301-926-2256 [email protected]

Notices from the Mayor and Council

Attending Council Meetings via Zoom

  • To view the agenda, click on “Town Council Meetings” under the “Latest Documents” heading on this page.
  • To join a meeting, click here.  The link to join is also available from the agenda.
  • To raise your hand during a meeting,
    • on a PC, click on Alt + Y at the same time
    • on a Mac, click on Option + Y at the same time

    Use the same combination of keys to lower your hand once you’ve had your say.

Want to write the Mayor and Council about Whatever’s on Your Mind? 
There’s a NEW Way to Do It!
Starting immediately, should you wish to write the mayor and council, you can send your message to a single email address: [email protected].  Your message will be automatically redirected from that single email address to the addresses of the mayor, all councilors, the Town Clerk and the Town Web Manager (for posting on this page of the website).  You must put the content of your letter in an attachment to the email (Word or PDF) if you want your letter to appear in the correspondence table on this pageView more detailed information.

Remembering Allan Janus

Our dear friend and neighbor (and uber-Grove Eccentric) Allan Janus passed away on January 6.  A memorial service is in the initial planning stages.  In the meantime, here is an appreciation from former Grover Zach Negin.

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, February 7, at 7 pm:  Landfill Harmonic. This inspiring documentary introduces us to the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, a group of young Paraguayan musicians who play instruments resourcefully crafted from bits of junk. The orchestra gains international recognition, demonstrating how even the most impoverished communities can bring forth unimaginable beauty. Admission is free! Washington Grove’s own Virginia Quesada worked as an editor on this film and will stay for the discussion after the screening.  In McCathran Hall and in Spanish, shown with English subtitles, 84 minutes.
  • Weekly Events:
    • Tuesdays, 6 – 7 pm, McCathran Hall:  An all-levels slow-flow yoga class with Ingeborg McCright.  RSVP to Eva Patrone and bring a waiver form (PDF) to your first class.  Classes are free to Grove residents, with a suggested donation of $5-$10, and are $10 for non-residents.  Ingeborg accepts cash or check.  Learn more here. Note that there will be no yoga class on December 17, 24, or 31.
    • Wednesdays, 11 – 12:15 pm, McCathran Hall:  Tai chi with Claire Rosser.  Sessions are free to all.  Learn more here.

Grove Gatherings

Rosalie Shantz’s 1975 memoir of Washington Grove, Grove Gatherings, is now available from Amazon in paperback and e-book versions. While first edition copies are still available from The Woman’s Club, the second edition is augmented by an index and digitally enhanced illustrations. Shantz, a granddaughter of Major Walker, chronicled this remarkable array of facts and personalities, mostly from her personal collection, in celebration of the nation’s bicentennial. Her work was digitally scanned, edited and published by a group of current and former residents in the interests of keeping this  historical work available to all.

Local Transportation

MARC Brunswick Line:  View the schedule and map | View alerts

MTA Bus from Shady Grove station to BWI Airport:  View the schedule and map

Ride-On Bus:  View maps and schedules for nearby routes:  Route 57  |  Route 61

Metrorail: Trip Planner  View all alerts: Weekday | Weekend

Transit nerds: Check out MetroHero’s data on the operational performance in real time of Metrorail  MARC trains  |  Ride On bus routes.  MetroHero also displays real-time “where’s my train?” maps for the Red Line.

Latest Documents

Town Bulletins

Older Town Bulletins: 

Town Council Meetings: Agendas, Minutes, Recordings, Transcripts

Should you wish to review draft minutes, or view a recording or read a transcript of a meeting that occurred prior to 2024, please contact the town clerk or the mayor.  Older agendas and minutes can be found on the Agendas and Minutes of the Town Council and Commissions page.  You can view all recordings of Council meetings, beginning in 2024, on the Town Council meetings playlist of our YouTube channel.

Historic Preservation Commission
  • January 2025 Meeting

Older agendas and minutes can be found on the Agendas and Minutes of the Town Council and Commissions page.

Planning Commission
  • January 2025 Meeting

Older agendas and minutes can be found on the Agendas and Minutes of the Town Council and Commissions page.

Contact Information

Mayor and Town Councilors and their Areas of Responsibility

John Compton
The Mayor is responsible for all intergovernmental relationships and activities.

Need to contact the Town Office at 301-926-2256, or email the Office at [email protected]

Want to write the mayor and all councilors?  Please write to [email protected].

Rob Gilmore

Dog Park
Mary Warfield

Emergency Preparedness and Safety
Kriss Grisham

Forestry and Beautification (includes memorials)
Barbara Raimondo

Peter Nagrod

Historic Preservation Commission
Barbara Raimondo

Mary Warfield

Kriss Grisham

Maintenance Coordination
Peter Nagrod

Maryland Municipal League
John Compton

McCathran Hall
Kriss Grisham

Montgomery Municipal Cable
John Compton

Planning Commission
Peter Nagrod

Racial and Social Equity
Rob Gilmore

Recreational Events/Committee/Facilities (Woodward Park, Playground and Tennis Courts)
Eva Patrone

Rob Gilmore

Shady Grove Crossing
Rob Gilmore

Shared Use Path
Barbara Raimondo

Mary Warfield

Peter Nagrod

Washington Grove Conservation Park (Upper Meadow) and Piedmont Crossing Local Park (Lower Meadow)
Kriss Grisham

Website and Communications
Barbara Raimondo

Eva Patrone

Town Office Contact Info; Notaries

McCathran Hall
300 Grove Avenue
PO Box 216
Washington Grove, Maryland

Town Office
Located in the lower wing of McCathran Hall, the office is usually open 9:30am – 12:30pm; and 1:00pm – 5:00pm. Town Clerk Kathy Lehman is available to answer your questions. Please drop by, call the office at 301-926-2256 or send an email to [email protected].

First, text Amanda Roberts at the number provided in the Town directory (do not email or call).  If she is not available, contact the UPS Store at 16220 Frederick Road; they should have a notary available (for a fee).  Call them at (301) 500-3111 or make an appointment on this web page.

Staff Directory

Kathryn L. Lehman
[email protected]

Jean Moyer
[email protected]

Boards and Commissions

Board of Supervisors of Elections
Nick Suzich, Supervisor
Mary Blake, Observer
Margaret Cavenagh
Joe Clark
Dave Hix

Board of Zoning Appeals
Satoshi Amagai
Charlie Challstrom
Kathie Evans

Historic Preservation Commission
Bob Booher, Chair
Robert Gilmore, Council Liaison
Bill Earl
Wendy Harris
David Stopak
Mimi Styles
Samantha Suzich, Alternate

Planning Commission
Georgette Cole, Chair
Peter Nagrod, Council Liaison
Sung Chang, Alternate
Jonathan Dail
Sylvie Favret
Robert Johnson

Volunteer Committees

Dog Park
Liz Gillanders, Chair

Forestry & Beautification (F&B)
Georgette Cole, Chair

Jonathan Dail, Chair

Tom Land, Chair

Virginia Quesada, Chair

Lisa Bielen, Co-Chair
Kristina Kough, Co-Chair

Bob Booher, Chair

Patrice Klein, Co-Chair
Joan Mahaffey, Co-Chair


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