Do you want to learn about gasoline-alternative blowers, chainsaws, edgers, hedge trimmers, leaf vacuum-mulchers, mowers, pruners, string trimmers or other yard tools? Or do you own a gas-alternative yard tool that you would answer questions about and/or loan to a neighbor? Join the discussion at Yard Tools for a Greener Grove.
Yard Care Alternatives
Here are a few ideas to consider for your yard care:
🌿 Go electric for your next blower, trimmer, and mower.
🍁 Practice “grasscycling”—-i.e., leave grass clippings where they fall to decompose and fertilize your lawn.
🌱 Compost leaves to save on leaf collection by trucks and, over time, create new soil for your yard.
🍂 Enhance your exercise routine with an old-fashioned rake and avoid burning gas in a leaf blower.
🌿Shrink your lawn to shorten use of the mower. How about more gardens, rock arrangements, and wild areas?
For more information about designing a more eco-friendly yard, here’s a Washington Post article on the topic.
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Go Electric in Your Yard
Here are some reasons to switch to electric mowers, trimmers, edgers, chainsaws, pruners, munchers, and blowers:
🌎 Going electric helps in the climate change challenge, especially if your electricity comes from renewable energy. We need to stop using gas wherever we can, as soon as we can.
😴 Electric yard tools are QUIET. Your neighbors will be pleased.
🤭 No fumes! No messing with gasoline!
⭐️ There are lots of electric yard equipment options on the market now. Most are lighter weight than the gas versions.
🔌 Electric equipment requires much less maintenance and can be rechargeable; no more running out of gas.
Good for you.
Good for your neighbors.
Good for the earth.