Maple Lake
Located in the Town’s West Woods, Maple Lake is a delightful place to spend summer days. Swimming lessons may be available to residents at no charge during the month of July. During the summer, lifeguards are typically on duty between the hours of noon and 6:00 p.m.
- The use of Maple Lake is restricted to Town residents and their guests.
- Dogs are not permitted at the lake.
On this page, you will find information about:
- Annual clean-up
- Applying to be a lifeguard
- Locking and unlocking the inner gate
- Parking
- Parties
- Safety
- Swim lessons
Annual Lake Clean-Up
The Lake Committee’s holds an annual cleanup of the lake and surrounding area every year on a Saturday morning in late April. The more cleaner-uppers we have, the faster the cleanup goes. Call Tom Land at 240-801-0646 for details or questions.
Applying to be a Lifeguard
Applicants must be at least 16 years old and have a Red Cross Lifeguard Certification. If you are interested please submit an application to the Town. contact Tom Land (240) 801-0646 if you are interested or have any questions. If you know of someone who might be interested, please pass them our contact information.
Locking and Unlocking the Inner Gate
- Please call the town office or a Lake Committee member for the number. Please do NOT tell young children or nonresidents what the combination is. Children often share the combination with their buddies on the school buses, many of whom do not live in the Grove. If we become aware that nonresidents have started to use the lake, we will need to change the lock combination.
- When you lock or unlock the inner gate, please secure the lock, and get in the habit of “spinning the tumblers” so the combo lock numbers are not able to be seen by passersby and so that they cannot guess the combination.
- Please also leave the lock in an upside-down position, so that the numbers are facing up, to make it easy for the next person who unlocks the gate.
- Call Tom Land, Peter Nagrod or Bruce Rothrock if you notice any maintenance problems with the lock or the gate.
- When the combination to the inner lake gate lock is changed, we will notify Lake Committee members via e-mail with the new number, and post a note on the Town’s informal listserv that the number has been changed (but we will not post the new combination itself). Call a Lake Committee member or the Town Clerk (301-926-2256) to get the new combination.
When parking at the lake, do not block vehicle access between Washington Grove Lane, the parking area and the inner lake gate. The road must be kept clear for emergency vehicles, which may be needed at any time. Also, do not leave valuables in the car, and consider parking at the end of Hickory or in the Church parking lot if you must drive.
Residents who would like to host a group of eight or more persons at the lake must obtain a Maple Lake Party Permit issued by Lake Committee. Make sure your party is official by completing the online application for the permit. Note that:
- No party may have more than 40 persons.
- Receiving a party permit does not entitle you to the exclusive use of Maple Lake or the surrounding area at any time.
- If a party:
- includes more than 15 people, AND
- occurs between Memorial Day and Labor Day, AND
- any part of the party falls between noon and 6 pm, THEN
the party host must arrange through the Lake Committee and pay for the hiring of additional lifeguard(s) for any party hours that fall between noon and 6 pm.
If you have questions, contact Tom Land at 240-801-0646.
Should you wish to bring alcohol to your party, please contact the Town Clerk (301-926-2256) to receive a separate alcohol permit.
Safety at the Lake
- The lake is “swim at your own risk.” Lifeguards are posted at the lake weekends between Memorial Day and the last day of school. After the last day of school, lifeguards are posted every day through Labor Day. Lifeguards are on duty between noon and 6 pm.
- Lifeguards will require that all swimmers exit the lake after the first sound of thunder, and remain out of the lake one-half hour after the last sound of thunder.
Reporting Incidents
- Please report every incident of suspicious behavior, vandalism or criminal activity to 301-279-8000 (the police non-emergency number). In case of any emergency — threat to people or property — call 911. They have asked us to report all incidents.
Swim Lessons
Swim Lessons are often held for four weeks in July, for three-year-olds and older kids. Feel free to contact Tom Land at 240-801-0646 with any questions about the program.

Tom Land
[email protected]
Forms and Other Documents
Regulatory Note
The State of Maryland has defined Maple Lake as a “closed swimming lake”, i.e., a body of water that is 1.5 acres in surface area or less, is used for swimming, and does not have a circulation system. As such, the lake is exempt from from regulations that apply to public bathing beaches under the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 26.08.09 or any county regulations related to public swimming facilities.
As explained in a 2016 Fiscal and Policy Note issued by the Maryland General Assembly (PDF), the Town must nonetheless establish a policy to assess and monitor the water quality of the lake, and that policy must be consistent with specified COMAR requirements regarding sanitary quality and monitoring. The Lake Committee has established such a policy and implements it annually.