:51:11.470 --> 01:51:14.969 John Compton: Oh, sorry. Okay. Gotcha. 1279 01:51:16.870 --> 01:51:22.410 Richard’s iPad: And i i i want to say that this occurred to me during the discussion, which is why I didn't 1280 01:51:22.560 --> 01:51:25.720 Richard’s iPad: write a letter, so I do think that sometimes 1281 01:51:25.950 --> 01:51:29.369 Richard’s iPad: the public discussion is very, very necessary. 1282 01:51:29.700 --> 01:51:33.920 Richard’s iPad: and this came up in my mind about 1283 01:51:34.260 --> 01:51:38.440 Richard’s iPad: what it does mean to hold a leadership position. And so 1284 01:51:38.990 --> 01:51:44.359 Richard’s iPad: I'm not on the basic leadership team. But I 1285 01:51:46.200 --> 01:51:49.380 Richard’s iPad: know a little bit about what's going on there 1286 01:51:49.510 --> 01:51:54.425 Richard’s iPad: and the way somebody. Paula could probably, 1287 01:51:55.250 --> 01:52:03.780 Richard’s iPad: speak to this. But the way I understand that leadership team to be formed is that it's a group of people that meet 1288 01:52:04.260 --> 01:52:06.819 Richard’s iPad: in addition to the regular 1289 01:52:07.957 --> 01:52:11.720 Richard’s iPad: meetings in order to talk about various 1290 01:52:11.830 --> 01:52:14.096 Richard’s iPad: projects or 1291 01:52:15.640 --> 01:52:19.839 Richard’s iPad: things, issues that have come up to talk. 1292 01:52:21.210 --> 01:52:34.819 Richard’s iPad: just to shape the idea before they present it to the regular group, so that they've thought out together what might happen. And the origin I think of this discussion came from the fact that 1293 01:52:34.920 --> 01:52:40.269 Richard’s iPad: there are I don't know how many 5 or 6 people on this leadership group 1294 01:52:40.380 --> 01:52:43.749 Richard’s iPad: and Basic and 2 of them are 1295 01:52:44.040 --> 01:52:48.469 Richard’s iPad: not town members. And I'd like to argue a little bit that 1296 01:52:48.650 --> 01:52:52.579 Richard’s iPad: the mission of racic really benefits from 1297 01:52:53.090 --> 01:52:59.650 Richard’s iPad: the addition of these people from outside of town, because the nature of the topic is to understand 1298 01:52:59.740 --> 01:53:06.460 Richard’s iPad: how our community fits in with other communities. Now, I think it's a red herring 1299 01:53:06.530 --> 01:53:10.919 Richard’s iPad: to suggest that somebody on that leadership committee 1300 01:53:11.440 --> 01:53:17.479 Richard’s iPad: could take hold of the agenda, or could somehow steer the committee. 1301 01:53:17.700 --> 01:53:22.729 Richard’s iPad: because that's not the way the leadership is structured in that committee. 1302 01:53:22.840 --> 01:53:24.480 Richard’s iPad: and that's all I have to say. 1303 01:53:28.060 --> 01:53:30.360 John Compton: Thank you, Gretchen. We have Marilyn. 1304 01:53:35.620 --> 01:53:41.038 Marilynn Frey: I'm a little bit concerned. A great many of us added our names to a letter tonight 1305 01:53:41.670 --> 01:53:44.989 Marilynn Frey: asking that the resolution be passed as 1306 01:53:45.110 --> 01:53:49.659 Marilynn Frey: drafted, and that seems to have been ignored in all of this. 1307 01:53:49.720 --> 01:53:52.750 Marilynn Frey: that there are strong, strong feelings in the town. 1308 01:53:53.370 --> 01:53:59.700 Marilynn Frey: and I'm concerned that you all are supposed to be representing the town, and I don't feel like that actually did represent the town. 1309 01:54:02.170 --> 01:54:02.960 Marilynn Frey: It's all. 1310 01:54:02.960 --> 01:54:05.060 John Compton: Hey? Thanks for that! Comment. 1311 01:54:07.610 --> 01:54:09.020 John Compton: Christine. You're next. 1312 01:54:10.466 --> 01:54:18.390 Christine Dibble: I have a very specific comment. That is pretty picky. And could you bring the document back up, it has to do with a word 1313 01:54:18.530 --> 01:54:21.089 Christine Dibble: in the first, st whereas paragraph 1314 01:54:22.820 --> 01:54:23.650 Christine Dibble: players. 1315 01:54:23.660 --> 01:54:24.600 John Compton: By one. 1316 01:54:25.740 --> 01:54:26.770 John Compton: Yep. 1317 01:54:28.750 --> 01:54:38.830 Christine Dibble: it's the word, citizens. We are not citizens of Washington or residents of Washington Grove. We're citizens of the United States. So I'd like the word citizens, change to residents. 1318 01:54:39.200 --> 01:54:41.090 John Compton: Sorry where I'm i i i. 1319 01:54:41.090 --> 01:54:44.119 Christine Dibble: In the middle of the first, st whereas paragraph. 1320 01:54:45.540 --> 01:54:48.580 John Compton: Volunteer Resident Committees. 1321 01:54:48.580 --> 01:54:49.300 Christine Dibble: Nap. 1322 01:54:49.990 --> 01:54:55.939 Christine Dibble: Okay? And then again, in the next line, citizens of Washington Grove. They are residents. 1323 01:54:59.510 --> 01:55:00.570 John Compton: That they are. 1324 01:55:00.730 --> 01:55:01.490 Peter Nagrod: Okay. 1325 01:55:03.712 --> 01:55:09.769 John Compton: I put them in here, but we'll need the Council to approve. Pending. 1326 01:55:10.830 --> 01:55:11.830 Christine Dibble: Understand that 1327 01:55:12.440 --> 01:55:12.770 Christine Dibble: Kay. 1328 01:55:13.210 --> 01:55:18.463 John Compton: So let's handle the rest of the comments, and I'll try and remember to come back to this. 1329 01:55:18.880 --> 01:55:22.689 John Compton: so do we have. We have Phil. 1330 01:55:26.063 --> 01:55:35.890 Philip Mento: It doesn't have to be now, but just curious. If we could flesh out at some point, wouldn't how a person becomes a voting member. 1331 01:55:36.960 --> 01:55:45.489 Philip Mento: I mean, does it mean that they have to be officially invited into a committee? Do they? Can they join occasionally 1332 01:55:45.510 --> 01:55:49.760 Philip Mento: those type of things? So I don't know if that needs to be defined as. 1333 01:55:49.760 --> 01:55:54.579 John Compton: Yeah, it is each each committee in their operating 1334 01:55:55.330 --> 01:55:59.360 John Compton: principles, or bylaws, or whatever they've chosen to call them. 1335 01:56:00.560 --> 01:56:03.060 John Compton: of course, should define 1336 01:56:03.150 --> 01:56:05.070 John Compton: who is a voting member. 1337 01:56:05.330 --> 01:56:05.820 John Compton: but. 1338 01:56:05.820 --> 01:56:10.063 Christine Dibble: John. I'm not even sure that every committee has operating bylaws. I know. 1339 01:56:10.390 --> 01:56:13.040 John Compton: That is Army's guidelines. 1340 01:56:13.120 --> 01:56:18.769 John Compton: and if they, as far as I know they do, but if they don't they need to. 1341 01:56:19.930 --> 01:56:22.449 Christine Dibble: I have not seen them, for every committee. 1342 01:56:23.820 --> 01:56:24.950 Peter Nagrod: Well, if they have. 1343 01:56:24.950 --> 01:56:27.720 Christine Dibble: I don't know where they are. Where are they? 1344 01:56:27.720 --> 01:56:30.559 Peter Nagrod: Patty's on their committee. They have them. I'll tell you that. 1345 01:56:30.940 --> 01:56:31.280 Christine Dibble: Well. 1346 01:56:31.673 --> 01:56:32.460 John Compton: Yeah, yeah. 1347 01:56:32.460 --> 01:56:34.270 Christine Dibble: No, they think so. 1348 01:56:34.270 --> 01:56:40.800 Robert Gilmore: The some may recall that the original version of the resolution 2019 1349 01:56:41.170 --> 01:56:48.059 Robert Gilmore: W. Was actually something that had much more teeth in it that had requirements. And it was 1350 01:56:48.280 --> 01:56:51.999 Robert Gilmore: yeah through the getting from the back. 1351 01:56:52.510 --> 01:57:05.970 Robert Gilmore: Well, well, no, no, the the the original version, a actually had sort of town council requirements. Direct. Not just guidelines, I mean, this is I. I don't think any of these things are actually 1352 01:57:06.424 --> 01:57:11.760 Robert Gilmore: mandatory or binding on the committee, including the changes that were contemplated. 1353 01:57:11.760 --> 01:57:12.100 Patrice Klein: Everyone. 1354 01:57:12.100 --> 01:57:23.699 Robert Gilmore: Essentially, as I understand it. the the Town Council sort of expressing its views of how committees ought to conduct themselves 1355 01:57:24.450 --> 01:57:26.520 Robert Gilmore: best practices guidelines. 1356 01:57:26.600 --> 01:57:27.360 Robert Gilmore: But 1357 01:57:28.220 --> 01:57:33.929 Robert Gilmore: I don't. I don't think even the changes we're making tonight. I don't think our re read is 1358 01:57:34.410 --> 01:57:39.779 Robert Gilmore: mandatory and and I don't think anything in this document. The original or as modified. 1359 01:57:40.160 --> 01:57:41.860 Robert Gilmore: imposes mandatory. Yeah. 1360 01:57:41.860 --> 01:58:00.179 Patrice Klein: There are expectations of best practices, because that's why we decided back in 2,019 to make them guidelines. But there were expectations that all committees would create them, and many did at the time. There may be some newer committees that have not. But yes, there were many who 1361 01:58:00.490 --> 01:58:10.663 Patrice Klein: did create their guidelines, and those are the practices that they follow, including how to become a voting member. As Peter said, the ones that I was involved. 1362 01:58:11.390 --> 01:58:14.440 John Compton: As far as I know, the new ones, the Lighting Committee, the. 1363 01:58:14.440 --> 01:58:16.590 Patrice Klein: I mean the Woods Committee, and it's sustainable. 1364 01:58:16.590 --> 01:58:23.505 John Compton: Committee they all have should have that in there. And I want to address what Rob was saying. 1365 01:58:24.010 --> 01:58:25.070 John Compton: the 1366 01:58:25.310 --> 01:58:31.080 John Compton: we we discussed. So what? Yeah, what's the point of having guidelines? If there's no teeth in it. 1367 01:58:32.008 --> 01:58:34.150 John Compton: The T, there are T, 1368 01:58:34.370 --> 01:58:40.319 John Compton: and that is, the council can choose to just start ignoring a committee. 1369 01:58:40.560 --> 01:58:41.430 Robert Gilmore: Absolutely. 1370 01:58:41.430 --> 01:58:54.540 John Compton: And why and for what for? I wouldn't recommend it without a specific reason. Why are we ignoring this committee? We're we're not gonna let them spend any money. We're not, gonna you know. They can. They can still 1371 01:58:54.720 --> 01:59:04.340 John Compton: say stuff. But as a committee they will lose our their contractor privileges because they are not 1372 01:59:04.480 --> 01:59:06.530 John Compton: operating the way 1373 01:59:06.860 --> 01:59:08.679 John Compton: the town expects. 1374 01:59:09.080 --> 01:59:13.399 John Compton: So you know, while while so, this is guidance that 1375 01:59:14.570 --> 01:59:16.100 John Compton: obviously 1376 01:59:16.120 --> 01:59:18.550 John Compton: virtually all the communities have taken seriously. 1377 01:59:20.900 --> 01:59:25.549 John Compton: And and and of course these things are supposed to be mostly common sense. I mean 1378 01:59:26.110 --> 01:59:29.310 John Compton: the the overarching point. 1379 01:59:30.290 --> 01:59:37.350 John Compton: In addition to having a fair shake during, you know, operations is to encourage volunteerism. 1380 01:59:37.610 --> 01:59:45.299 John Compton: and if if volunteers are, you know, don't feel like they are equal participants. 1381 01:59:45.590 --> 01:59:47.149 John Compton: they won't volunteer. 1382 01:59:47.550 --> 01:59:48.070 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 1383 01:59:48.070 --> 01:59:51.660 John Compton: Or if there's too much rigmarole, they won't volunteer. 1384 01:59:52.080 --> 01:59:53.960 John Compton: So this is 1385 01:59:54.470 --> 02:00:02.700 John Compton: in place to enable there to be enough structure, but not too much structure to discourage participation. 1386 02:00:03.240 --> 02:00:04.000 John Compton: medics. 1387 02:00:04.910 --> 02:00:11.810 Philip Mento: So so kind of answer my question. And you're saying every committee has kind of an outline of bylaws that determines 1388 02:00:12.180 --> 02:00:14.130 Philip Mento: who's a voting member. 1389 02:00:14.470 --> 02:00:18.461 John Compton: Yes, and and an election of officers 1390 02:00:18.960 --> 02:00:20.490 Christine Dibble: Theoretically. 1391 02:00:20.490 --> 02:00:22.699 John Compton: Other other relevant stuff. 1392 02:00:22.700 --> 02:00:24.558 Philip Mento: Okay, thank you. Appreciate it. 1393 02:00:25.460 --> 02:00:26.030 Kathy Lehman: But. 1394 02:00:26.503 --> 02:00:31.710 Christine Dibble: Philip, I think that's a great question, because there are some 1395 02:00:32.170 --> 02:00:32.949 Christine Dibble: like it. 1396 02:00:33.390 --> 02:00:39.210 Christine Dibble: Some committees are pretty rigorous like the Woods Committee, and correct me if I'm wrong. Patty 1397 02:00:39.760 --> 02:00:47.489 Christine Dibble: Woods Committee says you need to attend 3 meetings in a row to be considered a voting member. 1398 02:00:47.540 --> 02:00:50.799 Christine Dibble: And is that correct? Yeah, it's 1399 02:00:50.940 --> 02:01:05.850 Christine Dibble: yeah. So so when we formed Dog Park Committee, which was formed way after Wood's committee, we felt that that was too rigorous for what we wanted in Dog Park Committee, and so we don't have anything like that. But as a result. 1400 02:01:06.420 --> 02:01:07.740 Christine Dibble: our membership 1401 02:01:07.790 --> 02:01:10.999 Christine Dibble: is a little more loosey goosey, and 1402 02:01:11.510 --> 02:01:15.705 Christine Dibble: it's kind of frustrating to me sometimes when 1403 02:01:16.470 --> 02:01:24.629 Christine Dibble: I can't really tell who is considered a member of a committee. I spoke today with someone 1404 02:01:24.820 --> 02:01:27.699 Christine Dibble: who works for the city of Gaithersburg, who 1405 02:01:27.710 --> 02:01:33.680 Christine Dibble: reports directly to Judd Ashman, the Mayor of Gaithersburg. And I said, How do you guys do your committees? 1406 02:01:33.990 --> 02:01:42.619 Christine Dibble: And because they have a lot of voluntary committees there, like in the grow. They're not considered part of the government, they are advisory. 1407 02:01:42.780 --> 02:01:52.130 Christine Dibble: And she said, and this would not work for the grow because of the size of Gaithersburg, which is a hundred times the size of Washington. 1408 02:01:52.360 --> 02:01:58.239 Christine Dibble: But what they do is every committee has to have a specific number of members. 1409 02:01:58.760 --> 02:02:12.470 Christine Dibble: no more, no less. If there is an opening a non resident can apply, non resident must submit their resume, and the resume must reflect how they can 1410 02:02:12.970 --> 02:02:16.540 Christine Dibble: how their experience can be of service to the committee. 1411 02:02:17.215 --> 02:02:19.090 Christine Dibble: The committee then 1412 02:02:19.180 --> 02:02:33.200 Christine Dibble: reviews the resume and determines whether they support it or don't support it, and then they send a memo to the Mayor of Gaithersburg. Judd Ashman, and he will either say. 1413 02:02:33.200 --> 02:02:52.540 Christine Dibble: Okay, fine. You don't support it, or you do support it, I'll go with you, or he may contravene the committee and say, I don't care. You say you don't want this person, but I think I know this person, and I think he would be he or she would be, you know, a great addition to your committee. 1414 02:02:52.820 --> 02:02:59.010 Christine Dibble: and if that person turns out to not be a great addition. Then the committee chair is 1415 02:02:59.020 --> 02:03:04.360 Christine Dibble: free to go back to Judge Ashman and say, This is on you, Judd. 1416 02:03:04.950 --> 02:03:13.909 Christine Dibble: so that's how they run it in Gaitersburg. And I mean, I don't, because we're a volunteer town, and some of our committees like Dog Park Committee 1417 02:03:14.000 --> 02:03:21.559 Christine Dibble: are so effing small, we can barely get 3 or 4 people together. You know that kind of system isn't going to work for us. 1418 02:03:22.480 --> 02:03:23.200 Christine Dibble: But 1419 02:03:24.360 --> 02:03:25.310 Christine Dibble: me, okay. 1420 02:03:25.490 --> 02:03:32.279 Christine Dibble: just to answer your your question or to help answer it. So I think it's a good one. And 1421 02:03:32.330 --> 02:03:35.840 Christine Dibble: with that for all the committees in town. 1422 02:03:36.580 --> 02:03:41.989 Christine Dibble: they were able to say, Here is who is on this committee, and there is a list. 1423 02:03:42.110 --> 02:03:47.064 Christine Dibble: so that if you had a question you could go to a member of that committee and say what's going on, you know. 1424 02:03:47.810 --> 02:03:52.870 Christine Dibble: but as it is, it's very, very loosey, goosey. The membership. 1425 02:03:53.170 --> 02:03:56.080 John Compton: Okay? Well, it's by design 1426 02:03:56.830 --> 02:04:00.189 John Compton: in the sense that committees choose 1427 02:04:00.420 --> 02:04:02.129 John Compton: how what best works. 1428 02:04:02.840 --> 02:04:07.689 John Compton: That, and that is the underlying reason, for 1429 02:04:07.790 --> 02:04:09.859 John Compton: they they they 1430 02:04:11.090 --> 02:04:13.340 John Compton: guidelines not 1431 02:04:13.950 --> 02:04:16.700 John Compton: being specific in these errors. 1432 02:04:16.990 --> 02:04:23.210 John Compton: Okay, look, we gotta move on we we are. We are allowing comments on this resolution 1433 02:04:23.470 --> 02:04:24.740 John Compton: from the public. 1434 02:04:25.310 --> 02:04:26.240 John Compton: Paul. 1435 02:04:30.205 --> 02:04:31.569 Peter Nagrod: You're muted, Paul. Oh, there you go! 1436 02:04:31.570 --> 02:04:36.030 Paula Puglisi: Thank you. Okay, I just don't see why it's not this 1437 02:04:36.140 --> 02:04:39.620 Paula Puglisi: revised resolution as necessary. 1438 02:04:39.940 --> 02:04:44.479 Paula Puglisi: 1st of all, I don't really see how it tightens anything. 1439 02:04:45.090 --> 02:04:50.009 Paula Puglisi: The only thing that's really different is meant the mentioning of non-residents. 1440 02:04:50.985 --> 02:05:08.020 Paula Puglisi: The all the of the original resolution did, as you've said, give guidelines. It suggested. That committees follow the open meetings, act and post minutes and all that. By the way, just in case there's any doubt reasic has done that. 1441 02:05:08.140 --> 02:05:15.709 Paula Puglisi: We have always had guidelines. We always do our minutes. We have followed those things to a T just for the record. 1442 02:05:16.270 --> 02:05:18.150 Paula Puglisi: The other thing is 1443 02:05:18.787 --> 02:05:31.470 Paula Puglisi: besides, I the reason main reason I don't understand the need is, besides, as Rob said, the council actually being the body that spends money. 1444 02:05:31.520 --> 02:05:48.419 Paula Puglisi: There is another stop gap here, so that nonresidents or anybody wouldn't have an inordinate amount of power, and especially if if the Council adopts Rod's amendment about making sure the majority are residents. 1445 02:05:48.610 --> 02:05:57.290 Paula Puglisi: you know, any major decision, especially when it comes to funds being spent within a volunteer committee is ratified. 1446 02:05:57.340 --> 02:05:59.699 Paula Puglisi: So so within the commit. 1447 02:05:59.700 --> 02:06:00.370 Christine Dibble: You know. 1448 02:06:00.370 --> 02:06:22.180 Paula Puglisi: If there is some crazy idea of, you know, someone who is a nonresident has decides they want to spend money or do something or make some decision that nobody agrees with, and it's mostly residents. Then it would get shut down before it even leaves the committee. So I just don't understand the need for this. The other piece is 1449 02:06:22.870 --> 02:06:24.089 Paula Puglisi: you know. 1450 02:06:24.530 --> 02:06:28.109 Paula Puglisi: if people who don't live here 1451 02:06:28.280 --> 02:06:33.390 Paula Puglisi: volunteer their time and their their expertise. 1452 02:06:33.550 --> 02:06:35.139 Paula Puglisi: And you say. 1453 02:06:35.570 --> 02:06:43.499 Paula Puglisi: you know you. You can come to the party, but you can't. We're not going to really want you to do any of the planning. It's just insulting. 1454 02:06:44.040 --> 02:06:52.350 Paula Puglisi: I mean that that's all. So anyway, I just honestly, honestly and truthfully just don't get the need for it. 1455 02:06:53.370 --> 02:06:54.630 Paula Puglisi: Thank you. 1456 02:06:55.010 --> 02:06:55.810 John Compton: Okay. 1457 02:06:56.390 --> 02:06:57.360 John Compton: thanks. 1458 02:06:57.970 --> 02:07:04.743 John Compton: All right, we're coming around for a second call comment from Marilyn. After this we'll wrap up the 1459 02:07:05.490 --> 02:07:09.559 Marilynn Frey: That isn't so much a comment as a question. Do we distinguish between 1460 02:07:09.640 --> 02:07:12.330 Marilynn Frey: standing committees and ad hoc committees? 1461 02:07:14.280 --> 02:07:15.000 John Compton: Yes. 1462 02:07:15.370 --> 02:07:20.639 Marilynn Frey: Okay, are the rules somewhat different from ad hoc, since they're not gonna exist forever. 1463 02:07:21.670 --> 02:07:25.189 John Compton: Well, I don't know that we have rules for ad hoc committees. 1464 02:07:28.070 --> 02:07:29.959 Marilynn Frey: Are they required to to. 1465 02:07:31.290 --> 02:07:34.290 John Compton: Ad hoc. Committees have no power 1466 02:07:35.090 --> 02:07:36.000 John Compton: at all. 1467 02:07:36.000 --> 02:07:36.660 Marilynn Frey: Okay. 1468 02:07:36.660 --> 02:07:39.869 John Compton: They, they must come back to the Council. 1469 02:07:39.970 --> 02:07:41.320 John Compton: or any action. 1470 02:07:41.790 --> 02:07:44.470 Marilynn Frey: What determines what's ad hoc, and what's standing. 1471 02:07:46.210 --> 02:07:54.219 John Compton: Well, we specifically authorized a Meadow Committee, for example. It was an ad hoc committee. They could have chosen to be a regular committee. 1472 02:07:54.280 --> 02:08:04.070 John Compton: I believe they've believed that there's no need for that. That. Once the Meadow Act actions that they were interested in 1473 02:08:04.180 --> 02:08:07.570 John Compton: are resolved that the forestry and beautification. 1474 02:08:08.380 --> 02:08:09.630 John Compton: if they're willing. 1475 02:08:09.640 --> 02:08:14.480 John Compton: would subsume the meadow issue, take over the meadow concerns. 1476 02:08:14.550 --> 02:08:18.179 John Compton: so they are not intending, as far as I know, to become a 1477 02:08:18.360 --> 02:08:21.999 John Compton: a formal committee, in the sense of most of the best. 1478 02:08:23.530 --> 02:08:25.540 Marilynn Frey: I just was not sure 1479 02:08:26.640 --> 02:08:28.940 Marilynn Frey: if we have differentiation between them. 1480 02:08:29.410 --> 02:08:34.031 John Compton: Well in my, in my, in the way I treat them. It's definitely a differentiation. 1481 02:08:35.110 --> 02:08:39.264 Christine Dibble: And Marilyn on the website. I treat them differently. 1482 02:08:39.700 --> 02:08:50.080 Christine Dibble: in the the standing committees. Hold on. I'm just looking at the website. Now the standing committees are listed in one part of the website under community. 1483 02:08:50.190 --> 02:09:10.619 Christine Dibble: and then the ad hoc committees are located under town government, and then you go to current issues and initiatives. So just to remind everybody on this meeting, right now, we have 2 current ad hoc committees. One is the shared use Path Committee, and one is the Meadows Committee. 1484 02:09:11.440 --> 02:09:13.619 Christine Dibble: and neither one of them. 1485 02:09:14.220 --> 02:09:19.829 Christine Dibble: I think it has been officially recognized by the Council and the Mayor as a standing committee. 1486 02:09:20.360 --> 02:09:22.069 Marilynn Frey: Okay. Thank you. 1487 02:09:22.070 --> 02:09:26.850 John Compton: I can talk about that, Christine. The shared Use Path Committee is a formal committee 1488 02:09:28.520 --> 02:09:30.689 John Compton: appointed by the Mayor. 1489 02:09:32.570 --> 02:09:35.770 Christine Dibble: Well, okay, maybe I should move it then, but you know it won't. 1490 02:09:36.630 --> 02:09:38.329 Christine Dibble: We can talk about it later. 1491 02:09:38.330 --> 02:09:39.519 Peter Nagrod: That's please. Alright! 1492 02:09:39.520 --> 02:09:40.040 John Compton: Deck. 1493 02:09:42.129 --> 02:10:10.620 Richard’s iPad: I have a quick question. In the preparation of this revision did people interview and speak with a lot of non residents, so they would get a good feeling about how this would be perceived. I mean, we've had a lot of discussion here. I don't. I think outsiders would like this, or they wouldn't. I wouldn't. They wouldn't like that. A lot of this speculation about what other people think, and Washington Grove has often gotten itself into trouble when it presumes 1494 02:10:10.700 --> 02:10:27.139 Richard’s iPad: to know, especially since so many of us are white here, presume to know what other people, neighbors, people of color, what other people might be thinking so. I wonder what effort was made to gather information about how this might be perceived outside the. 1495 02:10:30.910 --> 02:10:34.140 John Compton: Someone like to respond to that or no. 1496 02:10:34.140 --> 02:10:47.570 Barbara Raimondo: This is Barbara, I'll respond, because I, you know, took a stab at the initial thing. I talked to residents. I was much more interested in what our residents want us to do, and to be responsive to our residents. 1497 02:10:48.150 --> 02:11:05.500 Eva Patrone: Yeah. And I I think, too. You know, just from a purely practical standpoint, when you're doing volunteer town government, and you're putting through resolutions. You don't go and talk to people outside of town about every I mean. Honestly, I I just think most non residents just would not care. 1498 02:11:05.690 --> 02:11:12.450 Eva Patrone: I mean, and I could be wrong, and I realize I'm speculating. But I I do think Barbara's right. We have 1499 02:11:12.470 --> 02:11:17.429 Eva Patrone: limited time and resources, and so the time should go to the residents. 1500 02:11:17.850 --> 02:11:23.379 Richard’s iPad: But come on, I mean, you know who the non residents that are on committees are. You can identify them. 1501 02:11:23.380 --> 02:11:32.209 Eva Patrone: Oh, well, yeah, we can. We can certainly talk to the non residents on committees. I thought you were saying like, just going around to non residents. Maybe I misunderstood you. 1502 02:11:32.390 --> 02:11:38.060 Richard’s iPad: There's a lot of presuming that. Oh, I don't think they would be offended by this or that. Why not ask them. 1503 02:11:38.570 --> 02:11:44.789 Barbara Raimondo: Yeah. Well, maybe it could have done that. But you know at this point that ship has sailed so. 1504 02:11:44.790 --> 02:11:46.490 Paula Puglisi: They said they were insulted. 1505 02:11:47.320 --> 02:11:48.310 Barbara Raimondo: Oh, okay. 1506 02:11:49.540 --> 02:11:53.800 Patrice Klein: They can still participate in committees. Non residents are still welcome 1507 02:11:53.900 --> 02:12:05.229 Patrice Klein: to participate in the committees. There's just a limitation about whether they can have leadership positions or not. If you're that interested and dedicated to an issue, then participate in the committee 1508 02:12:05.540 --> 02:12:07.089 Patrice Klein: and have influence. 1509 02:12:07.380 --> 02:12:08.819 Patrice Klein: That would be my suggestion. 1510 02:12:09.580 --> 02:12:12.789 John Compton: Okay, Patty, please let's just keep the 1511 02:12:13.340 --> 02:12:14.480 John Compton: I'm I'm 1512 02:12:15.310 --> 02:12:18.580 John Compton: I. I could offer my opinion, which is different from what what 1513 02:12:19.490 --> 02:12:23.709 John Compton: Eva and and and Barbara said. 1514 02:12:23.820 --> 02:12:27.100 John Compton: I, I think this is a strictly 1515 02:12:27.380 --> 02:12:28.860 John Compton: town issue 1516 02:12:29.520 --> 02:12:34.660 John Compton: the opinions of others. While one may 1517 02:12:35.820 --> 02:12:37.100 John Compton: consider 1518 02:12:37.510 --> 02:12:39.969 John Compton: the actions, I don't think they're 1519 02:12:40.130 --> 02:12:43.390 John Compton: remotely determining this issue is. 1520 02:12:43.490 --> 02:12:46.139 John Compton: reflects on how the town 1521 02:12:46.260 --> 02:12:53.599 John Compton: would like to ensure that committee issues are generated by residents. 1522 02:12:55.060 --> 02:12:56.350 John Compton: who who have 1523 02:12:56.520 --> 02:12:59.120 John Compton: brought those issues to the town 1524 02:12:59.440 --> 02:13:01.250 John Compton: and not by nonresidents. 1525 02:13:04.910 --> 02:13:09.100 John Compton: Okay, we got one more when we'll wrap it up Rick. 1526 02:13:15.940 --> 02:13:16.970 Peter Nagrod: Muted. 1527 02:13:16.970 --> 02:13:19.340 John Compton: And mute. Ricky got on mute. 1528 02:13:20.040 --> 02:13:20.850 John Compton: That's what happened. 1529 02:13:20.850 --> 02:13:21.760 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: Sorry. 1530 02:13:21.760 --> 02:13:23.090 John Compton: You're so anxious. 1531 02:13:23.822 --> 02:13:30.049 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: So forgive me if I misunderstood. But has the vote already taken place in the sense of 1532 02:13:30.100 --> 02:13:35.249 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: it has been decided that non town members. Non town residents 1533 02:13:35.350 --> 02:13:38.530 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: can no longer be in positions of leadership. 1534 02:13:39.240 --> 02:13:44.960 John Compton: No, we are discussing the amended resolution. 1535 02:13:45.010 --> 02:13:47.039 John Compton: Okay, beating up to a boat. 1536 02:13:47.410 --> 02:13:50.040 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: Okay, but I thought there was a vote a few minutes ago. 1537 02:13:50.190 --> 02:13:53.562 John Compton: That was an amendment that was to amend the resolution. 1538 02:13:53.900 --> 02:13:57.435 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: Okay. So anyway, my my comment. Then 1539 02:13:58.030 --> 02:13:59.790 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: I guess 1540 02:13:59.940 --> 02:14:03.597 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: 2 fold the 3 fold one is 1541 02:14:05.320 --> 02:14:08.339 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: I think it's a little bit 1542 02:14:10.000 --> 02:14:19.140 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: foolhardy if you will, to think that somebody is going to volunteer if we want outside influence or outside participation. 1543 02:14:19.210 --> 02:14:24.009 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: that anyone's gonna volunteer to to participate in a way that 1544 02:14:24.080 --> 02:14:28.170 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: leaves them as a second class. Citizen, I think that's 1545 02:14:29.860 --> 02:14:36.190 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: wishful thinking. Second comment, though, is, I assume this means that if there is a. 1546 02:14:36.480 --> 02:14:49.070 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: you know, long time member of a committee leadership of a committee, been on a committee in a leadership position for 20 years, and then they move out of the town. Say they have to move over to Asbury. 1547 02:14:49.482 --> 02:14:55.130 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: That they are no longer going to be on leadership of that committee any longer 1548 02:14:55.220 --> 02:14:58.680 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: is that that's gotta be correct. Then given this 1549 02:14:59.710 --> 02:15:05.000 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: and and then the 3rd comment is, just that. 1550 02:15:05.250 --> 02:15:10.119 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: You know, we, the town's been in a force for what 150 years 1551 02:15:10.250 --> 02:15:12.090 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: and has not needed this. 1552 02:15:12.400 --> 02:15:15.190 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: So the fact that we're doing this now 1553 02:15:15.450 --> 02:15:16.950 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: with Racic 1554 02:15:17.390 --> 02:15:19.789 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: really, it sends a bad message. 1555 02:15:20.980 --> 02:15:22.869 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: That's my comments. Thank you. 1556 02:15:25.600 --> 02:15:28.269 John Compton: Okay, thank you for that. 1557 02:15:28.750 --> 02:15:30.980 John Compton: Down. I kind of. 1558 02:15:30.980 --> 02:15:34.640 Joan Mahaffey: I I just. I wanted to give an example. 1559 02:15:34.660 --> 02:15:38.250 Joan Mahaffey: We had a member of the Woods Committee who didn't 1560 02:15:38.410 --> 02:15:40.829 Joan Mahaffey: didn't request voting privileges. 1561 02:15:41.394 --> 02:15:43.090 Joan Mahaffey: It was John Bradfield. 1562 02:15:43.130 --> 02:15:44.410 Joan Mahaffey: and he 1563 02:15:44.450 --> 02:16:01.109 Joan Mahaffey: he was a forester. He consulted with us on the health of trees and policies that we would enact in the Woods committee. He guided Tree Tours through the residential part of town and through the woods. He was a very influential 1564 02:16:01.310 --> 02:16:06.620 Joan Mahaffey: member of the committee, but never requested leadership. Never was a leader. 1565 02:16:07.440 --> 02:16:14.349 Joan Mahaffey: Didn't participate in votes, but he. He influenced the committee and gave very positive input 1566 02:16:15.100 --> 02:16:15.700 Joan Mahaffey: and. 1567 02:16:15.700 --> 02:16:17.349 Sarah Kobrin and Rick Silton: Saying, it's not gonna be possible. 1568 02:16:17.743 --> 02:16:18.530 Peter Nagrod: I've laughed. 1569 02:16:18.530 --> 02:16:19.030 John Compton: Yeah. He was. 1570 02:16:19.030 --> 02:16:19.949 Joan Mahaffey: Okay. Thank you. 1571 02:16:19.950 --> 02:16:20.610 John Compton: Ash. 1572 02:16:21.070 --> 02:16:22.799 Peter Nagrod: John. 1573 02:16:23.720 --> 02:16:26.050 Peter Nagrod: John, I'm making a motion to vote. 1574 02:16:27.060 --> 02:16:28.680 John Compton: Calling the question 1575 02:16:30.090 --> 02:16:34.660 John Compton: calling the question, supersedes any further discussion. 1576 02:16:35.420 --> 02:16:36.165 John Compton: So 1577 02:16:37.600 --> 02:16:41.320 John Compton: What it does is it calls for a vote whether the 1578 02:16:41.350 --> 02:16:46.229 John Compton: body the Council agrees to move on to a vote. 1579 02:16:46.900 --> 02:16:47.665 John Compton: So 1580 02:16:49.190 --> 02:16:51.839 John Compton: Anybody want to talk about calling a question? 1581 02:16:53.400 --> 02:17:01.540 John Compton: If not, let's vote on moving ahead to a vote. This is not a vote on the resolution. It is a vote to end debate 1582 02:17:01.780 --> 02:17:03.090 John Compton: all in favor. 1583 02:17:05.219 --> 02:17:09.189 John Compton: Alright! That looks like 5 1584 02:17:09.820 --> 02:17:10.879 John Compton: opposed 1585 02:17:11.969 --> 02:17:14.260 John Compton: Rob. That's 1 opposed. 1586 02:17:15.407 --> 02:17:16.942 John Compton: Alright! So. 1587 02:17:18.860 --> 02:17:20.680 Peter Nagrod: Rob, thank you. 1588 02:17:22.490 --> 02:17:28.700 John Compton: Alright. That means we move on to a vote on the resolution as amended. 1589 02:17:29.139 --> 02:17:32.989 John Compton: Does anybody need to review what those amendments are? 1590 02:17:34.480 --> 02:17:37.289 John Compton: If not, we'll go ahead to a vote. 1591 02:17:37.299 --> 02:17:41.189 Barbara Raimondo: John. Just that that last one about the citizens. 1592 02:17:42.595 --> 02:17:44.419 Barbara Raimondo: Changing residents to citizens. 1593 02:17:44.420 --> 02:17:45.794 John Compton: You find another one. Yeah. 1594 02:17:46.070 --> 02:17:47.259 Eva Patrone: Yeah. But you said, we. 1595 02:17:47.260 --> 02:17:47.800 Barbara Raimondo: In the country. 1596 02:17:47.809 --> 02:17:49.409 Eva Patrone: Back, to it, to. 1597 02:17:49.410 --> 02:17:51.830 John Compton: Oh, yeah, we have to vote on that. Sorry 1598 02:17:51.969 --> 02:17:53.839 John Compton: correct? So alright. 1599 02:17:53.840 --> 02:17:58.012 Barbara Raimondo: I move that we we make that change change, citizen, to resident. 1600 02:17:58.360 --> 02:18:00.020 Peter Nagrod: Second, second. 1601 02:18:00.190 --> 02:18:02.690 John Compton: Alright. Any discussion. 1602 02:18:02.790 --> 02:18:07.950 John Compton: all in favor of amending further with word change. 1603 02:18:10.469 --> 02:18:12.379 John Compton: Okay. 1604 02:18:13.150 --> 02:18:15.180 John Compton: Press. What do you have to say? 1605 02:18:15.809 --> 02:18:16.680 John Compton: Did you? 1606 02:18:16.860 --> 02:18:25.529 John Compton: Oh, no, okay, fine. So we're on to vote on the amended re amended, and further amended resolution. 1607 02:18:25.992 --> 02:18:29.719 John Compton: All in favor of 2, 3, rd 4 0 2. 1608 02:18:30.250 --> 02:18:33.040 John Compton: Please raise your hand. That's 5, opposed 1609 02:18:33.590 --> 02:18:35.829 John Compton: Rob, as opposed 5 to one 1610 02:18:36.190 --> 02:18:39.640 John Compton: the resolution is passed. So this resolution. 1611 02:18:39.850 --> 02:18:47.799 John Compton: which I didn't get a chance to say, contains everything the previous resolution contained, except for the changes 1612 02:18:47.990 --> 02:18:50.179 John Compton: that were shown 1613 02:18:50.360 --> 02:18:52.430 John Compton: involving non-residents 1614 02:18:52.620 --> 02:18:55.970 John Compton: pretty much, and and and the consequential. 1615 02:18:57.129 --> 02:19:01.380 John Compton: it was added, may or a bunch of inconsequential additions. Okay. 1616 02:19:04.410 --> 02:19:05.500 John Compton: so 1617 02:19:06.969 --> 02:19:09.959 John Compton: I can possibly get back to my 1618 02:19:10.741 --> 02:19:15.229 John Compton: agenda, which is always a challenge. Open. 1619 02:19:15.549 --> 02:19:20.440 John Compton: We are on 2, and it's 9, 48, not so bad, I hope. 1620 02:19:21.923 --> 02:19:23.070 marywarfield: Company. Yeah. 1621 02:19:23.070 --> 02:19:23.740 John Compton: Aye. 1622 02:19:23.740 --> 02:19:24.200 marywarfield: Really. 1623 02:19:24.660 --> 02:19:25.790 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, yeah. 1624 02:19:26.790 --> 02:19:29.600 John Compton: DI? Well, some of the rest of them are quick. 1625 02:19:29.860 --> 02:19:30.989 John Compton: That yeah. 1626 02:19:32.240 --> 02:19:36.719 John Compton: So we had continued discussion on this and 1627 02:19:37.430 --> 02:19:54.100 John Compton: I believe I'll just open it to the Council for additional discussion. I know there was a proposal. It was in your materials that Barbara and Mary obtained from the leadership of Montgomery, and I'm sure they'd like to address that. 1628 02:19:54.280 --> 02:20:04.179 Barbara Raimondo: Yes, thanks, John. So you all saw the proposal for the leadership Montgomery training. And I wanna make a motion that we accept this. 1629 02:20:04.180 --> 02:20:05.690 marywarfield: Okay, so forgive me. 1630 02:20:08.450 --> 02:20:10.119 Kathy Lehman: Motion to do what. 1631 02:20:10.470 --> 02:20:13.270 Barbara Raimondo: Accept the proposal from leadership. Montgomery. 1632 02:20:15.600 --> 02:20:16.720 John Compton: Okay. 1633 02:20:17.270 --> 02:20:18.459 John Compton: presuming they're oh. 1634 02:20:18.460 --> 02:20:22.309 Eva Patrone: I'll second that. I know there will be discussion, but I'll second that. 1635 02:20:22.460 --> 02:20:24.540 John Compton: Yes. Okay. So. 1636 02:20:24.540 --> 02:20:26.929 Barbara Raimondo: So I'm I'm happy to explain it. 1637 02:20:27.975 --> 02:20:28.680 John Compton: Yes, I mean. 1638 02:20:28.680 --> 02:20:29.380 Barbara Raimondo: Okay. 1639 02:20:29.380 --> 02:20:32.770 John Compton: Here, first.st just okay. Go ahead. 1640 02:20:33.215 --> 02:20:33.660 Barbara Raimondo: So. 1641 02:20:33.830 --> 02:20:55.459 Barbara Raimondo: as people know, Racic had a proposal to a recommendation to hire a DEI specialist for training, and the goal was on how to recognize racist and inappropriate behaviors, receive feedback constructively, call it out without shaming, and use that knowledge to create inclusive change. 1642 02:20:55.460 --> 02:21:15.160 Barbara Raimondo: and they had other language in there about how the training would help people identify and stop inappropriate actions and behaviors call out racist or exclusionary actions, learn how to accept feedback related to these behaviors and learn and use that knowledge to create inclusive actions. And so they had 1643 02:21:15.210 --> 02:21:36.350 Barbara Raimondo: 2 proposals. Primarily, the one that I'm going to talk about more is the one from a gentleman called Naywa, who had a proposal for a two-hour community meeting, and that would be a community conversation. It would be co-facilitated. Looks like it's going to be. It would be co-facilitated with reasic 1644 02:21:36.350 --> 02:21:46.950 Barbara Raimondo: and then co-created document again, I believe that is, with racic on strategies on how to respond and interrupt culturally insensitive and marginalizing actions. 1645 02:21:46.970 --> 02:21:48.070 Barbara Raimondo: and when that 1646 02:21:48.570 --> 02:21:53.240 Barbara Raimondo: when that proposal came to us I was 1647 02:21:53.270 --> 02:22:00.400 Barbara Raimondo: a little concerned by it, because the focus was really on, you know, calling out racism and helping people 1648 02:22:00.590 --> 02:22:19.920 Barbara Raimondo: tell each other, you know that they're doing something wrong. And in my many conversations with residents, that's not what I heard them asking for. What I heard people talking about was, you know, we have a beautiful little town here, and we really care about each other and the people in the surrounding communities. 1649 02:22:19.920 --> 02:22:40.359 Barbara Raimondo: and we want to be able to move forward in a positive direction. And we would like some structure as to how to do that and to their credit. The Racet Committee went back after some feedback during one of our meetings, and they looked at some other consultants, but they weren't able to identify any other consultants that. 1650 02:22:40.540 --> 02:22:43.230 Barbara Raimondo: to my mind, better fit our needs. 1651 02:22:43.880 --> 02:23:13.280 Barbara Raimondo: So I thought, you know, rather than and I knew I couldn't support this proposal in the vein of better to light a candle and to curse the darkness, I thought, well, let me look around and see, are there other possibilities of trainers in the DC area? So I went online and I Googled, DEI, Montgomery County and leadership? Montgomery County came up and I was familiar with them from different activities they had had. I've never taken anything from them, but I do have colleagues who have. 1652 02:23:13.310 --> 02:23:20.230 Barbara Raimondo: And you know I explored them online, and I talked to some of the counselors and we 1653 02:23:20.410 --> 02:23:45.409 Barbara Raimondo: and they had some various trainings that I thought would really be good for the town. So, particularly with talking with Chris and Mary, we set out like sort of an outline of what we wanted to see if they were going to do training for them. What would happen? What would that look like? And we told them about the different things that had been happening in town, and how people really want to get together 1654 02:23:45.410 --> 02:24:00.829 Barbara Raimondo: and have a conversation like we really emphasized. We wanted it to be a conversation, not somebody telling them things, but they really wanted to be participatory members of this of the conversation, and in anything going forward. 1655 02:24:01.010 --> 02:24:08.869 Barbara Raimondo: So in the the conversation with them, they actually well, they asked us a lot of questions, and then they came up with this two-part 1656 02:24:09.010 --> 02:24:17.990 Barbara Raimondo: training series, and the 1st part would be a three-hour community meeting open to all community members, and there would be some 1657 02:24:18.050 --> 02:24:42.669 Barbara Raimondo: some information shared about. You know, what is, what is diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging? What's the terminology? What does that look like. And then it would be a discussion, you know, among people about you know, what does this mean to you? How do you? You know? How can you use this knowledge to improve what you're doing? So it's kind of like I see it as a like Deiv. 101. 1658 02:24:42.960 --> 02:24:47.729 Barbara Raimondo: And that would be a starting point for anybody in town who wanted to do it. 1659 02:24:47.840 --> 02:24:58.000 Barbara Raimondo: And so then, after that, though, there would be a second piece that would be a little bit more focused, and it would take that information and put it into action. And this would be geared more towards 1660 02:24:58.140 --> 02:25:14.930 Barbara Raimondo: committee chairs, town counselors, people in leadership committees in town, and there are actually 3 workshops that would have a different. Each one would have a different focus, but each one builds on the other. So it's really sort of like the 1st 3 h session is the foundation. 1661 02:25:14.940 --> 02:25:32.329 Barbara Raimondo: And then the second group of 3 sessions really build on that, and then you would end up with a plan for the town created by the various leaders and committees that would really guide our actions as a town going forward and leadership Montgomery has. 1662 02:25:32.380 --> 02:25:37.357 Barbara Raimondo: They've trained a lot of like the Montgomery County Council, the 1663 02:25:37.850 --> 02:25:42.200 Barbara Raimondo: Council in Baithersburg, Mayor of 1664 02:25:42.210 --> 02:25:50.760 Barbara Raimondo: Somerset, you know, different people in the area who do the kinds of jobs that we do. So they're, you know, they're very known, very local. 1665 02:25:51.650 --> 02:25:52.670 Barbara Raimondo: You know. 1666 02:25:52.710 --> 02:26:18.499 Barbara Raimondo: they they seem like a really good fit for us. So I'm proposing that we go ahead. Oh, cost is is very similar to what the 2 part cost would be for that racic presented. Now Rasic did present an idea of having, like individual sessions with like one to one for a half hour with somebody who would sit down with you and talk about 1667 02:26:18.990 --> 02:26:46.190 Barbara Raimondo: different diversity issues that is not included in this. We just did not see that we didn't really see the benefit of that. We felt like the community meeting is a really good way for people to have a lot of that personal exposure to those ideas and that way of thinking. And we thought that later on down the line, if people in town really feel strongly that they want that we can bring it up at that time, but that is not included in this proposal. 1668 02:26:46.790 --> 02:27:12.809 Barbara Raimondo: So this is what I bring to you today. I've talked to the different counselors about it and listened to feedback. Oh, one other thing I wanted to say in the beginning it talks about some possible times. I went back, and these are like weeknights and weekdays, and I went back to them. And I said, You know, are you going to be available on a weekend? Because I really felt like something town wide should be on a weekend, and they are. So we just have to let them know about that. You know what date would work for us. 1669 02:27:13.020 --> 02:27:17.780 Barbara Raimondo: So in a very quick nutshell, that is the proposal. 1670 02:27:17.780 --> 02:27:18.340 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 1671 02:27:23.570 --> 02:27:25.579 Barbara Raimondo: Mary, do you want to add? Or Chris. 1672 02:27:27.030 --> 02:27:41.170 marywarfield: Yeah, I'm sorry I was not. I was muted, said you pretty much covered everything. But I just wanted to add that one thing that we liked about this other proposal was kind of the continuity between the 2 sessions. So the 1st session, where there would be 1673 02:27:41.170 --> 02:28:05.140 marywarfield: a a conversation with everybody in. You know, anybody who is interested in a in a group, and out of that we would expect to come up what you know specific issues were for the town. That would would lead then to the next meeting, where it would be more focused on what, specifically, can we do you know what are the issues for our town, and what can we specifically do? And then coming up with 1674 02:28:05.140 --> 02:28:08.479 marywarfield: with a with a plan? But 1675 02:28:08.908 --> 02:28:17.441 marywarfield: gearing it more towards towards leadership is, that's you know, where things are going to be implemented. We thought that it would be good that 1676 02:28:17.940 --> 02:28:41.869 marywarfield: That committees would be able committee chairs would be able to talk with their committees and bring to that second conversation when they come. You know ideas that specific committees might have in terms of you know how things that they might need to look at differently, or what some issues for the committee would be. So it would bring a lot of be able to bring a lot of information that's specific to our town. To the second, more more specific discussion. 1677 02:28:42.050 --> 02:28:42.710 marywarfield: Hmm. 1678 02:28:46.070 --> 02:28:46.890 Paula Puglisi: Hope. 1679 02:28:47.250 --> 02:28:47.970 Kriss Grisham: Yeah, the 1680 02:28:48.750 --> 02:28:51.689 Kriss Grisham: I'm gonna 1st thank Barbara and 1681 02:28:51.890 --> 02:28:53.809 Kriss Grisham: and Mary, for for 1682 02:28:54.470 --> 02:29:00.819 Kriss Grisham: you know, allow me to take a look at the the proposal and and talk this through real quick. But I you know bottom line for me is 1683 02:29:01.167 --> 02:29:03.479 Kriss Grisham: and going all the way back to the survey 1684 02:29:03.570 --> 02:29:07.409 Kriss Grisham: and and going back to the basic recommendation, where. 1685 02:29:08.100 --> 02:29:11.219 Kriss Grisham: you know, they're saying that there should be some some level of training. 1686 02:29:11.420 --> 02:29:13.140 Kriss Grisham: Looking at the survey. 1687 02:29:13.710 --> 02:29:15.600 Kriss Grisham: you know, I still think I 1688 02:29:16.280 --> 02:29:16.920 Kriss Grisham: I 1689 02:29:17.740 --> 02:29:23.249 Kriss Grisham: I find it hard to think that there's a crisis in in Washington Grove. 1690 02:29:24.050 --> 02:29:26.949 Kriss Grisham: But some level of of 1691 02:29:27.810 --> 02:29:29.949 Kriss Grisham: maybe not training. Everybody, doesn't. 1692 02:29:30.010 --> 02:29:31.260 Kriss Grisham: you know. 1693 02:29:31.780 --> 02:29:34.860 Kriss Grisham: feel comfortable with the word training. So I guess maybe we could say 1694 02:29:36.380 --> 02:29:40.329 Kriss Grisham: and awareness indoctrination, I guess, for the town. 1695 02:29:41.213 --> 02:29:45.319 Kriss Grisham: So that so that we could figure out what is Dei 1696 02:29:45.620 --> 02:29:50.692 Kriss Grisham: and and and so I think that's what you know the phase one of the 1697 02:29:51.750 --> 02:30:00.340 Kriss Grisham: leadership Montgomery provides. And then the second part would be, you know, all the workshops you know, that Barbara had mentioned, and 1698 02:30:00.510 --> 02:30:03.910 Kriss Grisham: it it focuses on the leadership of the town. 1699 02:30:04.365 --> 02:30:14.720 Kriss Grisham: Which then from there, hopefully, you know, we'd be able to, you know, as as Barbara Mary also said, you know, be able to implement, you know, as town leaders. 1700 02:30:14.780 --> 02:30:17.889 Kriss Grisham: So you know, I think I think that's where these 1701 02:30:18.900 --> 02:30:22.230 Kriss Grisham: phase one and phase 2 proposals from late, from 1702 02:30:22.500 --> 02:30:25.199 Kriss Grisham: leadership. Montgomery kind of fits. Our bill. 1703 02:30:25.795 --> 02:30:26.650 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, I think. 1704 02:30:26.650 --> 02:30:51.660 marywarfield: We should comment on why we left out the individual training. Not that it's not important for individuals to do this, but we we thought that in this introduction thing, you know, individuals would be learning something. So in a way, they would be moving forward. And then, you know, truthfully, once we understand more of it. Once we have some goals as a town. I think it, you know, be something that we could come back to, and and 1705 02:30:51.660 --> 02:30:58.940 marywarfield: anybody who's interested, you know. Set something up like that, either, you know, partially paid for by the town, but but 1706 02:30:59.540 --> 02:31:10.440 marywarfield: finding it more important for everybody to kind of understand what we're dealing with, what we are, and individuals will certainly be be enlightened while they were, you know, in that process. 1707 02:31:10.738 --> 02:31:11.930 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, I, I, mean. 1708 02:31:11.930 --> 02:31:19.589 marywarfield: Yeah, we are not dismissing the important importance of the individual, you know. Learning. But we thought that it was incorporated in this. 1709 02:31:20.480 --> 02:31:23.461 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, I I think the the value of this is 1710 02:31:24.010 --> 02:31:41.100 Peter Nagrod: that we're not. We're not going. We're not going backwards. This is an opportunity for for us to start fresh and go forward. I think that's what that's the message that I've been hearing over the last couple of months. So I think this is a a good compromise and a and a good step forward. 1711 02:31:44.930 --> 02:31:45.410 Peter Nagrod: You yeah. 1712 02:31:45.410 --> 02:32:05.727 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I I think for me. I I'm just so excited for us to do some sort of Dei program. I think you know the town. Really, I do think the town needs some like kind, of course, correction, and get us all kind of on the same page and using the same terminology. And 1713 02:32:06.140 --> 02:32:31.660 Eva Patrone: I'm really excited to have that happen. And I think that this leadership Montgomery, like I it's not that I was opposed to what Racic proposed. You know I I was excited about a lot of what they had proposed, but I do think this leadership Montgomery, is something that maybe more people can get behind, and that's what we need. So I think it's a good compromise. I know that 1714 02:32:32.060 --> 02:32:58.899 Eva Patrone: racic is feeling a little frustrated that that you know the Council did our own research, and that is totally understandable. But again, if the goal is to get people to the the Dei program. I like that. This one is local. I like that. The workshops are all kind of under the same umbrella of the same organization. I agree that I think a lot of individual work can happen in a group setting. 1715 02:33:00.290 --> 02:33:13.170 Eva Patrone: and yeah, I just, I think that there's a lot of healing that needs to happen, you know. Chris said he didn't think that we were in crisis, but I've heard from some residents who say that they can't sleep at night, because they're so 1716 02:33:13.280 --> 02:33:17.390 Eva Patrone: distraught about the stuff that's been going on lately. And 1717 02:33:17.550 --> 02:33:30.169 Eva Patrone: so I think you know, I would rather us choose something that more people can get behind than keep arguing over this for months. So I I am in favor of the leadership. Montgomery proposal. 1718 02:33:30.350 --> 02:33:53.360 marywarfield: Can. Can I just say that that I think Rac has done an amazing job in bringing awareness to this town? I mean, we and certainly something that is needed. And i i i am just impressed when the with the letter that Paula sent with all the things that they've been involved in, and all the accomplishments that they have done since they started the committee is really quite amazing. 1719 02:33:53.671 --> 02:34:18.958 marywarfield: So this proposal, I want to know is not in any way to denigrate all the important things you've done or I mean, and I think what it does is say, yes, you're absolutely right. We need to raise the town awareness. We need to involve the community. And we need to come up with the plan with people being involved. And I would. I would see that, you know, racic would be an important part, you know. Maybe even, you know, more heavily 1720 02:34:19.360 --> 02:34:29.519 marywarfield: represented in in the discussion part because of the expertise that you bring to all this and all the all this, the work you've already done, so that that would have been my vision. As we looked at this. 1721 02:34:30.230 --> 02:34:33.170 Eva Patrone: Yeah, I totally agree with everything, Mary said. 1722 02:34:34.880 --> 02:34:38.238 Paula Puglisi: Can I speak now, or is this council still talking. 1723 02:34:39.060 --> 02:34:43.880 John Compton: I was about to ask is, Is the Council have any other comments on the resolution? 1724 02:34:44.860 --> 02:34:45.990 John Compton: Emotion. 1725 02:34:47.630 --> 02:34:52.820 John Compton: Alright. We'll have some public comment on the education issue. 1726 02:34:54.700 --> 02:34:57.970 John Compton: Paul, are you you ready to go or. 1727 02:34:58.580 --> 02:34:59.959 Paula Puglisi: Did you say, Paula? 1728 02:35:00.820 --> 02:35:01.909 John Compton: I did say, Paul. 1729 02:35:01.910 --> 02:35:02.280 Paula Puglisi: Thank you. 1730 02:35:02.760 --> 02:35:03.590 Peter Nagrod: No, no, no. 1731 02:35:03.770 --> 02:35:05.577 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. Yes. 1732 02:35:06.300 --> 02:35:08.130 Paula Puglisi: all right. 1st of all. 1733 02:35:08.727 --> 02:35:13.270 Paula Puglisi: Thank you for your comments, Mary. And Eva. 1734 02:35:14.029 --> 02:35:14.669 Paula Puglisi: It. 1735 02:35:16.020 --> 02:35:22.829 Paula Puglisi: There is no. I agree that, however, we get there as long as it happens, it's great. 1736 02:35:23.250 --> 02:35:28.179 Paula Puglisi: and and we're not going to do some personal ego ownership 1737 02:35:28.200 --> 02:35:29.210 Paula Puglisi: of this. 1738 02:35:29.270 --> 02:35:51.509 Paula Puglisi: However, we get there is fine with us. The only thing is, I would just really like a little more time to look at it and to really study it, because I just got it yesterday, and I wasn't even home yesterday most of the time and alive today. I would just like to look at it more. And because I just have questions, I mean, I see some positive things in there, too. 1739 02:35:51.980 --> 02:35:57.509 Paula Puglisi: But I do have questions and need some clarification on some things. 1740 02:35:57.520 --> 02:36:02.229 Paula Puglisi: And I just wanted to know, like, were you thinking, 1741 02:36:03.600 --> 02:36:13.819 Paula Puglisi: what were you thinking the role of racic would be in this? And I mean one of the clarifications that they talk about the leadership planning with them. 1742 02:36:14.020 --> 02:36:36.159 Paula Puglisi: And, by the way, our original plan, we were not going to be facilitating with that other group. But that doesn't matter. But it talks about leadership doing some of the planning and pre planning. So I mean, are you thinking Resec. Would have any role in any of that, or or I mean kind of where are you with that? If you would go with this. 1743 02:36:37.170 --> 02:36:53.090 marywarfield: That's what I was saying. That's what I was saying is that is, that I would. I would think that it would make sense for racing to be heavily involved in the planning part because of of all the background that you have and the expertise you have it, I mean, I I would think that that would would make a lot of sense. 1744 02:36:53.464 --> 02:37:00.569 Paula Puglisi: Well, thanks. Well, is it possible just to have some time to really look at it more because I. 1745 02:37:00.570 --> 02:37:08.759 marywarfield: That's fair. I don't know. What does everybody else think, you know, if you just saw it yesterday, and you know it's possible that some, some off, some 1746 02:37:09.107 --> 02:37:20.760 marywarfield: comments you could have. We could go back to them and see if they could, you know, modify it a little bit more that it fit more with the goals and the the vision that you have for this. So I I would be I would be for that. 1747 02:37:21.880 --> 02:37:26.779 Robert Gilmore: I agree. I think that is a good idea. It's not time sensitive. So 1748 02:37:26.850 --> 02:37:30.370 Robert Gilmore: if the over the next 2, 3 weeks 1749 02:37:30.590 --> 02:37:39.210 Robert Gilmore: race like is given the opportunity to review and provide their feedback, that we can then incorporate, and making a final decision, vote on. 1750 02:37:39.210 --> 02:37:40.800 marywarfield: My version was. 1751 02:37:40.800 --> 02:37:42.100 Robert Gilmore: That seems very sensitive. 1752 02:37:42.100 --> 02:37:42.720 marywarfield: Morning. Yeah. 1753 02:37:42.720 --> 02:37:48.010 Paula Puglisi: I was thinking of going back to the original people who made the proposal. 1754 02:37:49.580 --> 02:37:52.710 Paula Puglisi: and because that was essentially the work group 1755 02:37:52.900 --> 02:37:58.910 Paula Puglisi: and just going, you know, reviewing this with with them. That's what I was thinking about. 1756 02:37:59.830 --> 02:38:01.960 Barbara Raimondo: What what I would ask is that 1757 02:38:02.050 --> 02:38:09.380 Barbara Raimondo: if you have comments that you get them to us well in advance of our next meeting, like at least a week in advance, because 1758 02:38:09.940 --> 02:38:14.739 Barbara Raimondo: for me, like I don't really like getting things the day off. You know it does. 1759 02:38:14.740 --> 02:38:15.170 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. 1760 02:38:15.170 --> 02:38:15.859 Barbara Raimondo: Me time to. 1761 02:38:15.860 --> 02:38:16.420 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. 1762 02:38:16.420 --> 02:38:21.609 Barbara Raimondo: Through and think about so at least a week, you know. Whatever comments you have. 1763 02:38:21.922 --> 02:38:26.920 Paula Puglisi: We all we do, usually. So okay, you're talking about the August meeting. Right? Barbara. 1764 02:38:26.920 --> 02:38:39.290 Barbara Raimondo: Yes, and in fact, I would be happy to sit down with you like, even before that, and just walk through. Sit down with you and walk through any questions you have then, so you don't even have to hold them until then. 1765 02:38:39.490 --> 02:38:39.930 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. 1766 02:38:39.930 --> 02:38:41.519 marywarfield: Yeah, I would. As well. 1767 02:38:41.520 --> 02:38:42.170 Barbara Raimondo: And too. 1768 02:38:42.529 --> 02:38:51.159 Paula Puglisi: Yeah, you know, like we did with the resolution where some of the basic members and the council members sat down and kind of 1769 02:38:51.300 --> 02:38:55.179 Paula Puglisi: went through everything, and and we hammered through it. 1770 02:38:55.330 --> 02:38:58.493 Paula Puglisi: I mean, I was wondering about maybe something like that. 1771 02:39:00.740 --> 02:39:02.930 Barbara Raimondo: Well, I think it just. I mean I 1772 02:39:03.310 --> 02:39:05.339 Barbara Raimondo: I don't know what there is. 1773 02:39:05.710 --> 02:39:10.579 Barbara Raimondo: I'm to hammer through at this point. I mean, this is the proposal, you know. If you have questions. 1774 02:39:10.580 --> 02:39:11.000 Paula Puglisi: And will. 1775 02:39:11.207 --> 02:39:15.150 Barbara Raimondo: If you have things that you want to change, you know we can talk about that, but I don't. 1776 02:39:15.150 --> 02:39:20.050 Paula Puglisi: Okay. Well, well, I'll just I'll I'll take some time to do that and make sure. 1777 02:39:20.626 --> 02:39:22.210 Paula Puglisi: That it gets back 1778 02:39:22.400 --> 02:39:24.810 Paula Puglisi: at least a week before the August meeting. 1779 02:39:24.810 --> 02:39:30.939 Barbara Raimondo: Okay? And and again, you know, we'll sit down with you and walk through it so that you feel 1780 02:39:31.090 --> 02:39:37.750 Barbara Raimondo: like you know where we are at the night of that meeting, and that we know where we are. Everybody is. We're on the same page. 1781 02:39:37.750 --> 02:39:38.919 Paula Puglisi: For the meeting. 1782 02:39:39.810 --> 02:39:41.740 Paula Puglisi: Alright. We'll say that. Okay. 1783 02:39:45.900 --> 02:39:50.081 John Compton: Okay? So if there's agreement from the Council to 1784 02:39:50.880 --> 02:39:54.100 John Compton: defer action on this proposal 1785 02:39:54.170 --> 02:39:56.070 John Compton: through August and 1786 02:39:56.100 --> 02:40:01.110 John Compton: and allowing for public comment, and particularly specifically racic 1787 02:40:02.029 --> 02:40:03.309 John Compton: review and 1788 02:40:04.120 --> 02:40:05.370 John Compton: and 1789 02:40:05.620 --> 02:40:06.290 John Compton: input. 1790 02:40:07.000 --> 02:40:07.710 Paula Puglisi: Boom. 1791 02:40:08.040 --> 02:40:09.080 John Compton: Okay, with that. 1792 02:40:09.080 --> 02:40:10.809 Peter Nagrod: Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes. 1793 02:40:11.100 --> 02:40:14.000 John Compton: We don't need a vote on that. We are deferring 1794 02:40:14.510 --> 02:40:15.220 John Compton: channel. 1795 02:40:15.750 --> 02:40:16.330 Peter Nagrod: Get it. 1796 02:40:17.550 --> 02:40:18.130 John Compton: All right. 1797 02:40:18.970 --> 02:40:24.679 John Compton: Last item on the current business rest of Mary, who 1798 02:40:25.100 --> 02:40:34.530 John Compton: just doesn't want this to fall through the cracks. And actually we have a great great suggestion here, and that's maintenance of unoccupied property. 1799 02:40:35.070 --> 02:40:39.899 John Compton: So it's been proposed to form a committee of the Council. 1800 02:40:40.030 --> 02:40:44.479 John Compton: and any advisors we might might feel useful 1801 02:40:44.660 --> 02:40:51.659 John Compton: to recommend actions, and draft the policy and procedures to address the maintenance of unoccupied properties in town. 1802 02:40:51.990 --> 02:41:00.229 John Compton: So we have our our guidance from our town attorney on this subject. 1803 02:41:00.360 --> 02:41:03.095 John Compton: and we have 1804 02:41:03.850 --> 02:41:06.770 John Compton: committed. I've certainly committed to 1805 02:41:06.780 --> 02:41:08.779 John Compton: establishing a written 1806 02:41:09.865 --> 02:41:13.140 John Compton: policy for addressing an issue 1807 02:41:13.160 --> 02:41:17.679 John Compton: so so that any future mayors and councils will have 1808 02:41:17.740 --> 02:41:18.750 John Compton: available. 1809 02:41:19.850 --> 02:41:27.810 John Compton: the current thinking as to how to address and and what what mechanisms and options there are. 1810 02:41:27.820 --> 02:41:35.930 John Compton: So what's needed is to get that written, and to get any other actions, whether it's modifications to 1811 02:41:36.180 --> 02:41:38.512 John Compton: ordinances, or whatever 1812 02:41:39.910 --> 02:41:41.650 marywarfield: Do I need to make a motion. 1813 02:41:42.030 --> 02:41:43.027 John Compton: Yes, let's make. 1814 02:41:43.790 --> 02:41:50.550 marywarfield: I would like to make a motion that you form a subcommittee, a small committee to investigate. 1815 02:41:51.230 --> 02:41:53.570 marywarfield: other to. 1816 02:41:53.640 --> 02:42:03.170 marywarfield: I've never done what one of these before, to recommend actions on, to say what you said, and draft policy and procedures to address the maintenance of unoccupied. 1817 02:42:03.170 --> 02:42:03.520 Kathy Lehman: Okay. 1818 02:42:03.520 --> 02:42:04.910 marywarfield: Companies in town. 1819 02:42:05.270 --> 02:42:06.080 marywarfield: It just reads. 1820 02:42:06.266 --> 02:42:06.640 John Compton: Dawn and. 1821 02:42:06.640 --> 02:42:08.609 marywarfield: It's what he said. It's on. It's. 1822 02:42:08.610 --> 02:42:09.250 Kathy Lehman: Probably I don't. 1823 02:42:09.403 --> 02:42:09.710 marywarfield: Read it. 1824 02:42:09.710 --> 02:42:12.140 Kathy Lehman: I would be writing that down. 1825 02:42:12.140 --> 02:42:12.680 John Compton: Sure it's. 1826 02:42:12.680 --> 02:42:14.499 marywarfield: Number 10. Just quote that. 1827 02:42:14.770 --> 02:42:16.270 Kathy Lehman: Got it. Okay? 1828 02:42:17.722 --> 02:42:18.375 Kathy Lehman: Sorry. 1829 02:42:19.680 --> 02:42:21.230 marywarfield: That was less than clear, but. 1830 02:42:21.860 --> 02:42:23.629 John Compton: Rob? Is that a second. 1831 02:42:23.630 --> 02:42:24.747 Robert Gilmore: There was, yeah. 1832 02:42:25.620 --> 02:42:29.059 John Compton: Alright! Any discussion of doing that 1833 02:42:29.230 --> 02:42:32.400 John Compton: all in favor forming committee. Then 1834 02:42:32.810 --> 02:42:34.009 John Compton: raise your hands. 1835 02:42:34.010 --> 02:42:34.480 Peter Nagrod: Alright! 1836 02:42:34.480 --> 02:42:41.489 John Compton: Alright now. Well, let's form the committee. Who? We have any volunteers to. 1837 02:42:43.087 --> 02:42:43.950 Peter Nagrod: Up on this. 1838 02:42:43.950 --> 02:42:48.129 John Compton: Oh, Proposed actions. We have, Mary. 1839 02:42:48.340 --> 02:42:49.219 John Compton: We have. 1840 02:42:49.220 --> 02:42:52.140 Peter Nagrod: Is it just a council, or can it be. 1841 02:42:52.140 --> 02:42:53.560 John Compton: Yeah, we can. As I said. 1842 02:42:53.560 --> 02:42:54.060 Kathy Lehman: And I. 1843 02:42:54.070 --> 02:43:01.850 John Compton: I think you should recruit anyone who would be helpful in in arriving at this. So I I think I saw Chris raise his hand. 1844 02:43:02.460 --> 02:43:04.599 John Compton: Okay, get Mary and Chris. 1845 02:43:04.820 --> 02:43:05.750 Kathy Lehman: Can I do it? 1846 02:43:06.020 --> 02:43:06.870 marywarfield: Yes. 1847 02:43:06.870 --> 02:43:08.260 John Compton: Yes, you can do it. 1848 02:43:08.260 --> 02:43:09.989 Kathy Lehman: Okay, put me in coach. 1849 02:43:11.480 --> 02:43:19.769 John Compton: If you want, we can open it to anybody else. Who wants to contact. Let's put it, give it, Mary, as the 1850 02:43:19.950 --> 02:43:24.550 John Compton: nominal organizer of this committee effort 1851 02:43:24.870 --> 02:43:27.319 John Compton: to suggest action. 1852 02:43:28.140 --> 02:43:28.680 John Compton: Bob. 1853 02:43:29.164 --> 02:43:31.100 Peter Nagrod: Bob volunteered, too. Pabu. 1854 02:43:31.100 --> 02:43:33.689 John Compton: Bob might well is he? Where is he? Well. 1855 02:43:33.690 --> 02:43:36.719 Peter Nagrod: He's on every commit. Yeah. His hand was up. 1856 02:43:36.720 --> 02:43:40.709 John Compton: Oh, it wasn't. I missed that, Bob. Okay, good. 1857 02:43:40.710 --> 02:43:43.501 marywarfield: We wanted to be a subcommittee, so. 1858 02:43:44.260 --> 02:43:45.340 John Compton: We wanted to. 1859 02:43:45.340 --> 02:43:50.175 marywarfield: I don't want it to be. I don't want it to be huge. I mean, just in in the 1860 02:43:50.500 --> 02:44:09.439 marywarfield: you know, just to get something something done, I mean, there, there's been a lot of work done with this, even in the town there was a whole proposal done. You know it. It's not reinventing the wheel. It's kind of looking at, it's what there, so I don't. I don't. And that's just my suggestion that it not be too big, but I think Bob would be a great addition. 1861 02:44:10.710 --> 02:44:11.470 John Compton: Okay? 1862 02:44:11.690 --> 02:44:15.514 John Compton: So that's 4 of you that were named here. 1863 02:44:18.460 --> 02:44:20.360 John Compton: okay, right? 1864 02:44:21.330 --> 02:44:29.167 John Compton: So that takes us to new business. This is the new business, which is the bow hunting 1865 02:44:29.850 --> 02:44:30.530 Peter Nagrod: True. 1866 02:44:30.530 --> 02:44:33.540 John Compton: Shown we have been conducting. This will be the 1867 02:44:33.790 --> 02:44:35.560 John Compton: 4, th I believe. 1868 02:44:35.680 --> 02:44:36.635 John Compton: year 1869 02:44:37.850 --> 02:44:42.779 John Compton: and I put together, and but someone else is going to have to introduce 1870 02:44:42.810 --> 02:44:49.669 John Compton: the 2 resolutions that would authorize ball hunting, one in the East and West Woods. 1871 02:44:49.750 --> 02:44:55.225 John Compton: and the other in cooperation with the county 1872 02:44:56.190 --> 02:44:59.740 John Compton: in in the meadow and and grounds. 1873 02:45:00.160 --> 02:45:06.729 John Compton: So just as a review. And this is exactly the same proposal we approve. 1874 02:45:06.740 --> 02:45:08.620 John Compton: Council approved last year. 1875 02:45:09.224 --> 02:45:13.369 John Compton: Only the dates have been changed to protect the innocent. 1876 02:45:15.570 --> 02:45:16.990 John Compton: and 1877 02:45:17.320 --> 02:45:20.279 John Compton: so if someone. 1878 02:45:20.280 --> 02:45:21.419 Peter Nagrod: Make the motion. 1879 02:45:21.570 --> 02:45:22.900 Peter Nagrod: Do propose. 1880 02:45:22.900 --> 02:45:24.020 marywarfield: I'll second. 1881 02:45:24.977 --> 02:45:29.273 John Compton: There's 2 resolutions I can certainly show them. 1882 02:45:29.920 --> 02:45:30.780 John Compton: no. 1883 02:45:30.780 --> 02:45:33.390 Eva Patrone: It's just one for the woods and one for the meadow right. 1884 02:45:33.390 --> 02:45:40.364 John Compton: Yeah, exactly, it goes on. It's nothing anybody hasn't seen before. It is in the materials. 1885 02:45:42.970 --> 02:45:47.819 John Compton: so do we have any discussion about authorizing this once again. 1886 02:45:47.900 --> 02:45:54.530 John Compton: we'll we will offer this to the bow hunting firefighters of Maryland. 1887 02:45:55.201 --> 02:45:59.120 John Compton: who have already, I believe, reached out to Patty to 1888 02:45:59.842 --> 02:46:03.298 John Compton: sign on to doing this once again, and 1889 02:46:04.050 --> 02:46:09.705 John Compton: you know, as far as our my vegetable garden is going. I wish they'd go after the rabbits 1890 02:46:10.970 --> 02:46:11.920 Peter Nagrod: Okay. 1891 02:46:12.258 --> 02:46:17.669 John Compton: There. There seem to be an awful lot of rabbits going on around time. 1892 02:46:17.670 --> 02:46:18.370 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 1893 02:46:18.370 --> 02:46:19.499 Patrice Klein: We need more foxes. 1894 02:46:19.500 --> 02:46:20.420 marywarfield: Yeah. 1895 02:46:22.760 --> 02:46:25.949 John Compton: Alright any discussion about the ordinances. 1896 02:46:25.950 --> 02:46:26.580 Peter Nagrod: No. 1897 02:46:27.127 --> 02:46:29.270 John Compton: Resolution. Sorry, it's not an order. 1898 02:46:30.065 --> 02:46:39.419 John Compton: Okay, let's move to a vote on the resolution. 2,024, 3 and 4, all in favor. Okay? 1899 02:46:40.663 --> 02:46:42.790 John Compton: Adopted. Right? 1900 02:46:43.980 --> 02:46:47.535 John Compton: On, on we go. I got too many numbers. 1901 02:46:48.520 --> 02:46:53.673 John Compton: alright, we're on to the other regular business, which is the Town Council reports this will be great. 1902 02:46:53.960 --> 02:46:55.810 Barbara Raimondo: But the parliamentary thing, John. 1903 02:46:56.030 --> 02:46:56.750 John Compton: Yes. 1904 02:46:56.750 --> 02:46:58.049 Barbara Raimondo: The Parliamentary Proposal. 1905 02:46:58.050 --> 02:47:01.875 John Compton: For crying out loud. Why am I always looking at the dang room? 1906 02:47:02.540 --> 02:47:05.497 Barbara Raimondo: I wonder why you keep forgetting it? 1907 02:47:06.616 --> 02:47:08.010 Peter Nagrod: Excuse me. 1908 02:47:08.010 --> 02:47:09.440 Patrice Klein: We're both of those resolutions. 1909 02:47:09.440 --> 02:47:10.330 John Compton: I have. 1910 02:47:10.330 --> 02:47:10.820 Patrice Klein: And. 1911 02:47:10.820 --> 02:47:11.820 John Compton: There for sure. 1912 02:47:11.820 --> 02:47:12.224 marywarfield: Yes. 1913 02:47:12.630 --> 02:47:14.359 Patrice Klein: They're both past. Okay, thanks. 1914 02:47:14.910 --> 02:47:19.160 John Compton: Yeah, they both pass. Yes, there's 1 more item. So sorry. 1915 02:47:21.880 --> 02:47:23.770 Barbara Raimondo: So so I can start. I don't. 1916 02:47:23.770 --> 02:47:24.840 John Compton: I have. Yes. 1917 02:47:24.840 --> 02:47:25.720 Barbara Raimondo: So. 1918 02:47:26.520 --> 02:47:30.340 Barbara Raimondo: as we have been discussing, you know, in various 1919 02:47:30.430 --> 02:47:43.360 Barbara Raimondo: aspects over the last few months, we've been talking about parliamentary procedure, and some people say they've never had any kind of training. They're not really sure what Robert's rules is. 1920 02:47:43.480 --> 02:47:48.469 Barbara Raimondo: Sometimes we are not following the rules, and sometimes people don't know what the rules are. 1921 02:47:48.998 --> 02:47:53.269 Barbara Raimondo: So I thought, why don't I investigate some training for us? 1922 02:47:53.280 --> 02:48:06.380 Barbara Raimondo: And I contacted like the Maryland Association of Parliamentarians, whatever that's called. And I got proposals from a couple of people, and basically 1923 02:48:06.800 --> 02:48:35.219 Barbara Raimondo: both are very, very qualified. They have all sorts of training and credentials, and have done all sorts of training, and they're the parliamentary of Parliamentarian of different organizations. They're very highly skilled. One is from an organization called a great meeting, and one is Michael Swift, who has a website called parloodroup.com, and they both have a lot of information on their sites about parliamentary stuff. 1924 02:48:35.420 --> 02:48:55.899 Barbara Raimondo: And so I talked to both of them, and I think both of them would be pretty good. I think that Michael was a little quicker in getting back to me on things like one day I talked to him when I asked for his references, and he says, Oh, I'm on my way out the door now, but I'll have them to you tomorrow morning, 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. They were in my inbox. 1925 02:48:56.372 --> 02:49:13.970 Barbara Raimondo: I did call his his 1st reference, who just load about him. He, Michael Swift, has this has a lot of experience running meetings, you know, being the official Parliamentarian, but also doing a lot of training, and the reference uses an example where 1926 02:49:14.556 --> 02:49:17.389 Barbara Raimondo: this one particular person was 1927 02:49:17.510 --> 02:49:35.400 Barbara Raimondo: running the the constitutional committee of this very large organization, and in the beginning she really didn't know that much. He really coached her along, and now she's an expert. So he gave us a proposal. It will. It? Outlines like the basics of a meeting, and then he would have us go a fully 1928 02:49:35.890 --> 02:49:53.239 Barbara Raimondo: through a mock meeting, and this would be specifically for the Town Council. Now, I, personally don't think it's a bad idea if we later had a training for the town, particularly in advance of our town meeting. But right now I'm just talking about training for the town Council and the mayor, that's all. 1929 02:49:53.450 --> 02:50:08.239 Barbara Raimondo: So there were big differences in the costs between these 2. Both had a 3 h window for the training, and one of them was a $2,400 fee, and the other one is 700 1930 02:50:08.670 --> 02:50:12.079 Barbara Raimondo: and 24. I think it is. 1931 02:50:12.350 --> 02:50:16.020 Barbara Raimondo: it's really quite a difference. I 1932 02:50:16.180 --> 02:50:18.800 Barbara Raimondo: highlight. Oh, yeah, $724. 1933 02:50:18.930 --> 02:50:32.410 Barbara Raimondo: So when I called his reference, as I said that the reference was glowing, and, like the the person's final words to me. Were I, I cannot recommend him more highly so. I I really think that that he would be a good choice for us. 1934 02:50:34.100 --> 02:50:36.330 Barbara Raimondo: So I move that we 1935 02:50:36.340 --> 02:50:42.810 Barbara Raimondo: hire Michael Swift to do a 3 h training for the Town Council on parliamentary procedures. 1936 02:50:45.170 --> 02:50:45.880 Peter Nagrod: I'll second. 1937 02:50:45.880 --> 02:50:46.690 marywarfield: Second. 1938 02:50:46.690 --> 02:50:47.650 Peter Nagrod: Oh, yeah, you can. 1939 02:50:47.970 --> 02:50:51.500 Peter Nagrod: Too too late. It doesn't matter anything, anyway. Yeah. 1940 02:50:51.500 --> 02:50:52.960 Kathy Lehman: Very good, that's it. 1941 02:50:54.040 --> 02:51:01.680 John Compton: Alright! I I apologize for not putting the proposal, the actual proposals into the document. 1942 02:51:03.040 --> 02:51:09.861 John Compton: materials. So you're not actually looking at them. I could put them up if anybody wants and discuss the 1943 02:51:10.370 --> 02:51:12.670 John Compton: anything about them. 1944 02:51:13.200 --> 02:51:16.260 John Compton: I think Barbara's fairly presented her opinion. 1945 02:51:16.260 --> 02:51:16.890 Peter Nagrod: Nation. 1946 02:51:16.890 --> 02:51:21.849 John Compton: She's proposing we go with the the lower cost alternative. 1947 02:51:22.490 --> 02:51:25.249 John Compton: And and it would be. 1948 02:51:25.400 --> 02:51:28.990 John Compton: or how many, how many individuals Barbara. 1949 02:51:28.990 --> 02:51:31.820 Barbara Raimondo: Well, it's for the town Council and and for the mayor. 1950 02:51:32.370 --> 02:51:33.190 John Compton: Okay. 1951 02:51:35.100 --> 02:51:40.510 marywarfield: I'm I'm just curious, Barbara. What? How do you envision this going forward since the Council 1952 02:51:40.590 --> 02:51:42.869 marywarfield: changes to keep people? 1953 02:51:43.251 --> 02:51:47.360 marywarfield: I mean, it's it's not relevant to doing it initially, but I'm just curious how we would. 1954 02:51:47.740 --> 02:51:50.750 marywarfield: I guess we we would know enough that we could educate the 1955 02:51:50.890 --> 02:51:52.970 marywarfield: the incoming town councillors. 1956 02:51:53.320 --> 02:52:04.434 Barbara Raimondo: Right. I mean, I don't know. I haven't really gotten that far ahead. It could be something that you'd want to do like with every new counselor, or every few years, 3 or 4. I I don't know. 1957 02:52:04.720 --> 02:52:05.320 marywarfield: I was just. 1958 02:52:05.320 --> 02:52:06.779 Barbara Raimondo: Yeah, yeah, I think, though. 1959 02:52:07.380 --> 02:52:10.920 Marilynn Frey: Robert's rules do tend to change every few years. 1960 02:52:11.130 --> 02:52:11.460 Barbara Raimondo: Yeah. 1961 02:52:11.760 --> 02:52:14.620 John Compton: Now very very negligibly. 1962 02:52:14.620 --> 02:52:15.170 Barbara Raimondo: Yeah. 1963 02:52:15.695 --> 02:52:17.269 John Compton: For our purposes. 1964 02:52:17.636 --> 02:52:21.560 John Compton: I I do want to comment that Michael Smith has a 1965 02:52:21.980 --> 02:52:23.250 John Compton: actually 1966 02:52:24.210 --> 02:52:27.540 John Compton: which is not part of the actual proposal. 1967 02:52:27.670 --> 02:52:32.050 John Compton: but he has some written materials which are rather helpful. 1968 02:52:32.836 --> 02:52:35.753 John Compton: If to anyone who cares to 1969 02:52:36.410 --> 02:52:39.080 John Compton: you know, have a have kind of a short 1970 02:52:39.780 --> 02:52:55.949 John Compton: review of relevant relevant Roberts rules of order, procedures, and those could easily be made available in general to those in the town, because, after all this, this was originated 1971 02:52:56.120 --> 02:52:57.560 John Compton: most recently. 1972 02:52:59.060 --> 02:53:02.879 John Compton: due to the town meeting procedures. 1973 02:53:02.930 --> 02:53:04.419 John Compton: And so. 1974 02:53:05.310 --> 02:53:11.989 John Compton: while the course Barbara, while the the work Bar Barbara is proposing is for the Council 1975 02:53:12.560 --> 02:53:14.070 John Compton: directly 1976 02:53:14.468 --> 02:53:19.520 John Compton: to expand to the town as a whole, or anyone who may be. 1977 02:53:19.870 --> 02:53:27.319 John Compton: you know, want to understand better how how things work at the town meetings, not only the annual meeting. 1978 02:53:29.210 --> 02:53:34.990 John Compton: it would be good to have some material for them, and I think he has it already 1979 02:53:35.480 --> 02:53:39.779 John Compton: available. Very helpful stuff. You do not have to read Robert Jules of order 1980 02:53:40.030 --> 02:53:44.069 John Compton: to get the gist of of of 1981 02:53:44.620 --> 02:53:46.480 John Compton: relevant actions that are 1982 02:53:47.460 --> 02:53:48.190 John Compton: possible. 1983 02:53:51.470 --> 02:53:53.190 John Compton: Okay, any discussion 1984 02:53:54.266 --> 02:54:01.800 John Compton: the proposal. The motion is to expand 700, whatever it is. Let's call it up to a thousand dollars. 1985 02:54:02.631 --> 02:54:07.199 John Compton: On some Parliamentary education, session 1986 02:54:07.360 --> 02:54:09.669 John Compton: for the for the Council. 1987 02:54:10.450 --> 02:54:11.539 John Compton: all in favor. 1988 02:54:11.930 --> 02:54:13.059 Patrice Klein: May I make a 1989 02:54:13.270 --> 02:54:16.160 Patrice Klein: Hello? Can I just make a quick request? 1990 02:54:16.190 --> 02:54:17.990 Patrice Klein: I know you're all voting. 1991 02:54:18.090 --> 02:54:24.530 Patrice Klein: I have my hand up. I just wanted to know could be open to some of the committee chairs, even if the committee would 1992 02:54:24.620 --> 02:54:27.040 Patrice Klein: pay the difference in their budget. 1993 02:54:27.080 --> 02:54:28.700 Patrice Klein: If anybody else from the 1994 02:54:28.850 --> 02:54:32.179 Patrice Klein: town committees was interested. That's the only reason I was asking. 1995 02:54:33.180 --> 02:54:34.570 Barbara Raimondo: I can find out. 1996 02:54:35.600 --> 02:54:36.290 Barbara Raimondo: Okay. 1997 02:54:36.850 --> 02:54:39.700 John Compton: Sure, the more the merrier, obviously. 1998 02:54:39.700 --> 02:54:40.270 Patrice Klein: Okay. Thank you. 1999 02:54:40.270 --> 02:54:55.959 Barbara Raimondo: I mean, this is like I wasn't trying to like exclude anybody. It's just that we have never done this before. And it's really most important that the Town Council get it right. So you know I'm not opposed to any, you know committee chair joining us, so I'll I'll check with him. 2000 02:54:55.960 --> 02:54:56.590 Patrice Klein: Thank you. 2001 02:54:59.370 --> 02:55:01.844 John Compton: Okay. Any other. Peter. 2002 02:55:02.340 --> 02:55:03.931 Peter Nagrod: No, I'm voting. Yes. 2003 02:55:04.330 --> 02:55:04.940 Barbara Raimondo: Okay. 2004 02:55:04.940 --> 02:55:10.039 John Compton: Can't vote. Yes, so we have a vote all in favor, any opposed. 2005 02:55:10.660 --> 02:55:13.049 John Compton: all right, that passes. Thank you. 2006 02:55:13.180 --> 02:55:14.570 Barbara Raimondo: Great. Thank you. Everybody. 2007 02:55:14.820 --> 02:55:16.595 John Compton: Alright sorry, Barbara, for 2008 02:55:17.960 --> 02:55:18.910 Robert Gilmore: You for work. 2009 02:55:18.910 --> 02:55:22.369 John Compton: Tried to keep it off the agenda. I didn't try 2010 02:55:22.650 --> 02:55:23.520 John Compton: by mistake. 2011 02:55:24.230 --> 02:55:25.149 John Compton: All right. 2012 02:55:25.630 --> 02:55:28.399 John Compton: I think that concludes all the 2013 02:55:29.350 --> 02:55:38.360 John Compton: formal new business. So we're under other regular business town Council reports just a few things of note from Eva about Woodward Park. 2014 02:55:38.530 --> 02:55:48.820 John Compton: They apparently the playground survey had 75 responses, and the results are going to be assembled and reported sometime this month. 2015 02:55:49.553 --> 02:55:53.639 John Compton: According to this, according to her report. 2016 02:55:55.760 --> 02:56:03.379 John Compton: the with respect to maintenance. Just so. Everyone knows that volunteers have been working on repairs to the tennis shed, which. 2017 02:56:03.430 --> 02:56:06.960 John Compton: as needed some maintenance for a while, including painting 2018 02:56:07.310 --> 02:56:14.060 John Compton: and they put some putting some gutters on to collect rainwater for the for the garden. 2019 02:56:14.723 --> 02:56:16.889 John Compton: Right there at the shed. 2020 02:56:17.545 --> 02:56:25.570 John Compton: In addition, I you know. Hope everyone is, if you haven't noticed there's new signage in Woodward Park 2021 02:56:26.166 --> 02:56:29.263 John Compton: that was recommended by our 2022 02:56:29.880 --> 02:56:32.360 John Compton: during the by our insurers 2023 02:56:32.480 --> 02:56:35.210 John Compton: during the last last walkthrough. 2024 02:56:36.590 --> 02:56:39.410 Eva Patrone: Designed by John, and they look very good. 2025 02:56:40.316 --> 02:56:45.109 Eva Patrone: so I'm sure I had done it. They would not have looked so nice. So thank you, John. 2026 02:56:45.110 --> 02:56:45.700 John Compton: Aye. 2027 02:56:46.559 --> 02:57:01.830 John Compton: okay, and Barbara's report on the Hpc, one thing I took out of there is that the Hpc. Is planning to update their design guidelines this year. 2028 02:57:01.930 --> 02:57:23.049 John Compton: Remember those design guidelines are a written, helpful information for people renovating their homes and making additions, and most recently it was. Guidelines are mentioned in the adu 2029 02:57:23.340 --> 02:57:26.379 John Compton: alterations to our ordinances permitting it to use. 2030 02:57:27.210 --> 02:57:29.787 John Compton: and that's the only things I pulled out. 2031 02:57:30.480 --> 02:57:32.500 John Compton: Anybody. Anything may 2032 02:57:33.070 --> 02:57:34.979 John Compton: want to contribute from their. 2033 02:57:34.980 --> 02:57:39.210 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, John, yes, for the at the planning commission 2034 02:57:39.340 --> 02:57:44.870 Peter Nagrod: we had a discussion about the ordinances for the commercial corner. 2035 02:57:44.940 --> 02:57:56.060 Peter Nagrod: and we have a little subgroup that's working on. Looking at the comprehensive plan, looking at the existing ordinances 2036 02:57:56.170 --> 02:57:56.955 Peter Nagrod: and 2037 02:57:57.810 --> 02:58:02.709 Peter Nagrod: recommending some changes to the audiences so that we can move forward 2038 02:58:02.750 --> 02:58:06.970 Peter Nagrod: with some of the things we want to do at the commercial corner. And 2039 02:58:07.370 --> 02:58:24.210 Peter Nagrod: today I just heard back from bell properties. They they contacted me. Usually I have to contact them, and they they I was talked to the architect. They're very, very interested and committed to moving forward, if we can if we can move forward. 2040 02:58:24.240 --> 02:58:27.724 Peter Nagrod: And so what I'd like to do is 2041 02:58:28.360 --> 02:58:34.130 Peter Nagrod: after our next. If we get consensus at the next PC. Meeting to talk 2042 02:58:34.300 --> 02:58:39.589 Peter Nagrod: to the Council about, you know. Show you what we're looking at as far as the changes 2043 02:58:39.610 --> 02:58:45.449 Peter Nagrod: and begin that discussion. So I think it's pretty exciting, and it's moving nicely. 2044 02:58:47.600 --> 02:58:48.460 John Compton: Okay. 2045 02:58:50.460 --> 02:58:53.840 John Compton: fine. I didn't make enough note, Peter, because. 2046 02:58:55.570 --> 02:58:56.230 Peter Nagrod: So, okay. 2047 02:58:56.230 --> 02:58:58.140 John Compton: Till something happens, and. 2048 02:58:58.140 --> 02:58:58.530 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 2049 02:58:59.970 --> 02:59:00.630 Peter Nagrod: Yes. 2050 02:59:01.480 --> 02:59:03.079 John Compton: We've been. We've been putting 2051 02:59:03.780 --> 02:59:07.189 John Compton: iterate this for a long time. So that's great. 2052 02:59:08.240 --> 02:59:08.690 Peter Nagrod: Moving. 2053 02:59:08.690 --> 02:59:09.410 John Compton: Okay. 2054 02:59:10.360 --> 02:59:11.489 John Compton: anybody else. 2055 02:59:13.420 --> 02:59:19.870 John Compton: All right, we'll move on to approval of minutes. Once again we have a backup in the minute 2056 02:59:21.270 --> 02:59:23.350 John Compton: the June 10th minutes 2057 02:59:24.267 --> 02:59:30.349 John Compton: while late. So we're not going to be able to look at the June 1010 min. 2058 02:59:30.460 --> 02:59:35.549 John Compton: We also have a backlog set of minutes from April 16th 2059 02:59:35.990 --> 02:59:39.370 John Compton: may recall we had a batch of meetings 2060 02:59:39.670 --> 02:59:42.579 John Compton: within a couple of weeks, and that one is still 2061 02:59:42.720 --> 02:59:49.789 John Compton: got got. It fell through the crack so absolutely, positively, both of those will be taken care of. 2062 02:59:50.290 --> 02:59:55.390 John Compton: At the next council meeting. Meanwhile, what we do have is the May 21st 2063 02:59:55.810 --> 03:00:01.150 John Compton: minutes when we held a public hearing on the budget ordinance. 2064 03:00:01.735 --> 03:00:08.820 John Compton: Because we're required to pass that tax rate and budget ordinance, and also 2065 03:00:08.860 --> 03:00:13.260 John Compton: the Council meeting on May 21, st to follow that 2066 03:00:13.470 --> 03:00:21.329 John Compton: so hopefully you had a chance to look at those I would like a motion to 2067 03:00:21.800 --> 03:00:24.511 John Compton: to approve the 2068 03:00:25.230 --> 03:00:29.589 John Compton: the minutes for the public hearing, which are absolutely 2069 03:00:29.880 --> 03:00:31.760 John Compton: nothing happened. 2070 03:00:32.650 --> 03:00:34.329 John Compton: and I get a motion to approve. 2071 03:00:36.980 --> 03:00:39.240 marywarfield: I'll move second. 2072 03:00:39.870 --> 03:00:41.630 John Compton: Alright. Any discussion. 2073 03:00:42.140 --> 03:00:44.139 John Compton: some testimony, all in favor. 2074 03:00:45.180 --> 03:00:52.260 John Compton: Alright. Minutes. Approve. Now we go on to the the council meeting of the 21st 2075 03:00:53.010 --> 03:00:55.010 John Compton: any motion to approve. 2076 03:01:01.490 --> 03:01:02.667 Peter Nagrod: Second I'll second. 2077 03:01:04.080 --> 03:01:05.330 John Compton: But you stick their neck out. 2078 03:01:08.204 --> 03:01:15.290 John Compton: Okay, do we have any comments or corrections? Additions 2079 03:01:15.380 --> 03:01:16.680 John Compton: that I am? 2080 03:01:16.960 --> 03:01:19.259 John Compton: Obviously I haven't heard about. So 2081 03:01:20.060 --> 03:01:21.100 John Compton: it's here. 2082 03:01:22.280 --> 03:01:23.280 John Compton: Anybody. 2083 03:01:24.240 --> 03:01:26.440 John Compton: if there's discussion 2084 03:01:26.730 --> 03:01:33.180 John Compton: and we'll move on to both, all in favor approval of the May 21st Council meeting minutes 2085 03:01:33.290 --> 03:01:35.309 John Compton: approved. Thank you. 2086 03:01:35.640 --> 03:01:42.999 John Compton: and that brings us to near the end of the meeting. The next meeting is on Monday, August 12.th 2087 03:01:44.920 --> 03:01:48.324 John Compton: now, the next meeting is going to be 2088 03:01:48.760 --> 03:01:50.430 John Compton: on yeah. Error. 2089 03:01:50.480 --> 03:01:53.579 John Compton: August 30th or August 31st 2090 03:01:54.050 --> 03:01:54.770 John Compton: on. 2091 03:01:55.075 --> 03:01:55.380 Kathy Lehman: There's. 2092 03:01:55.560 --> 03:01:56.890 marywarfield: July, July. 2093 03:01:56.890 --> 03:01:59.070 John Compton: Why sorry oops? 2094 03:01:59.260 --> 03:02:02.120 John Compton: July 30, th or 31st 2095 03:02:02.885 --> 03:02:11.799 John Compton: to hear from the bidders and ask questions about the storm weather, infrastructure 2096 03:02:12.930 --> 03:02:13.670 John Compton: work. 2097 03:02:14.390 --> 03:02:20.990 John Compton: So in that case, and then we have the regular council meeting on Monday, August 12.th 2098 03:02:21.990 --> 03:02:22.900 John Compton: Okay. 2099 03:02:23.861 --> 03:02:27.419 John Compton: Final words, anybody before adjournment. 2100 03:02:27.923 --> 03:02:36.679 Christine Dibble: Yeah, John, you said something about air conditioning in the hall that something later on in the agenda tonight would have to do with that. But I must have missed that. 2101 03:02:36.680 --> 03:02:39.758 John Compton: Oh, I'm sorry because I didn't mention it. So 2102 03:02:40.880 --> 03:02:51.389 John Compton: Go back to the Green Bank Pilot program. The the climate resilience encompasses 2103 03:02:51.400 --> 03:02:56.890 John Compton: a lot of things. Obviously, as we're very aware, the high temperatures 2104 03:02:56.900 --> 03:02:59.150 John Compton: we're experiencing now. 2105 03:03:00.080 --> 03:03:01.880 John Compton: not only is the whole 2106 03:03:02.140 --> 03:03:07.970 John Compton: impossible to use with those temperatures without air conditioning. But let's 2107 03:03:07.990 --> 03:03:11.809 John Compton: for let's imagine there was a power failure in town. 2108 03:03:12.040 --> 03:03:15.340 John Compton: in which case a lot of people didn't have 2109 03:03:15.840 --> 03:03:22.290 John Compton: power, and there would be no air conditioning. So one of the likely 2110 03:03:22.300 --> 03:03:27.130 John Compton: discussion associated with that would be how to make the time resilient 2111 03:03:27.290 --> 03:03:29.592 John Compton: doing to high tech, you know, 2112 03:03:30.780 --> 03:03:34.050 John Compton: test temperature and potential consequences. 2113 03:03:34.290 --> 03:03:40.549 John Compton: So the idea of air conditioning the hall is kind of directly related to that. 2114 03:03:40.810 --> 03:03:44.629 John Compton: And is another another thing to discuss. 2115 03:03:44.930 --> 03:03:46.280 John Compton: Clearly. 2116 03:03:46.690 --> 03:03:53.549 John Compton: there's an expense involved. There's a practicality issue. What will it take to air condition? The Hall? 2117 03:03:53.670 --> 03:03:57.250 John Compton: We do air condition, the Town Council Office and the 2118 03:03:57.680 --> 03:04:02.649 John Compton: in the clerk's office, but the downstairs. But we do nothing upstairs. So 2119 03:04:03.225 --> 03:04:07.184 John Compton: that's what I was referring to, Christine. It all doesn't 2120 03:04:07.640 --> 03:04:10.050 John Compton: actually address 2121 03:04:10.240 --> 03:04:13.047 John Compton: a looking into. 2122 03:04:14.050 --> 03:04:19.379 John Compton: a. The practicalities, an actual proposal to air Conditioner Hall. 2123 03:04:19.790 --> 03:04:20.580 John Compton: which and. 2124 03:04:20.580 --> 03:04:23.550 Eva Patrone: So that's something that when you're talking to Green Bank. 2125 03:04:23.570 --> 03:04:25.649 Eva Patrone: that's part of what you're talking to them about. 2126 03:04:25.650 --> 03:04:30.540 John Compton: I think that will be. But we'd already talked about that as one of the potential 2127 03:04:30.630 --> 03:04:33.160 John Compton: expanded climate resilience 2128 03:04:33.310 --> 03:04:37.079 John Compton: matters to address 2129 03:04:37.500 --> 03:04:41.810 John Compton: so but but we we could. We could. Clearly 2130 03:04:41.960 --> 03:04:45.189 John Compton: then, this is usually what needs a volunteer 2131 03:04:45.310 --> 03:04:53.700 John Compton: like Tom Land, or anybody like that? Who who would actually consult with 2132 03:04:54.030 --> 03:04:57.050 John Compton: some Eric, you know, some some 2133 03:04:57.250 --> 03:05:04.079 John Compton: expert as to what is involved, and maybe Charlie, who's our institutional 2134 03:05:04.260 --> 03:05:09.599 John Compton: memory expert, will recall. I have a feeling this has been done in the past. 2135 03:05:10.244 --> 03:05:14.580 John Compton: As to what would be involved, and what sort of a 2136 03:05:14.600 --> 03:05:16.290 John Compton: what sort of 2137 03:05:16.570 --> 03:05:19.489 John Compton: things we'd have to do to air condition. 2138 03:05:21.050 --> 03:05:27.809 Patrice Klein: Quick comment. There are these portable. I think they're sort of cylinders or vertical, but you can roll them out. 2139 03:05:27.850 --> 03:05:29.487 Patrice Klein: and as long as you have 2140 03:05:29.850 --> 03:05:36.489 Patrice Klein: a tube that goes out the window. You can do that on a you know ad hoc basis. You don't have to do an installation, you know, like a. 2141 03:05:36.490 --> 03:05:42.279 Kathy Lehman: We? We tried them. We they had. They had 2 of them that they put up on the 2142 03:05:42.790 --> 03:05:46.090 Kathy Lehman: the stage so that it would blow out and drop. 2143 03:05:46.370 --> 03:05:52.450 Kathy Lehman: It was less than successful. But it looks like it's kind of a good idea, but it didn't work very well. 2144 03:05:52.450 --> 03:05:56.230 Patrice Klein: I I don't remember that. But thank you, Kathy, I was just gonna say, maybe there's something. 2145 03:05:56.230 --> 03:05:58.010 Kathy Lehman: Doesn't mean we can't try again. 2146 03:05:58.440 --> 03:06:01.410 John Compton: They all have a volume. They all have a. 2147 03:06:01.410 --> 03:06:03.129 Kathy Lehman: By 27 of them. 2148 03:06:03.370 --> 03:06:06.229 John Compton: Yes, probably what you need. 2149 03:06:06.730 --> 03:06:08.000 Patrice Klein: Okay, just a thought. 2150 03:06:08.180 --> 03:06:11.455 John Compton: Okay, but that's but, Patty, that that illustrates the 2151 03:06:12.230 --> 03:06:13.590 John Compton: of options. Do you have? 2152 03:06:15.990 --> 03:06:16.870 John Compton: Okay? Sorry. 2153 03:06:16.870 --> 03:06:17.430 Christine Dibble: In the group. 2154 03:06:17.430 --> 03:06:17.780 John Compton: Alright! 2155 03:06:17.780 --> 03:06:18.640 Christine Dibble: And supercharged. 2156 03:06:19.810 --> 03:06:21.870 John Compton: Anything else to wrap up this meeting. 2157 03:06:21.870 --> 03:06:22.880 Christine Dibble: Yes, I am. 2158 03:06:23.730 --> 03:06:26.909 John Compton: Alright, if not, we will be adjourned. I. 2159 03:06:26.910 --> 03:06:27.450 Peter Nagrod: Of it. 2160 03:06:27.728 --> 03:06:29.401 John Compton: I will let everybody know. But 2161 03:06:29.680 --> 03:06:30.570 Christine Dibble: And read it. 2162 03:06:30.860 --> 03:06:34.690 John Compton: Confirm the meeting on the July 30.th Hopefully. 2163 03:06:34.790 --> 03:06:35.280 John Compton: Okay. 2164 03:06:35.660 --> 03:06:36.040 Peter Nagrod: Can. 2165 03:06:36.040 --> 03:06:36.800 Kathy Lehman: Thanks, everybody. 2166 03:06:36.800 --> 03:06:37.410 marywarfield: Night. 2167 03:06:37.410 --> 03:06:38.176 Peter Nagrod: Alright! Everybody! 2168 03:06:38.939 --> 03:06:39.320 Barbara Raimondo: Night.