Washington Grove’s Renewable Energy Conversion Incentives Pilot Program
The Town of Washington Grove recently decided to offer cash incentives to residents who replace their fossil-fuel-based heating systems and vehicles as follows:
- For houses that use oil, natural gas and/or propane as primary heating, the Town will provide a rebate of $1500 after the following requirements are met:
- Installation of an Energy Star or “CEE High Tier” heat pump system (including geothermal) with electric backup;
- Residential electricity, supplied by a Community Solar Energy provider or another provider, of at least 90% renewable electricity.
- For houses with one or more heat pumps and an existing stationary combustion backup system, the Town will provide a rebate of $1000 after the following requirements are met:
- Conversion of the existing backup system to electric resistance heat OR a heat pump upgrade that eliminates the fossil fuel backup system; AND
- Residential electricity, supplied by a Community Solar Energy provider or another provider, of at least 90% renewable electricity.
- Any resident is eligible for a $1,500 rebate for purchase of a 100% electric EV or a plug-in hybrid EV with a battery that meets the minimum size for a state rebate (4 kWh), if residential electricity is supplied by a Community Solar Energy provider or another provider of at least 90% renewable electricity. Leasing an EV for a minimum of three years is equivalent to purchase for the purposes of this rebate.
The Town’s incentives cover purchases on or after July 1, 2023, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Grovers’ renewable-energy purchases may also be eligible for federal and state incentives, including Maryland’s historic district tax credits, which cover most of our houses. Sustainability Committee members can provide advice on the pros and cons of various heat pump systems and electric vehicles as well as help you complete the forms and required documentation.

Related Documents
- Read Resolution 2023-06 establishing the pilot program (PDF).
- Download and print the program application (PDF on Google Drive)
- View the October 28, 2023 presentation about the pilot program (PDF on Google Drive)
- View the First-Year Summary of the Renewable Energy Conversion Incentives Pilot (February 2025) (PDF)