WEBVTT 1 00:00:27.320 --> 00:00:29.369 John Compton: Good evening, good evening. 2 00:00:32.520 --> 00:00:33.800 John Compton: hey! Rob! 3 00:01:26.650 --> 00:01:28.300 Kathy Lehman: Can you hear me now? 4 00:01:28.740 --> 00:01:29.980 John Compton: Here's somebody! 5 00:01:29.980 --> 00:01:31.220 Kathy Lehman: It's Kathy. 6 00:01:31.920 --> 00:01:32.670 John Compton: Right. 7 00:01:32.670 --> 00:01:33.440 Kathy Lehman: Okay. 8 00:01:44.410 --> 00:01:46.319 Kathy Lehman: you look like you have a hat on. 9 00:01:47.600 --> 00:01:48.580 John Compton: Yeah. 10 00:01:52.630 --> 00:01:59.109 John Compton: that's what I expect the gazebo to look like tomorrow. Wednesday morning. 11 00:01:59.110 --> 00:02:00.580 Kathy Lehman: Yeah. So they say. 12 00:02:00.580 --> 00:02:01.150 Peter Nagrod: Hmm. 13 00:02:03.140 --> 00:02:05.000 Robert Gilmore: Finally a snowy winter. 14 00:02:05.730 --> 00:02:10.359 John Compton: Yeah, I know it's been been a bunch of years. 15 00:02:17.060 --> 00:02:20.050 John Compton: Alright, I'm busy arranging everybody. 16 00:02:25.230 --> 00:02:28.749 John Compton: Think we're waiting waiting for Eva here for a few moments. 17 00:02:31.600 --> 00:02:33.659 Kathy Lehman: Do you have all the counsel present. 18 00:02:34.070 --> 00:02:35.480 John Compton: Waiting for Eva. 19 00:02:35.970 --> 00:02:36.710 Kathy Lehman: Okay. 20 00:02:38.950 --> 00:02:41.080 Peter Nagrod: Well, you're really pushy tonight, Kathy. 21 00:02:41.290 --> 00:02:42.570 John Compton: Yeah, you do. 22 00:02:43.720 --> 00:02:48.900 Kathy Lehman: I didn't think I was going to make it. I was helping a friend fix a water heater, and I ran out of time. 23 00:02:48.900 --> 00:02:50.130 Peter Nagrod: Good to know. 24 00:02:50.400 --> 00:02:54.999 John Compton: Yeah, right? Yeah, yeah, we'll need someone to help with the water heater. 25 00:02:55.000 --> 00:02:56.310 Kathy Lehman: I called Steve. 26 00:02:56.930 --> 00:02:59.630 John Compton: Oh, yeah, that was your help. Was calling. 27 00:03:00.590 --> 00:03:04.300 Kathy Lehman: And not not, and finding the water, I did do that. 28 00:03:06.320 --> 00:03:07.060 John Compton: Right. 29 00:03:08.690 --> 00:03:09.719 Kathy Lehman: Come on! 30 00:03:10.230 --> 00:03:12.660 John Compton: Okay, I'll give it a couple more minutes. Here. 31 00:03:35.850 --> 00:03:37.040 John Compton: there we go. 32 00:03:47.440 --> 00:03:48.260 John Compton: Okay. 33 00:03:50.830 --> 00:03:59.731 John Compton: Alright. Let's do it. Welcome everybody to the February Town council meeting. 34 00:04:02.320 --> 00:04:11.530 John Compton: calling it to order. 1st of business will be approval of the agenda. I'm on wanna move to approve the agenda. 35 00:04:12.680 --> 00:04:14.659 Peter Nagrod: I'll move to approve the agenda. 36 00:04:15.350 --> 00:04:16.410 John Compton: Peter has. 37 00:04:16.410 --> 00:04:16.980 Eva Langston: Second. 38 00:04:16.980 --> 00:04:19.800 John Compton: Has it moved? And who's seconding. 39 00:04:20.170 --> 00:04:20.750 Kathy Lehman: Yeah. 40 00:04:21.620 --> 00:04:23.310 John Compton: Okay, Eva, thank you. 41 00:04:24.070 --> 00:04:35.489 John Compton: Okay. The agenda as as provided and has been altered in only one way. 42 00:04:36.290 --> 00:04:41.134 John Compton: And the next meeting is not today. The next meeting is next month. 43 00:04:41.480 --> 00:04:41.940 John Compton: Hello! 44 00:04:43.295 --> 00:04:45.219 John Compton: March 10.th Otherwise it's the 45 00:04:45.880 --> 00:04:50.049 John Compton: agenda that was distributed. Any comments on the agenda. 46 00:04:52.360 --> 00:04:57.310 John Compton: hearing no comments on the agenda. We'll consider it approved. 47 00:04:57.550 --> 00:05:01.580 Peter Nagrod: Do it that way as long as I remember how to do it. 48 00:05:02.330 --> 00:05:03.380 John Compton: Okay. 49 00:05:03.380 --> 00:05:05.459 Kathy Lehman: Do you have a full council? I can't see. 50 00:05:05.750 --> 00:05:06.040 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 51 00:05:06.040 --> 00:05:12.030 John Compton: Oh, yes, everyone is here. We have Counselor Rob Gilmore. 52 00:05:12.130 --> 00:05:16.709 John Compton: Mary Warfield, Eva Patron, Peter Negra, Barbara Raimondo. 53 00:05:17.554 --> 00:05:20.819 John Compton: And Chris Grisham. They're all here. 54 00:05:20.960 --> 00:05:21.770 Kathy Lehman: Thank you. 55 00:05:22.580 --> 00:05:24.280 John Compton: Okay. Alright! 56 00:05:24.280 --> 00:05:24.600 marywarfield: You hear me? 57 00:05:27.020 --> 00:05:27.819 marywarfield: Can you hear me? 58 00:05:28.890 --> 00:05:29.210 John Compton: Yes. 59 00:05:29.850 --> 00:05:33.460 marywarfield: Okay, cause it. It wasn't. It wasn't working. Okay, just checking. Sorry. 60 00:05:33.460 --> 00:05:34.130 John Compton: Okay? 61 00:05:34.470 --> 00:05:42.720 John Compton: So I, because this is the 1st meeting we're going to operate under Robert's rules of order. I 62 00:05:44.490 --> 00:05:55.359 John Compton: consulted with the the council and prepared a an orders, orders of the of the meeting 63 00:05:55.610 --> 00:06:01.200 John Compton: statement which I'm going to deliver. Everybody now. 64 00:06:01.610 --> 00:06:02.020 Kathy Lehman: Sure. 65 00:06:02.020 --> 00:06:10.000 John Compton: Oh, so I included in the document folder for the meeting a 1 page table 66 00:06:10.120 --> 00:06:17.210 John Compton: of motions that are most frequently used, and many of which we we probably won't even use 67 00:06:18.182 --> 00:06:23.699 John Compton: but let's see, I've stopped the share. Have I? No 68 00:06:23.860 --> 00:06:26.090 John Compton: make sure I stop the share? 69 00:06:27.180 --> 00:06:33.879 John Compton: Stopped it right? Yes, okay. So and Robert's rules of order looks like sorry 70 00:06:34.150 --> 00:06:37.040 John Compton: looks get in front of me. Looks like this. 71 00:06:38.240 --> 00:06:39.639 John Compton: It's that thick. 72 00:06:39.980 --> 00:06:51.349 John Compton: It has almost a hundred, and not a hundred almost has almost 600 pages. So that's what 73 00:06:52.210 --> 00:06:58.669 John Compton: it consists of. But we won't be using this one hopefully ever we do have a 74 00:06:59.390 --> 00:07:13.110 John Compton: Ravis rules of order newly revised, and this newly revised the current version. But this is, in brief, it's only that thick, and the printing is a little bit larger. 75 00:07:13.240 --> 00:07:17.499 John Compton: This really contains everything that we will conceivably be using. 76 00:07:18.100 --> 00:07:25.839 John Compton: but this is much more than we actually will be using. I think we all expect. 77 00:07:26.400 --> 00:07:28.160 Kathy Lehman: As far as it goes. 78 00:07:28.400 --> 00:07:30.170 John Compton: All right. So 79 00:07:31.190 --> 00:07:41.980 John Compton: it's important to tell everybody we're going to have a learning period here until the Council and everyone is, and I, and 80 00:07:44.360 --> 00:07:50.760 John Compton: enough comfortable with the with the rules. So let's all be patient while we figure it out. 81 00:07:51.840 --> 00:08:10.019 John Compton: So let me now move on to other aspects of the meeting. We continue to encourage residents who want to provide their input to the town, on the town, to the mayor and council to do so in writing at the single email address, you mostly all know about 82 00:08:10.220 --> 00:08:14.099 John Compton: it's it's in the Bulletin, and it's on the website. 83 00:08:14.948 --> 00:08:19.499 John Compton: Also any residents making public comments in person 84 00:08:19.730 --> 00:08:27.329 John Compton: are strongly urged to also provide those comments in writing, whether before 85 00:08:27.830 --> 00:08:44.259 John Compton: or after the the meeting. That is because it makes it much more. If you want your comments to be be reviewed by the council members, and myself having them in writing is a much, much preferred 86 00:08:44.590 --> 00:08:46.240 John Compton: additional option. 87 00:08:46.510 --> 00:08:54.779 John Compton: Okay, residents will continue to be able to comment publicly in person. The public appearances is still at the top of the menu. 88 00:08:55.140 --> 00:09:01.809 John Compton: during which now residents may comment on any matter whether or not it's listed on the agenda. 89 00:09:02.785 --> 00:09:08.459 John Compton: For 3 min the Council is going to listen to your comments. 90 00:09:09.030 --> 00:09:12.550 John Compton: They're going to take note of your comments. 91 00:09:12.990 --> 00:09:21.710 John Compton: and when, if the matter that you're speaking to comes up later in the agenda, they may refer to your comments. 92 00:09:22.578 --> 00:09:27.749 John Compton: While they discuss the Council discusses the matter. 93 00:09:30.810 --> 00:09:33.599 John Compton: Residents will be allowed to speak only once 94 00:09:33.960 --> 00:09:40.230 John Compton: at the public appearances, and that's the only time we're going to have resident input. 95 00:09:40.390 --> 00:09:45.159 John Compton: There'll be no exchanges between residents over a public comment. 96 00:09:45.380 --> 00:09:46.170 John Compton: So 97 00:09:47.950 --> 00:09:55.430 John Compton: so while you can refer to someone else's comment, you will not, you should not and will not 98 00:09:55.590 --> 00:09:56.899 John Compton: discuss with them. 99 00:09:58.570 --> 00:10:24.470 John Compton: we're going to insist that all non-council attendees at the meeting remain muted on the virtual screen. If necessary. I will mute all the council members will then be able to unmute themselves. Certainly all, all can be mute, unmuted for the meeting. Once in a while a public comment 100 00:10:24.930 --> 00:10:30.340 John Compton: has benefited and will benefit for some clarification. So the counselors or myself 101 00:10:30.490 --> 00:10:37.249 John Compton: can ask us, have one opportunity to ask for clarification from the speaker 102 00:10:37.840 --> 00:10:41.689 John Compton: after they deliver their 3 min comment. 103 00:10:42.242 --> 00:10:49.479 John Compton: It's important to note that for counselors and myself that we're not going to state, and our opinion. 104 00:10:49.770 --> 00:11:07.930 John Compton: and we will should avoid engaging in discussion with the the Resident during that question. It's it's it's it's an option. So that we everyone feels they understood the public comment. 105 00:11:10.650 --> 00:11:35.719 John Compton: we're hoping that this makes it easier to enforce the public comments by having them all at the top of the meeting. It's what was the policy for years, although what was was less, the policy was that no additional input from non council 106 00:11:36.230 --> 00:11:41.240 John Compton: members will be heard. 107 00:11:41.950 --> 00:11:47.020 John Compton: So let's see they're 108 00:11:48.410 --> 00:11:52.709 John Compton: The Council will be able to at any time. 109 00:11:53.765 --> 00:11:59.970 John Compton: Ask for a issue, a motion to request information. 110 00:12:00.370 --> 00:12:09.429 John Compton: because that frequently happens at which time they may ask me to call upon a commission or a committee representative. 111 00:12:09.600 --> 00:12:19.669 John Compton: Someone knowledgeable to answer that question. So certainly we're going to treat those individuals 112 00:12:19.940 --> 00:12:28.270 John Compton: as staff as staff, providing information to the Council, since we're certainly not going to know the answer to everything that arises. 113 00:12:29.308 --> 00:12:37.879 John Compton: Okay, that's pretty much what I wanted to go through. Let me ask the council if there were any any questions. 114 00:12:41.030 --> 00:12:49.000 John Compton: and just this once let me ask the 115 00:12:49.260 --> 00:12:57.750 John Compton: those present that they, if they understand that those orders of business, if anyone had, I'm sorry. Not that you understand whether you have any questions about 116 00:12:59.650 --> 00:13:09.249 John Compton: okay hearing none, we can then move on with the meeting to our public appearances. 117 00:13:10.710 --> 00:13:12.800 John Compton: Agenda. Item. 118 00:13:13.460 --> 00:13:26.350 John Compton: recall. This is the time, if you want to make a comment on anything to do with the town. This is your opportunity for the meeting, so you'll do so by raising your hand if you will, since you're all supposed to be 119 00:13:27.690 --> 00:13:28.385 John Compton: be 120 00:13:29.240 --> 00:13:38.069 John Compton: muted, and I see a physical hand from from Paula. 1st I see that Bob has raised his hand 121 00:13:38.350 --> 00:13:51.349 John Compton: using the virtual hand. The advantage of that is, as most you know. If somebody raises their hand, they're they're they move to the top left of the gallery view. 122 00:13:52.700 --> 00:14:00.553 John Compton: And that's also listed that that there's a hand raised. Okay? So I'll call on Paula for her. 123 00:14:01.990 --> 00:14:04.340 John Compton: for her public statement. Paula, go ahead. 124 00:14:04.590 --> 00:14:26.450 Paula Puglisi: Okay, well, I'm here on behalf of Peggy Cones, Bouer, Bob Bouer, Arlene Mccrean, Georgette Cole, and myself regarding a letter that we sent to the Council and posted on the website about our concerns of unintended consequences. As a result of the Council's adoption of Robert's rules and our suggestions to remedy. Those concerns. 125 00:14:26.450 --> 00:14:42.109 Paula Puglisi: The Council stated reasons for adopting the rules were fairness and efficiency, but we're primarily concerned that residents actually have less opportunities to voice their opinions. If an issue is raised during a meeting, and a motion to vote is introduced. 126 00:14:42.110 --> 00:15:03.229 Paula Puglisi: please see the letter for more details. I'm going to summarize our suggestions which encompass our main concerns. Even though John has addressed some of these, I think we still need clarification number One, acknowledging that Robert's rules of order are quite intricate and long. It was suggested during the January town meeting that the Council adopt a specific set of sub rules 127 00:15:03.240 --> 00:15:30.680 Paula Puglisi: for use in town meetings. We request that the counselors clarify which of the rules the Council meetings will operate under in the future. That's still vague. We suggest that a clear explanation of the adopted rules be published on the town Webpage, Newsletter, and a specific town alert, and that a direct link to the adopted set of rules, and Q. And a. Be posted on the homepage, and when the agenda for town meetings is sent that a reminder to read about the policy on the website is included 128 00:15:30.680 --> 00:15:52.429 Paula Puglisi: to avoid potential manipulation of the rules during council meetings, we also suggest that if a resident or councilor states that a rule has been violated, that that specific rule adopted by Washington Grove be cited number 4. During the January Town Council meeting, Mayor Compton noted that the Council could decide to allow residents, comments about items on the agenda. 129 00:15:52.500 --> 00:16:10.819 Paula Puglisi: As he said previously, items were only allowed to be talked about that were not on the agenda. The information on the town website is a little vague regarding this. So we suggest that the Council clarify this on the website. I think it was already confirmed right here that that is the case. We can 130 00:16:10.820 --> 00:16:27.359 Paula Puglisi: number 5. We strongly suggest that the Council open the floor to include an additional round of public comments, length to be defined before a vote is taken on a motion. Since Robert's rule saves time, this extra comment period should be feasible. 131 00:16:27.360 --> 00:16:37.710 Paula Puglisi: and we are respectfully asking for a written response from the Council, addressing our specific suggestions. Please thank you. 132 00:16:41.230 --> 00:16:42.389 John Compton: Maggie, Paula. 133 00:16:43.010 --> 00:16:45.480 John Compton: Just for everybody's information. That was 2 and a half minutes. 134 00:16:46.200 --> 00:16:49.570 Paula Puglisi: Yeah. I raced. 135 00:16:49.570 --> 00:16:50.819 John Compton: All right, Bob. 136 00:16:51.380 --> 00:16:59.859 Robert Booher: I have a comment on the vacant house proposal to actually amend it, to 137 00:17:00.100 --> 00:17:16.529 Robert Booher: broaden the inspection requirement that the owner has to submit when they make the application from just a pest inspection to a house inspection. These are commonly done whenever there's a real estate transaction 138 00:17:16.750 --> 00:17:35.929 Robert Booher: done. So there are many available home inspectors to to do this sort of thing. It could either be just the the typical home inspection report, or it could be a tailored set of questions that the town wants the inspector to to do. 139 00:17:36.420 --> 00:17:43.800 Robert Booher: I think that the advantage of that is is that we get a whole lot more information about the status of the house. 140 00:17:44.280 --> 00:17:50.270 Robert Booher: The other, and the other suggestion is that since there are a number of 141 00:17:51.600 --> 00:18:01.149 Robert Booher: houses in town that are considered vacant is that we send some notice to these folks, and maybe even the ordinance as 142 00:18:01.560 --> 00:18:06.030 Robert Booher: as proposed, so that they can actually respond. 143 00:18:06.890 --> 00:18:07.580 Robert Booher: That's it. 144 00:18:10.740 --> 00:18:18.489 John Compton: Okay, Bob, all right, we're still in public appearances. Anyone else. 145 00:18:21.720 --> 00:18:24.790 Jonathan Dail & Kristina Kough: I can't find the hand gesture. I would like to. 146 00:18:25.127 --> 00:18:32.550 John Compton: You got your right hand there that the other one was your left hand. There, Jonathan. All right, Jonathan, you're on. 147 00:18:33.720 --> 00:18:49.040 Jonathan Dail & Kristina Kough: All right. Hi, everyone. I hope not to take more than a minute of the Council's time tonight. So I want to speak on. Item 11, A, which is the playground. So I sent a letter to the Mayor and Council about a week ago about the playground work group, and what we would like to accomplish. 148 00:18:49.390 --> 00:19:10.429 Jonathan Dail & Kristina Kough: I hope that the Council has had time to read the letter from the work group. I just wanted to add that we're really excited about the group's energy and enthusiasm in gathering ideas. And input already. So this is going to be a huge collaborative effort. And we're really excited to keep the momentum going over the coming months, and probably even longer. 149 00:19:10.530 --> 00:19:29.039 Jonathan Dail & Kristina Kough: In the short term. We're going to be developing a master plan for the playground and keeping with the grove's history, and feel, while adding what we feel is adding value for children and families, and all others who would like to use the park. So I just look forward to working with the Council and the mayor on this effort. 150 00:19:29.330 --> 00:19:30.159 Jonathan Dail & Kristina Kough: Thank you. 151 00:19:30.910 --> 00:19:31.630 John Compton: Okay. 152 00:19:34.840 --> 00:19:40.010 John Compton: thank you, Jonathan. All right. 153 00:19:41.420 --> 00:19:43.440 John Compton: I don't see anyone else. 154 00:19:45.830 --> 00:19:47.303 John Compton: Okay, so 155 00:19:49.210 --> 00:19:56.300 John Compton: We will then continue to the next item on the agenda, which is the treasurer's report. 156 00:19:56.510 --> 00:20:02.990 John Compton: and we have Gene, where the town treasurer here to 157 00:20:03.330 --> 00:20:06.719 John Compton: answer questions and add anything that she wishes. 158 00:20:07.800 --> 00:20:13.518 Jean Moyer: Yeah. Usually you put it up on the screen, John, if you wanna do that 159 00:20:14.670 --> 00:20:16.549 John Compton: In the process. There you go! 160 00:20:16.550 --> 00:20:21.369 Jean Moyer: There we go. Okay, I'll just make one quick comment at the top. 161 00:20:21.480 --> 00:20:28.720 Jean Moyer: The public utility property tax. I was surprised there was nothing yet I went back and looked 162 00:20:28.910 --> 00:20:33.260 Jean Moyer: previous years. It's really comes in in the second half of the fiscal year. 163 00:20:33.853 --> 00:20:41.130 Jean Moyer: So hopefully this February, I should be seeing some of that. It usually comes the middle of the month. 164 00:20:42.163 --> 00:20:45.376 Jean Moyer: A little farther down. 165 00:20:46.990 --> 00:21:05.119 Jean Moyer: Since we have the stump contributions coming in, you'll see, I'm keeping track of special money that was not budgeted for coming in. I'm tracking that at the very bottom, so you'll see that comment. See below for tracking of new funds 166 00:21:05.370 --> 00:21:09.921 Jean Moyer: and yay, we are selling equipment. 167 00:21:11.160 --> 00:21:15.060 Jean Moyer: we've sold the skid loader. We've sold the truck. 168 00:21:15.600 --> 00:21:42.789 Jean Moyer: and hopefully, a few more items will go trying to clean up the garage area, therefore, freeing up some space for some items that are currently stored outside can come in undercover, and the area that where, like summer in the park stores, some things holiday show has sometimes stored. Some things can be better organized, found, and reused. 169 00:21:45.500 --> 00:21:53.490 Jean Moyer: Going down farther into the expenses. The only comment I wanted to make was in the parks. Section. 170 00:21:55.760 --> 00:22:07.883 Jean Moyer: yeah. Farther, farther, farther, farther. There we go right there. We have received approval from the folks that 171 00:22:09.120 --> 00:22:20.900 Jean Moyer: responsible for the Nicos Trees Fund and the George Payne Fund, that we can release fully, release that restricted revenue and apply it to this year's expenses. 172 00:22:21.050 --> 00:22:25.729 Jean Moyer: So you'll see that reflected 173 00:22:26.100 --> 00:22:35.680 Jean Moyer: in that. And I understand another check came in this afternoon for this stump carving. I have not seen it. 174 00:22:36.206 --> 00:22:40.680 Jean Moyer: What I do know is 4,050 has been donated. 175 00:22:41.080 --> 00:22:45.643 Jean Moyer: which will be matched dollar for dollar by the town. 176 00:22:46.640 --> 00:22:51.720 Jean Moyer: And we'll see what came in this afternoon after I picked up my mail. 177 00:22:52.250 --> 00:22:58.820 Jean Moyer: Stay tuned for that, but the town is only committed to 5,000 on that one. 178 00:22:59.030 --> 00:23:15.240 Jean Moyer: My understanding is, we think it'll get scheduled for July, so the money will actually be spent next fiscal year. And that is really the bulk of what I was going to comment on 179 00:23:15.480 --> 00:23:24.429 Jean Moyer: at the very bottom. You'll see where I've tracked the fund balances. We still have the meadow, Grant deferred revenue 180 00:23:25.200 --> 00:23:26.977 Jean Moyer: to be spent. 181 00:23:27.700 --> 00:23:41.989 Jean Moyer: we have donations of about a thousand for the Terry Cox Memorial. I'll have to work with F. And B. On how we're going to use that money, and that's where the stump carving is being trucked. So 182 00:23:42.310 --> 00:23:46.150 Jean Moyer: that is all I wanted to make comments on. 183 00:23:46.380 --> 00:23:50.110 Jean Moyer: I'm happy to answer any questions. 184 00:23:53.060 --> 00:23:53.425 John Compton: Okay. 185 00:23:53.790 --> 00:23:56.379 Jean Moyer: I think Kathy has a question. 186 00:23:56.840 --> 00:24:00.920 Kathy Lehman: I just want to tell you that that check you were waiting for was $500. 187 00:24:00.920 --> 00:24:01.900 Jean Moyer: Whoa! 188 00:24:02.410 --> 00:24:03.330 Jean Moyer: Nice. 189 00:24:06.000 --> 00:24:06.800 John Compton: Okay. 190 00:24:07.040 --> 00:24:11.339 Jean Moyer: Nice. So that is what we have. 191 00:24:14.140 --> 00:24:22.019 John Compton: All right. Any questions all right, hearing none. We need a motion. 192 00:24:22.410 --> 00:24:29.519 John Compton: or we're hearing no questions. Anybody object to accepting the treasurer's report. 193 00:24:30.840 --> 00:24:34.210 John Compton: seeing none, we have accepted the treasurer's report. 194 00:24:34.630 --> 00:24:48.720 John Compton: Great. So next item, yeah, Jean's going to just review Gene. The the imminent steps in the budget process. 195 00:24:48.720 --> 00:25:07.669 Jean Moyer: The budget process this Saturday. I think you might have seen a grove alert went out. Today. I will hold. I guess you could call it office hours for 30 min for anybody who wants to learn about the process, have questions, etc, etc. I will be on zoom for anybody who is 196 00:25:08.130 --> 00:25:16.209 Jean Moyer: curious. On that. Thank you for everyone who has submitted a budget to me. 197 00:25:17.087 --> 00:25:20.639 Jean Moyer: I'm I'm still waiting on a few 198 00:25:21.220 --> 00:25:31.372 Jean Moyer: but we have, I believe. What is it now? The 21st so shortly. 199 00:25:32.750 --> 00:25:34.000 Jean Moyer: I'll be 200 00:25:34.450 --> 00:25:43.413 Jean Moyer: maybe making a few emails or phone calls just to tap, touch base with folks that I haven't heard back from 201 00:25:44.170 --> 00:25:49.590 Jean Moyer: And John has up here the complete process. So basically. 202 00:25:49.980 --> 00:25:55.279 Jean Moyer: the the budget I put together, I'm pulling all the the details together that I know of. 203 00:25:55.420 --> 00:26:02.280 Jean Moyer: I call it the treasurer's draft budget 204 00:26:04.360 --> 00:26:20.140 Jean Moyer: and the financial plan which encompasses the capital budget as well. And then John and I will go through it and tweak to the extent we feel we need to. It then becomes the mayor's draft budget 205 00:26:20.920 --> 00:26:23.080 Jean Moyer: and then we'll have 206 00:26:23.930 --> 00:26:30.170 Jean Moyer: in March. The Council will review that and tweak whatever they tweak. 207 00:26:30.760 --> 00:26:43.040 Jean Moyer: and it then becomes the Council's draft budget, which is what ultimately the town will be voting on in May. 208 00:26:43.574 --> 00:26:50.370 Jean Moyer: And along the way you'll be getting the town. All residents will be getting lots of 209 00:26:50.790 --> 00:27:01.889 Jean Moyer: updates and reminders so that they can weigh in on any item that concerns them. So we're aiming for 210 00:27:02.070 --> 00:27:08.619 Jean Moyer: an overabundance of transparency and education of what the process is. 211 00:27:11.060 --> 00:27:24.778 John Compton: Okay, thanks, Gene. And this overabundance is in response to the comments in in at the the annual town meeting. And after 212 00:27:25.440 --> 00:27:42.169 John Compton: basically to do what we can to encourage residents to participate in the budget process if they are so inclined. And this is this is getting out all of the the timeline for it. 213 00:27:42.660 --> 00:27:48.639 John Compton: So everyone knows when when they they can do that. And then it starts. Now, of course. 214 00:27:49.250 --> 00:27:50.780 John Compton: So thank you. 215 00:27:52.990 --> 00:28:01.210 John Compton: Okay, so. Let's move on, then, to my report. 216 00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:14.819 John Compton: this month's kudos go to the commission and committee chairs, who attended the the diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging workshop 217 00:28:15.320 --> 00:28:18.388 John Compton: a week a week ago Saturday, 218 00:28:19.070 --> 00:28:31.969 John Compton: And Barbara wanted to be sure that we we let everyone know that this is a a key commitment. 219 00:28:32.100 --> 00:28:37.280 John Compton: and everyone participating who is participating to improve our 220 00:28:37.570 --> 00:28:40.980 John Compton: the welcoming hatred to the town, so 221 00:28:41.200 --> 00:28:48.010 John Compton: kudos to everyone who was there, and will be there at the coming at the 2 222 00:28:48.450 --> 00:28:57.709 John Compton: the second and the 3rd of the 3 h and a half sessions which will be held on Saturday, February 15, th and then 2 weeks after that 223 00:28:57.870 --> 00:28:59.090 John Compton: march first.st 224 00:29:01.560 --> 00:29:02.550 John Compton: Okay, 225 00:29:04.540 --> 00:29:20.000 John Compton: we I and Peter wanted to be sure that the town and everyone is aware that there will be zoning changes proposed. 226 00:29:20.647 --> 00:29:30.280 John Compton: For the zoning at the commercial corner, and I'm going to call upon Peter. Who's the planning commission liaison 227 00:29:30.380 --> 00:29:32.390 John Compton: to speak to that. 228 00:29:32.980 --> 00:29:34.699 Peter Nagrod: I'm gonna make this really simple. 229 00:29:34.870 --> 00:29:46.579 Peter Nagrod: We had our planning commission meeting last week, and we're 97% there. But we decided to have a. I was hoping to present 230 00:29:46.690 --> 00:29:52.000 Peter Nagrod: tonight the final amendment. But we are having a work group next Wednesday. 231 00:29:52.290 --> 00:30:05.419 Peter Nagrod: and we will be presenting at the March meeting. And so in the meantime, once we after that meeting, we'll send out all the documentation to the Council and put it on the website so everybody can see it. What's happening? 232 00:30:07.180 --> 00:30:09.509 Peter Nagrod: Any? Okay? Any questions or 233 00:30:13.850 --> 00:30:14.610 Peter Nagrod: good. 234 00:30:14.610 --> 00:30:16.242 John Compton: Hey? Thank you, Peter. 235 00:30:16.650 --> 00:30:18.460 Peter Nagrod: Does that mean? It was passed, or. 236 00:30:18.460 --> 00:30:20.079 John Compton: Yeah, I'm sure there'll be no controversy. 237 00:30:20.766 --> 00:30:21.453 Peter Nagrod: Okay. 238 00:30:22.140 --> 00:30:46.680 John Compton: Okay, okay. Next next thing to report, as I reported last month, the Meadow Restoration plan is has phase one being executed, and, as I understand it. The tree removal is now scheduled for either this or next week. 239 00:30:46.890 --> 00:30:49.410 John Compton: weather permitting. If we 240 00:30:49.680 --> 00:31:05.639 John Compton: I don't know how a new snow will impact that. But but the the idea is to finish the tree work. Before nesting and other other spring 241 00:31:05.780 --> 00:31:10.850 John Compton: activities for our fauna and for begin. 242 00:31:12.760 --> 00:31:28.495 John Compton: Okay, speaking to the our street lights, most of you know that we have had a lighting committee for some years now they've been spending a large amount of time. 243 00:31:30.020 --> 00:31:57.029 John Compton: responding to and working with. I use that working with in quotes with Pepco to improve Pepco's process, and options for municipalities to own their own streetlights, not going to go into that anymore at this time. But once more Pepco is submitting a tariff 244 00:31:57.270 --> 00:32:06.700 John Compton: to the Public Services Commission of Maryland with some ask, with aspects of that, their policy? 245 00:32:08.140 --> 00:32:08.915 John Compton: So 246 00:32:11.210 --> 00:32:27.739 John Compton: In connection with with potential purchase of the street lights, I transmitted a letter to Pepco that was drafted by the lighting committee to start the process of discussing. 247 00:32:27.960 --> 00:32:29.829 John Compton: purchasing our streetlights. 248 00:32:30.230 --> 00:32:36.930 John Compton: So this is not purchasing. It is discussing key aspects of that. 249 00:32:37.140 --> 00:32:40.479 John Compton: what will it actually, what actually will it cost? 250 00:32:40.730 --> 00:32:47.180 John Compton: And we need to understand, if we own them, what it will cost us to maintain. 251 00:32:47.380 --> 00:32:50.569 John Compton: Some of those specifics remain 252 00:32:53.930 --> 00:33:03.310 John Compton: remain to be settled upon with with the with this tariff proposal, and the process continues. 253 00:33:05.390 --> 00:33:15.890 John Compton: Okay, the shared use path pathway committee report, Jay ever submitted. It's in the it's in the meeting materials. 254 00:33:18.250 --> 00:33:23.539 John Compton: last month or since the last meeting, I provided a letter 255 00:33:24.194 --> 00:33:35.629 John Compton: to Eli Glazer, who's the park and planning staff member? Who will be who is putting together the staff report 256 00:33:35.750 --> 00:33:40.599 John Compton: for the mandatory referral of the Washington Growth Connector 257 00:33:42.200 --> 00:33:55.299 John Compton: engineering proposal that Mcdot has been working on with with close cooperation with our liaison committee. 258 00:33:56.170 --> 00:34:13.340 John Compton: So that's that's in preparation for the mandatory referral. It had been scheduled, but it's now been unscheduled, unfortunately, because the there there was a 259 00:34:13.550 --> 00:34:20.010 John Compton: incomplete I'll call it an incomplete Forest Conservation review 260 00:34:20.199 --> 00:34:34.989 John Compton: submitted or not submitted, and the Mcdot is going through that process to to complete the required materials for this mandatory referral 261 00:34:35.199 --> 00:34:41.630 John Compton: that, by the way, includes meeting the Towns forest Conservation plan. 262 00:34:41.850 --> 00:34:52.680 John Compton: which, just for everyone's information, doesn't actually apply here. But by reaching out they'll want a statement of that, because you know 263 00:34:53.100 --> 00:34:56.890 John Compton: their forest conservation plan. The counties does not apply 264 00:34:57.652 --> 00:35:04.500 John Compton: and in that process we're able to through via the planning commission. 265 00:35:04.850 --> 00:35:13.065 John Compton: our forestry, we'll be able to provide a statement of our expectations for or 266 00:35:15.680 --> 00:35:19.879 John Compton: new planting in connection with those trees 267 00:35:20.080 --> 00:35:24.990 John Compton: in Washington Grove at the end of Brown Street that do have to, and and other 268 00:35:25.210 --> 00:35:29.879 John Compton: rush. And what have you? The will be removed in during the construction? 269 00:35:30.450 --> 00:35:41.979 John Compton: So Georgette Cole has been preparing and and delivering our our statement that forest conservation 270 00:35:42.170 --> 00:35:44.949 John Compton: is met, such as it is. 271 00:35:46.090 --> 00:36:00.984 John Compton: all right. That was the unfortunate. Fortunately, however, Mcdot has, stated that the given that the the hold up is essentially a formality. 272 00:36:01.780 --> 00:36:07.799 John Compton: and I'll say, as an aside, formalities with respect to the county are always 273 00:36:08.240 --> 00:36:19.990 John Compton: are always dangerous to to State. But they're going to proceed with engineering while the plan we get to the Planning Board's mandatory referral 274 00:36:20.898 --> 00:36:25.609 John Compton: which will be scheduled once the forest conservation thing is met. 275 00:36:25.840 --> 00:36:34.213 John Compton: Meanwhile the Mcdot agreed with with the liaison committees and and and my 276 00:36:36.250 --> 00:36:44.149 John Compton: Urging that they could go ahead and hold a public meeting which they would help would would hold in connection with 277 00:36:44.450 --> 00:36:51.680 John Compton: the planning of the Washington Grove connector to present this 35% engineering plan route. 278 00:36:51.780 --> 00:37:03.580 John Compton: How it's connecting to Brown Street, and we're going that's going to be held as a hybrid in-person meeting in Mccatherne Hall on March 6th 279 00:37:03.700 --> 00:37:05.490 John Compton: at 7 o'clock. 280 00:37:05.690 --> 00:37:07.570 John Compton: And I think that's a Thursday 281 00:37:10.250 --> 00:37:21.600 John Compton: in the agenda you'll find a link to the documentation that Mcdot has submitted so so to the planning 282 00:37:21.950 --> 00:37:31.279 John Compton: the planning board for that mandatory review. It obviously doesn't contain a forest conservation statement, but it contains lots of drawings and lots of drawings. 283 00:37:31.520 --> 00:37:40.010 John Compton: So anyone interested has will have that has that link, and can look at the the plants. 284 00:37:41.490 --> 00:37:43.089 John Compton: Any questions there? 285 00:37:44.790 --> 00:38:04.199 John Compton: All right. Now we get to my, I haven't had to do one of these in a while, but we we need to do it, and that is that we. We need some volunteers for our for that we need a volunteer for the Historic Preservation Commission 286 00:38:05.700 --> 00:38:12.290 John Compton: a great appreciation to Samantha Susick for her service as the alternate. 287 00:38:12.460 --> 00:38:20.620 John Compton: but her personal family situation has led her to 288 00:38:20.790 --> 00:38:26.000 John Compton: temporarily at least, resign from that position. So we are seeking an alternate Commissioner. 289 00:38:29.890 --> 00:38:34.530 John Compton: And I received a formal 290 00:38:37.630 --> 00:38:44.710 John Compton: resignation. Retirement letter from Charlie Charleston, from the Board of Zoning appeals. 291 00:38:46.250 --> 00:38:48.570 John Compton: Many of you may never have 292 00:38:49.130 --> 00:38:55.859 John Compton: experience. An actual action of the Board of Attorney appeals, which is actually a good thing. 293 00:38:56.020 --> 00:39:00.680 John Compton: but the Charter Charter provides for 294 00:39:00.910 --> 00:39:04.990 John Compton: a board of zoning appeals which allows residents to 295 00:39:07.570 --> 00:39:22.179 John Compton: request a review of a ruling about permits about most most often used with respect to construction of fences or or renovations or plans. Board has 3 members. 296 00:39:22.697 --> 00:39:38.929 John Compton: Charlie's served on the board, off and on. Since the 2 thousands, the best I can determine, I can't give you the exact dates. There have been a few appeals in that period. Mark Hansen, late Mark Hansen. 297 00:39:39.080 --> 00:39:43.270 John Compton: our esteemed former mayor and and resident. 298 00:39:44.208 --> 00:39:52.349 John Compton: Was the chair, and those those proceedings were always conducted very. 299 00:39:52.520 --> 00:40:19.820 John Compton: very carefully and and thoroughly by mark but right now we currently have a single member and that only because Satya hadn't realized he was the only person who that was last involved in the board appeals. And so he is. He's he's going to stay on. But we need 2 members, 2 other individuals 300 00:40:20.050 --> 00:40:38.920 John Compton: who have some. Some, you know, are willing to apply their their analytical and skills. And that's and when I say analytical in any respect to the town's ordinances and to the board. 301 00:40:39.060 --> 00:40:49.509 John Compton: So hopefully, someone, some several, we actually want 2 members and an alternate to appoint to the board. 302 00:40:52.040 --> 00:40:56.680 John Compton: Okay, that's all I have in my report. 303 00:40:57.680 --> 00:40:58.880 John Compton: We will then 304 00:40:59.080 --> 00:41:15.009 John Compton: move on to an administrative matter which was raised, and the Council took an action concerning delivery of the Town Bulletin to post office boxes, and 305 00:41:15.780 --> 00:41:26.340 John Compton: that's wrong, has a I'm now open that issue. I believe Eva has a motion tonight. 306 00:41:27.550 --> 00:41:36.100 Eva Langston: Yeah. Did you want to put up the? I think I sent you 2 documents? But it's not. 307 00:41:36.100 --> 00:41:39.750 Eva Langston: I can just read them if I can invite them myself. 308 00:41:39.750 --> 00:41:41.539 John Compton: Which one is it? It's your. 309 00:41:43.700 --> 00:41:46.540 Eva Langston: I can. I can also just read it. Yeah. 310 00:41:46.540 --> 00:41:48.109 John Compton: Go ahead and read it while I'm doing that. 311 00:41:48.110 --> 00:42:03.250 Eva Langston: Okay, yeah. So so last time we had approved the motion of exploring, giving residents the option of receiving the monthly bulletin in their po box as well as through email. And so we did kind of explore that with 312 00:42:03.250 --> 00:42:29.339 Eva Langston: Kathy and with, you know what that would cost and what that would look like. And in the meantime, also, as I know, there was some discussion about Kathy has changed the formatting of the bulletin, so that it does read easier on personal devices, but it also makes it much longer. So given that you know, we're now playing around with a new format of the bulletin, which is longer. 313 00:42:29.380 --> 00:42:30.740 Eva Langston: That kind of 314 00:42:31.320 --> 00:42:56.120 Eva Langston: is partially making me think it doesn't make sense to print it out. And also, you know, the Bulletin is now often so full of these active, clickable links that you know a printed bulletin. You're not going to be able to click on the links so just given, you know all of these factors. The new format of the Bulletin, which again, one of the complaints was that it was hard to read the Bulletin on, you know, laptops and phones 315 00:42:56.300 --> 00:43:23.370 Eva Langston: and given environmental concerns. Since the Bulletin has gotten longer, it doesn't really make sense. At least, I think it doesn't really make sense to offer the mailed copy. So I move that we continue offering paper copies for pickup in the town office. So if somebody really wants a paper copy. They can go and get one from Kathy in the town office. We continue, of course, emailing the bulletins out as Grove alert. 316 00:43:23.420 --> 00:43:38.059 Eva Langston: We continue working to make the Bulletin easier to read on tech devices, although it sounds like people were pretty happy with the way Kathy did it for the February meeting, and I'm also moving that we do mail out a 1 page. Informational flyer, just a 1 time 317 00:43:38.060 --> 00:43:55.019 Eva Langston: informational flyer to all residents, you know, alerting them to their bulletin options and encouraging them to update their email addresses or add new email addresses with the town clerk if needed. You know, my one concern is that people who aren't getting the email. Bulletins 318 00:43:55.190 --> 00:44:04.499 Eva Langston: aren't getting all of this information. And so we need to at least one time put something in their in everybody's Po boxes to to say, Okay, now they know their options. 319 00:44:04.580 --> 00:44:28.784 Eva Langston: And now they know why it's important to have an updated email on file with the town. Now they know that the grove alert is not something they can just delete whatever you know. So that is my motion. And yeah, does anybody have any thoughts or questions about that. Oh, and I guess I can show John the informational flyer. I don't know if it's important. But 320 00:44:29.280 --> 00:44:41.769 Eva Langston: I did kind of create. And of course I'm open to suggestions with this. But I did create the informational flyer that basically just tells people here are ways to read the Bulletin and obtain the Bulletin. 321 00:44:41.900 --> 00:44:52.599 Eva Langston: you know, from a grove email alert from the town website. Pick up a paper copy of the town office. If you're not getting the email bulletin provider update your email address. 322 00:44:53.210 --> 00:44:59.660 Eva Langston: Explains why. And then at the bottom, the pros of the electronic bulletin format. 323 00:45:01.760 --> 00:45:15.179 Eva Langston: so that would just go out, maybe on brightly colored paper. I don't know to every every resident, and then, hopefully, everyone will know how to get the bulletin and and why? It's important. 324 00:45:16.210 --> 00:45:20.909 John Compton: So before I Peter has has wants to 325 00:45:21.070 --> 00:45:39.009 John Compton: speak to this. But before I do, I want to thank Ava for writing up her motion with the explanatory material for everyone, so that everyone had a chance in advance, and certainly now to 326 00:45:39.090 --> 00:46:05.909 John Compton: to understand the the motion. And now so we have it in writing, which makes it much easier to record. I guess I would say that formally. What we should have done is you should have made your motion, which granted, was long, and then then done all your explanation afterwards. That's the 1st right of the person making the motion is to is to. 327 00:46:07.230 --> 00:46:07.670 Eva Langston: That's true. 328 00:46:07.670 --> 00:46:13.279 John Compton: That's fine. You did it all together. We need a second. We don't. 329 00:46:13.280 --> 00:46:13.710 Eva Langston: Learning. 330 00:46:13.710 --> 00:46:17.479 Barbara: Second, we ought to have a second. So somebody weekend Barbara. 331 00:46:17.480 --> 00:46:21.789 John Compton: Seconding. Okay, Peter. Then, you're on. 332 00:46:21.790 --> 00:46:24.509 Peter Nagrod: I hope, John, you're impressed that I've raised my hand. 333 00:46:24.510 --> 00:46:26.060 John Compton: I am around the box. 334 00:46:26.650 --> 00:46:40.599 Peter Nagrod: Maybe Robert's rules demands that I don't know, Eva, that's a fantastic job. Communication is so important. And you've covered everything. I just. I'm just curious. Did you or Kathy find out why so many people were not getting? 335 00:46:41.060 --> 00:46:41.520 Peter Nagrod: Yes. 336 00:46:41.520 --> 00:46:43.780 Eva Langston: Time. I don't I don't know, but literally. 337 00:46:43.780 --> 00:46:46.050 Kathy Lehman: Okay, yeah. Let me- let me answer that. 338 00:46:46.050 --> 00:46:47.350 Kathy Lehman: Not for tonight. 339 00:46:48.290 --> 00:46:49.439 John Compton: Yeah, well, it is. 340 00:46:49.440 --> 00:46:51.250 Peter Nagrod: Well, I'm but hey. 341 00:46:51.250 --> 00:47:05.262 John Compton: I wanna know this was appears to be a problem with the the mailing list outfit. Because 342 00:47:06.050 --> 00:47:15.730 John Compton: the majority vast majority. Not a large majority of our email addresses got the Bulletin. 343 00:47:16.150 --> 00:47:20.759 John Compton: A subset, a not insignificant subset, apparently did not. 344 00:47:21.490 --> 00:47:30.850 John Compton: We're still trying to work on. Why that happened, have we? Do? We have, you know, we said. I sent out a grove alert this afternoon. 345 00:47:31.100 --> 00:47:37.809 John Compton: No, no comments on that yet, Kathy. I was gonna ask Kathy to reach out to the people who 346 00:47:37.990 --> 00:47:44.770 John Compton: who were were did not get the bulletin to see if they got the alert to see if this is a recurring problem or a 347 00:47:45.310 --> 00:47:50.499 John Compton: one time Glitch so apologies to everybody. Go ahead, Kevin. 348 00:47:50.750 --> 00:47:58.320 Kathy Lehman: I just wanted to say one thing about what what Eva was talking about with the bulletin and changing of the format, and all of that. 349 00:47:58.530 --> 00:48:07.030 Kathy Lehman: and that was really Marilyn Fry. She worked really hard on that and did it, and I didn't really have much to do with it. So I want you to know that she did. 350 00:48:07.210 --> 00:48:14.870 Kathy Lehman: She is also working with me on trying to fix this problem with the Mailchimp software or whatever. 351 00:48:15.570 --> 00:48:17.570 Kathy Lehman: So we'll get it. 352 00:48:18.576 --> 00:48:18.970 Kathy Lehman: Thank you. 353 00:48:20.080 --> 00:48:22.790 Eva Langston: So. Thanks. Yeah, thank you to Marilyn. If she's here. 354 00:48:22.790 --> 00:48:23.145 Kathy Lehman: Yeah. 355 00:48:25.630 --> 00:48:31.719 John Compton: Okay, so the Council, we're open to discussion of Eva's, of the motion on the floor. 356 00:48:36.240 --> 00:48:39.969 John Compton: Oh, so a great job to see, just to. 357 00:48:39.970 --> 00:48:51.080 marywarfield: To see the, to see the process, and to gather, you know. Take the time to gather the information and to come to a you know, a decision based on, you know, finding out no so great job on that. 358 00:48:52.660 --> 00:48:53.400 John Compton: I brought it. Thank you, man. 359 00:48:53.400 --> 00:49:09.100 Barbara: Yeah, I was gonna basically say the same thing that even you were really thorough in this. And you looked at the different sides of it. And you weren't just stuck on doing one thing, but really open to what was going to be the most effective thing. And I think we all appreciate that. So I'm definitely in support of this plan. 360 00:49:12.830 --> 00:49:13.700 John Compton: Okay. 361 00:49:14.610 --> 00:49:31.589 John Compton: Hearing no further discussion, I will repeat the motion that is on the floor, that is, that the town continue to offer paper copies for pickup in the town office continue providing email bulletins only 362 00:49:32.710 --> 00:49:38.960 John Compton: continue to look for ways to make the bulletin easier, to read on tech devices and to mail out. 363 00:49:38.960 --> 00:49:39.580 marywarfield: Okay. 364 00:49:39.580 --> 00:49:43.350 John Compton: 1, 1 time a 1 page, informational flyer. 365 00:49:43.480 --> 00:49:53.360 John Compton: alerting everyone to their bulletin options and encouraging them to update or add their email addresses to the town's email. 366 00:49:55.020 --> 00:49:57.639 John Compton: So all in favor. Raise your hands. 367 00:49:58.620 --> 00:49:59.800 John Compton: I count. 368 00:50:00.550 --> 00:50:03.330 John Compton: That's unanimous. 6 in favor. 369 00:50:03.930 --> 00:50:05.530 John Compton: All right, thank you. 370 00:50:06.650 --> 00:50:09.699 John Compton: In which case I will now try and find my 371 00:50:10.230 --> 00:50:18.578 John Compton: agenda, so we can move on there. It is okay. So the next administrative matter which 372 00:50:19.580 --> 00:50:41.649 John Compton: arose in several respects, partly in in discussions that the playground work group had, and then then other discussions that our mutants liaison Peter Negrud, was involved in, and that is resurfacing the basketball court. 373 00:50:42.280 --> 00:50:53.930 John Compton: So I'm going to, I believe. So. We have funds in our budget. 374 00:50:54.892 --> 00:51:00.419 John Compton: That provides for maintenance. I forget exactly. It's in the. 375 00:51:00.730 --> 00:51:01.817 John Compton: It's in the 376 00:51:02.300 --> 00:51:12.130 John Compton: saying, we have a playground refurbishment budget item which may may suffice to do that. So we would 377 00:51:12.490 --> 00:51:17.339 John Compton: we? I think I, in order to 378 00:51:18.340 --> 00:51:27.200 John Compton: put the council on record regarding the playground. Hopefully, Peter, you'll offer the motion, if you will, to 379 00:51:27.800 --> 00:51:28.890 John Compton: do whatever you want. 380 00:51:28.890 --> 00:51:38.129 Eva Langston: I can. I can make the motion. I move that we resurface the basketball court with the remaining fiscal year, 25 funds from the playground. 381 00:51:40.670 --> 00:51:42.010 John Compton: Okay, second. 382 00:51:42.770 --> 00:51:43.950 Peter Nagrod: I'll second it. 383 00:51:43.950 --> 00:51:47.660 John Compton: Okay, so floor is open to discussion of this proposal. 384 00:51:47.660 --> 00:52:15.360 Eva Langston: Yeah, I can just say I'm looking at the looking at this right now that we have $5,000 for playground refurbishment in the budget, and 2,500 for playground equipment and supplies. And as far as I know, we have not used any of that, or very, very little. Maybe we've used a little, but so we have, you know, quite a bit of money left over in 25 fiscal year 25 that we can use, and I think Peter's been getting quotes right so he can speak to that. 385 00:52:16.990 --> 00:52:18.630 Peter Nagrod: Okay? So 386 00:52:18.820 --> 00:52:30.941 Peter Nagrod: we have. We have 2 contractors that are gonna come in probably next week and 1 1 i've used in a different location, who is very 387 00:52:31.550 --> 00:52:59.389 Peter Nagrod: I'm pretty sure he's going to come at a very good rate for us, but in talking with I don't want to mention his name because he doesn't like publicity. But he was the maintenance director here for 20 years. He's he. There's 2 things you can do. One is, you can put a kind of like a sealer on top of the basketball court, which would make it shine a little bit, but the court is so old and cracked that it really needs to be resurfaced, which would mean kind of shredding up 388 00:52:59.740 --> 00:53:05.830 Peter Nagrod: a layer of the existing port, and then resurfacing that with asphalt. 389 00:53:06.080 --> 00:53:35.979 Peter Nagrod: and then the town with volunteers can do the lining. Steve has done that in the past. We could do that, but we're not obviously going to do that. And this maintenance person? You know, I was thinking 5,000 would do it. He thinks it's going to be more expensive, like maybe up to 15. So when we get our bids we will have to revisit what we what has to be done? I just want to just throw in one other thing that I think is really exciting and out of the box thinking is that somebody mentioned. 390 00:53:35.980 --> 00:53:53.549 Peter Nagrod: and the possibility of also on half the court you can have a another court going sideways for kids and have basketball hoops there that are a little bit lower for the kids to use to make it more available for them, because I see these little 5 year olds trying to throw that ball up, and 391 00:53:53.550 --> 00:54:07.569 Peter Nagrod: you know they can't even reach the rim. So I think that this is a win win for us. It wouldn't cost us any more money, and we would be doing the lining anyway, so all it would be, would be lining and buying the 2 goals. So you know already I see some real benefits from the playground group 392 00:54:07.700 --> 00:54:11.410 Peter Nagrod: and the the energy that people are putting into this with the creativity. 393 00:54:11.700 --> 00:54:19.070 Peter Nagrod: So I think I guess at the next meeting. If if it does come over 5,000, we'll be begging the council for maybe some more money. 394 00:54:23.440 --> 00:54:26.070 John Compton: Anyone else have any contribution to this. 395 00:54:26.530 --> 00:54:35.529 Barbara: This is Barbara. I have a question. So if it comes in over $5,000, then in the next meeting you'll be asking for more money. But 396 00:54:35.640 --> 00:54:41.419 Barbara: if our budget for this fiscal year is already spent or allocated, I should say. 397 00:54:41.570 --> 00:54:43.949 Barbara: where would that money come from? 398 00:54:43.950 --> 00:54:46.230 Peter Nagrod: I would just ask our treasurer. 399 00:54:47.696 --> 00:54:54.489 Jean Moyer: Barbara. We would just reallocate from one budget line item down to. 400 00:54:54.740 --> 00:54:58.829 John Compton: I was. Excuse me for interrupting, but I was gonna suggest you just print more money. 401 00:55:00.150 --> 00:55:00.710 Kathy Lehman: Hey! 402 00:55:02.050 --> 00:55:03.659 John Compton: But okay, but. 403 00:55:03.660 --> 00:55:05.649 Peter Nagrod: I don't know. Yeah. 404 00:55:05.650 --> 00:55:13.949 Jean Moyer: Yeah, Barbara, we would just move. We would find other money somewhere within the budget that we don't think will be spent. 405 00:55:14.280 --> 00:55:20.229 Jean Moyer: and then the Council approves that it be reshuffled, basically. 406 00:55:20.230 --> 00:55:33.649 Peter Nagrod: Right. But I would. I would wait until we actually know what we're talking about before we worry about, because it may, it may come out a lot, you know. I'm I'm hoping it's gonna come out closer to the 5,000. So it's not that much of an expense. 407 00:55:33.650 --> 00:55:38.039 Eva Langston: And and like, I said, we do have, I think, more like 7,500. 408 00:55:38.260 --> 00:55:42.820 Peter Nagrod: Because of the 2 playground line items, mulch, mulch. 409 00:55:43.430 --> 00:55:55.889 Jean Moyer: Yeah, yeah, I mean, we. I anticipate. In the spring we'll be spending money from the supplies line for mulch so I really don't want to tap that. 410 00:55:56.150 --> 00:55:56.490 Eva Langston: Okay. 411 00:55:56.490 --> 00:56:02.760 Jean Moyer: But no, I think we can find money elsewhere is, if the Council approves that we should. 412 00:56:02.760 --> 00:56:06.680 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, yeah. So we can discuss this again at the next meeting. 413 00:56:06.680 --> 00:56:07.220 John Compton: Okay. 414 00:56:07.220 --> 00:56:08.400 Eva Langston: So should. 415 00:56:08.400 --> 00:56:10.530 John Compton: Let me explain. Let me to the next. 416 00:56:10.530 --> 00:56:13.380 John Compton: Robert's rules of order procedure. 417 00:56:13.660 --> 00:56:17.449 John Compton: We're dealing with a motion on the floor, as I understand it. 418 00:56:18.150 --> 00:56:24.340 John Compton: I always got to put, as I understand it, because I certainly am. I'm more than likely to get it. Get it wrong. 419 00:56:24.610 --> 00:56:31.957 John Compton: So there are 2 ways to deal with this. At least 2. 1 is to 420 00:56:32.700 --> 00:56:36.410 John Compton: simply postpone action on this 421 00:56:38.100 --> 00:56:43.000 John Compton: motion to a fixed date. You could say the March meeting. 422 00:56:43.350 --> 00:56:47.289 John Compton: You could say the April meeting, or you could say the work group meeting 423 00:56:48.095 --> 00:56:50.769 John Compton: and then take it back up 424 00:56:51.268 --> 00:56:57.739 John Compton: when you, you know, and at which point you either proceed with it or you offer amendments. 425 00:56:58.520 --> 00:57:10.729 John Compton: Okay? And you would then propose to amend the motion to say something that works with with your with what you think should be done alternatively. You 426 00:57:12.780 --> 00:57:18.089 John Compton: vote down the emotion, the motion. I think we could. I have to look and see if it can be withdrawn. 427 00:57:18.590 --> 00:57:26.910 John Compton: and then anticipate a new motion, which accounts for the findings in the next. 428 00:57:27.250 --> 00:57:29.899 John Compton: In the next month or 2. 429 00:57:30.090 --> 00:57:39.569 John Compton: So something like that has has to happen. You know we we the Council has to agree what to do with this motion 430 00:57:39.770 --> 00:57:40.760 John Compton: now. 431 00:57:41.420 --> 00:57:42.370 John Compton: Yes, Barbara. 432 00:57:42.610 --> 00:58:07.800 Barbara: So I move that we postpone this vote until we receive the bid that Peter is getting, and Jean goes through, and if the bid is over the 5,000. Jean finds the money somewhere wherever it is, and then we have one vote on the entire. You know Mcgillah, rather than vote tonight and then vote again in an in a subsequent meeting. 433 00:58:07.990 --> 00:58:08.520 Peter Nagrod: Hey! 434 00:58:09.890 --> 00:58:11.660 Barbara: So I don't know, Kathy, if you got all of. 435 00:58:11.660 --> 00:58:13.443 Kathy Lehman: I did not. I'm. 436 00:58:13.890 --> 00:58:14.600 Barbara: I moved. 437 00:58:14.600 --> 00:58:17.359 John Compton: No, no, basically, she wants to postpone 438 00:58:17.480 --> 00:58:20.739 John Compton: action on this motion until March. 439 00:58:21.900 --> 00:58:36.080 Barbara: Well until we receive a bid, and Jean has, and if the bid is over $5,000, Jean has identified the source of the additional funding. 440 00:58:36.810 --> 00:58:37.550 John Compton: Good. 441 00:58:38.850 --> 00:58:40.919 John Compton: Alright! So that is. 442 00:58:40.920 --> 00:58:41.590 Eva Langston: Second, app. 443 00:58:41.590 --> 00:58:46.049 John Compton: Proper, and we we have a we do not do. We need a second. I should have brought up. 444 00:58:46.050 --> 00:58:48.809 Barbara: Yes, you need a second, I think. Eva was seconding it. 445 00:58:49.060 --> 00:58:50.530 Eva Langston: Second, it? Yeah. 446 00:58:50.720 --> 00:58:57.940 John Compton: Okay, so any discussion on postponing action on this motion. 447 00:58:58.140 --> 00:58:58.690 Peter Nagrod: No. 448 00:58:59.110 --> 00:59:01.150 John Compton: All in favor of postponing action. 449 00:59:01.150 --> 00:59:03.100 John Compton: I'm sorry I have a point of information. 450 00:59:03.100 --> 00:59:04.370 John Compton: Oh, absolutely. 451 00:59:04.751 --> 00:59:12.390 Robert Gilmore: Do, for do we need to have a competitive bidding process? If the if it's more than $5,000. 452 00:59:12.390 --> 00:59:13.600 John Compton: Absolutely. 453 00:59:15.520 --> 00:59:20.369 Peter Nagrod: And we will. We have at least 2 people that are going to be bidding right now, and we need more. We can get 454 00:59:20.830 --> 00:59:21.920 Peter Nagrod: somebody else. 455 00:59:22.470 --> 00:59:22.930 John Compton: Right. 456 00:59:22.930 --> 00:59:26.539 Eva Langston: Is it? Do you need 3? Is that what the rule is, or. 457 00:59:26.824 --> 00:59:31.090 Robert Gilmore: Well, I thought that we need to put it out for bid as opposed to. 458 00:59:31.090 --> 00:59:36.800 John Compton: Yeah, unfortunately, we probably have to put it out for bid. So yeah, 459 00:59:37.630 --> 00:59:39.759 Eva Langston: Is 5,000, the threshold. 460 00:59:40.240 --> 00:59:40.590 John Compton: Yes. 461 00:59:40.970 --> 00:59:41.700 Eva Langston: Okay. 462 00:59:41.910 --> 00:59:48.089 John Compton: So if somebody says to do what you want to do, and it's going definitely going to be over 5,000, 463 00:59:48.440 --> 00:59:55.379 John Compton: or can't reasonably divide be divided into under $5,000. 464 00:59:55.979 --> 01:00:00.290 John Compton: Arts. Yeah, then we need to do that. And 465 01:00:01.480 --> 01:00:05.560 Peter Nagrod: So we would need an Rfp. It can be the world's shortest Rfp. But. 466 01:00:06.650 --> 01:00:09.160 John Compton: You know, specialized? Yeah. 467 01:00:11.300 --> 01:00:15.869 John Compton: You know, our Rfps are very formal. That's that's to. 468 01:00:16.630 --> 01:00:23.329 John Compton: That's to ensure that for the Council to ensure that what we want is very clearly 469 01:00:25.413 --> 01:00:35.150 John Compton: put out there to any potential bidders. So it's it only needs to include the the key items that we 470 01:00:35.260 --> 01:00:41.130 John Compton: look at. So keep that in mind, I think, brought up a valid point. 471 01:00:44.110 --> 01:01:02.479 John Compton: the the option that you was unsaid, and I'm sure everybody recognizes. If this process was to drag out into fiscal 26, you put the money specifically into this fiscal 26, just 472 01:01:03.110 --> 01:01:04.270 John Compton: increase the amount. 473 01:01:06.850 --> 01:01:12.689 John Compton: Okay, we're moving to a vote on the postponement. So all in favor. 474 01:01:15.570 --> 01:01:20.950 John Compton: Okay, that's all. 6 of you. The is postponed. 475 01:01:25.200 --> 01:01:33.059 John Compton: That takes us to our unfinished business, which is resolution 2025, 0, 1, 476 01:01:33.330 --> 01:01:37.230 John Compton: the vacant properties, registration and maintenance standards. 477 01:01:37.340 --> 01:01:46.819 John Compton: So it's unfinished business. So discussion is in order. I'm going to call on Mary to start us off. 478 01:01:48.060 --> 01:01:56.189 marywarfield: Okay, you have to help me help me out here, so should I be making a motion to withdraw the resolution and then 479 01:01:56.680 --> 01:02:02.469 marywarfield: reintroduce it as the ordinance. Is that the best way to proceed with this. 480 01:02:03.630 --> 01:02:10.760 John Compton: Yeah, that's certainly. I think that's the best way to proceed with this is to is to. 481 01:02:11.760 --> 01:02:13.100 marywarfield: Or lay it on the table. 482 01:02:13.360 --> 01:02:13.950 John Compton: To deal. 483 01:02:13.950 --> 01:02:14.939 marywarfield: You said those were the 2. 484 01:02:14.940 --> 01:02:21.170 John Compton: Non judgmental way, and and then 485 01:02:21.780 --> 01:02:24.369 John Compton: introduce it as the ordinance revision. 486 01:02:25.130 --> 01:02:30.969 John Compton: So once again, I'm I believe that's fine. 487 01:02:30.970 --> 01:02:32.490 John Compton: Fine. Let's see the. 488 01:02:33.000 --> 01:02:42.171 Barbara: This is Barbara. I'm sorry for speaking out of order, but you could amend it, you know. You could just move to 489 01:02:43.080 --> 01:02:47.889 Barbara: amended in the way that the new version reflects. 490 01:02:48.870 --> 01:02:55.040 John Compton: Well, absolutely. But it's a total replacement, Barbara, because it's an ordinance which 491 01:02:56.650 --> 01:03:07.149 John Compton: and yes, certainly going to incorporate a fair amount of the resolution, and almost all of it, as a matter. But it's been recast in a in a way 492 01:03:07.310 --> 01:03:14.140 John Compton: that more fits in an ordinance. So I mean, yeah, you could. You could do it that way. 493 01:03:14.680 --> 01:03:19.120 John Compton: what what you can do is you can lay it on the table. 494 01:03:19.240 --> 01:03:24.070 John Compton: lay it on the tail, and then you put the resolution away indefinitely. 495 01:03:24.780 --> 01:03:33.180 John Compton: and then you can propose this. Then a new motion can be to to, for an ordinance can be introduced. 496 01:03:34.610 --> 01:03:36.890 John Compton: I think that's what I would do at this point. 497 01:03:37.400 --> 01:03:42.450 John Compton: There may be there's certainly other ways to deal with it. Barbara just expressed one, but I think 498 01:03:42.800 --> 01:03:47.890 John Compton: it's the motion called for the resolution. And this is a big difference. This is 499 01:03:49.370 --> 01:03:57.339 John Compton: doesn't seem like it, but it is a big difference. It's it's an ordinance, so it has to be inserted into our our ordinances. 500 01:03:58.010 --> 01:03:58.949 John Compton: It is different. 501 01:03:59.830 --> 01:04:02.160 marywarfield: Okay. So I will make a motion to 502 01:04:02.590 --> 01:04:04.490 marywarfield: lay that motion on the table 503 01:04:04.860 --> 01:04:09.290 marywarfield: and to reintroduce a new motion to adopt 504 01:04:09.550 --> 01:04:17.070 marywarfield: the ordinance, to require the registration of vacant properties and establish vacant property, maintenance and security standards. 505 01:04:17.560 --> 01:04:20.259 marywarfield: amending articles one and 9. 506 01:04:20.740 --> 01:04:24.799 John Compton: I think we need to do that in 2 steps. First, st is that needs. 507 01:04:24.800 --> 01:04:29.820 marywarfield: Oh, okay, okay, I move to lay the resolution on the table. 508 01:04:30.420 --> 01:04:31.529 Peter Nagrod: I'll second that. 509 01:04:32.050 --> 01:04:39.179 John Compton: Okay. So Peter's second, that any discussion of laying the resolution on the table all in favor, raise your hand 510 01:04:39.660 --> 01:04:44.477 John Compton: unanimous. The resolution is put away 511 01:04:45.820 --> 01:04:47.630 John Compton: And Mary. 512 01:04:47.630 --> 01:04:51.700 marywarfield: You want me to? Okay. So I will now make a motion to 513 01:04:53.800 --> 01:05:05.279 marywarfield: to adopt an ordinance, to to require the registration of vacant properties and establish vacant property, maintenance and security standards, amending articles one and 9. 514 01:05:05.860 --> 01:05:07.280 marywarfield: To get that Kathy. 515 01:05:07.280 --> 01:05:08.980 Kathy Lehman: I will. I don't have it right now. 516 01:05:09.190 --> 01:05:12.640 John Compton: Yeah, it's it's in the the ordinance. 517 01:05:12.640 --> 01:05:13.260 marywarfield: Coordinates. 518 01:05:13.260 --> 01:05:13.980 John Compton: No. 519 01:05:13.980 --> 01:05:15.459 Robert Gilmore: I'll second the motion. 520 01:05:15.920 --> 01:05:16.430 Kathy Lehman: Who is that? 521 01:05:16.430 --> 01:05:16.900 John Compton: Okay. 522 01:05:16.900 --> 01:05:17.270 Kathy Lehman: Peter. 523 01:05:17.270 --> 01:05:17.660 John Compton: Yes, sir. 524 01:05:17.660 --> 01:05:18.580 Peter Nagrod: No problem. 525 01:05:18.580 --> 01:05:19.000 marywarfield: Rob. 526 01:05:19.000 --> 01:05:19.670 Kathy Lehman: Yeah, thank, you. 527 01:05:19.670 --> 01:05:20.440 John Compton: And a second. 528 01:05:21.410 --> 01:05:30.539 John Compton: Okay? And let's it doesn't require any vote. But now we have the this ordinance on the table 529 01:05:30.680 --> 01:05:37.789 John Compton: in front of the meeting as Mary just wrote it. So, Mary, you want to speak to the ordinance at all. 530 01:05:38.655 --> 01:05:58.239 marywarfield: Basically, we, just, as you said, took the resolution and pretty much intact, just put it in the form of an ordinance and figured out which ordinance it fit best under, and we decided it was best under Article One, which is public public nuisance and 531 01:05:59.430 --> 01:06:04.320 marywarfield: and it it fit quite nicely in there. Without a whole lot of changes. 532 01:06:05.940 --> 01:06:07.960 marywarfield: In fact, I don't think we really changed 533 01:06:08.250 --> 01:06:14.900 marywarfield: anything is just the the wording and and the some of the some of the numbering 534 01:06:16.430 --> 01:06:18.710 marywarfield: that was in the original resolution. 535 01:06:20.230 --> 01:06:32.099 marywarfield: and took out the in the resolution. We had the citation and fines, and and as part of the resolution. But we took that out and moved that into the into 536 01:06:32.450 --> 01:06:38.916 marywarfield: Article 9, which actually deals with specific fines for 537 01:06:40.400 --> 01:06:44.449 marywarfield: or citations. So that's all in there, but separate. 538 01:06:53.260 --> 01:06:56.100 John Compton: Okay, is there any just 539 01:06:56.530 --> 01:07:05.670 John Compton: council care to discuss any of the specifics of the once again we have the We. We have previously discussed it to a certain extent. 540 01:07:05.800 --> 01:07:22.420 John Compton: has a resolution, the the creation of the registry, the requirements for the registration, the the phase, the 541 01:07:22.800 --> 01:07:29.249 John Compton: penalties, etc, but may want to address those again. Barbara has her hand up, Barbara. 542 01:07:29.250 --> 01:07:45.830 Barbara: So I don't have a question about the specifics of the ordinance. But I'm just curious. What is the process when we're doing an ordinance of of running it by the town attorney. Does it? Has it happened, or is it going to happen, or like? Where is that in the process. 543 01:07:46.280 --> 01:07:51.202 John Compton: Yeah, and we we should run it by Sue Ellen. Absolutely 544 01:07:52.240 --> 01:08:08.170 John Compton: in in my written explanation when I submitted of the the orders. You know how we how we organized and took care of this meeting. I had included a recommendation to the Council that when a motion 545 01:08:08.340 --> 01:08:14.770 John Compton: for action is materially altered at a meeting that 546 01:08:16.540 --> 01:08:24.559 John Compton: it, that the town be afforded an opportunity to comment on the revised. 547 01:08:24.950 --> 01:08:35.550 John Compton: the revised specifics. So this is one of those cases, and I expected that you know that as an ordinance this, the town should have an 548 01:08:36.040 --> 01:08:57.419 John Compton: opportunity to weigh weigh in on it in that period. Obviously the thing to do is to have would be to have our town attorney weigh in on it, even if the town doesn't weigh in on it. Nobody has any comments we still need. I still think I agree that Sue Ellen should just review it. 549 01:08:57.750 --> 01:09:05.040 John Compton: She may have some suggestions just to ensure it's consistent with her understanding of our ordinances. 550 01:09:11.080 --> 01:09:23.705 marywarfield: I just want to address bob brought up in the public comments. Asking if we could. He felt that we should include as one of the re requirements. 551 01:09:24.250 --> 01:09:30.960 marywarfield: an actual internal inspection. To make it more complete in terms of information which 552 01:09:31.090 --> 01:09:36.444 marywarfield: you know, I I think that would be ideal. The question is, how much on the front? 553 01:09:37.700 --> 01:09:42.329 marywarfield: I I we I guess we kind of considered it. When we were initially writing up the resolution. But 554 01:09:43.729 --> 01:09:47.380 marywarfield: just considering how much upfront expenses 555 01:09:49.630 --> 01:09:54.580 marywarfield: would we require. And the other thing is what what actually would be in the checklist. 556 01:09:55.170 --> 01:10:14.590 marywarfield: you know. Would we make? As Bob suggested? I guess we could make up our own check checklist. I mean, basically, our concerns are mainly fire safety, I would I would think. So do we make like a specific you know, fire, safety checklist that maybe we could get from, you know, a housing inspector, but you know, then the question would be, you know. 557 01:10:14.880 --> 01:10:25.320 marywarfield: do they call the inspector? Is it our inspectors? I mean? There's, you know, they're kind of details to that that we would have to of complexity. I think we'd have to add, if we put that in. 558 01:10:33.920 --> 01:10:39.151 marywarfield: they will have to get a you know, a pest test company which costs money. 559 01:10:42.480 --> 01:10:46.663 marywarfield: I mean, I guess a lot of this is, how are you going to? Actually, you know 560 01:10:47.340 --> 01:10:51.380 marywarfield: verify that people are doing the things that we're requesting them to do. 561 01:10:53.240 --> 01:11:00.150 marywarfield: You know, if a Liar Electric trustee is on, they need to put in fire alarms. So we're going to have inspectors, you know, that will require 562 01:11:00.370 --> 01:11:09.920 marywarfield: someone going into house to inspect, or I guess they can, you know, give a certification that someone has done it. So it doesn't actually require you to get into the house. I mean. 563 01:11:10.100 --> 01:11:16.289 marywarfield: this is kind of the sticky part of all this is access to inside people's houses. 564 01:11:16.290 --> 01:11:17.180 Peter Nagrod: Right. 565 01:11:17.530 --> 01:11:23.790 Peter Nagrod: I agree with you, Mary, and also I mean, in an ideal world, it'd be wonderful to have an inspector come in. But 566 01:11:24.300 --> 01:11:53.989 Peter Nagrod: yeah, I think that we should. This is a great 1st step for us moving forward and getting this done, I think this would be a real discouragement for people to sign up with this program, and I know that my house would never pass an inspection, and I think a lot of those older houses in the grove would have a very difficult time with it, too, so I would just be happy with passing this the way it is, and see how it goes, and then in the future we could maybe 567 01:11:54.610 --> 01:11:56.200 Peter Nagrod: improve on what we're doing. 568 01:11:57.030 --> 01:12:20.899 marywarfield: And actually, we, we do have written in here that the mayor has the authority to require an inspection. So if we feel like, yeah, there, if we feel like people are not doing you know, not in compliance with the registration, then the mayor can require an inspection of the premises. So I think we do have that ability to written in here again, you know. 569 01:12:20.990 --> 01:12:28.389 marywarfield: enforcing it. But we do have that ability to do that should it come to, you know, proving that they have done what we've asked them to do. 570 01:12:33.870 --> 01:12:47.829 Eva Langston: Yeah, I mean that what you're saying, Mayor, makes sense because I do think it's often like a case by case basis. And so having that stipulation that if if needed, the mayor can require it. But we don't necessarily have to require it for every 571 01:12:48.596 --> 01:12:57.800 Eva Langston: everyone. But and and yeah, I mean, we can always add to this later, I guess, like, see how it goes. And like like, Peter said, it's a good 1st step. 572 01:12:58.180 --> 01:13:03.570 marywarfield: Right and it and it is the sticky area which is, you know, kind of putting a 573 01:13:03.890 --> 01:13:31.369 marywarfield: a magnifying glass on the vacant houses that, as Peter said, some of the inhabited houses might not pass. So you really have to go back to what what it is that we're trying to do here, and we're concerned with safety, primarily fire, safety, and you know, pestilence. So you know, public nuisances like that not not enforcing, you know, other other parts of you know maintenance, or you know what's going on inside a house, because then then it becomes unfair. 574 01:13:39.660 --> 01:13:50.720 marywarfield: And as to as to Bob's comment about notifying people. I think that's nice, but I'm not sure how we can notify somebody until we've determined 575 01:13:51.070 --> 01:13:57.460 marywarfield: that they fall under under the requirements. 576 01:13:57.950 --> 01:14:03.305 John Compton: That makes sense thing about notification. Here. 577 01:14:04.450 --> 01:14:06.840 John Compton: Where is it? Where is it? Requirement? 578 01:14:10.450 --> 01:14:21.850 John Compton: Sorry. I'm not as transparent as somewhere we have the here vacant property not registered. 579 01:14:25.010 --> 01:14:28.960 John Compton: The town will be will issue the party a notice. 580 01:14:29.490 --> 01:14:34.109 John Compton: and then they must register it within 30 days and pay the fee 581 01:14:35.683 --> 01:14:40.779 John Compton: if they fail to do that. There is a there is a late fee 582 01:14:41.390 --> 01:14:43.290 John Compton: was called a fine before, but 583 01:14:43.710 --> 01:15:00.890 John Compton: I want to put all the fines we discussed that the fines all fall into into Article 9. But a late fee. Well, they should, to the extent we can do it, they should all be in one place. But a late fee is something else entirely so. This is a late fee for not registering 584 01:15:02.590 --> 01:15:07.000 John Compton: which here says it is 200. Now 585 01:15:07.120 --> 01:15:11.039 John Compton: somebody may simply not pay the late fee. 586 01:15:11.650 --> 01:15:16.129 John Compton: So if they haven't paid the late fee, you then go on to this. 587 01:15:16.270 --> 01:15:29.799 John Compton: which and the late fee, you know, it depends on whether they're protesting, you know. Oh, it's not a vacant property or another or not, but once the once the late fee isn't paid. 588 01:15:30.180 --> 01:15:36.849 John Compton: it will be in violation of this section, and then the citation and fines would apply 589 01:15:38.030 --> 01:15:41.960 John Compton: all right. The citation and fines that apply 590 01:15:42.260 --> 01:15:46.599 John Compton: are pretty severe. Actually, they're not severe 591 01:15:47.510 --> 01:15:51.280 John Compton: except for the fact that they're a hundred dollars per day. 592 01:15:51.820 --> 01:15:53.830 John Compton: So this will add up in a hurry. 593 01:15:54.240 --> 01:15:57.000 John Compton: mind you, they they, you know. 594 01:15:57.110 --> 01:15:59.540 John Compton: might be worth it to go to court to 595 01:15:59.800 --> 01:16:06.380 John Compton: protest. Oh, but I wasn't, you know, wasn't a vacant property, and they they? Therefore I don't owe anything 596 01:16:07.190 --> 01:16:09.920 John Compton: but that that would be the procedure. 597 01:16:13.470 --> 01:16:18.499 John Compton: and that that's the enforceability with respect to having failed. 598 01:16:18.680 --> 01:16:23.519 John Compton: If if the town feels that a property should have been registered. That's what this is about. 599 01:16:24.200 --> 01:16:29.620 marywarfield: So I guess my question. This is just kind of coming to me. We say the town will determine. Is that going to be you, John. 600 01:16:30.290 --> 01:16:31.489 marywarfield: to look. Look at the. 601 01:16:31.490 --> 01:16:31.859 John Compton: In other words. 602 01:16:31.860 --> 01:16:32.410 marywarfield: Requirements. 603 01:16:32.410 --> 01:16:32.950 John Compton: That would be. 604 01:16:32.950 --> 01:16:33.300 John Compton: Where is. 605 01:16:34.495 --> 01:16:34.940 marywarfield: Okay. 606 01:16:34.940 --> 01:16:44.950 John Compton: I mean, of course, the Council could in principle direct the Mayor, I mean you always have an option to remember. The mayor is the Administrator. 607 01:16:45.320 --> 01:16:59.519 John Compton: Normally, you wouldn't expect the Council to get involved, you know. Maybe counselors say, Oh, look! This property's in bad shape. Have they met the registration. The answer is, No, you know. Can you do? We should do something about that. 608 01:17:00.420 --> 01:17:01.240 John Compton: Oh. 609 01:17:03.090 --> 01:17:08.919 marywarfield: This will start with with you, the town making the list okay. Awesome. 610 01:17:09.200 --> 01:17:15.149 John Compton: You know, asserting that the property should have been registered. 611 01:17:15.770 --> 01:17:16.750 marywarfield: Okay. Great. 612 01:17:20.440 --> 01:17:26.960 John Compton: Well, the one other thing. Well, the thing up here on this inspection section, which is what it was in the resolution. 613 01:17:29.020 --> 01:17:29.710 John Compton: They're 614 01:17:31.340 --> 01:17:40.499 John Compton: We've discussed this not a number of times this has been discussed. Look, if if the town we feel there needs to be an inspection. 615 01:17:41.010 --> 01:17:43.700 John Compton: and we order that there be an inspection. 616 01:17:44.080 --> 01:17:46.390 John Compton: What is the enforcement on that? 617 01:17:46.880 --> 01:17:50.969 John Compton: All right. And that is not in this ordinance? Specifically 618 01:17:52.130 --> 01:17:54.840 John Compton: so. I've put in this comment. 619 01:17:56.590 --> 01:18:04.380 John Compton: You know. Should should a a provision for issuing citations 620 01:18:05.930 --> 01:18:14.950 John Compton: based on the inspection be be here so that raised 2 things one is, how do you enforce that? They do an inspection. 621 01:18:15.360 --> 01:18:37.730 John Compton: and that could be done the same way as we just outlined, as the ordinance says. You know there's a fine for not doing the inspection, and then, if there's no if the fine isn't paid it, then segues to the the infraction, the municipal fraction. It's not a fine, it's a late fee. It's a fee for not doing the inspection. 622 01:18:39.250 --> 01:18:41.909 John Compton: But then it goes to that $100 a day 623 01:18:42.120 --> 01:18:55.030 John Compton: a day thing. So that's the 1st thing about not doing the inspection. But once again, you know what? What if the inspection reveals that something should be done 624 01:18:56.870 --> 01:19:05.909 John Compton: need to say something that about, you know, of correcting, correcting. 625 01:19:07.140 --> 01:19:08.030 John Compton: You know. 626 01:19:08.030 --> 01:19:13.819 marywarfield: Basically it's complying with, because what you're inspecting to see if they've complied with the requirements. 627 01:19:13.820 --> 01:19:14.520 John Compton: Exactly. Okay. 628 01:19:14.520 --> 01:19:17.733 marywarfield: So they're specific. So it goes back to that 629 01:19:18.650 --> 01:19:29.680 marywarfield: cause. Cause. This just says require an inspection enforcing insurance compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. So it's pretty specific about what that inspection is for. 630 01:19:30.720 --> 01:19:31.390 John Compton: Right. 631 01:19:31.530 --> 01:19:36.510 marywarfield: So it would be fire alarms, and I guess fire alarms and. 632 01:19:36.930 --> 01:19:38.320 John Compton: Yes, and then pat. 633 01:19:38.320 --> 01:19:39.700 marywarfield: Pest, control. 634 01:19:41.130 --> 01:19:41.940 John Compton: Yeah. 635 01:19:42.970 --> 01:19:43.830 John Compton: Fire. Code. 636 01:19:43.830 --> 01:19:47.259 marywarfield: Actually only be fire alarms, whether electricity is on or off 637 01:19:47.390 --> 01:19:50.500 marywarfield: documenting of. You know any of those things. 638 01:19:50.500 --> 01:19:55.349 John Compton: These are the things that the point of the inspection is to ensure. These are. This is the case. 639 01:19:55.350 --> 01:19:56.719 marywarfield: Exactly. Yeah. 640 01:19:57.100 --> 01:19:57.630 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 641 01:20:03.440 --> 01:20:06.149 John Compton: So maybe we can in in the. 642 01:20:06.150 --> 01:20:09.050 marywarfield: You can find them until they comply or. 643 01:20:10.630 --> 01:20:11.880 John Compton: Well, yeah, I would. 644 01:20:11.880 --> 01:20:13.800 marywarfield: Or you give them a period of time to comply. 645 01:20:13.800 --> 01:20:23.879 John Compton: The inspection shows they're in, not in compliance. They have whatever number of days to meet beat it. After which the the fines and Sue. 646 01:20:24.690 --> 01:20:25.440 John Compton: yeah. 647 01:20:25.710 --> 01:20:30.740 marywarfield: So that's my suggestion is, we consider how to how the language that would. 648 01:20:31.650 --> 01:20:36.039 John Compton: Could be added to put some teeth into this inspector. 649 01:20:37.060 --> 01:20:37.750 marywarfield: Okay. 650 01:20:39.040 --> 01:20:43.242 Robert Gilmore: We, the town would ultimately have to go to court to 651 01:20:44.240 --> 01:20:45.410 John Compton: Might be, yeah. 652 01:20:45.450 --> 01:20:46.590 Robert Gilmore: Be right. 653 01:20:47.360 --> 01:20:51.830 marywarfield: If they. If they won't let you in the door with the inspector, then you have to go to court. 654 01:20:54.776 --> 01:21:01.680 marywarfield: That's where the break it down will be they they. You can't get anybody to go in unless somebody lets them in unless you have a court order. 655 01:21:01.680 --> 01:21:02.390 Peter Nagrod: Yeah. 656 01:21:03.270 --> 01:21:10.790 Peter Nagrod: I think that would be very helpful to actually put that in writing in here that the people see, because I think that would be a good motivator for them to know. We're serious about this. 657 01:21:10.790 --> 01:21:18.190 John Compton: So that's it? Well, it's in this article 9. So way down here where we 658 01:21:18.360 --> 01:21:22.169 John Compton: this is only the change to Article 9, 659 01:21:23.130 --> 01:21:27.460 John Compton: that that section 14 of Article one is here. 660 01:21:27.560 --> 01:21:33.499 John Compton: but the rest of Article 9 provides for how you collect. 661 01:21:33.680 --> 01:21:38.159 John Compton: If you can issue a lien on the property. All of that stuff is in Article 9. 662 01:21:38.160 --> 01:21:39.030 Peter Nagrod: Okay. 663 01:21:39.030 --> 01:21:44.169 John Compton: And go to court, etc, etc. Those options, those are specified. 664 01:21:44.170 --> 01:21:46.480 Peter Nagrod: Why? Why are you asking that question? 665 01:21:46.870 --> 01:21:47.420 John Compton: Yep. 666 01:21:47.810 --> 01:21:51.839 Peter Nagrod: Oh, aren't you asking that question? How you do that? 667 01:21:52.750 --> 01:21:55.320 John Compton: Yeah, you're directing your question to rob right? 668 01:21:55.320 --> 01:22:01.239 Peter Nagrod: No, I'm I'm directing it to you. What you what you put in yellow highlighted your questions. 669 01:22:01.420 --> 01:22:02.559 marywarfield: Okay. Okay. 670 01:22:02.560 --> 01:22:04.470 Peter Nagrod: It seems like they're self evident. 671 01:22:06.560 --> 01:22:11.110 John Compton: No, there's nothing self-evident about this. How do we go. 672 01:22:13.150 --> 01:22:16.909 Peter Nagrod: You're the only one you just said you already said. You're the only one that can issue 673 01:22:17.150 --> 01:22:22.780 Peter Nagrod: a citation. You're you're the only enforcement we have so, and then. 674 01:22:22.780 --> 01:22:27.719 John Compton: Provide for a citation. It just says we should. There we can. We can ask for an inspection 675 01:22:29.650 --> 01:22:30.780 John Compton: if I've missed it. 676 01:22:30.780 --> 01:22:31.490 Peter Nagrod: How. 677 01:22:32.550 --> 01:22:37.479 John Compton: See, then, this deals with the vacant property not registered unpaid fees. 678 01:22:37.670 --> 01:22:44.740 John Compton: Well, the only fee so far is is for not for the registration fee, and this late fee that's in here. 679 01:22:46.420 --> 01:22:48.570 John Compton: And then it just tells you how the 680 01:22:48.710 --> 01:22:51.349 John Compton: violation should look. The notice should look 681 01:22:51.660 --> 01:22:58.589 John Compton: so. But there's nothing it needs to be to be explicit that the yes, the you know. If if this doesn't happen, what happened. 682 01:23:00.050 --> 01:23:00.740 marywarfield: Okay. 683 01:23:01.720 --> 01:23:02.540 Peter Nagrod: That's all. 684 01:23:02.540 --> 01:23:03.130 John Compton: Okay. 685 01:23:03.130 --> 01:23:04.979 John Compton: It doesn't have to be huge. It just. 686 01:23:04.980 --> 01:23:06.590 Peter Nagrod: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. 687 01:23:06.929 --> 01:23:10.660 Peter Nagrod: If you want, you can take a look at section 13. 688 01:23:10.830 --> 01:23:15.209 John Compton: Article one which deals with condemnation of buildings. 689 01:23:15.630 --> 01:23:22.179 John Compton: It goes on about inspectors and the pro and and the process and the notices. 690 01:23:23.665 --> 01:23:26.260 John Compton: So yeah. 691 01:23:32.680 --> 01:23:35.551 marywarfield: Alright! So look, we have the option of 692 01:23:36.500 --> 01:23:38.369 John Compton: Voting on this motion. 693 01:23:38.560 --> 01:23:43.700 John Compton: If someone wants to propose to postpone till March 10th 694 01:23:43.870 --> 01:23:48.069 John Compton: action, you know any action on this motion? 695 01:23:50.250 --> 01:24:03.149 John Compton: I recommend. We do that to allow time for the the town attorney to react, and also to come up with language, if you will, to what we were just speaking about to 696 01:24:03.380 --> 01:24:05.877 John Compton: amend it slightly. 697 01:24:10.000 --> 01:24:10.660 marywarfield: Okay. 698 01:24:11.340 --> 01:24:15.950 marywarfield: So I should make a motion to postpone. 699 01:24:16.403 --> 01:24:17.310 John Compton: 10, yes. 700 01:24:17.310 --> 01:24:18.850 marywarfield: Till until March 10.th 701 01:24:18.970 --> 01:24:20.329 marywarfield: Decision. On this. 702 01:24:20.330 --> 01:24:21.540 John Compton: Fracture, motion. 703 01:24:22.750 --> 01:24:23.510 marywarfield: Okay. 704 01:24:26.090 --> 01:24:26.830 Barbara: Settings. 705 01:24:27.240 --> 01:24:36.260 John Compton: Barber. Second, any discussion on the postponement all in favor that's unanimous. 706 01:24:36.260 --> 01:24:36.969 Peter Nagrod: That's right. 707 01:24:37.300 --> 01:24:47.429 John Compton: But now now we're dealing with an ordinance. You're all aware of the process, you know, when you vote in favor of a 708 01:24:47.730 --> 01:24:55.000 John Compton: you need to have a public hearing that needs to be notice. I think there needs to be notice. 709 01:24:55.750 --> 01:25:00.689 John Compton: I'm real forgetting it's it's not. I don't think we have to publish it, and 710 01:25:01.340 --> 01:25:05.479 John Compton: you know, newspaper. But we have to do notice, and a few other simple. 711 01:25:05.480 --> 01:25:09.200 Kathy Lehman: I think. Isn't the newspapers just for the article 7? Is that right? 712 01:25:09.540 --> 01:25:11.270 John Compton: Yeah, I think. 713 01:25:11.270 --> 01:25:12.220 Kathy Lehman: I think you're good. 714 01:25:12.220 --> 01:25:13.450 Kathy Lehman: Yeah, exactly. 715 01:25:15.280 --> 01:25:17.510 John Compton: Right, all right. 716 01:25:20.130 --> 01:25:27.470 John Compton: So we are now on to our other regular business, which is the town Council reports. 717 01:25:28.020 --> 01:25:33.050 Kathy Lehman: Thank you all for your town Council reports. I've picked out some things of note. 718 01:25:33.260 --> 01:25:43.369 John Compton: After which you, any counselor, may comment on their report if they they feel it's worth it doing it here. 719 01:25:44.910 --> 01:26:12.679 John Compton: So Eva wrote in her summary of the playground Work group activities, and as we heard from Jonathan Dale, the Work group intends to develop a comprehensive playground plan for review and approval by the Council, and they plan to propose budgeting some funds for fiscal 26 to begin in implementing the plan once the plan is. 720 01:26:12.900 --> 01:26:14.699 John Compton: is that is is approved. 721 01:26:18.970 --> 01:26:37.080 John Compton: I'm speaking for Eva particularly here. She wants to, in respect to the click on work group kudos to Oscar Ramos, who's been chairing that group, and the entire work group, especially Jonathan Dale, Peggy Boer and Arlene Mccrean for their energy. 722 01:26:37.550 --> 01:26:43.530 John Compton: time, energy, and positivity put into the new playground effort. 723 01:26:44.010 --> 01:26:46.740 John Compton: You can read more in her report, of course. 724 01:26:48.910 --> 01:26:59.509 John Compton: for the gateway committee. Peter reported that they have been discussing the pros and cons of creating a 10 foot cleared strip along both sides of Railroad Street. 725 01:27:02.270 --> 01:27:03.010 John Compton: So 726 01:27:04.970 --> 01:27:14.310 John Compton: That is an interesting idea that is being discussed with regard to maintenance. 727 01:27:17.310 --> 01:27:32.729 John Compton: Peter also reports that this, the snow and ice was a challenge, obviously, but it was very well done. This, maybe old news. It's important 728 01:27:33.731 --> 01:27:39.480 John Compton: to to recognize that we the these, the the 729 01:27:39.900 --> 01:27:43.650 John Compton: salt policy, had very beneficial effects. 730 01:27:44.780 --> 01:27:51.489 John Compton: Barbara reports from the Hpc. That they continued to work on a proposal 731 01:27:51.970 --> 01:27:59.070 John Compton: to bring to the Council in the town to install commemorative language at the former sites of historic buildings. 732 01:27:59.930 --> 01:28:21.590 John Compton: Read more about that in her report from the planning commission several things. Peter note again noted that Peter notes that the planning Commission has been discussing and may produce a make a proposal. 733 01:28:21.910 --> 01:28:31.259 John Compton: No, they haven't yet this is discussion of amending the ordinances to require only the town permit for fence installation 734 01:28:31.440 --> 01:28:36.810 John Compton: and remove the requirement for a Montgomery County fence permit. 735 01:28:38.770 --> 01:28:50.260 John Compton: and finally back to Railroad Street. The planning commission is proposing is proposed to use the Survey funds in the current year's budget to survey 736 01:28:50.410 --> 01:28:57.109 John Compton: accurately the town property lines along Railroad Street. 737 01:29:00.750 --> 01:29:04.230 John Compton: all right. So or they. 738 01:29:04.230 --> 01:29:06.549 Peter Nagrod: And so can I just add one thing from the gateway. 739 01:29:06.850 --> 01:29:18.710 Peter Nagrod: because, having freshly come off pickup duty on Saturday, you know, Jonathan Dale organizes that with donuts and coffee. 740 01:29:18.950 --> 01:29:21.310 Peter Nagrod: and we only had 741 01:29:21.690 --> 01:29:47.479 Peter Nagrod: Jay and Liz did Railroad Street afterwards. But I don't know if I'm sure everybody on this call drives along Washington Grove Lane and Railroad Street once in a while, and I'm sure you saw the amazing amount of trash that built up along there. It is huge. And you know the people in town. We're a volunteer organization, right? This town, and everybody just like takes it for granted that this stuff is going to be picked up. 742 01:29:47.780 --> 01:29:52.960 Peter Nagrod: And yeah, we've sometimes we have a lot of people like 10 to 12 this time. We only had 743 01:29:53.494 --> 01:30:00.949 Peter Nagrod: I think 3 on Saturday, and, you know, just spread the word. We'll do some more marketing. But 744 01:30:01.070 --> 01:30:19.179 Peter Nagrod: we really could use some more help with people coming out and doing this. It's only once a month. It's really fun to do it. Jonathan will tell you. It's really gratifying to see the streets cleaned after you after you get over the fact that how annoying it is that people just throw their trash on our streets. So 745 01:30:19.760 --> 01:30:23.940 Peter Nagrod: just a little bit of a plug and a thank you to all the people that do come out and volunteer and do this 746 01:30:26.370 --> 01:30:38.980 Peter Nagrod: thankless job, especially Joan and Dan, who have been doing this every week for forever. And you know now that they're not doing it because of a few injuries and things. It really makes me appreciate how much of an effort they have made over the years. 747 01:30:39.710 --> 01:30:43.430 Peter Nagrod: Really, really great citizens done. John. 748 01:30:44.250 --> 01:30:48.110 John Compton: Okay, hopefully, hopefully, the weather might have had something to do with it. 749 01:30:48.110 --> 01:30:48.999 Peter Nagrod: It did it did. 750 01:30:49.000 --> 01:30:58.880 John Compton: Not the world's most pleasant activity in in cold weather. So yeah, but noted anyone else. 751 01:31:01.150 --> 01:31:07.070 John Compton: Okay, well, I could hurry. And and and actually, we could actually end this meeting at 9. My clock says. 752 01:31:07.070 --> 01:31:07.730 Peter Nagrod: No. 753 01:31:07.970 --> 01:31:13.499 John Compton: So the the next meeting, of course, is March 10.th 754 01:31:13.860 --> 01:31:16.319 John Compton: Any objection to adjournment. 755 01:31:16.890 --> 01:31:18.050 Peter Nagrod: Very bad. 756 01:31:18.890 --> 01:31:21.840 John Compton: Council meeting is adjourned. 757 01:31:21.840 --> 01:31:26.109 marywarfield: Kudos. Good job, all right. Everybody. 758 01:31:27.410 --> 01:31:27.970 Peter Nagrod: Thank you. 759 01:31:28.335 --> 01:31:28.700 marywarfield: Right. 760 01:31:29.422 --> 01:31:30.487 Robert Gilmore: Rule, rule. 761 01:31:31.020 --> 01:31:32.830 marywarfield: Yay, totally! Totally!